The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 31, 1913, Page TWO, Image 2

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O Temporal O Mores! (Communicated). "Hello, Uncle Rastus!" "Hello,Marse Henry, am dat you? I so glad fur see yunna; how junna bin an' ware yunna lib now? Hit seam jis like miricle fur me to meet wid my ole mossa. Is you stain' in Kingstree? Tell me all 'bout your wandrines sense I see yunna las'." "Well,Uncle Rastus, I moved here several years ago to see how I would like the people, with a view of going into business if all things looked favorable. That is why I am here. Now, may I ask why you are here, and what you are doing or expect to do? A sight of you after these long years of separation is so unexpected, and it fills my heart with joy to know that you are still alive and looking so well. You are not looking out for a situation, too?" "Wall, yas, sah, Marse Henry, I's lookin' out fur suppen to do, too. "You see, I's gittin' mighty ole an' feeble,too, an' I can't do nutten eny j mo', 'ceptin' I sot down fur do 'um, I ?? *? ii.:-) -l:cc T I an i s j^'iun sum iu uc j iuu>. * bin fixin' ambrellas fur de las' two years, but I fine so menny ob dese furriners in de same biznis dat dare ain't much in 'um no mo'. So I put my t'inker to wuck to sta't suppen ' dat nobody else hab ebber foller befo'." "And how did you make out, UnDid vou discover anv? thin? new to make a living at?" "Yas, Marse Henry, I bin trabble frum one town to ennudda to fine auppen new fur me to foller, an' a bran' new idy strike me w'en I see so menny ob dese do-nutten trash a-settin' down fus' on one box, den - -on anudda, den w'en da git tiered restin' da go to anudda sto' an' set on de counter an' nail kag an' dare start a-smokin'' hit bin ; 4 rite here dat my idy was bawn." "What was that idea, Uncle Rastus?" "Wall,you see.Marse Henry, I hab foller de tailer trade fur dese menny yeere an' I no how fur mek cloze an' pitch cloze w'en dey git hole in 'um, an' fix 'um up like da be new ag'in, an' bein' as I see so menny ob dese fine gemmens a-settin' 'roun' all day a-doin' nutten, t'inks I, so much settin' down bleegter wear out de seat ob de britches, an' if da hab holes innum.I kin git plenty of wuck to do a-patchin' britches. fine out w'ich boy hab hole in he britches' aeat wus de trubbel.fur mos' ob dem hab cotes on da backs, an' I cuddent X 1 fA.I 9 A. T wee aare Dntcnes sc?u ou j. nccp uu follerin' 'um up, an' as da nebba lef dare cote home, bimeby a new idy strike me." "What was that idea, Uncle Rastua?" "Well,hit bin dis, as follers: Sense - da slvrjs keep dare britches' seat kivered up wid dare cote tail, w'en da git up offen de box atter da bin a-settin' down long time, 1 run dare to see de place, an' see ef de place be wet frum swett, an' ef hit wuz, den I no dat feller hab hole in he britches, an' I go turrum an ax 'um *bout um, an' dat nite he pull he britches off an' I fix 'um an' tu'n ' O J.lUn novf mflmnin' UUi IMKb 1U1C UOIIUC UCAl luunuiu , * ' dat feller cum out fur fresh sta't fur settin' down ag'in. So now, Mane Henry, 1 patchin' britches." "Uncle Rastus, what do you think of the boys and girls of today as compared with those before the war? You are now over 80 years old and I think you are a competent judge. Would you mind giving me your candid opinion?" "Wall, Marse Henry, you no 1 is a nigger,an' you no hit don't tek much agervation to git lincht an' hab a peck ob bullit holes sen' tru one's hide by dese bums, an' I betta be keerful how I tawk 'bout de boysob dese times." "What do you call bums, Uncle Rastus? You know there are two kinds of bums; one is spelt bomb and the other is spelt bum. The first is an iron shell filled with explosives and is something that flies to pieces, and the other is a guzzler or idle vagabond." "Marse Henry,den 1 sa dase bofe; fur de fust explodes truder britches, do de fuse ma bu'n a long time, but hit sho' to tare a big hole in der britches in two or t'ree munts an' leave a wet spot,an' den de udda bum is, as you say, a goslin waggybon bum; so da is bofe, bomb an* bum. 'cordin' to my 'sperience, fur bofe fits 'um,an',Marse Henry, dese boys am a berry feeble-minded set an' da all is members ob de Kingstree sanitaryum, as nobody kin git to be a member ob dat order 'ceptin' da hab berry strong marks of bein' feeble minded. An xscusion all de above dare be wus den dat behine 'um. Da tell me roun town dat dem britches nebba cost 'um' dem holes cum free, fur needa hab bin pade fur in de sto's, ware da bum; no wunder, Marse Henry, da kin bomb, bum roun', an' udda marchants spoatin' um." "Uncle Rastus, don't you think the young folk of today ought to be allowed to enjoy themselves by having parties, dances, strawrides and o on?" "Now,n-ow, N-O-W, Marse Henry, may I ax yunna a questshun?" "Certainly, Uncle Rastus." "Am yunna one of dese bums?" "No, certainly not. You would not for a moment think that I had euner me ume or disposition w spend this short span of life, my young and best days,in idleness as a bum, wearing out the seat of my trousers on boxes, nail kegs and and store counters?" , ''No,sah,Marse Hepry.I jis wanster git t'ings strate an' no ware yunna stan'. I node w'at yunna useter was, but don't know how yunna is now, fur.Marse Henry .yunna bin raise up fo' de waw.w'en we hab no bums in doze days sich like de kentry bin bilin' ober wid in dese times, fur ? -1 I ^ mos eury nuuse yuima tum w uck daze yunna fine frum one to t'ree bums raze up in 'urn,an' all de bums ain't 'mung de boys, needa, but I betta not say nutten' bout de 'gals, fur I see t'ousands of 'um runnin' "bout,but I reckon da jis busy huntin' jobs an' not fin'in' none. Sum peeple sa da run 'bout to be sean'by d^ britches bums (but I hardly t'ink dat is so) an' de britches bums sottin' down makin' holes in da britches seat lookin' fur de she bums to pass by an' den mek remarks." "Well,Uncle Rastus, will you give me your opinion about these straw rides? You are such a sensible darkey,I like to hear you talk, for your ideas run exactly with mine, so far." "Marse Henry, yunna ain't tryin' to lay trap fumme,is you,an' see dis ' po' ole nigga wid a rope roun' he neck an a half bushel bullit holes punch tru him, wid bofe ea's slash off an' bofe ise gouge out? Say, Marse Henry?" "WKo m IWI# RuhiR vnn have nothing: to fear along that line; nobody will hurt you for an expression of an opinion, honestly given, for this is a free government made up of free white people and free negroes, and it is a country of free speech ,so you have no reason to fear being hurt by anybody for putting your thoughts into words. Remember, you have the whole United States to protect you. Now, tell me your honest opinion about these niorht straw rides." (Uncle Rastus, being as cautious as he is honest, rises from his seat and peers around every object behind which might be hidden some eavesdropper who might be there to overhear and make note of this criticism, and being satisfied that he and Marse Henry were safe from any and all dangers of being overheard, proceeded to discharge his ; honest opinion of these night straw rides in a low and subdued tone of voice as follows): "Now, Marse Henry, I gwineter sw'ar yunna to nebba gib dis po nigga 'way an' memba dem bullit holes (Rastus swears him). Marse Henry, I's heep oler den yunna an' derfore hab heerd mo' in mi time den yunna hab. I no yunna heerd 'bout de bottum rale gittin' on top, ain't you?" "Wall, in sum respecks dat hab sartinly cum true 'bout de bottum rale a-gittin' on top.sho'. Niggaa sho' to foller an' imatate w'ite bukra w'en da t'inks dar am no trubbel ahed fur dem. Niggas am like crow, da look long time 'fore da go in watamillium patch an' da studdy long time 'fore da foller any fashun, I mean w'ite fokes' fashuns, an' wVn ' niggus buy cloze an' w'ite sh'ppus da pa de cash fur dese t'ings, an' da does it in kurius ways runtimes, fur da hab banks to draw on; da hab de' i chicken-roost hog-pen bank, de 'tato bank, de cotton patch bank an' various udda banks, an' w'en da mek draw da nebba am turn down. So true dese warious banks is da able to pay cash fur w'at da b'ys. But 'tain't so wid de w'ite fokes.fur ( da (sum ob dem) git t'ings an' cloze an' britches on a creddick an' nebba pay fur dem. Ain't de bottum rale on top, den?" (Concluded next week). CADE5 CHRONICLES. Rain Helps Crops?-Aged Negro Wantonly Slain?Necrologlcal. Cades, July 29:?Crops are looking fine since the rains. Some tobacco farmers have in their last curings and 'most all expect to put in the last round next week. Some of our folk attended the annual picnic at Olanta last Saturday. Mrs J P Epps and daughter are i spending the week at the Isle of Palms and Mt Pleasant for pleasure | and a visit to relatives combined. f Mrs Furman Williamson, of the I U/\Uu/vm riAAfiaw Qofot? onrl I IICUIUU OCLHUIJ, UICU uav U1 uujr MIIU was buried Sunday near her residence. We extend sympathy. Mr Williamson lived near here until a few years ago. Mr James Haselden was called to Lake City Sunday on account of the death of his mother. Saturday night, July 19,a party or parties made an attack on the dwelling of John Nelson, colored, at this place. Several shots were fired,one taking effect in the body of Bill Moore,an aged negro who was stopping in out of a storm that was rag ing at the time,and from the effects of the wound the negro died Thurs- < day following. Magistrate McEl- | veen held an inquest Thursday af- { ternoon, with Mr V G Arnette as ] foreman. An autopsy was made and \ one witness examined and the in- ^ quisition was adjourned until today, \ when the jury will come together at 1 the Cades Mercantile Co's store to 1 complete the examination and ren- \ der the verdict. Meantime, two \ young men, sons of Mr H L Poston, \ are in jail. * It is hoped that the farmers' in- \ stitute to be held at Mr J J M Gra- \ ham's place August 11 will be large- \ ly attended by the farmers of this ! and other communities. Come up, ! Mr Editor, pro tern. 1 Mr N F Knight and family were . called to the deathbed of Miss Net- ( ties, Mrs Knight's sister, last Thurs* day. The burial took place at Bethel, in Florence county. B. The Best ledlclee li the Werld. "My little girl had dysentery very Ko/l T fkmierht oho urniiM Hip fhltm. VOUl A VI1VUQ1IV W*1V berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her, and I can truthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the world," writes Mrs William Orvis, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers. adv Arrival ol Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Sunday, October 15, 1911: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:43 a m No 46 - - 11:87 am HQ ... fi-m n m 11V IV - - V*?v r South Bound. No 79 - - - 11:13 am 'No 47 - - - - 6:10 p m No 89 - 9:18 p m ? Daily except Sunday, ^ Wood's High-Grade Seeds. ( Crimson Clover < The King of Soil Improvers, I also makes splendid fall, | winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or ( a good hay crop. ( . uftAki m nvrs ? i the productiveness of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or at the last working of com, cotton or other cultivated crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Fall Catalog, giving information V -II 1- t (-11 . t | " DOUl CUt KCIU tut iuimhuii! | T.W.WOOD 6 SONS, \ Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. j : *' - : y-euL' :1 WAYS 1 Begin right. irnnrc*lf UIXIIVTT J VUI 9Vlli Limit your expenses. Q Watch the leaks. Stop the leaks. Have a home bai Avoid gold-bri Own a home Don't be a i Be a ma ^ Take < DWe will start you right, on which we will pay 4% co H _ The Bank D. C. Scott, President. F, W. Fairly, Cashier. Wm. W. bj >l IE=^= THE PEOPL! Hides, Furs H. A. MILLEI | Wedding Presents r From a J1.50 Sterline Silver Sue Don't forget the ever so popul f 3E5ICH C"C Our stock of Glass has never b ? present Also a large line of t in Sterling, Pearl, Bu I CLOCKS AIS * A visit to oar store will pay y ! S, THOLd t QUALITY [ 257 King St, - I WATCH 1 For Southern Railway. Georg E C^^^^onreji W. C. BEMINSWAY, PmMtil / Bank of Capita Heming FARMERS! We a yQU with your crops t your needs now. Com over with our Presiden do for you. I < Tobacco Planters of K De^r Sirs:?Bring K and get the high dollai j> make our stable your ] 5 number of hitch stalls, D they last, and while he * you our line of 0 Buggies, Sur x Mower 5 Harness,Rot K We will swap dollai 5 our line for cash or appro X YOURS 1 5 Williamsburg Li1 X TliAt Mrr.iitrK#n. Mot. oooooooooooo \ ^ =a 01 , locao ro save H I ik. ck schemes. "good fellow." in. care of your health Q $1.00 will open an account upmpounded every three months. , of Kingstree J. A. kelley.Vice Pres. hi. D. Lesesne, Asst. Cashier. ^rr, Jr., Teller. [ 1 11 E'S MARKET DEALER IN Kinds of Fresh Leats and Fish. ^hest Cash Price Paid for and Poultry. 1, PROPRIETOR to Suit Everybody, f ar Spoon to a $600 Chest of Silver. X ar 2 rrri ^ ee t ' mlm WT I l I r 1 VK JL efore been so large and varied as at ? :i<TOr SSTS I ckhorn and Ivory Handles. ? ID BRONZES. I ou before purchasing elsewhere. ? I-A-S <Sz CO., I JEWELERS, ;; Charleston,S. C. || INSPECTORS etown and Western Railroad and * dated Street Railroad. j \ J. A. BOYLE, CtsMlt Hemingway il $15,000 way, S. C. ire in a position to assist his year. Let us know le in and talk the matter t, and see what we can OCXXXXXXXXXXXTj Williamsburg County: x your tobacco to Kingstree X p for same, and while here X headquarters. We have a X which are yours as long as Q re we will be glad to show 0 reys, Wagons, 0 s, Rakes, X >es, Whips,&c. 0 s with you on anything in X ved paper. Come to see us. fl :0 PLEASE, X re Stock Company, O KINGSTREE, S. C. X ) * BURNED OUT 4 and nearly a total loss, but the worst of , all is, they carried no insurance. This could not happen to you if you were Insured against Fire ! in one of our reliable companies. When . vrm loam ?mall n anm in rpnnir??d to pay the premium on a policy for oner year,you surely ought never to take the chance of the troubles of this poor fam ily. Kingstrei Insirance, Real Estate fc LoanCe R. N. Speigner. Manager. FIRE 1866 1913 I am pleased ttannounce to my old patrons and th e Dublic at large that JL ?~ After the lOth inst. I will be fully pre pared to cany 01 the practice or DENTISTRY in all its depart ments. Call on me if yot want * 1 * First Class WorK i I at I # Prices to Suit. #1 A. M. Snider. I Office mr Suite k Jicsbs* Or* Sim, I Opposite Tte Rtcert Offtei. 1 9-7-tf WATTS & WATTf THE KIMSTREE JEWELERS We keep on hand everything to be found in an up-to-date jewelry house Repairing and engraving , done with neatness ana despatch. :: As home dealers, guaranteeing quality and prices, We Solicit Your Patronage. fimmr th? K?llroa4 Station. r*WANTEE>r"i i | Fanning Lands || Owners desir-! i ing to sell farm f or timber lands | j aDDly to 11 ? * * ~ V tj. D. G1LLAND, | Attorney-at-Law, I K1NGSTREK. S. C. I I Isle ol Palms Is Calling You I 1.95 to Isle of Palms or | Sullivan's Island, tickets on | i sale Sundays, limited to Z j reach Kingstree returning Z 1 Tuesday midnight following \ [ ] date of sale. Via the | I Atlantic Coast Line, Z J | "TbeStannard Railroad of the Sooth" f I | T. C. WHITE, B ? CPA, Wilmington, N C ' fl A x r RAccrrr m j 6-5-tS-ll Ticket Agent, Kings tree, S PHICHESTERS PILL TUB DIAMOND BRAND. -OHA Utldi A*U jMrVnulil for / ?i( Kw OkkkM-ltr1! DlimoDdUnini/ UlkijQMB I'llia in Iird *r.J (iold mcullic\ V, boies, scald witSt Blue Ribbon. * M f^Bil Tab* no Buy of Tone [L JT &oVftk&Vu lf? C yeanlnownu Best,Safest,AlwaysRel J*~~F Mb b\ MttertS ?MWM !*