, f Kh'GSTREE HIGH AND 1 GRADED SCHOOL NOTES. J ??*?? ?-?- ? ? ? ??? HONOR ROLL. Grade I. Mary Catherine Epps, Mary Louise Courtney, Elizabeth Swails, Wihnot Scott Allen. May Burgess. Grade I., Advanced. Patty Scott Epps 96 Grace Kinder 96 Genevieve Reddick 94 Hazel Epps 93 Samuel Fulton 92 Grade II. Ola Dubose 95 Frank Holroyd 95 " u 94 Mary DUC Xltti I lu^tvu ............ ..... ...? - , Perien Montgomery 94 Grade III. John Harrington 92 Grade IV. Pa al Holroyd 91 Dcshia Sexton 91 Carolina McFaddin 90 Ifr ria Epps ?? 90 Grade V. Hubert Spiegner 95 Sam Nettles 95 Madge Blakeley 94 Grade VI. Serena Lee 97 n.imr>Hon Mnnfcnmerv_. 96.5 JU'*IU|A4V?a v? >M m William Cooper 95 Jiimes Sullivan.. 94 Grade VII. Delia Sexton 97 Agnes Fulton 95 Grade VIII. F^uline McCants 96 Erline Mcintosh 96 Lula Sexton 95 , Grade IX. Leora Gamble 93 r*aisy Strong 93 Grade X. liubie Thorn 99 Jennie Lee Epps 97 Revs J R T Major and D A Phillips visited the school and conducted -Uot^qI ovarm'sps one morning last vuapv t vav* v.^? _ week. The talks given by both of them were very instructive. We were glad to have Miss Mamie McLees and Mrs W F Tolley present fit some of the high school recita ions one day last week. The Wee Nee Literary society held its regular meeting Friday. October 31. and, in the absence of Miss Thorn, Mr McFaddin presided over the meeting. Many nice selections were read by the members and then the debate opened, the query being: Resolved, That if the eleventh grade were added to the Kingstree High school it would be beneficial to the surrounding country. This was a very interesting onVnWr and after some strong points were brought out on both sides the decision was rendered in favor of the negative. We are very glad that our society is progressing and are also glad that the members are taking more interest in it; but let each one of us endeavor to make it even better. BARBECUE AT BENSON For Benefit of Methodist Church Well Patronized. Benson, November 12:?Friday * .U- :J?l evening was one 01 me luetu muu that the weather bureau so generously favored the visitors who wished to attend the barbecue mentioned in last week's Record, to take place at Benson. A jolly good crowd gathered at i the home of Mr W E Snowden early in the evening and spent a few hours very enjoyafcly with not an occurrence to mar the pleasure of the occasion. Not alone was time spent but money was spent also. This was necessary to complete the success of the entertainment. All the men present were liberal, for when the dollars, halves and quarters were counted, the gross amount aggregated ninety dollars and the net proceeds were seventyfive and one-half. This was in excess of the expectations of the promoters of the festival and they thank the numerous friends for their generosity. In a short time there will be an addition built to the front of the Methodist church, which will stand as a witness tor tne money spent that eveuinp, Among the visitors present Kingstree, Bloomingvale, Beulah and Nesmith were represented. ' WES. Nervous and Sick Headaches. Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr King's New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the different organs to do their work properly. No better regulator for^ liver and bowels. Take 25c and inyest in box today. At all duggists or by mail. H E Bucklen & Co, Philadelphia, Pa,or St Louis, Mo. a f Nervous? ? m Mrs. Walter Vincent, fA of Pleasant Hill, N. C., |2t gd writes: "For three sum0 mers, I suffered from P3I ?| nervousness, dreadful 1^ OH pains in my back and 4a sides, and weak sinking [@ w spells. Three bottles of I eres id Comforts j Caps, Gloves, Underwear. IS are necessary | S ion and comfort | ? )w is the time I i nd there is no I ? PERES 11 ug Go. 1 ? TTrTrmrnmrnmrmt y :s School House. ; ' EMBER 14. 2 I re will be held a CARNIVAL * kDES SCHOOL HOUSE at < enu of barbecued meats, roast i iscuits, rice and rich gravy, J se, there will be a Midway < ill rival anything on Coney 3 d to come to this Carnival, i 1 School Improvement Associ- 3 116-2t i ?AAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAil 1S SEND US YOUR 3. ORDER NOW! fl I fc. ^Sfcfc b IF YOU'R about purchasin; us suggest that We carry a very i FINEST C and charge mo: times. At pres< special induceme Parched and \ L. D. Ro< 1 Kingst ^???? ^ mmm IMI Hit. Individual trainir girls. The course es, Shorthand, 1 keeoiner offers i X w ities to the youtt very reasonable obtained in town dress, / J. M.MERVEY, 8-21-6m. pooooooooooc A STAE | Horses, Mi ) PUII C/ s | Hay Presse > Rakes, St > Harness,S< | Horse Blanl > See us ] ! YOURS c Williamsburg L > KINGS' Sxxxxxxxxxxx The Place to Satisf - i ' Meyei Oysters in any s Beefsteaks, Et< Hot Chocolate, served with Omr Balie: Potato Bread. French Bread. Ti t* % % * 5???5l' \ E AT SEA g your Groceries let you give us a trial. j superior line of the ! GROCERIES i it moderately at all j ;nt we are offering | nts in t Ground Coffee I . T igers & Co. rcc^^C y i J mm lg for your boys and ^ of all English branch? *? J T? - _1_ ypewrmng ana rwojimsurpassed opportunis of the county at a price. Board can be . For particulars ad Greelyville, S. C. =J >bcoo6cooooooooj U F 171II 1. 0 ?F V ules, Buggies, O Wagons, X s, Mowers, x alk Cutters, 0 id dies, Robes, X lets,Whips,&c. X before buying. O TO PLEASE, X ive Stock Company, x TREE, S. C. O xxxxx?xxxxxxxx? y a "Lonesome" Stomach , 's Cafe i US W tyle, Ham and Eggs, 1 Anything to Eat. I Specialty T ; Whipped Cream and Saltines 5c. I C37" Specialties < y these. 'Phone 138. j i