"Put Not Your Trust in i Money,but Put Your Money in Trust," ?:j rvi: \xr j~ii u 2>cuu unver vvenueii uvuiico. The genial' 'Autocrat" had; in mind the accumulating of; dollars by depositing one's savings in sucii an institution as the Bank of Williamsburg, where we not only take care of your money for you but pay you for the privilege of doing so. Don't hoard your surplus at home. The time I- is now near at hand when almost every industrious workr ing man will have more or less ready money. Open an account with our Bank, if you have not already done so. and let vour monev work ? - 7 %/ v for vou aay and night. We study to please and profit you. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG KIN6STREE, S. C. I mm ag Miss Sue Stoll is on a visit to relatives at Chester. r- Hon E C Epps spent Sunday at I the Isle of Palms. Rev J L Mullinix of Cades was in Kings tree Tuesday. Mrs Mary McGee spent some days last week with friends in Kingstree. To*** Afionfin rVkoof T.inp ftHvprtises 1UC AblOUVtV WMOV U?MV m special excursion rates in this issue. g Mrs W K Mcintosh is visiting her aunt,Mrs J S McClam, at Lake City. W The banks will be closed Monday r next, Labor day being a legal holiday. Messrs R L Brockington and W B j Cox of Andrews were in town TuesIday. .Miss Marguerite Brawley of Bisht opville visited friends in Kingstree this week. ^flrs John L Rowland of Hagers-^iwn. Md, is visiting her sister, Mrs i school district is called to the election notice on page 8. Read the little ads in our special column. They may mean a good W . 4aol tn imii nr ? fripnd. W U^ui WW J v? V* ?- - ?? ? Miss Julia Sistrunk of Manning has accepted a position with the Kingstree Dry Goods Co. Misses Eva and Pauline Cooper of Savannah, Ga, are visiting at the home of Hon R H Kellahan. Miss Hanna Reddick has returned home from an extended trip to the mountains and the sea-shor-. Messrs Hugh Gaskins and Layton ^ Daniel of Lake OitytfTsited relatives ^ in town Saturday and Sunday. B/ Misses Lila and Essie Spann of ? Lake City have been visiting relatives in Kingstree and vicinity. Mr and Mrs F S Pate,formerly of Kingstree but now of Inverness, j .Fla, were noted in town Thursday. Miss Stella Coward of Florence! spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr and Mrs J W Coward. Mr Arthur Brockinton, who has been absent from Kingstree for several months, was noted in town this week. ^ Capt and Mrs John A Kelley, who |L. have been spending some time at S Connolly Springs,N C,returned home * Tuesday. f : Mrs LeRoy Lee and daughter, Miss Serena, returned Saturday evening from a stay of several weeks at Hendersonville, N C. Miss Ludie Singletary of Lake City visited Miss Flossie Kellahan at the home at the home of her uncle, Hon R H Kellahan, this week. J Miss ElizabethFairey is "at home" to her little friends this afternoon, j 4:30 to 6:30, the occasion being the celebration of her fifth birth-day. Mr Clifton B Guess of Salters has accepted a position with the South-? ern Railway company as sub-conductor between Atlanta, Ga. and Chattanooga. Tenn. Mr R A Brown of Leo offers great bargains in general merchandise, as he wishes to close out his stock preparatory to moving into his new n_j i_l_: i score, rceau nis uig au. Mrs B F Graham and daughter. Miss Helen, of Jefferson, are spending some time in Kingstree with the former's daughters, Mesdames R B I Smith and B E Clarkson. i Mrs W V Brockington and her; daughter, Miss Ada, are visiting at Blackville, from where they will go to Johnson City, Tenn, where Miss Ada has accepted a position as teach- j1 er of Latin. I . Dr R C McCabe has returned from1 North Carolina, where he has been paying special attention^to anaesthetics, in connection with his prac-1 tice. He will occupy his old office j over Kingstree Drug Co. Hon Mendel L Smith of Camden, j Speaker of the House of Represent-1 atives and candidate for Governor! of South Carolina, will speak in the school auditorium at Lake City to-1 morrow (Friday) evening. Mrs Richard Shackelford of Columbia, daughter of Mr S M McCla ry, whose death was erroneously reported here last Thursday, is. we are pleased to learn,much improved. Mr and Mrs William Edward Brockington, Mrs Lula J Brockington and her daughter. Miss Emma Brockington, have returned from their summer trip to Hendersonville. There will be a meeting of the Kingstree Board of Trade at 8:30 o'clock this evening in the court house for the transaction of important business. Every member and business man is urged to be present. Mrs C A Milhous of Savannah,Ga, arrived in Kingstree yesterday on a i visit to the family of her father, Mr! H D Reddick. She was accompanied by her sisters,Misses May and Hazel j Reddick,who spent most of the summer with her. I ] Miss Annie Tolley, who has been j ( spending some time with Mr and Mrs W F Tolley in Kingstree, left yesterday for a visit to Mr and Mrs J H Tolley at Newport News, Va, before returning to her home at 1 Lexington, Va. Rev W E Hurt returned home yesterday, after a two weeks' vacation spent in the vicinity of Richmond i and Petersburg, Va. Mrs Hurt, who has been absent three months, returned with her husband and is much improved in health. That the population of Kingstree is increasing commensurate with her , commercial importance, it is grati- ; P * 1 1. T" 4 lying CO noce. ine mcesi. a^quusiuuuo eligible to the roll of future suffragists are a fine boy, who arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs B F Patrick on Saturday of last week,and another likely youngster of the masculine persuasion, who chose for his parents, Mr and Mrs T E Baggett. Governor Blease has ordered an election to be held on the second Tuesday in November on the question of the annexation of a portion of Clarendon county ^o Williamsburg. This election was ordered after the proper petitions in each case h?H been filed with and Dassed on by the Attorney General. It is said that the election will be carried in favor of the proposition and we are glad to welcome these good people. The excursion to Charleston from Bennettsville and intermediate points,under the auspices of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of Florence, left Kingstree at 9:30 this morning. One hundred and twenty-five tickets were sold,mostly to people from the country. About 50 tickets were also sold to colored people, who were only permitted to go on the second section of the excursion train, which left Kingstree an hour later. Last week, while the paper was hpinc nrinted. one of the figures in the statement of the condition of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lake City pulled out of ::orm, making the item, "Individual deposits subjoct to check," appear $23 ,558.84, instead of $230,558.84, as the copy showed. For this reason we are ! again publishing the statement in 1 this issue, with the missing figure in J place. We regret that the excellent showing made by this popular bank should be thus marred,but accidents will occur. The deposits up to the close of business August 9, 1913, it will be noted in the corrected report, show a total of more than $320,000, a sum greater than any other bank in Florence county had on deposit at that time, albeit there are several others with larger capital stocks. York county has issued bonds for $75,000 for the erection of a new | court house. COMMISSIONERS CANVASS VOTE Effort to Throw Out Certain Preclnts to Change Election Result. At 12:30 o'clock Tuesday the State and county board of commissioners of election, Theo Gourdin, M A Ross and J C Kinder, met in the court house for the purpose of making an official canvass of the vote polled in the dispensary election held in Williamsburg county on August 19. Mr Paul Harper acted as clerk of the board. Tne result of the official count gives a majority of 2 against the dispensary, while the managers' returns gave a majority of six against it. LeRoy Lee, Esq, as attorney for adherents of the dispensary, appeared before the board and served notice of protest with reference to the polls at Hebron Church and Muddy Creek. These polls cinched the result of the contest for the "dry" forces on the day of election by returning a total vote of 22 for and 41 against tne dispensary. In the affidavits presented by Mr Lee, it is claimed that voters at the contested polls were not required to present registration certificates or tax receipts. On these grounds Mr Lee demanded that the vote at these precincts be thrown out and the result of the election declared in favor of the dispensary. This move on the part of the dispensary forces had been a well-guarded secret and proved to be a great surprise to the antidispensary people, when sprung at Tuesday's meeting. In behalf of the prohibition forces C W Stoll, Esq, filed affidavits pnr porting that certain voters at the Kingstree poll were not required to take the prescribed oath and on this ground demanded that the vote at this poll be not counted. The board did not conclude their work Tuesday but set Saturday, August 30, as the date for taking testimony and hearing argument by counsel from both sides. Tobacco Locals. Mr W H Coker of Zeb sold tobacco in Kingstree this week. The great South Boston, Va, tobacco market opened on the 15th. Mr R C McElveen, of the Hebron section, sold some nice tobacco here this week. TKp nriep nf Turkish tobacco has doubled in price on account of the Balkan war. i Mr W N Clarkson of Heinemann Bold tobacco on the Kingstree market yesterday'. Mr H M Mcintosh of Workman sold tobacco here yesterday at a satisfactory price If you would remain in a good humor with yourself sell your tobacco on the Kingstree market. Mr H B Harrington of Clarendon iroo in ITinoratrop VPSfprHflV t~uuui,v n no IU 4kiii^uv? w ^ v#??. looking after the sale of his tobacco. Mr H J Williamson of Mouzon sold some good tobacco here yesterday,as did also Mr H H Kinder,of the same neighborhood. Among those who sold tobacco on the Kingstree market this week were noted Messrs S M, W D, W B and D C Brown of Zefc, each of whom made a good sale. When you bring your tobacco to rtfinlr a AAmr TKQ POA XVlIlgSLlcc DUV.IV a \.\tyj vi auv. ble as any. His stock is practicallj all new and fresh. There are three town ordinance: | in this issue that will be of interesi to citizens and property owners Read them. A statement of the condition o: the Bank of Hemingway appears ir this issue. The stock of the Stackley Dr} Goods Co is offered by Jenkinsor Bros Co at amazingly low prices See ad. Look out for the catchy ad of J S Eron in this issue of The Record. Card of Tbaoks. To the Voters of Kingstree:? I take this method of expressinj my thanks and hearty appreciatioi of your support in nominating m< as a candidate for Alderman at the municipal primary Tuesday. Very respectfully. It. Sol Peres. Mr .T M Trnlnok will occudv the F C Thomas stables and will be rea dy for business September 8. Mr E H King, who will be in charge, is ir the Western markets purchasing horses and mules. Watch for a( next week. It. Hov the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make lift miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowels regular ant you will avoid these diseases. Foi sale by all dealers. adv A stratum of copper is said t< have been found at St George las1 week while borinar an artesian well Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipatioi and indigestion and spent hundred! of dollars for medicine and treat ment," writes C H Hines of Whitlow Ark. "I went to a St Louis hospital also to a hospital in New Orleans but no cure was effected. On return ing home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets and worked right along I used them for some time and arr now all right." Sold by all dealers, adv. Tbe Best Pain Killer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when ap plied to a cut, bruise, sprain, buri ? * ' ' ? ? f aL . _1 or scaia, or otner injury or cne sku will immediately remove all pain. I E Chamberlain of Clinton,Me,says:? "It robs cuts and other injuries o] their terrors. As a healing remedj its equal don't exist." Will do gooc for you. Only 25c at Kingstre< Drug Co and M L Allen. adv. SPECIAL NOTICES {(& Phone us when you wan to get a notice under thi heading. Price one cent j [Af\ word for each insertion. N( v ad taken for less than 25c Phone 83. Lost?A white and liver colored set ter puppy seven months old. Has beei missing since August 11. Reward fo his return to L W Gilland, ltp. Kingstree, S C Strayed or Stolen?Small yellov and white spotted dog. answers U name of 4 Rock". Reward offered fo his return or information leading there to. WL McFarlin, 8-21-1 tp Kingstree. S C. Wanted?Five or six families, witl or without teams, to plant tobacco Good lands,conveniently located. Writ or come to see me. J B Johnson, 8-28-3m Georgetown, S C Wanted?Bv September sixth, oni or two good milk cows. Must give threi 11 ? ?.? ?: 11- Kfi rrs\r\t 10 nve gallons txiun. a uajr aim ut stock, Jersey preferred. 8-23-2t 0 M Mitchell, Rome, S For Sale?One Royal Standard Type writer, latest model, all improvements Brand new and in perfect condition Will sell at a bargain. Write 8-23-tf. F H Wardlaw, Vox, S C For Sale or Rent?75 acres of g2.50 fine Hats g > Men's $1.50 Hats will g t Caps at wonderfully lo\ THE STACK > By W. E. Jenkiosoo, Manag iLlonlrincnn I uuiiniuuuii ; WILL T10W A HI ! Cotton Shei i * B I I t Why buy Burb ing Sheets at the ; they are asking r come here and b Homespun Sheet money that will I as a Burlap Shee r Get your price come to us and your Cotton Picfc a have been watcl Cotton Sheet m. three months 2 ready to strike Brown Homespu ' LOOK OUT FOR PI 1 Mill Bit i uvKingstree, ^mmB m ; OLD STAND j CORNER n in center k of Shoes of the s Co. will be sold at tonish the trading , such as the American Lahe pair. . ;:* :gg Idren's Shoes of all kinds, i splendid values we have id see the goods. 11 the Ladies || lall Feet . 3 have to offer in small shoes 'f you want small shoes, ng at 15c, or two boxes Pazh at 25c. Envelopes will go at 25c. js, will go at 5c. )lendid bargains we show en, Ladies and Children. Hand Bags going at prices >w what values are. Come Need||Try i's and Children's Hats and oing at $1.50. o for $1.00 and so on. v prices. iLEY STORE I L_?_J ' :f Jrothers Co.11 IMBSHELL IN THE !? 8t Business ap Cotton Pickj enormous prices ; when you can liaoiifi Rrnurn UJ nwayj uivTTii ts of us for less last twice as long it? anywhere, then ' we will sell you ;ing sheets. We hing the Burlap arket for tne last ipd we are now with a heavy n Cotton Sheet. " <\ . '> fi': ] Or IICES NEXT WEEK. lien Couif ' " S' C,J