The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 21, 1913, Page TEN, Image 10

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} xu/ iff JL Our Bu tiingsti RAGSDALE'S AMENDMENT To Currency Bill Viewed Favarably by Noted Publicist. Hon T J Brooks is in Washington as one of the three delegates officially representing the United States at the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome,and as a member of ; the American Commission to study the rural credit systems of Europe. He !s a member of the faculty of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Mississippi,occupying the chair of Markets and RuraL Credits, and a member of the national legislative committee of the Farmers' Union, the largest organization of farmers in the world. After reading the Glass-Owen bill to revise our banking and currency laws and the Ragsdale-Henry amendments to it, he said; "If the Government is to accept the business man's commercial paper and redeem in gold his promise to pay.why should the farmer be denied the right to present prime agricultural paper based on dynamic wealth properly stored and insured and receive advances to one-half its value,and thereby avoid being forced to surrender his products to the peculator faster than trade de mands will justify? "If the Democratic party votes down the Ragsdale-Henry amendments and passes the Glass-Owen will be another case of 'party perfidy and party dishonor.' These amendments only put the farmer and wage-earner on the same footing with the banker, bondholder and industrial financier when they approach the (national treasury. As - the bill stands it is a revamp of the Aldrich bill. "The latest announcement of Secretary McAdoo does not change the application of the bill." Chat from Cades. (Received too late for last week issu e). Cade9, August 10:?Most of the farmers in our neighborhood have finished curing tobacco and begun to save their fodder. Mr and Mrs L G Brock have returned from a delightful trip to North Carolina. Messrs F|M Webstor and CClsrk of Olanta and George McElveen of Cades went to Charleston in an automobile one day recently. Mr Bethea McElveen has been vis-, iting relatives at Olanta and vicinity. Mr G L Sauls and family of Lake City were noted in town Sunday. Miss Irene McKissick, who has been spending a few pleasant days with her sister,returned to her home at Summerville Wednesday. Miss Mary Vause of Kingstree is visiting friends and relatives near Cades. The farmers' institute was held at - p. MAI S.TCI yer is now in 1 pee Dry Mr J J M Graham's Monday. An interested audience was present to hear the speakers from Clemson. A j snmntuous dinner was served to all. ( Mr Graham being sick, there was not so large an attendance as had been expected. Master Ellie McElveen is very ill, but we hope he will soon recover. A game of ball was played Saturday between Cades and Hebron, the score being 9 to 0 in favor of Cades. ' Jack Frost. Cades Chronicles. (Received too late for laat week's issue). Cades, August 12:--According to announcement the farmers' institute at Mr J J M Graham's was held yesterday on time. Some fine speeches were heard by the few that were out. It is a great pity that more of our farmers did not avail themselves j of this opportunity of learning or,at least of instruction so close at hand. Crops are doing well around here, but more rain would do good now. Miss Irene McKissick left Saturday for Summerville, after spending some time with Mrs ? Carsten, her sister. Miss Chandler has returned ( to her home at Rome. Mr and Mrs G L Sauls and Mrs ? " Clause came over from Lake City ' Sunday in Mr Sauls' new Overland 1 car. ! Mrs W P McGill of Kingstree and i ^ daughter, Mrs D E Bradham, ??, Mias Mittie McGill, now of Dutton, c Fla, are here visiting relatives. The Cades Mercantile Co reports having done a good business during the tobacco season; other merchants i are also doing their share. t Mr L G Brock, the A C L station f agent here,and family have returned i from their mountain outing at Ashe- i ville and Hendersonville, and from \ visiting relatives in other sections of c North Carolina. t Mr V G Arnette is off in his "Ov- 1 erland" to union and otner sections i along the Pee Dee this week. t Mr and Mrs J J M Graham are 1 both sick, out at their place near i town, as is also Mr R L McElveen's 1 little son, Ellie. It is hoped that all c willsoon be themselves again. B. 1 When you want us to change the address of your papier it will save a lots of trouble to name the old j as well as the new pwstoffice. Please | bear this in mind. tf j ^ Smithing am When in Kingstree .your Buggy or Wagon, j W. M. VAUS They'll fix it while you Shoeing Horses and with them. ^88888^88^88^8888888^8 Am This is to inform our room in the Nexsen t see and serve you at RCUS mgmmsssmmsii i TI [he Northern i Goods( The Newspaper Job. .Many people believe that a newspaper falls together without work or concerted action or plan. Rev Mr Mcleod,a Presbyterian minister at Pasilena, Ca!, was of that opinion and isked to be allowed to edit an edition >f the Pasadana Star. The editor cladly accepted the opportunity to Co fishing:, and the minister took up lis duties in the newspaper office, rhis is how he felt when he found limself at the end of the task,which,: t must be said, had be?i done quite J xeditably: "My time is almost up as I pen his last line; my hand is almost parilyzed; my brain is befuddled and I ?- * * ?? t im iree cu cuuitrss mat i am n^m, flad to vacate the holy spot. Such ush and riot and disarray! Such a umble of pot pourri; it strikes me is the effort to bring order out of :haos, and to do it lightning quick. "I am reminded of the memorable vords, 'The earth was without form ind void,and darkness was upon the race of the waters.' Never shall I rriticise newspaper men more. I ;hall pray for them. They have my leart's forbearance henceforth and 'orever. They are the hardest work?d,shortest lived, poorest paid brain vorkers in this weary old world of >urs."?Publisher's A miliary. Miners: aaie loir laiiorvu worm; Are they feverish,restless.nervous, rritable, dizzy or constipated? Do hey continually pick their nose or jrind their teeth? Have they cramp- i ng pains, irregular and ravenous ippetite? These are all signs of vorms. Worms not only cause your :hild suffering, but stunt its mind md growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Ciller" at once. It kills and removes he worms, improves your child's ippetite,regulates stomach,liver and >owels. The symptoms disappear ind your child is made happy and lealthy, as nature intended. AH Iruggists or by mail, 25c. i iKktPOO INDIAN MEDICINE 0. I hiladHnhla. Pa. St Loals. Mo. : For sale by Kingstree Drug Co md M L Allen. adv. The County Record and The J fouth's Companion. 1 year S2.75. Repairing and need Repairs to j I ust take it to ;e & sons | wait. Mules is a specialty nour many friends and custome )uilding, corner Main and all times. We invite you msmmmzmm? Markets purch Zo? Arrival of Passenger Trains af ' Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule u*hir?h heearne pffpptivp Snnrlnv October 15, 1911: North Bound. No 80 7:43 a m *No 46 - - 11:37 am No 78 - - - 6:10 p m South Bound. No 79 - - - 11:13 am No 47 - - - - 6:10 p m No 89 - - - 9:18 p m Daily exceDt Sunday. The County Record $1 a year. tossw "SfxaaamsBMe* iTnharr NELSON It is the La and Most ( in Kingstr Bring Us and Our Warehouf your tobacco, so bi by selling with us your labor. Epps Kingstree, :rs that we have moved ii Academy Streets, where w to inspect our handsome n< "T i 5PAC Qclflft* A11H Poll Cl u^ni^ uui t an ui KINGSTRE) ^ '" H We Pay Highest Cas I win B Don't give your profits away?ship di B get your money next day. We nay highc B hides of all ^nds; Beeswax, Tallow, old B| and Furs in winter. Try us with a shipmt I Carolina Hide & H 6-19-13 Charleston, ' o is Selling AT % S WAREI rgest, Coolest Best 2onveme*itly Locate ee to Sell Your 1 ; Your Nor Get Top Pric< Be is open day and n ring it along and be ( you get full value for : Mclntos - South C ei\t nto our new storee will be pleased to 5w quarters. iCingstree, W ^ ttW fl! A WW A WW# WWSWiW WW -*y -? % r m tock. I e:, s.c. j ^ ih Prices for H ES 1 rect to us by express and ?/ ;st prices for green and dry H Metals, old Rubber, Wool H .7 , ?nt now. * *v ' *&.< . ,8L A I High ] \? *" inner i nuuoL Lighted \ Jm id Place 1 robacco IJ3 > i v \ I 11 nail LI hVHMI ^ l ight to receive * convinced that the fruits of; h, Props! !aroli: I ==. srareasflSflssBre* ^ n I , s. c. p i