f Just for Convenience, Entirely apart from the many other advantages of a Personal Checking Account a^t the Bank, the convenience 01 it is no small consideration. The ability to make purchases and pay bills after banking hours without the necessity of always having a pocketful of money is worth a great deal. With a Check Book in your pocket, you are taking no risks of losing money and yet you always have all of your money on hand and ready for use. One is as liable to need money before nine in the morning or after three as between those hours. The Personal Check Book settles the matter. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG i/uiA<\Tfirr c n MNtrtincc, o. o. C W Stoll. Pres. F Rhem. V P. E C Eprs. C W Boswell, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. LOCAL S wis m Kill the fly or the fly will kill you. One fool always finds another bigger fool to admire him. ' Who will send or bring us the first open boll of cotton? We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. i Mr Clarence Alsbrook spent Sunday here with his mother. j Mr and Mrs C E Funk of St Stephens spent Sunday in Kingstree. | Messrs John S Jennings and W E -Tpnkinsnn visiter! Charleston this week. Miss Cammie Thompson is visiting he?- sister, Mrs E A Snipes, at Florence this week. Mr J E Plowden of Lone Star is visiting his father, Mr M H Plowden, here this week, ^ Mrs M C Mouzon left Monday for a month's stay in the mountains of North Carolina. Messrs E C Gedding and Jim Weeks of Pinewood spent Sunday in town with friends. We are pleased to see Mr Montie Scott on trie street again, aiter a long spell of sickness. Mr J F Montgomery of Greelyville was in Kingstre^ today and paid our sanctum a visit. Messrs P G Gourdin and Harry Riff are spending the week at Glenn Springs and Hendersonville. Mr Robert Dukes of Martin's X Roads has accepted a position as clerk in Mr J W Coward's store. We were pleased to have a call Monday from Messrs N N Newell of Venters and G H Stancill of Gor don. Read J S Eron's new ad. A good chance to save money on summer dry goods is offered you by dealing^ there. Mr and Mrs D M Ervin have left for Glenn Springs. After spending several weeks there they will go on to the mountains. Mrs L A Carter and children, who have been spending some [time in Georgia. are visiting the former's parents, Mr and Mrs H A Miller. Rev W E Hurt spent several days this week at Richmond, Va, with Mrs Hurt, who is rapidly regaining her health, we are pleased to learn. Again it is our privilege to thank our kind friend, Capt Conrad Constlne, for a string of fine fish fresh from the waters of the Wee Nee. Mr and Mrs Charles L Porter of Rocky Mount, N C, stopped over here a few days visiting relatives on their way home from ther summer trip. Mr Sol Peres is today moving into his new score-room in the Nexsen buiiding,' opposite the Kingstree Drug Co. Don't fail to read his ad this issue. j L \V Gilland, Esij, spent the weekend in Charleston, where Mrs Gilland and children are sojourning. We regret to learn that their little daughter. Jane, is not so well. L w Mr li D Reddiek has moved his stock of dry goods, etc, into the new store-room fitted out for his use by Mr W I Nexsen. Mr W X Jacobs will occupy the large store-room vacated by Mr Reddiek,as a furniture store. We received Saturday by parcel > t post from Mr T G McDonald of Andrews a bell pepper of unusual size; in fact, one of the largest we ever saw. It measured about 2-Hnchesby 2 inches and weighed about 5 ounces. j Mr L H McCullough, civil engineer,has moved from Benson to Kingstree, where he will, with his family, reside in future. Mr McCullough ^ ? -I ?1.. ; will open an omce nere snoruv, I where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and friends. Messrs S J Parker,J C Huthmacher, M G Westendorf and Frank Sigwald, Christian laymen of Charleston, who conducted a series of revival meetings at the Baptist church here for two weeks or more in August of last year, will open similar services in the First Baptist church of Florence next Sunday night. They will be in Florence about three weeks. The tobacco men of KingsJfree have organized a ypseball team and last Saturday played a good game with theKingstree High school team. The tobacco men's team is made up | of the following: Stallings, c: Costery.lb; Leath,2b; Morgan. 3b; Signor.p; Wood.ss; Davis,c f; Reid, 1 f; Guthrie, r f. The game resulted in a score of 4 to 1 in favor of the toj bacco men. IamIs. Mr E F Pope of Greelyville sold j tobacco here this week. Mr J W Dubose of Cades, R F D, sold tobacco here Tuesday. Mr L W McClam of Mouzons sold a load of the weed on our market Tuesday. J Mr J L Thomas of Cades was in Kingstree with a load of tobacco Tuesday. Mr W C Taylor of Andrews sold tobacco here this week at a satisfactory price. Mr J M Cook of Salters sold some good tobacco on the Kingstree market this week. Mr W L Dukes of Greelyville sold j some tobacco here Tuesday at a very ! satisfactory price. Mr H P Howard of Andrews sold a load of first-curings here Tuesday at 16ic the pound. If you don't know that Kingstree is the best tobacco market in the State come and see. Mr J B Gamble, Kingstree, sold a 700-pound pile of tobacco here Tuesday at 25c the pound. Mr B L Buffkin of Lake City, R F n anlH tohaeeo in Kingstree to-day at a satisfactory price. Mr V W Graham of Morrisville sold tobacco on the Kingstree market Tuesday at fancy prices. Mr R E Adams of Mouzons was in town Tuesday and sold two lots of j tobacco at satisfactory prices. Mr D M Young of Mouzons was in town with a load of tobacco which he sold at a satisfactory price. Tobacco sales today promise to be the largest ever held in Kingstree. The quality of the weed is excellent. Mr Walter Nesmith of Nesmith was in Kingstree Tuesday with a load I nf thof KrnilCrJit' nrlPPS. VI IVVOV.VV WU?b MA VVI^.IV e 'VV. r. | Mr C S Smith, of the Hebron section was among those who sold tobacco here Tuesday at a good price. Mr C W Barrow of New Zion was in Kingstree Tuesday with a load of tobacco which he disposed of at a good price. Mr W R Graham of Vox had a nice lot of tobacco on the Kingstree market Tuesday, which he sold at a handsome price. Mr W P Baker of Kingstree who has a nice crop of tobacco nearOlanta, sold several lots on our market Tuesday at good prices. Mr R D Epps of New Zion sold a load of tobacco on the Kingstree market Tuesday, receiving a satisfactory price for the same. Mr J D Galloway, one of the progressive farmers from the neighborhood of Coopers, sold some nice tobacco here Tuesday at a good price. Among the colored farmers of Williamsburg county, who sold tobacco on the Kingstree market this week were: W L Fulmore, Cades, R F D; Nelson Nesmith, Morrisville; J S Burgess, Vox, R F D; Antrim Epps, Cades. ^ i The King of Ail Laxatives For constipation, headaches, mdi gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka of Buffalo, N Y. says they they are the ; "King of all laxatives. They are a 1 blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c. Recommended by Kingstreo Drug Co and M L Allen. . adv Several interesting communica^ tions were crowded out this week. APPRECIATION From One Who Does Not Await a Funeral to Bestow Flowers. The County Record is a welcome i visitor here Friday of each week un; less some mishap takes place. If so, our people are disappointed. When the postoffice at this place was kept by "ye scribe" the paper came 10 eacn lamuy wiiu icwcive their mail here,save one. This is a most creditable record for The Record. The editor and his efficient force deserve the most hearty congratulations from all the readers of the double-size sheet that was brimful of very interesting current events of the past week, besides the attractive appearance of the advertisements of business houses in the town where the highest prices are paid for tobacco and goods are sold the cheapest. These invitations natural1 ly appeal strikingly to those who i have tobacco to sell and necessities to buy. We would like to say, in this connection,with the editor's permission, that we are always proud of the achievements of this section. Mr | Wolfe was born here, but we will not mention his age, as he looks younger than one may suppose him to be. He, with the most of us of I this neighborhood,then attended the three months' public schools taught within the walls of a rude structure under the tutelage of his noble mother. He afterwards went to Sheridan's Classical school, Orangeburg; Wofford College and the South Carolina Military College. Mr Wolfe taught school here, and his pupils today admire his rigid discipline required during the hours of | study. He turned his attention to a farm. 1 Realizing that this occupation was not his calling,one year's experience was sufficient in agriculture. With one term at Smith's Commercial College,Lexington, Ky,he was taught the art of book-keeping, banking, am/] af ?\L ir on/] tj^TTi I fciiifc aiiu oLCIIU? i apii j auu did stenographic work at a lucrative salary until his health became impaired. Yet during this checkered career he knew not then that his place should have been in an editor's chair. WES. Benson, July 29. However little he feels that he deserves the foregoing tribute from his generous and warm-hearted friend at Benson, his boyhood home, the editor of The Record would not be human did he not feel a thrill of pleasure and gratification that one who knows him so well should thus estimate the work of his head and hand. More than their intrinsic 1 worth we value the source from , which come these expressions of loyai irienasnip ana tne generous, j kindly spirit that prompted their ut- | terance. When the rugged pathway , of life grows steep and the feet of ( the way-farer are often bruised and j bleeding so that it seems that he , must lay down the burden and give , up in despair, it is such words of , cheer and encouragement that vital- ] ize and revivify the weary pilgrim, ( making him feel that his labors have not been wholly in vain. We thank ] you. Editor The Record, j We were delighted to have as a caller at our office on Tuesday our esteemed friend, Mr S B Poston, of , John3onville, who has Jbeen kept ; away from Kingstree for some time by illness. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises. In every horr.e there should be a i box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,ready to apply in every case of burns,cuts, , wounds or scalds. J H Polanco, DelvalIe,Tex,R No 2,writes: "Bucklen's | Arnica Salve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by Kingstree Drug Co and M L Allen, adv Death of an Estimable Lady. Mrs G Furman Williamson died at . the home of her husband in the Mouzon section Saturday evening last, i after a lingering illness. She was a most estimable lady and beloved by : all who knew her. Her remains | were laid to rest in the family currying ground Sunday afternoon. The deceased leaves a husband and several children who have the sympathy of the community. Surprising Cure ?I Stomach Trouble. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation, don't imagine that your case is beyond help just because your doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs (1 Stengle, Plainfield, N J. writes: "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain's advertising booklets came * <*' i? r -r ?i to me. .Alter reading a ie\v m uic letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, 1 decided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package of them and can now eat almost everything that I want." For sale by all dealers. adv 4 COATED TONGUE MEANS LAZT LIVER. A Lazy Liver Needs a Dose of Dodson's Liver Tone?Guaranteed to Take I the Place of Calomel. When your doctor looks to see if your tongue is coated, he is trying to find out if your liver is working properly. A few years ago doctors had to prescribe calomel -there was nothing else to give. Recently in many sections of the country Dodson's Liver Tone has practically taken the place of calomel as a liver remedy. Dodson's Liver tone is mild, pleasant tasting and harmless ? which makes it a fine medicine for use when your children become bilious and constipated. But the most remarkable feature of Dodson's Liver Tone is the fact that Dr W V Brockington who sells it, guarantees it absolutely. The druggist, will return your money without ar- J gument if a bottle fails to give en-! tire satisfaction. Price 50 cents. We suggest that j you get a bottle to-day and have it J ready for the next i..emoer or your fumily whose liver goes wrong, adv j Echoes from Venters. Venters, July 25:?Venters is situated on the Georgetown & Western railroad, two miles from Johnsonville and two miles from Hemingway. The above named towns are developing very rapidly. Each has a bank, several modern store buildings and two up-to-date tobacco markets. These markets have handled 300,000 pounds of tobacco up to July 25. It is very gratifying, indeed, to see the people, not only from this section, but from other communities,patronizing these markets, where they receive the very best of prices. At one time it was predicted that these points could not maintain markets, Knf waut if ia a fivpd fvrtflintv that UUl IIVTT IV IO ft* w. ? they are doing a flourishing business and will continue to do so in the years to come. The building of Methodist churches at these points is under consideration and it is generally understood that they will be under course of erection in a short time. Both the church and the school (Johnsonville High school) are now at Venters. This school has had a very successful year; all of the teachers have been re-elected and it is understood that all are going to return. A debt of $1,200 has been recently raised, which leaves the school in good shape financially. The prospect for full crops of tobacco, corn and cotton is very fine. The rains have been ideal. Unless 3ome unforeseen calamity turns up, we believe that this people will be in better shape financially than ever before. We feel, Mr Editor, that this part of the State possesses wonderful possibilities and that with the patronizing of home industries and the support cf home institutions on the part of the people, this section that has been so long shut out, will become the garden spot of South Carolina. The writer, this week, is assisting Rev G W Davis in a series of meetings on the Timmonsville charge. Miss ? Hutson of Remberts i I nait.'nnr Mm Hpnrv Eadd v this week. Miss Bela Carter, on her return from the Sunday-school conference, which was held at McClellanville, spent the week-end with Rev P B Ingraham and family. Miss Alma Chapman has returned from McClellanville, where she attended the Sunday-school conference. P B I. SPECIAL NOTICES Phone us when you want /jT to get a notice under this heading, frice one cent a word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 25c. Phone 83. Wanted ? To buy tame squirrels. State price. Address Box 574, 7-17-4tp Georgetown, S C. CO TO L. 0. RODGERS & GO. FOR n? rant^ VII wci Self-Rising Flour, Kingan Hams, Fresh Line of Assorted Crackers, Full Line Canned Goods. 5^*We still have on hand a part of the fine stock pur= chased from Milhous & Jen = nings, at half price. L. D. RODGERS & GO. 4-17-tf The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up the whole system and will wonderfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand **-- J-ffwt of the hot summer. 50c. I Lie . w , - .- ':*. ji:. . . ., . SOL P is moving to new newly constructs building, opposite Drug Company. ' I beg to extend my hear i the people of Kingstree an 1 for the patronage they ha It is 11 years since I cai I will remember the primith 1 years ago. I am indeed | growth of Kingstree is a h ?i arl nrv av Kaava a/1 11 i 4- m 4 y cu vi nnjvmcu it L t< ural resources of her surrc I land is fertile. Williamsb won national fame in 191! acre of corn by Mr Ernest lTthe brightest grown'in < To be up with the tin improvements, I am m commodious and up-to-da and solicit the trade of i Kingstree and Williamsb is always, "A square deal ey's worth at Sol Peres in ing, opposite the Kingstre Watch this sp; our windows next C^l I UU1 R Kingstree, The Sentence o That you pay us a visit every t Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, C Chewing Gum, Etc. This we if you have ever paid us a visit have learned to others. When you get a good thing i Meet me at Courtney's I Courtney's Cafe and VIRGIL KINDS King'stree, I We Pay Highest HIE Don't give your profits away?si H get your money next day. We nay Bfl hides <>f all kinds; Beeswax, Tallow Hi and Furs in winter. Try us with a s I Carolina Hide H n-w-13 Chariest Candidates' Column, ! 1 hereby announce myself a candi-, date for the office of Mayor of the , town of Kingstree, subject to the j rules of the Democratic primary. Respectfully, W R Scott. ' % . . X ' -h - . - ** * ERES] quarters in the i W. I. Nexsen i the Kingstree i fa ty and sincere thanks to d Williamsburg county ve given me in the past. ne to Kingstree. You re state of this town 11 glad to see that the lealthy growth, not push-, he evidence of the nat5 >unding territory. Our urg is the county which 2? in producing a prize M. Joye. Her tobacco eastern South Carolina. les of modern ideas and oving now into more ,te quarters and invite all the good* people of urg county. My motto to all." Get your monthe W. I. Nexsen builde Drug Co. II ace and look in : week. ^res 1 i - - s.c. 'h a Die Corner-Stone of Success a laiH hv a man orhan ha nnano a hanlr iccount It gives him a standing in the immunity to be able to refer to his >ank,when references are required, and :he advantages of being able to pay by :heck are so plain we need not emphalize them. We are desirous ofincreaang the number of our depositors, and ihould be glad to have you call and sea >ur cashier regarding opening an ac:ount in our bank. Wee Nee Bank f the Hnnrtk. I I IIIU VUUIIIUi ;ime you want the best in andies, Cigars, Cigarettes, feel sure you have learned. . Then teach the things you >ass it along to your friends. Make This Your Station Stop Ice Cream Parlor R, Proprietor SoutH Carolina Cash Prices for H >ES tiip direct to us by express and HI highest prices for green and dry H , old Metals, old Rubber, Wool S3 shipment now. fW. & Junk Co., I c sr. uilj O. V_.. jj RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Jolic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and 3urns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects 2tc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used inemally and externally. Price 25c.