CHEERFUL LETTER FROM SEN TILLMAN. SENIOR SENATOR TELLS DR F C HICKSON THAT HIS HEALTH IS NOW IMPROVING. ' Editor Gaffney Ledger:? The enclosed letter, just received from Senator Tillman, I feel sure, will give pleasure to his many friends in Cherokee county, and although it . J looks immodest in me to publish what he says of myself and seems a violation of confidence, I am making bold to publish it as it is. Of course, his enemies and my enemies will not appreciate it, but our friends will. F C HlCKSON. "Rev F C Hickson, "Gaffney, S C. "My dear old Friend: "I in at. rpeeived vours of Oc tober 2, and it does me good because I know it comes from an honest heart and one whose being is permeated with sincerity and goodness. You speak about your sorrow at hearing me talk about getting 'old and being sick.' You know it is true, so why be sad about it? We have all got to die sometime and I realize very fully that my time to go to the Great Beyond is not far off. The idea is not worrying me at all, although I have not got that r peace of mind which you seem to possess in regard to the hereafter. I simply have a hope?& very strong . hope?but not much faith. "I am taking the best of care of ? ^ T IrmAm V?/\\iy trv Hn my sen US isr US 1 MWn nun IV VIV it, and you will be rejoiced, I know, to learn that I myself believe that I am gradually improving. But the progress is very, very gradual. I do not allow anything to worry me, but throw it off and go on doing my duty as I understand it. "I am mailing you a copy of Dr Bledsoe's 'The Mission of Woman,' and also a copy of my speech on 'Woman Suffrage.' You seem to like it so well that you may want to ... ' - * j i? Have it in tnat iorm, ?uu it id pva- | sible that your name may not have been on the list of those to whom it < was sent. I only had ten thousand copies of it printed. "I will reproduce in the Record , tomorrow, and in pamphlet form the day after, an article I wrote for 3 the New York World in 1896, giving my view on Wall Street and the . deviltry these scoundrels perpetrat- j ed on the farmers * the South and 1 West. I know you will enjoy it. < I am sending you also a little ! i poem which I came across last summer in an old newspaper. It has | . afforded me a great deal of comfort, I as it gives a most cheerful view of death and the grave. I know you will enjoy reading it. "I note your tone of unhappiness about the moral condition of our people, and you lament at what I said about South Carolina. Is not true? They are becoming more demoraliz* *? ? tlTQU 1 f ?ea every aay in a puuucw seems to me, and Governor Blease < appears to be aggravating condi- j tions in every way possible. The 1 'blind tigers,' gamblers and whore- i mongers appear to be running the State,in a way,and now they are trying to buy votes in the primary. But i we cannot afford to despair of the s old State, and all of us who are old J enongh to remember the better , ideals of the past ought to hold fast to those ideals and try to teach the younger generation to rise to them, j rather than drag down the State 1 from the customs of their forefathers. "I will be glad if you will write me fully and frankly just what you i think of the political condition in i Cherokee county, and the probable ( ?.~vonQ t,ir tVio ' UUU'UIIJC V'X HIV 1 (4VV x\Jk icv*???vv. | "With assurances of my highest . esteem and respect. 1 am. ] "Yours very sincerely, ! < "BR Tillman." j! ;! The Departed Fiiciul. Though he that ever kind and true Kept stoutly step by step with you Your whole lcng. gusty lifetime through. Lie gone awhile before? Be now a monument gone before. Yet doubt not; anon'the season wil': restore Your friend to you. He has but turned a corner?still I He pushes on with right good will Through mire and marsh, by heug and hill, That selfsame arduous way? That selfsame upland hopeful way That you and he through many a doubtful day Attempted still. He is not dead, tnis rriena?noi dead But in the path we mortals tread Got some few trifling steps ahead And nearer to the end, So that you, too, once past this bend Shall meet again, as face to face, | this friend You fancy dead. Push gravely on, strong heart. The while You travel forward mile by mile. He litters with a backward smile, Till you can overtake. And strains his eyes to search his wake. Or, whistling, as he sees you through the brake, Waits on a stile. White Oak Chips. White Oak, October 14:?Last Sunday night Mr James Matthews was very badly cut about his throat i at the Burrow's school house at a "holiness meeting." It seems from hear-say that several persons were concerned in some dispute while services were in progress, but we do not know she facts in the case. Mr Matthews is resting very well today. Mr Mack Gasque, the rural policeman for this district, was noted here today. Mrs J M Rodgers and Miss Bertha Kellahan are spending some days at the home of Mr and Mrs D I Johnson at Lake City. Mr W D Eaddy, who has a position with the Deep River Lumber Co, spent Sunday at home. Mr Maxey land his mother, Mrs I E Christmas, spent the week-end with relatives at Central. Our sick list doesn't decrease very fast, there being still several persons indisposed. Mr Jno Dennis, superintendent of second division of the Williamsburg county chaingang. went to Lake City Saturday afternoon on business. B W M. EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care Hay Save Many Klngstree Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have the amber hue :>f health; The discharge not excessive or infrequent; Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi- ment. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for weak kidneys. Here's proof of their merit: H P Lane, Marion, S C, says: "For more than a year I suffered from backache and sharp pains through my loins. In the morning m first arising, I was so lame and stiff that I could scarcely get around and some days I was unable to work. My kidneys were sluggish and the icidney secretions were unnatural. I ieard so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I concluded to give ihem a trial and procured a box. \fter short use I felt better than I lad for years. My back became stronger, the lameness and soreness eft and the kidney secretions were regular in passage. You may use ny testimonial if it will prove of oenefit to any person suffering from ridney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 rents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, Mew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? ind take no other. adv. 1 A 100-horse steam engine oper- J ited by the lumber plant of Light- { ley Brothers at Hampton, blew up & ast Friday, killing a negro named / ."rank Patterson and completely 2 vrecking the plant. 1 Adolphus Busch, the millionaire ( jrewer of St Louis, died October 10 C n Prussia. He left a fortue esti- / nated at $60,000,000. 2 Women Who Get Dizzy. | Every woman who is troubled d .vlth fainting and dizzy spells, back- J iche.weakness, debility, constipation 1 >r kidney troubles should use Elec- j ( [ric Bitters. They give relief when i ( lothing else will.improve the health, i / adding strength and vigor from the |, first dose. Mrs Laura Gaines of Av * K-a. La. says: 'Tour doctors had J triven me up and my cinidivn and an * my friends were 1 ?okin< and Sl.oo at a!!! l, ilruppists or l>y niaii. If K & ('??. j , adv Philadelphia or St Louis. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Q.iinine. H stops the i Couith and Headache and works otf the Cold, j Pr-ii'pisix will refund money if it fails t<> cure.' L. VV. O ROVES signature "on eath bo\. il'jc. i New 191^ FOJ Runaboui Tourings Full line of For ings and Ti JD. C. S THE FC 'Phone 553, Stli III HI Anc SCHOOL FOR YOUR C J.W.< Where Yon Get 3 Than at any otl uro< Shoes, Hats a 7 POUNDS GOOD GH Hit B Individual training girls. The course c es, Shorthand, Ty keeping offers ur ities to the youths very reasonable j; obtained in town, dress, J. M. JERVEY, 8-21-6m. woooooooooo \ A STAB ; Horses, Mv 5 Surreys, < Hay Presses 5 Rakes, Stc * Harness, Sa 5 Horse Blank See us b S YOURS 1 ? Williamsburg Li 5 *CINGST 5 *cxxxxxxxx>ooo ?o^ariii iM luaBWBKruMW iwm i i i The Record * S Only $1. I Prices' On one ts $547.70 $597.70 d Parts and Casjbeson hand. ZE3I )RD MAN - SUMTER, S.C 11 Klitree I 1 i ?r | A UVJLJ SUPPLIES HILDREN FROM toward lore for Your Money i ler Place in Town. :eries / nd Underwear IEEN COFFEE FOR SI. ft Mil UUU1UUU UUUUU1 ; for your boys and ?f all English branchpewriting and Bookisurpassed opportunof the county at a )rice. Board can be For particulars ad. Rroolvvilln. H. VIUUIJWIIIUJ VI VI II " IXOOOOOOOOOOOCJ LE FULL 5 3F 8 ties, Buggies, 0 , Wagons, X i, Mowers, 9 ilk Cutters, v ddles, Robes, R ets,Whips,&c. x cfore buying. Q! [TO PLEASE, X ve Stock t'oinpiiuy, x REE, S. C. V C0QQ?XXX>0000& lemi-Weekly State ,85 a year . J ; BIG AUC1 | Thursday, Not 80 FINE BUII '' ON RAILROAD AVENI i Adjoining Prese ::Lii!'ia J Surveyed by Mi IThis is the Chan secure a si I This Sale is for ^ Ft For terms and < tion apply to f P. B. 1 | KINGS! 11 From Our SF is a timely sugge now,our superb si fees and Teas,deli Vegetables and Flour and Pure value in quality a u:^u.r..a; AAlgll~V?A like these are no day. Our mott< "the best at safe with quality." It grocery success, and prices with t L. U. Koc 1 Kings" HHiwivw; .?5proof but fire-proof e::u storm-proof, too. CORTRIGHT POSTAL 3i last a- long as tf j fcu'Jinj ar ! r J usl tr.e tlt'ng 1 r town cr counti , meet every condition cf con ^ / cc^g For F:r Sale by Willie: i ION SALE!>1 'ember 6,1913, I .DING LOTS 80 I JE AND THORN AVENUE, i I nt Thorn Addition, I ' t SOllSOFll r. L. H. McCullough I on of a Tiifpitimft to & te for a home. 11 kVhite and Colored ( sople. ill other informa- r, HORN. J REE, S. C. m'' I M VI/*1" N| I SI tock of fragrant Cof- B iciously fresh put-up B Jams, high-grade B Sugar offers true B nd price. B le Groceries I t to be found every ^ o has ajways been, * ist prices consistent tells the story of our f Amnnrp nur trnnds hose elsewhere. Igers & Co. ' Sale by msburg Hardware Co. /yr^M