The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 24, 1913, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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' bl Professional Cards, | r? t * it( a nr rri/K. K. J, IVJ^/\DE, En Dentist. ot JNGSTREE, ^ S. C Qi * Office Next to Court House Square. PHILIP H. ARROWSMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LAKE CITY, - - S. C. W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST, t Office over Dr W V Brotkington' s store, KINGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. M. D.Nesmith DENTIST. LAKE CITY. - - - S. C Benj. MclN'NES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D. VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf , DR. A. G. EADDY, 1 JOHNSONVILLE, S. C. Office hours: 8 to 10 a. m,, 2 to 3 p.m. and by appointment Office at residence. 3-13-6m "a viuncTDcr vi v Mntwintt Lodge, Ho. 46 A. F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially inyited. M H Jacobs, W M. E L Montgomery, Sec. 2-27-ly ~~ 5? K. of I SJ&LS Kingstree Lodge L fg|gf No. 91 JliPl Kniyfyts of Pythias BE ! xSPV Regular Conventions Everj B 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights jft Visiting brethren always welcome, B$ Castle Hall 3rd story Gourd in Buildipg. m P. H. Stoll <j. C. SB R. N. Speigner, K of R & S. CAMP NO- 27. "" l^il A! MBTJ f Q? Vtettln* choppers nor. m^J^^Zb// ii^ly invited to conv tlHBjiJHj^ ^tV | fjgTi'y/ np and ait on a atumj or hang about on tb< HoNB ^*^s=ss^^ limbs. I'm Con.Com I^LIGHTNING RODS. HV H. In WhitloeK. Lake City. S.C. HU Special Sales A<?n?. jHHKgj Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All SS^H Kinds H tiproved Copper and Galvanized Section Rods ? - ? - AnthnritiM frsea dy uie qikuow ovn>uw..v and Fire Insurance Companies). COPPER WIRE CABLES, ALL SIZES. Full Coat Guarantee Given'with Each Job. ' ^ gargia of profit, dividing comi mv cuIXOTnera. S-7-tf Aids, Watery Eyes Cured In a Day g Cheeney's Expectorant? es consumption, whooping iroppings from the nose, and i bronchitis, and all throat j g troubles. Cheeney's Expec-1 a liquid preparation, tested! /years. Try it. Safe, sure! fisfactory. Druggists 25c and ll-7-7mp-adv. fps' Market meats bought and sold ash. Don't ask for ^pps' Market I Utdcmr <U Mill St* g IRVhy Scratch? "Hunt'sCure"isguaranteed, to stop and permanentlycure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that P4&TW '^Slrli PUTP?se an^ your money i is* MM De promptly refunded ?\JWj III WITHOUT QUESTION f k /j&J/lIjA if Hunt's Cure fails to cure L*,tch' Eczema, better, Ring viJLJaBi m Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c at your druggist's, or by txuil direct lfhe hasntit 'Manufactured only by MB RJCHAROS MEDICiKEC0H Stwrnaa,Tens " **** > * w t Legal Advertisements. | Notice of Election. Whereas, By act of the General As i sembly of the State of South Carolina Statutes at Large,Volume XXVII,pag< ! 745, it is provided that an election or ' the question of the sale of alcoholic liq. I 1 I ??? ^nn. ! uors UUU Uf VClflgCB Jil Oiljr ui UlE vvuii ties of the State designated in said acl may be held in any of said counties or the third Tuesday in August, 1913, pro; viding petitions therefor containing the I names of one-third of the qualified electors of any of said counties shall be filed as in and by said act prescribed anc directed before the fiast day of June, 1913; and Whereas, Petitions containing the signatures of more than one-thira of the qualified electors of the county of Williamsburg, in said State, were duly and properly filed with the undersigned before thi first day of June, 1913, asking ; for such an election in the said countj ! of Williamsburg, and uader the terms i of said act it is made tne duty of the j undersigned to give thirty days' notice, j by advertisement, of said election, | Now, theref' -re, notice is hereby giv! en,That,pursuant to the act of the Genj eral Assembly above referred to, an election will be held in the said countj of Williamsburg on the 19th day oi | August, 1913. the same being the third Tuesday in said month on the question of the sale of alcoh lie liquors and beverages in said c >unty, which said election shall be held and conducted by the same officers and under the same rules and regulations provided by law for gen erai elections. The Commissioners of Election ol Williamsburg county will, therefore, take charge of said election.appoint the managers of same, furnish the ballots, provide tbe ballot boxes and perform al other duties required of them by law with reference to general elections. Al said election all qualified electors of Williamsburg county may vote. Every voter who may be in favor of the sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages ir Williamsburg county shall cast a Dal lot upon which snail be printed the words: "For Sale of Alcoholic Liquors anc Beverages;" and every voter who may be opposed to the sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages in said county shall cast a ballot upon which shall be printed the words: "Against Sale of Alcoholic Liquors and Beverages." As already stated.the Commissioners of Election of Williamsburg county must appoint the managers of said election anc must furnish the printed ballots anc provide the boxes therefor,and perform ail other duties required of them by the general election law of the State. J N Hammet, County Commissioner. J N Hammet, P M Brockinton. J J B Montgomery, Auditing Board for Williamsburg county. 7-10-6t Kingstree, S C, July.5, 1913. Summons for Belief. (complaint served). THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of WILLIAMSBURG, Court of Common Pleas. The Georgetown Grocery Company, a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against J H Lanier, Defendant. To the absent Defendant, J H Lanier: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, 01 wnicn a copy is imcwiu served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in Kingstree S C, within twenty days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answei the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply tc the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Kelley & Hinds, Plaintiff's Attorneys. .jo a n 1q19 JL/aiCU if A OJ AV?V? Take Notice?That the complaint ir the above-stated case has been filed ir the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county. Kelley & Hinds, 6-26-6t Plaintiff's Attorneys. Final DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the 12th day of July, 1913, at 12 o'clock, noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Administrator of the estate of Lorena Halie, deceased. L W Dennis, 6-l2-5t Administrator. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that at IS o'clock. M., on the 11th day of August, 1913, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county for her final discharge as Administratrix of the estate of C E Grayson, deceased. Jane B Grayson. 7-10-5t Administratrix. FOB SALE Brick In any quantity to suit purch&i er. The Beat Dry Press Machine-mad< X BXBICK. y Special shapes made to order. Oorre. pondencp solicited betore placing youJ ordem. w. R. FPN'K Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of un dressed lumber (board and framing) ai my mill near Kingstree. for sale at th< lowest price for good material. See oi write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE. Malaria or Chills & Fevei Prescription No. 666 is prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER Five or six doses will break any case, ant if taken then as a tonic the Fever will no return. It acts on the liver better thai Calomel and doea noL4gripe or sicken. 25< The County Record $1 a year, ^ . k . . % ? ' ^ ^ ^ ' xA: ~>-J. .1: I Citation Notice. [ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, y COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. i By P M Brockinton, Esq. Probate J ml ire. Whereas. J B Thompson made suit to me to prant him letters of adininistra tionof the estate of and effects of Mrs 4. , iViargarei o una virevn, ? Tliese are therefore to cite and ad-! i nionish all and singular tiie kindred and creditors of the said Mrs Margaret Julia Green,deceased, that they be and t appear before me in the Court of Proi bate, to he held at Kingstrre, S C, on the 4th day of August next after pub! lication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they t have, why the said administration I should not be granted. Given under my hand this 19th dayof July. Anno Domini, 1913. Published on t he 24th day of July, 1913, ! in The County Record. P M Brockixtov, 1 7-24-21 Probate Judge. i> Final Discharge. J Notice is hereby given that on the ' 23rd day of August, 1913, at 11 o'clock : in the forenoon, I will apply to P M { . I Brockinton, Judge of Probate of VVil-; . liamsburg county, for Letters Dismis-! i sory as Administrator of the estate of r William McCrea, deceased. Geo A McElveen. I 7-14-4t Administrator. i 1 : Registration Notice( The books of registration will be open i for Williamsburg county at my store from August 4 to 9. 1 PtuvAlttmllA mi 11 Ko Annn 1116 UUUAB 1UI VJi<Xlj Tine nui wv www.. at Greelyville on August 12 for one day. > The books for the Johnsonville aec* tion will be open on August 13 for that > section for one day. I The books will be open on Monday, ' August 11, at Lanes for one day. The voters of Williamsburg county will take due notice thereof. H A Meyer, 7-24-2t Cleric of Board. Sheriff's Sale under Foreclosure. M L Boyd and J M 'Tisdale, Executors of the estate of D Z Martin,deceased, Plaintiffs. against Ami McGill et al. Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decretal order in the above entitled action, rendered by his Honor, .Judge G W Gage, on the 17th dav of June, A D 1913, I will sell at public auction between the legal 11 hours of sale on the first Monday in ' August.A D 1913, the same being salesday, before the court house door in Kingstree.S C,to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land, to wit: All that certain pieoe, parcel or tract p of land lying, being and situate in tha ' county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina, measuring and containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the North by lands of Albert Moseley, formerly of Welling and Reeves; on the East by lands of Caesar Easterling, formerly of Welling and > Reeves, and lands of the said Albert Moseley; on the West by lands of SteWJIKamo *t>A lonHa R H HtlPSS. I JJIICU TT IIKCUIIO WIU(IW*IVIW V* ^ .. - J 1 iormerly of Welling and Reeves, and on the South by lands of the said Cae1 sar Easterling and lands of the said B H Guess, formerly of Welling and Reeves, being the same tract of land conveyed to Ann McGill, then Ann Shavers, bv Welling and Reeves by deed ' dated February 24,l886.and recorded in 1 the office of the Clerk of Court in Vol1 ume "S" of conveyances, at page 161. Purchaser to pay for papers. GkorgeJ Graham. Sheriff of Williamsburg county. ! Kingstree, SC. July 10, 1913. 7-17-3t , Stockholders' MeetingSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county ok williamsburg. By resolution of the board of direct, ors, a meeting of the stockholders of , the Kingstree Electric Light & Ice Co f is hereby called for Saturday, August 9, ; 1913, at 12. m.. at the office of DC Scott. Kingstree, S C, for the purpose of voting on an increase of the capital stock of said company from $15,0t0 to $25 000. P G Gourdin, D C Scott, President. Secretary and Treasurer, 7-17-4t Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident o> ( the State for two years, and of the ' county one year, and of the polling pre ' cinct in which the elector offers to ' vote four months before the day of ' election, and shall have paid, sii ' months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of tbe constitution of 1896 submitted to him by tbe ? Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, property in this State [ assessed at three hundred dollars or ' more. , H A Meyer, Clerk of Board CO TO L. D. RODGERS & GO. ; FOR ' Fancy Groceries, Self-Rising Flour, Kingan Hams, Fresh Line ol Assorted Crackers, . Full Line Canned Goods, f Jbai^We still have on hand r | a part of the fine stock purchased from Milhous & Jen1; nings, at half price. L. D. R0D6ERS & GO. ! 4-17-tf . . / - ix. J . j. , Reply to Mr. Clayton. Editor County Record:? I see that August 19 is the day to vote on the liquor question. That is my excuse for asking more of your space. , Replying to the last part of Broth erWF Clayton's letter of June 30 where he says emphatically that the Bible does not teach prohibition, although of course he replied to some one else, I have taken it up, not because I can reply better than his opponent, but the time is short to August 19 and many of our people do not read the Bible. We will begin at Deut.^cxi: 20-21. I will cite only a verse or so from every paragraph. Hope the readers of The Record will read the whole paragraph in connection with each citation. Verse 20: "And they shall say unto the elders of his city: This, our son, is stubborn and rebellious He will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard." Verse 21: "And the men of his city shall stone him with stones,that Jin Ca aKolf fKnn nnf qutqv o\nl I1C U1C. UV OllOit bIJVU |/Ub UTiuj v v ?i from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear." Proverbs xxiii:29-35: "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright; at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, etc." Jereniiah xxxv:12-19: "And Jeremiah said unto the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Because ye have obeyed the voice of Jonadab, your father, and kept all his precepts,and done according unto all that he hath commanded you; Therefore, thus saith the Lord of hosts, the ' * T 1. T 3-L IxOQ oi israei; juimuau, mc sun m Rechab, shall not want a man to stand before Me forever." Luke xxi:34-86: "Take heed unto yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares," Matthew xxiv:42-51 (note v. 49): ' 'And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants and to eat and drink with the drunken." Verses 50 and 51 are sad. See Romans xiii:13: "It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor anything whereby thy broctiimhloth nr is offended or is made weak." "In the mouths of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." I have given three quotations from the Old Testament and four from the New. Now, my dear Brother Clayton, if the Bible teaching referred to doesn't teach prohibition, what does it teach? As to the church's endorsing the violation of the Sabbath, if you had noticed the Methodist conferences, n??/-?.mn?;nno Proshvtprinn DUpilSl tnuvcuuuiw, synods and other church meetings, you would have seen that time and again these religious bodies have expressed disapproval of those railroad and whisky sins. We don't make laws for State or church,we only try to execute what laws God has made. Why don't you- appeal to our lawmakers? Why pile it on the churches? There is one answer to it: The carnal mind is at enmity against God and His church. Much love. If my friend will allow me I will give a broadside fire, not against my j brother,but against the devil and his I wArlra T E James. f? V4 *kW? Rome, July 15. Rid Yoor Children of Worms. You can change fretful, ill-tempered children into healthy, happy youngsters by ridding them of worms. Tossing, rolling, grinding of teeth, crying out while asleep, acj companied with intense thirst, pains ! in the stomach and bowels, feverishness and bad breath are symptoms that indicate worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge,expels the worms,legulates.the bowels, restores your children to health and happiness. Mrs J A Brisbin of Elgin, 111, says: "I have Vinifonnn Wnrm Killer foryears, j uacu mvuur-v i and entirely rid my children of | worms. I would not be without it." ! Guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co, PhiTadelphia and St Louis. Sold by E ^gstree Drug Cc and M L Allen. - adp I ^ Heat Very Tryi To W They Neglect Their Bowels and the Poisons Vitiate the Blood. Hot weather has a very weakening effect on women. They are too languid to exercise,and as a result have appetite only for foods that seem light and tasty, such as salads and other cold concoctions. But these frequently produce indigestion, and with it comes constipation. It is especially in hot weather that women should keep up the highest standard of health,for it is necessary to have strength to resist the heat. The first essentials are good digestion and regular bowel movement, and then good red blood and steady nerves will follow. The best way to obtain these is not by an over-indulgence in fruits, which are often not ripe,or over-ripe, and hence are dangerous,but in the use of a gentle and pleasant-tasting bowel stimulant like Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Use it to-night and your constipation, indigestion and sick headaches will vanish by morning. Mrs Henry Moeller,2958 Lee Ave, Chicago, uses it herself and gives it 1%^*. onrl -Mrc A fl w net uiiiui^u, uuu u?? well,Denver, Col, was once pale and History Early Christian Church. The history of the Christian church throughout the ages is not i only instructive but interesting, and as we go through the different cen- < turies let us consider the wonderful working of Divine Providence in . keeping alive His truth in the dark- i est ages,and,as it would seem to bs, to be almost lost in the ignorance and superstition of the time. This light was kept burning, sometimes dimly and again it would shine forth in wonderful brightness. My authority is from the most authentic writers of those distant days, Josephus, the Jewish historian,Tacitus, Seneca and our own writers of the sacred n ?~x '"o*- fVna ^CnpLUrea. A9 JUSb UVAViV VMV UM?M| i3 the darkest hour,so it would seem i that the Sun of Righteousness chose that darkest time in the world's his- ; tory to shine forth and bring light i into that great time of spiritual 1 darkness. The civil power of that time was in the hands of Herod < Agrippa.who was a great favorite of ' the Roman Emperor. It was about < sixty-four years after the birth of 1 our Lord that the city of Rome was burned and some writers claim that ' Nero burned it so as to lay the blame < upon the Christians and vindicate < himself in the eyes of the world for their persecution. The name of Christian, Tacitus tells us, was held i in great contempt, and it wa3 about , then that the Romans legally persecuted the church. A little before this the Gospel spread into Spain, ] and every place under the Roman power was in a great state of suffering until this tyrant died miserably in the year 68, to answer for all his crimes before a higherv tribunal. Joseph us wrote: "About this time lived Jesus, a man who performed many marvelous things.and He made many converts among the Jews and Greeks; this was the Christ." St . Peter stayed at Rome a short time about the year 63 and, unlike St ] Paul, was a married man,and Clement says was very careful in the ed- , ucation of his children. St John, the " 1 " 1 1 I beloved, uvea aimosu lu LUC L1UOC VI I the first century, and his preaching helped to check the heresies which ' were beginning to creep into the church. The second century dawned under the reign of Trajan, and the Christians suffered greatly during that reign. It was in the year 107 that Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, was martyred for the cause of Jesus. His letters tell us many things concerning the primitive church. Christianity found mankind in a universal state of sin and misery. The ancient people of God had fallen into vice and idolatry, and notwithstanding the prophecies of the revealed -j rVio Mpssiflh that 1 I wora cuutci imijf, ? , nation, as well as the other nations of the world, was in utter darkness and was kept alive by the dim light | which dwelt in Zacharias, Simeon, i Anna and a few others, who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. Josephus tells us that the world j was plunged into the most extreme wickedness and impiety. Here we ] close the second century, which exhibited proo'fs of divine grace. We I ng omen's Nerves, j I ll'jffh* sallow-looking, but now has a pretty complexion, and naturally they'are great believers in the value of Syrup Pepsin as s seasonable laxative-tonic. It can be obtained of druggists at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, the latter size for family use. Its tonic properties make it an ideal laxative for women and children. You will never again use strong cathartics,purgatives and salts after trying Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it, postpaid, by addressing Dr W B Caldwell, 418 Washington St, Monticello, 111. have seen'the simple faith of Jesus, more pure than ours of the present day, but a dark shadow is beginning to cast its gloom. We have accounts t of one Antony the Egyptian, who founded several monasteries. This Antony misunderstood some texts of Scripture and took it upon himself to live in solitude. Such Jed into self-righteousness and pride, and we regret that the pure faith of the inspired word should have received such a blow by this unchristian prae- . tice. During all this timelluxury at tended by every abominable vice had been increasing in the Roman empire. Civil broils went on?foen of rank were either atheists or sunk in the vilest superstition?the rich * domineered over the poor, and the provinces groaned under their tyranny. Behold in the midst of all this chaos, this corruption, came a doetrine singularly different^from anyr thing that had ever been?a number of persons who lived in purity, and who even loved and prayed for their enemies?these people were the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. In the near future we will continue to follow this history . f the church until we reach the present century. M C M. I | a WHITE OAK] CHIPS. Chalngang Mending Highways? Johnsonvllle's Hospitable Folk* White Oak, July 22: -Mrs C K Eaddy is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs Colee Griffon, at Brockinton. v Rev L D Bass, D D, editor of "The Commonweath", published at Florence, preached an eloquent and forceful sermon at the Eaddy school house last Sunday. Rev Mr Bass ia a splendid speaker, and the large attendance was very much delighted with his talk. , We hope to have him with us again soon. The second division of the Williamsburg county chaingang has recently moved from Johnsonville section to our locality, and is doing some efficient and 'much-needed work on our roads. The officers in charge of the chaingang are: Messrs John and Oscar Dennis, D J McElveen and R C Mitchum, all of whom . . speak highly of the courteous treatment of the people of Johnsonville, and especially the kindness shown them by the young ladies. In ye scribe's opinion, they would have been pleased had the work there continued for some time longer. Rev J M Baxley of Lake City will hold a week's religious service at the Eaddy school house, beginning the first Sunday in August. Miss Alice Eaddy spent several pleasant days with relatives and friends at Lake City last week. Mr J N Floyd of Kingstree was noted in our midst Tuesday. B. W. M. v A Good Investment. W D Magli, a well known merchant of Whitemound.Wis, bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to supply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medcines. For sale by all dealers, adv j A - u