I w the Pricei e, Clean-Sv aires! Bargains fo French Blue Calicoes, 5c only 10c th 3 8 i-3c, 10c and Ready Ladies, 27 inches wide, but it is nc 50c whit the most beauti- $1.00 w n the town, 25c neatly trin ; at 19c the yard. White and Navy Blue beautifully yard, well worth Flouncing of it, an all wool 79c> a td navy only 48c Still a Dresses or s Satin, 36 inches Ladies' 3 yard. ^ ,il to call for our Men's G White Goods. or >oks, well worth Men's G the yard. the suit, v ^?? Squares, Jap Rugs and, hers Coi Soutl in a Japanese bookshop. The following advertisement of a Tokyo bookseller is worthy of the most progressive vender of printed , wares "The advantages of our establishment: 1, prices cheap as a lottery; 2, books elegant as a singing girl; 3, print clear as crystal; 4, paper toutrh as elephant's bide; 5, customers treated as pol.i -ly as by the rival steamship companies; 6, arti- J cles as plentiful as in a library; 7, ^ ^oods dispatched as -xpeditiously as a cannon ball; 8, parcels done up with as much care as t'iat bestowed , on her husband by a l iving wife; 9, all defects, such as dissipation and idleness, will be cured in young people paving us frequent visits, and , they will become solid men; 10, the other advantages we offer are too ] many for language to express." Looking Ahead. A charming young woman walked , into a store in the village and asked to see some typewriting paper. Aft- ; er makin* her selection she hesitated fnr a?moment. "Do ?you make any reduction to clergymen ?" she inquired. "Yes," replied the merchant promptly. "Are you a clergyman's wife ?" "N-no," she answered. "A clergyman's daughter, probably," said the man as he tied up the package. , "No/' was the young woman s hesitating answer. "But" and ahe leaned over the counter and spoke to a confidential whisper?"if nothing happens I shall be engaged to s theological student as soon as he comes home from college next month." A Story With a Moral. A schoolmaster in the country delivered an address to the scholars, of which the following passage is an , example: . "You boys ought to be kind to your little "sisters. I once knew a bad boy who struck his little sister a blow over the eye. Although she didn't fade and die in the early summer time, when the June roses were blooming, with the words of forgiveness on her pallid lips, she rose and hit him over the head with a rolling pin, so that he oouldn't go to school for more than a month on account of not being able to put his hat on."?London Tit-Bits. \ '' '* Jb ... . J u. If. is not running a sale nor .J wants you to know that J jJl at hi? store than at any p His Stock S l' He ha tt ^ Shoes, Hats I I See his stock when in to1 I L him. ,J Grc / Wh. Editr The best Flour that < \ / Th.- market, and the besl farm for $1.00. Jaftte. IT" 4.U.-? 1 "Grah Cute, and, remember, that a do prese. than if spent elsewhereSnstri Clems ??? era or. Qjye ug & an(j ^ ery da institu 1 A ' the fa?" I UU pensesj || tax-pa\ farme . . . VtMPCTDrr tena i lunViJ 1 1\LL, the be* lecturt ??????? vants, s MllTll mer for- ~ wit^? s Farm La infoi that > if you want a fan ans^eire the men to see fir ? ti^)lace to buy. We h ers *n s^ze ^rom 5 away, he town limits to the that h We can show you nf acn m fV?ic? Qfofn lortrlc tVl II tlliO ULUVV^ VIA men- truck and, in fact, any disco1 " able -d City Prop tili? We have a numbei here at bargain prices. ^ in a home or in a lot fc - to buy. We make the See us first. 1 tnsi ii ' YES, WE HA Life 1 Fire rijf Tornado \ f Live Stock Automobile J 1 Plowden ?, OFFICE: Stacklejr Building, Nei < w that x: : : buy ?UJ*_very other shingle manufactur ?look for the words "Cortrigl corrugation. It is put there fc g -^Bslliamsbury Hardwari Pmiiinn I OUVYAnU selling goods below cost, but he for your dollar you can buy more lace else in Kingstree. of Dry Goods lling at cost, s a good line of anrl I Inrlprwpaf UAAAV* WW ? wn. It will pay you to buy from ft >ceries can be bought, the best Rice on : Coffee you ever saw?6 pounds housekeeper in the Grocery Line, liar spent with us will go farther e convinced. a a hi i n n UUWAIfU S# C. n lilBira A nds For Sale! n, now is the time to buy; we st, and Williamsburg is the ave a large number of farms acres to 2,000 acres, and from county limits. some of the best farm lands at grow corn, cotton, tobacco, : thing you care to plant. erty For Sale! r of very nice homes for sale We are sure we can suit you >r a home. Now is the time tprrns to suit the nnrohaser. i RANCE? VE IT! WE WRITE Insurance & Plowden I Lt Door to W. U. T. Office / dned and Patented in 1867 fl The Standard | Ever Since i cci i y = J irs ago are as good as new to-day, and What is the result? Why practically er is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived lit Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." embossed on the >r your protection., Accept no substitute. 7or Sale by* i Co., - Kingstree, S. C j \ / III PlAMHA I UIMJtiU Our Gr< Goes on with Men's Clothing L nishing The best line of Me wool Suits ever shown can now be seen and store for the price, on Our line of Men's best we have ever si and see them; they arc the money. 89c tor a nice, neatJ of Pants for Men, onh $2.50 for a pair of R Pants, neatly made styles, only $2.50, $3.1 Dry Goo Listen to our wond Dry Goods. Apron Check Ging] Great Barj Jenkii ^Kingstre< 2 THE COCA-CO Wbenerer y CYPRESS SASF t Largest manufacture Special sizes on short n< A- H- FIS CHARL 12-5-26t " / ,v'. ^ : 's - . ' n v 1 UllMMIH at li I rusiuiig is ;at Clearanc unabated zeal. Barg and Fur- ^d; ,T Splendidlndigo the yard, n's $10.00 all Dress Ginghams l in Kings tree 11c the yard. had at our White Lawns, ly $10.00. only 5c the yard. Pants is the Kimona Cloths, lown. Come fu\ t0 be found i j wonders for values, now going All wool Black y^made pair gerges at 48c the Y ?yc. Y5c. Just think len's all wool Serge in black an in splendid yard. 50 and $5.00. giac^ Messaline j wide, only 90c th< Ladies, don't fa [erful chat on great offerings in Checked Nainsc hams 5c the 15c, going at 10c gains to Offer in Rugs, Art ison Brot :> _ The Best HtmtsYnaa *#VV VI Mgw |p& under f/ie Idition to any party? H :?any place. I e and ^rbolesomencts. K delicious M efreshing m t-Quenching J tht Genuine? Xt i Subititutei. Sod* Fountain* or Cirbonxted in Bottle*. LA COMPANY, atlanta, oa. ou hi an Arrow think of Coca-Col*. I, DOORS * BLINDS ng stock house in the South. Dtice. CHER CO. ESTON.S. C. i -- ' 7 i y ? -? ~ ?=^ if XII MUM)II A WUWWtf i -i ??? ~ reep Sale >r all who come. 3 Lawns, 45 inches wide, e yard. i* r ^-1 t -to-Wear uooas. this sounds strange, but ) less a true fact. ;e Lawn Shirtwaists, 25c. hite Lawn Shirtwaists, cimed, only 50c. Nainsook Underskirts, i trimmed in Embroidery and Tucking, only 48c, 8c 00. large line of Children's i hand at 48c and 98c. Gauze Vests at 8 l-3c auze Vests at 23c each, \ suit, vest and pants. xr i? -i. or auze vtsus at <*oc, ur ouc est and pants. 'x Jap Squares- _ npany, 1 Carolina, /\ i y a " i Seven Ages of Man. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players, They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms. Jjj Hien the whining school boy, with hia satchel And shining morning face, creeping like a snail, Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, w Sighing like a furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, ' Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined. With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modem instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts , Into the lean ana aiipperea pantaloon, With spectacle on nose and pouch on side. His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide ' For his shrunk shank; and his big,manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange,eventful history, In second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. ? William Shakespeare. A Good investment. W D Magli, a well known merchant of VVhitemound.Wis, bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to supply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chclera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these^medcines. For sale by all dealers, adv / . * ... -