[the ( ???.; Will hold its Secon ever held in this oi ural and other faci ? A Tl A lli Gathered from all racing on the best The Olvmp see and go aboard F, La - K'; Autom i r ' , . \ ! SPECIAL FEA1 * & . Sp< CvI: ' Reme I F ????? 1 YOUR C Can boast of no better UNCLE SAM'S '*-' Have you good wearing DYEING? Send such th high grade laundry serv and prepay return charg< IDEAL U LAUNDERERS | Char | We Pay Hig k^ tfj Don't give your profits awayII money next day. We pay high< II Beeswax, Tallow and old Metal i| ment now. Send for Price List ^ PAH II vm c3sae5c?ss?aM?c ip????? a88888SSS2SSS2? I New Fal % When you buy g! secure. When yoi jg simply on CLAIMS jg of value possible fc jjg You certainly i Is Mi fk/l AT MA mmmmm An Advertisemei harlei d Annual Agricultural and Industi in any other place in the country lities. iousand a narts of the country will be on the r V " constructed mile track in the Soul ia, Admiral Dewey's the man-of-war which made such obile Racps " rURES_ There will be a numb Endurance Race3 in the Sk ^cial Low I mber the I :ity cousin Delivery Service than given you by PARCEL POST SYSTEM ? apparel needing CLEANING or ings to us, with any linens requiring TTT Ml Xl__ ices, we win promptly serve you u LAUNDRY I P-TO-DATE I DYERS CLEANERS | leston, S. C. I [hest Cash Prices for 0 I A$}|! ^ ?o? * nn -ship direct to us by express and get your || ist prices for green and dry hides of all kinds SI j s, old Rubber and Furs. Try us with a ship- II tOLINA HIDE & JUNK CO. | CHARLESTON, S. C. | |j| :=aaHBaBBa??aBei3| 11 Styles for L< WE Hfi L ' a new Suit or Coat you want 1 j buy your Coat or Suit here yc i. An inspection of our new Co >r your money. nust see these pleasing new de IRCUS it in THE COUNTY ston rial Exhibition during tl . No County or State i nd Mo i Fair Grounds during tl ih. Flagship r glorious naval history f< lere will be from fifteen e Association's track, in er of special features nc ie3,an Amusement park Sxcursi )ates. Wedding Pres From a $1.50 Sterling Sih Don't forget the ever si EICH < Our stock of Glass has r present Also a large lin I c-^-ie" ? in Sterling, Pei | CLOCKS } A visit to our store wil S. THC t OUAL i } 257 King St^ WAT 4 For Southern Railway. X Charleston < (THE WOOD EVERLA SASH, DO( Lengthen the j ask " I . 1 JU. CUH 1 LARGEST MFRS. SOUTE immsmmm idies' Suit WE A VERY C -ADIES' SI to be satisfied that yo ?u are sure to get all o ats and Suits will pi signs, whether you w RECORD will i Fair A tie week of November 17 to 22, 1913 Fair can match the attractions prov >re Thorou he entire week of the Fair and will \ destroyed the Spanish Armada in M : Carolinian should perform a pilgrii or his country. i i to twenty entries of the mostfamoi eluding five, fifteen, twenty-five am it seen at any other Fair, such as Da filled with the mo3t refined and enjoy on Rates or - - ii ? - - Noveml ? ients to Suit Everybody, f rer Sugar Spoon to a $600 Chest of Silver. ? o popular Z ZiTJT G-X_-A.SS. I lever before been so large and varied as at $ e of & rr-r-Nrr^ .o u" i 'ct V ahiMta ^ rv * ! ate * arl, Backhorn and Ivory Handles. * AND BRONZES. * II pay you before purchasing elsewhere. <.> 6ZCO., * ITY JEWELERS, | Charleston, S. C. | CH INSPECTORS | Georgetown and Western Railroad and Consolidated Street Railroad. ? e<5>4 r STING -CYPRESS I 3RS AND BLINDS f m Life of Your Buildings. 1 YOUR DEALER OR irhorn & Son, I i. CHARLESTON, S. C. I s and Coats ar< )OMPREHENSIVE DIJ JITS AND COAT* u are getting the best style, tt f these, because we insist that ease you. The values we offer ant to buy or not. 1 J bring you a two-fold di - A . _ ssocia !. In many respects this is to be ided by the Charleston Fair beca t ighbred I be on free exhibition to all v [anila Bay, is now in Charleston nage during Fair week, if on no 1 is cars in the country entered foi d fifty-mile races?the most thri ylight Fire works, the novelty of 1 able attractions the theatrical an i All Railn r I ber 17 to 2 Ol?IQl^-f For Over Half | THE NAME ALL/ 2 SYNONYMOUS WITH EV1 BEST IN THE JEW! The same lofty ideals upon w established obtain t( II "No Unreliable Merchar O "Trustworthy Goods at 1 | WATCHES, DIAMO NOVELTIES, SI] PLATED WAD A Repair Department in Charge of EVERY JOB GUA JAMES ALL CHARLESTC gWWrite for Free Cat r" u Let Us Print You som ?^v*ww^*^>?w?w>ft?^cv>yvww^ e Especially / 3 PLAY 5 ie biggest value and the best our garments be sold on theii will convince you that here y< [Cingstree ividend on the money .< ? -. -? > firm I i u KB i the most unique Fair I i KH .use they lack the nat- I iorses 'I . ! I I t Ml isitors, practicing and waters, and every paother account than to \i. , 91 r three days' racing on 8 lling sport of the day. 8 I the year, Distance and i d show world affords. I J iads | 2. 1913 I o=of*< I !a Century 1 [N HAS SEEN 1 e:rything that is fi 1 :lry trade. ~ 1 'hich this business was | >day, namely: , idise at Any Price." i I .owest Figures." O NDS, U ] LVERWAE, J !E. JEWELRY, ill K Most Skilled Mechanics A fl RANTEED. 2 1 AN <4 CO I >N, S. C. alogue. 1016-3m t J PI logo I e Office Stationerjfl SS888888$88388S888888 I 88* a attractive | fit your money can ;S own MERITS?not ;S| J )u will get every bit g * ? _ ! , S. C. | invested?Try it^B u