' ' LITTLE BEGINNINGS. We want small as well as large depositors. Below is given a table showing what $1.00, $2.00 and $5.00 will amount to in five, ten and twenty years at 4 per cent interest;* AMT. DEP. FOR FOR FOR WEEKLY. 5YRS. 10YRS. 30 YRS. $1.00 $ 293 $ 650 $1,614 2.00 585 1,801 .3,228 5.00 1,462 3,^52 8,070 Isn't it worth while to try this system of saving? Make some sacrifices. Get the sav| ing habit and keep it up at I all hazards. The realization of perseverance in saving . will be a gratifying surprise in a few years. We pay 4 per cent on savngs accounts, compounded quarterly. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG HNBSTHtt. 5. U. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem, V P. E C Epps, C W Boswell, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. |*\ A KINGSTREE COTTON fc 7 5 MARKET. E 3 Corrected Every Thursday ? 2 at Noon. ? 2 Following was the price paid * for good middling at 12 o'clock ,? today: > ? Middling .. .. 12.75. I * Seed, per ton .. .. $25.00. ' 1tytnTffffyy>fTfftTTTTT> * wmM ' Pay for your paper, i Jlave you seen any frost yet? *f < Note land sales next "first Monday." - Mr J P Hutson visited relatives at Lake City Sunday. ^ t Mr L H Cromer. Jr, of The Rec> ord force, is vi'?ting his parents at Clinton. Mr and Mrs W H McGee visited relatives in the vicinity of Lake City last week. Mrs A M Snider is visiting her < * daughter. Mrs C 0 Thompson, in 0 Charleston. 1 Mrs W N Jacobs returned Sunday ] night from a visit to relatives at ' r Augusta, Ga. Miss Rebecca Nettles has returnr ( ed from a visit to friends at Lanes ? e and Andrews. ]. g We are sorry to learn that Mrs A M Gordon does not improve very much in health.:ib Miss Jimmie Britton.who is teach V * ing at Cades, spent the week-end ( with her parents. I Mrs S K Brockington of Florence visited her parents,Mr and Mrs A M Gordon, Saturday. Miss Stella Coward of Florence spent the week-end with her parents, ,Mr and Mrs J W Coward. Messrs S P B Altman and W B Cooper of Suttons were pleasant callers at our office yesterday. Dr John L Marshall of Charleston was called to Morrisville Sunday by the serious illness of his mother. The rate to Columbia on account of the State Fair, October 27-31, is $4.30 from Kingstree and return. I There will be services at Beulah I church at 4 o'clock Sunday after T\ A T"fcl_ 1 I noon, conducted by ttev u a rnulips. When a printer is "out of sorts" he is not always mad,but very often the two states of being are synchronous. Mr N D Lesesne went to Benson Sunday to see his mother, Mrs Marion E Scott, who is ill with an attack of grip. Mr and Mrs John Brown and little Miss Brown spent Sunday at Roncnn with Mr Rrown's mother's I family. Dr VV J Haselden and Mr J Hovt j Carter.cashier of the Bank of Cades, | were welcome visitors at our office j CO: | yesterday. V Mrs Belle Blakeley returned Sat-1 ^ urday night from a visit to her j I daughter, Miss Essie, a student at Converse College, Spartanburg. Miss Pauline Gordon is in Charles-' - | ton being treated for some throat and nose troubles. She expects to qy undergo an operation in a few days. Ij sdd 4 ' c.,i I Mrs Clyde Ellerbe of Florence, with her three children and her cousin,Miss Annie Guyton,have been visiting the family of Mrs Ellei-be's j sister, Mrs W F McCants. Again we remind our contributors | that we do not publish anonymous 1 articles, and pay supper notices, no ; matter for what purpose,are charged for at the rate of one cent a word. 4 The number of bales of cotton ginned in Williamsburg county, prior to September 25, 1913, is 4,234; same time last year,2,982. Total for South Carolina to September 25, 1913,193,318; same time last year, 174,251. Judge Wilson is one of the best Judges we ever had at Saluda. He is making good time in disposing of the cases for this term, and it now seems that he will squeeze what looked like enough business for two weeks into one.?Saluda Standard. An esteemed subscriber writes,^ "Enclosed find $1.00 for The Record. Please shove my subscription forward one year, as I must have the paper fifty-two weeks out of the wor Supppss to The Record!" That's the kind of patrons we like to have. Monday an esteemed friend sent us a large basket-ful of beautiful eg(i: plants, or, we prefer the old name, "guinea squashes"; also a huge bell pepper weighing about eight ounces. We appreciate the thoughtful kindness of our friend none the less because he asked us not to put it in the paper. We beg to remind correspondents, in sending news letters, not to include notices of hot suppers, entertainments or similar affairs where admission is charged, it matters not for what purpose they are given. Such notices properly belong to our advertising department and cannot ! be classed as news. We don't mind contributing to a worthy cause, but we really are not able to contribute to them ail and every one we advertise free means just so much cash money for type-setting, labor, etcet- 1 era. "I wish to thank you for the satisfactory manner in which my order i for job work was filled." writes a pleased patron of our job department. We study to please and guarantee satisfaction to any reasonable customer. Send us your orders for printing. We are "home people", support home institutions and work all the time for the up-building of old Williamsburg, according to our ability. Now, if we can do your work just as well, just as cheap and maybe a little quicker than the fel * . 1 MJ low who is worKing to ouna up some other county or town.don't you think we are entitled to your patronage? Materials are on the ground to build an addition to the depot platform to facilitate the handling of cotton brought to Kingstree market. Time was when the present floor space for cotton was considered ample for years to come, but, along with the town's growth along other lines, the cotton business has so ex- j panded in recent years that the j present accommodation for handling j the staple is totally inadequate and i the railroad company is getting ready to relieve the congested condition that has caused great incon venience both to buyers and sellers I this season. The platform will be I extended 170 feet, we understand, | which, it is thought, will suffice for present needs. Notice to the Public. I Watts & Watts will start a big Jewelry Sale Nov 1 for division. Wait and get fine goods at about half price. Sale starts Nov 1. Goods must go at some price. Watts & Watts, 10-9-tf Kingstree, S C. With Our Advertisers. Read the ads in this paper. The 'live wired" who send their business messages to you through our columns have something worth while to say or they would not pay for our space. Just read the ads and call on these merchants. We guarantee you will be treated right. Farm for Sale?Plowden & Plowden. Jewelry and Repairing?T E Bag- ( gett. ! Something to Eat,Drink or Smoke? I At Kinder's Cafe. Jewelry and Repairing?James Al- | lan & Co, Charleston. Groceries?W J Reddick. Great Attraction Soon ?Charleston Fair. Shoes and Slippers?Jenkinson Bros r.. Cleaning and Dyeing?Ideal Laun- I dry, Charleston. Ladies' Suits and Coats- S Marcus, j Auction of Horses and Mules?J M Truluck. Shoes?Kingstree Dry Goods Co. Red Devil Lye. j Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Core The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, j are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves I Pais and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.00. 1 y ? Lot Sale Yesterday. The big lot sale advertised in The Record by the Academy Realty Co, took place here yesterday Metz's Military band, of Charleston, was on hand and rendered catchy music for the occasion. After eight or nine lots had been sold the sale was stopped on account^f the low prices Wolfor n flroon nf Ph#r. UiU. XTX L T T UlbVi \j \jtvv>? V* Ieston had charge of the sale and everything passed off pleasantly. In the afternoon, from 3 to 5, the band gave a concert on the court house green, rendering some beautiful selections which were much enjoyed by those of our citizens who were in hearing distance of the sweet strains. The dollar has the strength along with the quality of the Ranges now at Kingstree Hardware Co's. 10-9-2t , A dollar has more purchasing power on Ranges at our store now than ever before. 10-9-2t Kingstree Hardware Co. Cbronlc Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimonial should certainly be sufficient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years,and of all the medicines I have taken. Chamberlain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W G Mattison, No 7 Sherman St, Hornellsville, N Y. For sale by all dealers. adv SPECIAL NOTICES A Phone us when you want 'ffir to get a notice under this Ui heading. Price one cent a i word for each insertion. No ^ ad taken for less than 25c. Phone 83. For Sale?A few hundred bushels Appier Seed Oats. Samples and prices sent on application. W N Clarkson, 10-9-4tp Heinemann, S C. | If It's Somi TO EAT T)R Or a good time now ai KINI PROPl Courtney's Cafe an Kingiti | HOUSEF MADE by b Cooke< Breakfast Strip,1 all kinds of Cure( been sliced and r Jennings' Net Call and see it wi Our 1 PASTRY, CAKE AM Is fresh daily bakery, and we (from 6 a. m. to 8 Telegraph, tele; cook to trade wit' m n I Milhous <5 a (Incorp | The best equipped < ?' \ 4 For Sale?150 acres of land, about | 50 acres under cultivation, about 75 acres well timbered; 1 small tenant house on place, w ithin 1-4 mile of good graded school, within two miles of Methodist. Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Adjoining lands grew tobacco this I year that sold for $400 per acre. In good neighborhood and on good sandclay road leading to Kings tree, about 10 miles from town. Apply to L C Montgomery, k'incrqtppp S fl. I Wanted?To sell a farm suitable for | a person wanting a quiet, healthful home, on good, fertile land, adapted to cotton corn and tobacco. Nice dwelling i and outbuildings. Apply to Box 142, 10-9-4tp Lake City, S C. Wanted?Share-croppers for 1914. I want four or five families, white or black, sufficient to make and gather crop on my highly improved farm, which will produce any kind of crop. For further particulars apply to J J M Graham, 9-25-4tp Cades, S C. Wanted?Five or six families, with or without teams, to plant tobacco. Good lands conveniently located. Write or come to see me. J B Johnson, 8-28-3mp Andrews, S C. F