4.LITTLE BEGINNINGS. We want small as well as large depositors. Below is fiven a table showing what 1.00, $2.00 and $5.00 will amount to in five, ten and twenty years at 4 per cent interest; AMT. DEP. FOR FOR FOR WEEKLY. 5 YRS. 10 YR8. 20 YRS. $1.00 * 29* $ 650 $1,614 2.00 585 1,801 3,228 5.00? 1,462 3,252 8,070 Isn't it worth while to try ^ J! Mnlrn tms sysrem 01 mant some sacrifices. Get the saving habit and keep it up at all hazards. The realization of perseverance in saving will be a gratifying surprise in a few years. We pay 4 per cent on savngs accounts, compounded quarterly. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG KIN6STREE. S. C. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem, V P. E C Efps, C W Boswell, v Cashier. Asst. Cashier. 3 KINGSTREE COTTON f 3 MARKET, J 4 * Corrected Every Thursday * at Noon. ? 4 Following was the price paid ? ^ for good middling at 12 o'clock ? ^ today; y ^ Middling .. .. 13.38. ? ^ Seed, per ton .. .. $25.00. - mrm LOCALE^ i ws m Mr T E Duke of Mouzon was in ? town today. Mr R E Wilson of Vox was in Kingstree Friday last. Mr W 0 Camlin of Bloomingvale was in town Saturday.P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of Lake ^K^ity was in town Monday. LeRoy Lee, Esq, was in Charleston yesterday on professional business. . Miss Vivian Wheeler of Rhems spent several days with her parents here this week. Mr W N Williams of Trio, was a pleasant caller at our office while in town last Friday. Miss Estelle Coward of Florence is spending the week with her parents, Mr and Mrs J W Coward. Mrs J T Garland and little son, Dallas, of Ware Shoals are visiting at the home of Mr B E Clarkson. M Mamie Hoffman of Orange burp was the guest of Miss Alma Davis here several days this week. Mr Eugene Hirsch went to Columbia Monday, where he was summoned as a juror in the Federal court. Prof 0 M Mitchell and Miss Florence Stubbs, of Union High school faculty, were noted in Kingstree Monday. Mr W P Smith, electrician for the Kingstree Electric Light and Ice Co, is spending a few days at Monroe, N C. The ladies of the Epworth League gave a "silver tea" last Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs J F ' McFaddin. C E St Amand, Esq, was called to Newberry this week on account of the death of his grandmother, Mrs Elizabeth Blease. Mr J Hughes of Hemingway was in Kingstree today,en route to Lake City. While here he paid The Record office a visit. Miss Ruby Brockington of Charleston, who is spending the winter * MJoq T .illion at inaianiown, visiuru ui? uiu.HU Alsbrook this week. Miss Marie Gregg of Florence was in Kingstree several days last week as the guest of Misses Alma Davis and Estelle Campbell. | Mrs A Preston Brock of Summerf ton spent the week-end in KingI stree with her sister, Mrs S A Net| , ties, of the Kellahan Hotel, f /i Mrs M L Baggett of Lanes was in i Kingstree Tuesday. She is the well m known proprietess of the New Bag!H gett hotel, which, we are informed, she is about to offer for sale. V A contract has been made between 1 W the town of Kingstree and Smith's W Carnival to exhibit here one week, beginning December 8. This carnival was in Kingstree several years ago. # * ? The month of October is said to have furnished the coldest weather we have had in these parts in a number of years. The lowest temperature reported was 30 decrees October 30. We respectfully urge correspondents to try to give the correct | initials of persons mentioned and to spell out all names plainly. Also please try to get their letters to us by Tuesday noon, when practicable. A series of revival services is being held in the Methodist church this week. Rev J R T Major of Summerton, assisted by the pastor, Rev 11 ? ? ? ? fU<-? aawvr. \J A fnillips, is cunuuckiuK uic ocj?ices twice daily, at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon and 7:30 at night. At the regular meeting of the town council Tuesday night an important ordinance on the sale and use of alcoholic spirits passed the third reading, was adopted and be-, came effective at once^ This ordinance will appear in The Record next week. We commend the news letter of our Rome correspondent to some of our young friends who favor the paper with articles for publication. The Rome letter is not lengthy, but everything told is worth printing. We wish this correspondent would write oftener. Miss Jessie Bethea of McColl was^ in Kingstree Saturday on her way to Bloomingvale, where she will teach during the coming session. Miss Bethea has taught in Williamsburg county for several years and is deservedly popular wherever she has been employed. Last session she taught at Cedar Swamp. A W Ward, convicted of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature at the last term of the court of general sessions held in this county and sentenced to two years imprisonment or to pay a fine of $1,000, had his fine reduced to $100 by Governor Blease last week. Mr A M Keid ot winston-aa.'em, N C, spent the week-end in Kingstree, as a guest of the Kellahan Hotel. Mr Reid is well known here as a tobacco salesman and has the sympathy of his many friends in the death of his mother, which occurred since his last trip here several weeks ago. Ben] Duke Killed at Alcolu. The body of Mr Benj Duke, who was shot and killed at Alcolu last night, reached Kingstree at noon today. Particulars as to the killing of Mr Duke have not been learned. He is a son of the late Mr D M Duke and a brother of Mr Tom Duke; of the Cedar Swamp section. Mr Duke was a successful young farmer of the Boggy Swamp section, where he was reared and made his home with his mother. Nine Wofford College studentssix seniors and chree juniors?have been suspended for joining a secret society, against the rules of the college. Among the number is Wallace Bethea of Branchville, Wofford's baseball star. D C Shaw is in St Louis buying a lot of fine horses and mules which are expected to arrive Saturday,November 8. Call and see them. It D C Shaw Co, Phone 553. Sumter, S C. Leo M Frank of Atlanta, Ga, convicted of murdering Mary Phagan and sentenced to death, was denied a new trial last week by Judge L S Roan, of the Fulton county court. His attorneys w'll take his case to the State supreme court. ? Dr Robt J McCabe is now prepared to put in porcelain fillings, to treat pyorrhea teeth and all diseases of the gums and mouth. Office next to court house. ll-6-2t Rev T J Clyde Dead. Rev Thos J Clyde, ohe of the oldest and most honored members of the South Carolina Methodist conference, died at the home of his son at Rome, S C. on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. He had been in failing health for some time and the end was not unexpected. He was buried i in Union church yard. The funeral was conducted in the presence of a large congregation by Rev R L Holroyd, assisted by Revs R E Sharp, P B Ingraham. J 0 Caraway and A W Jackson. A BRONCH is wearing and dangero mucus-filled tubes interf fresh air passes through, i ? ? i 11 _ _ .i rroDaDiy no ocn and permanent r< EC checks the cough, JRj&Sry and bronchial tub' pfc.h'iflM' avert tuberculosis. |PrW^ sized too strongly rwS been suppressing help you. | ?e carc-'J io avoid i With Oar Advertisers, ! Don't overlook the bank statements in this issue. They fach; contain interesting figures. Attention is called in this issue to the ad announcing a carnival and hot supper at Cades on Friday, |, November 14. There will be a big auction sale of general merchandise at Monck'sl Corner tomorrow by Messrs Triest j & Israel. This is a rare opportuni-, ty to buy good goods at your own 1 price. Read their ad. The Kingstree Hardware Co have 1 a change of ad on the first page of this paper, in which they talk about Lowe Bros excellent paints. They have a paint puzzle in their store window, solv# it and receive a reward. Ivook out for the change of ad next week by Mr II D Reddick. He ^s selling goods at special low prices now, and will continue to do so throughout this year. His ad next week will tell of some startling bargains. Mr J W Coward has a new ad in this issue. It contains good news for those who want to buy shoes, hats, caps, gloves and dry goods at rock bottom prices. Mr Coward is going to move to the country and is holding a ten-days' sale to reduce his stock. The Academy Realty Co advertises city lots for sale in this issue. If you are interested in the purcnase of a site for a home, or good property as an investment read their ad. Mr \V G Green is the .company's representative in Kingstree and will be glad to show you the property. On page nine of this paper will be found an advertisement of Baggett's Jewelry Store, in which are enumerated many of the handsome articles he is offering the public at prices that should meet the approval of every prospective buyer. If you want jewelry read Mr Baggett's ad and inspect his stock before buying. TAKE NOTICE! * - Watts & Watts' Big Jewelry Sate Starts Saturday,November 1?A Rare Opportunity to All. \ $12,000 stock of fine Jewelry to be closed out at very near wholesale cost, for division. This stock consists of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Sterling Silver, Silverware, Cut Glaas, fine China, Gold and Silver Hanale Umbrellas, all kinds of Christmas Goods, in fact, everything kept in a first class jewelry store, all of which must be sold regardless of cost. One 1 .-c iL. a. ...III .nnfinim memoer 01 uie mm wm wuuuuv the business here. All kinds of watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Work guaranteed. Come and inspect our large stock; always glad to show^goods, whether you buy or not. This sale will last until March 1, 1914. Watts & Watts, 10-30-lt Kingstree, S C. \ See our two and three horse Plow for deep plowing. Mr F W Fairey says nothing else will touch it for results. 10-30-2t Williamsburg Hardware Co Tonfght. Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid,or bilious and constipated,take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sale by all dealers. Joe Simpson, a well-to-do farmer of Kershaw county, was shot and wounded about the face Tuesday morning by T C Sessions, a neigh bor. The shooting is said to nave been a sequel to the killing of T C Sessions' brother, Henry Sessions, several months ago by Simpson. We have just received a full car of Wire Fencing. Let us fill your needs, we can do it in anything in the fence line. 10-30-2t Williamsburg Hardware Co. Red Rust-proof Oats are the best. A carload just received by The Peo?1-?_ if Prt Wu oon onrrnlv pie 8 inertliuuic WV. .?*- ?rrv you in any quantity. 10-30-3t M F Heller advises by telegram that he will return PYiday, November 7, with 75 horses and mules. It UAL COUGH I; us because the inflamed ere with breathing and the j|j hat unhealthy tissue. er remedy affords such prompt ;lief as Scott's Emulsion; it heals the linings of the throat es and strengthens the lungs to This point cannot be empha ?that Scott's Emulsion has (1 bronchitis for forty years and lubstitu tes and insist on SCOTT'S. kNY D3UG STORE. 1 13-77 j -? V VOTE WAS UNANIMOUS. Whereby New Zlon and Workman Come to Williamsburg. The special election held Tuesday at the store of R C Burgess, in Clarendon county, resulted in a unanimous vote for the annexation of a certain portion of Clarendon territory to Williamsburg county. There were 28 votes polled, and the territory that by the result of Tuesday's election will become a part of Williamsburg county is known as the south-eastern portion of Midway t-mrnahin and thp south-eastern sec VVMWM.f* - ? tion of Sandy Grove township and embraces about 13 square miles, within which are situated the villages of New ^on and Workman. A big barbecue was held in connection with the election, and those most directly interested in the transfer of the territory from Clarendon to Williamsburg county were well entertained during the day. E L Hirsch, Esq, of Kingstree, who has been instrumental in engineering the legal proceedings incident to the annexation, is delighted with the result of the election, although he regrets that he was not present for the barbecue. If you hayen't seen our stock of ? > ?iii nartnenware it win pay yuu woccn, before buying anywhere else. Williamsburg Hardware Co. 10-30-2t New shipment of Bagging and Ties just received. Let us supply you, 10-30-3t The People's Mercantile .Co. SPECIAL NOTICES jf A Phono us when you want to get a notice under this ^h.00. delivered Kingstree. Any of these offers is a bargain. 4o-30-2t The County Record. fures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cars The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, j are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antisej>tic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 60c, SL0Q. I I f - . i v . / v - ' . BBBBB2&, \ CHILLS AND FEVER 5j OR ANY FEVER " SEE HI Before the fertilizer talesman arrives, you will not buy 2 per cent. ( IVotashT P" ton* Show him that n l^rArs I 5 to 10 per cent. Potash, - effect of crops on toils re Bkb the per cent of Potash i WWff*frW\ increased until it it at gn greater than, the per cent phoric Acid in the fertilin &PK OwQrffj and your dealer best Th< ef the crops are better and | DON'' COW; 110-Day R I Great Barg 1 Underwear SCaps, Gl(yi flnnHs. fjjM V# I Si dor! II view of the fact my store to the country tided to offer some bar Day Sale. I have a g< that I do not care to ta offer bargains in Fle< Health Underwear, Et< ^ T\ A MTTA I ana jjry vjuuus. will do well to see me 1 I am also offering for corn and peas; peas Don't fail to call < town, for I have some and this Sale will last Saturday, November 8, J.W.< Kingstree, i IiiaI n I dUdl d I | is Our Ms in Hi TO REMIND them firm of Bentschi do business with them I To the older folks and the younger genei I best in Clothing, we e ^ to call, or write us wl styles in Clothing, Ha 1 Bentschne Corner King r * | Charleston, i -. .--i-wV .3b/L.. L ..... riCKLY YIELD IF IftlJIICAII'fr fREATED WITH JUimOUn 0 YEARS OF SUCCESS T M I f* IN CURING FOLKS I V/ IN I V M FIRST! go to your dealer and explain to him that roods that contain only 40 pounds of Potash lodern, profitable fertilizers contain from and that the composition of crops and the sj potash ; er. It is this grade of goods that pays yon i quantity and quality *' 1 the actual plant food as for Proo Book with TTn ofltabU PormmUM "\Jk. "JW rill sell yon Potash Salt /V. liwjptity from 200 pounds umm ui! vim. lac. wrm W%i 42 Iraiwiy, Rn Y?t >4 1 HeCanakk Hast Ckkait, IS. I ' H&H i Ebsui. I> | WhtUnCrat^lssfc W r miss! RHUS! tmoval Sale ;ains in Men's | , Shoes, Hats, | ves and Dry | Mil, Nil. 81 that I am going to move 2' 7 on January 1, I have de- ?j , gains by having a Ten (10) g; 3od many things in stock g! ke to the country*and will | 3ced Underwear, Wright's ; Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gloves J: ne in need of such goods ;j )efore buying. < the highest market prices i|i i especially. j | on me when you come to \ |' real bargains to offer you 8; for Ten Days Only, from |; , to' Tuesday, November 18. | toward I South Carolina Message! inn Coil that the old and reliable ler & Visanska wants to who know all about us, ation who appreciate the . . xtend a cordial invitation a len in need of the correct ts and Furnishings. n r & Visanska I ind Hasell Streets, South Carolina.