t WHENEVER YOU ?L A GENE!]! * ^e Old Standard Grove's HU /aluablc as a General Tor '' Drives Out Malaria, Enr . VOL 5 the Whole System. For I ?ww. know what you are taking wh J le formula is printed on every la A c properties of QUININE and II ' I ;Ic and is in Tasteless Form. It 1 1 fakness, general debility and loss 3 others and Pale, Sickly Childrer JE vdieves nervous depression and low L'' - purifies the blood. A True Tonic and ^>1 ^ No family should be without it. Guai Ww* ===== t (< 1 1 Go To ^THfcattol L *? bf one rvMl^MaBl ???.,1 WH?P YOU HEED A ?f' |fr 2 A record of more th* i r health i hind him. With a bun on hand, he is always 1 ? dav^F Also Feea ar JS'ext. J. L. Stuckey, imnrovinff and k< immediate dj: BgfTHE PEOPL * I FURS AI I H. A. MILLE n9K U Hm W. C. HEMINGWAY, President j9^K*k.en j tM' Donlr nf f uqiiiv ui n|? t HHjflRP- Capit. Heming hst** Hie enli Mcnime FARMERS! Wei Hi vou with your crops i B ft your needs now. Con H over with our Presidei do for you. THERE IS Si | A Ca vggm v Without doubt there's H| I * merit than a Camera. Tt H5H pictures. Your friends B^aBB _ f for you, and besides, it's i -*od picture? We sell Cameras es. Give us a call and you iv what a splendid Camera ; < hilars. rug Company, South Carolina m\ LETTER or NOTE HEADS!, i / I Legal Advertisements. j $>+i+G+?+Q+$>+$>+$>+G^+$+G*. ! ; Teach Your Ch Hov Regular Bowel Movement from Infancy Insures Good Health In Later Years. We cannot all start life with the advantages of money.but every child hnm ia pntitlpd tft thp hpritjlffp r?f good health. Through unfortunate ignorance or carelessness in the feeding of a baby its tiny stomach may become deranged. The (disorder spreads to the bowels and before the mother realizes it the two chief organs on which the infant's comfort and health depend are causing it great suffering. If the condition is allowed to continue grave ailments often result. There is, however, no occasion for alarm,and the sensible thing to do? but it should be done instantly?is to give the baby a small dose of a mild laxative-tonic. In the opinion of a great many people,among them such well-known persons as the parents of Bertha Lee Woodardt3 years old,of Moultrie, Ga, the proper remedy is Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Mrs I N Woodard says that little Bertha was troubled with constipation for dver a year, and that after trying several different kinds of remedies she found her relief in Syrup Pepsin. It is a mild,pleasant-tasting loTofiira mkioh ovurv norann lilfaa 1HAUVI r VTIIIVU Vf WVM t?>?vw| does not gripe nor cramp, and contains that most excellent of digeAtants, pepsin. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is especially intended for infants, children, women, old people and all others to whom harsh cathartics, salt waters, pills, etc, are distressing. In We Want the New*. When you have a little item, SEND IT IN. There is no time like the present to be arm: We'll appreciate it too? Just as we always do? If you'll promptly send your little item in. When you hear that something's happened MAIL IT IN? It will only take two pennies worth of tin; You'll feel better every day All along life's rugged way, If you'll think about the printer?so begin. If you know of any news note 'PHONE IT INIt will make us smile from forehead down to chin; It will drive away the blues When your neighbor reads the news, So call up No 83?'phone it in. When you hear of some occurrence, STEP RIGHT IN? We will ereet you with a "howdy" and a grin; For we like to print the news And 'twill save our only shoes If we do not have to chase the items in. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect produced by Chamberlain's Tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind which they create make one feel joyful. For sale by all dealers. Tax Notice The tax books will be open for collection of taxes for year 1813 on the 15th day of October next. Tax levy as follows: For State 5'^ mills Ordinary County 3'.t " Roads 1 Chaingang and Bridges 1 " Con School 3 | Special State School 1 " A tax of i>0c on dogs. I For High School in Kingstree 2 " I " retiring bonds4' " 2 *' *' " '"inGreelyville, 4 " I All parties between the ages of 21 and 160 years,inclusive, are liable, unless exempted by law, to a poll tax of $1.00, I also a commutation tax of $2.00. j Levy for special school districts as follows: Nos 8. 19, 25, 32, 34,40,47.49,53,and 56 ?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 6, 16, 22, 26, 28, 29, 36, 37, 39, 41, tn JC AC AO en om/1 mitla I 4^1 4U) tO) UX OIIU w* X * ? ?*? No 23-12 mills. No 24- 6 ' No 27- 7 " No 43- 4 44 No 55? 4 44 No 2- 2 44 Upon all unpaid taxes after December 31 a penalty of 1% will be added for January, 1% for February and 5% I to 15th day of March next, after which the books will be closed and executions | issued upon all unpaid taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes i through the mail would expedite matters by drooping the Treasurer a postal ? p - ?i-. ..i -c <.u asKing lor me amount ui men taA.ouaa to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located. After paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all your property is covered; if not, see j about it at once. By following the above suggestions | complications and additional cost may : be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 9-18-tl2-2-*> County Treasurer. i The County Record, $1.25 a year. i A-i Lild 1 r to Be Healthy* 1 BERTHA LEE WOODAW). ' ij V fact, in the common disorders of life,such as constipation, liver troth- 1 ble, indigestion, biliousness, head- 3 aches and the various other disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels nothing is more suitable than this .i mild laxative-tonic, Dr Caldwell's | Syrup Pepsin. Three generations of people are ? using it to-day. and thousands of families keep it constantly in the house, for every member of the j family can use it. It can be obtained ' of any druggist at fifty cents or one jj dollar a bottle, the latter being the size bought by families who already know its value. , Results are always guaranteed or money will be refund- j ed. Families wishing to try a free . i sample bottle can obtain it postpaid m by addressing DrWB Caldwell, 419 " Washington St, Monticello, 111. A s postal card with your name and ad~ dress on it will do. . Allium nrnnnT AnnuAL ncrum OF TOBACCO SALES IN S.C.FOR 1913-MULLiNS LEADS. WITH KINGSTREE FIFTH IN | ORDER OFfMARKETSk '/ The annual report of the sales of 5 tobacco in South Carolina for the $ crop of 1913 shows an increase over the crop of 1912 of 8,961,649 pounds jjj or 36 per cent,and an increase in the v? amount paid of $1,939,895.83. The average price paid per pound wa* * 13.77 cents, being 2.87 cents more per pound than was paid for the 1912 ? crop. The figures for the month of September alone show an Increase of 2,294,896 pounds over the crop of 1912 and a corresponding increase J in the amount paid of $344,224.66. \ The average price paid durinr-the._ month of September was 13.28 cents as compared with 11.90 for the same month last year. There were 19 markets and 42 warehouses l in operation during the crop season and during the month of September oa there were 18 markets and 40 ware* houses. The lists printed below show the ' various markets and also the total of sales for the crop of. 1913. De- ! tailed figures for the month of Sep~ < tember and grand total sales are given. :;J SEPTEMBER. Mabkbts.~ | Conway " 175,724$ 17,845.^ H Darlington 1,111,508 157.064.20 h Dillon 128,282 13,690.24 1 Florence 419,809 56,788.20 Hemingway 93,220 6,679.48 .Johnsonville 154,477 17,482.42 Kingstree. 411.341 45,42-'.20 Lake City 556,820 77,507.30 Lamar.. 27,108 3,220.22 Latta | Loris 74,326 7.646.90 Manning 289,750 39,548.20 Marion 186,369 27,253.40 Mayesville 2,842 284.32 Mullins 731,423 93.924.00 I Winnie 135.2061 15.080 33 Olanta 96,550 13.321.71 Pages Mill 78.464 9,382.63 Timmonsville... 716,371 106,927.21 . _____ _ Total 5,359,593 $709,068.14 TOTAL SALES FOR 1913. Markft Pounds Amount MARKET paid Conway 1,646,975 $ 217,975 50 rv i: o eno nno aoo t a a o/y uariingLuii o,o'Jo,i7V?,i too,if* oo Dillon 505,2811 63,138 64 I Florence 2,072,2.-3 290,798 82 j Hemingway .... 1,057,674 143,595 14 Johnsonville 1.313,607! 176,488 04 Kingstree 2.572 442 363,977 47 Lake City 4,343.221 616,584 75 Lamar 209,005 23,955 80 Latta 194,913 24fc477 64 I Loris 1.099,999 135,873 33 1 Manning 1.399,997) 196,695 38 Marion 1,412.986 202,041 85 5 Mavesville I 73,609| 8.095 75 Mullins 4 67,8686. 665,588 41 Nichols 2,081.574 , 283,845 52 Olanta 868 847 119 371 78 Pages Mill 606.12ll 66,891 71 Timmonsville.... 3 658,429j 507.699 32 Total 33,^99,561 $4,584,339 51 For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TOX1C, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A tnie tonic and sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 60c. J