The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 24, 1913, Page THREE, Image 3

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I N< 1 i j4 h ; i k . V ft \ % 4 Is the place > and make ii I SItobacco to 1 I ! til the top r W Our hoi ^ Ept \m is not running a sale B wants you to know tt B at his store than at ai II . i His Stocl i H< Shoes, Hal See his stock when ir him. I The best Flour tl I the market, and the ; for $1.00. Everything for t and,remember, that.* than if spent elsewh* rGive us a trial ai J. W. \ "CINGSTREJ 1 ?lson' 4-/\ nA 11 TTA11V f AKQPPA \i - l/U StUl y UUi ivuav/w. t t bring the highest possi as. We have expert tob lotch price has been bid. use is new and convenier >s & Mc Coward nor selling goods below cost, but he lat for your dollar you c^y^v more ly place else in Kings| k of Dry Goods s selling at cost, j has a good line of ts and Underwear 1 town. It will pay you to buy from "oceries iat can be bought, the best Rice on best Coffee you ever saw?6 pounds he housekeeper in the Grocery Line, i dollar spent with us will go farther H ?re. I id be convinced, COWARD E, - S. C. jbcti atKiustrie 'e 1 i * % Vhy? Because Epp :ble price. We gi acco men to help u _i i it, ana every conv? Jntosl | STACKLE | Is the place to g< 1 1 s alter juu nave i long enough to g t ?______ i I If you don't w try our Cream, Drink at our Fo ^iT7-eTTrt!b-ir I I ITirst-Class. (t Smithing ai When in Kingstn your Buggy or Wagor W. M. VAl They'll fix it while yoi Shoeing Horses ai A % > I || Willi mem. LET US PRINT YOUR I FOR WE KNOW THAT LetJfe Erint Yon S K1 T - war "" . t ?s & Mcintosh look ? larantee satisfaction s, and our Auctioneer inience is offered you. i, - i :n cafe ; * , t 3t a square Meal i "?een in Kinecstree e ;et hungry. " ! W y ant to get a Meal or a refreshing je ? ' a untain. c w si n ig Clean, and. *o |h 1? ? a ?^ Si id Repairing Ij t< ie and need Repairs to ? 1, just take it to " ISE & SONS Li waft. jb id Mules is a specialty e 0 tl ^F JETTER OR NOTE HEADS I ' WE CAN PLEASE YOU I = D omeOffice Statj#a?y ? eho -V > % " >jNy. ^ i Sk? %";. -x>? - - v?* .': - %"t- ' '<*' ifter every pile pla< to every customer - - 1/ never lets a pile c >ropri Sabbath Vloatton. editor County Record:? Please allow me to reason som^fhat with my dear brother,Hon W F Ilayton of Florence. I am not abje o debate with or controvert him; erhaps he has forgotten more thah know. June 30 he went off on the esecration of the Sabbath day. He a? fKa ProuKi, foriano auic uuvvu uu iiiv & ccusing them of fatalism, which he alls predestination. Dear brother/ nil you please turn to the 9th chap?r of Romans and tell us if there is o predestination therein. Don't ou know the Bible teaches predesination and Arrninianism? Jesus hrist and St Paul were the strongst predestinarians I ever read of, nd Arminians, too. I should like to ite many more texts,but my article rould be too long for one week's isue. With all kindness, brother, I am ot trying to defend the Presbyterin doctrine; they can do that. I am nly trying to show you what you ave gotten yourself into by coming ut on the wrong siae. ee paueni rith-me; I am not mad,I love you nd am not offended at a word you aid, but it's such a nice job I can't eep out of it. Next,you claim the Baptists teach mode of baptism the Bible doesn't >ach. I just refer you to a few laces in the Bible and ask you to ?11 us what they mean: Matthew i, 5, xvi, 28, v, 19; Mark i, 5; Luke i;21, Jno iii,5; Acts ii,38, viii,12-38, , 47, xix, 5; Rom vi, 3-5; Col v, 12. could give you what Wesley, (Jalin and other reliable authors say, ut you said it was not in the Bible. Now,brother,you said we Baptists ot it from the Waldenses. You ught to have gone back one link in tie chain of history. There was a eter of Bruys before Waldo, but fcildo owed nothing to Peter of iruys but acted independently, so re Baptists owe nothing to Waldo. Ve are independent, too; we get it 1 the same Book where you say it is ot taught?tbe Bible. Next yo&iumiy on the /Method use! I * H HI | H ' i H ^ 9H B KB :ed on their floor 9 entrusting their fl >f tobacco go un- > 9 ^^9 ... etors | | > selves, too. You say they have re- I duced the ten commandments to 9 three?cards, dancing and liquor. 9 Have you never read a Methodist 9 discipline? You ought to read their 9 genera] rules; it will do you good 9 and still more good if you will fol- 9 low them. -9 Episcopalians and Catholics, 1 sub- 9 mit.can also take care of themselves, fl but I see you are not up on the plan of salvation or God's Dlan with men. Salvation is not a doctrine, not a a creed, not a church, but an experi- J ence. We are not saved by baptism, a doctrines or creed, but by faith in the Son of God. Christ is the end of I the law for* righteousness to every- 1 one that believeth. We are not 1 against each ofher but love and help - ; I each other. We agree to disagree. g You see the point. By one Spirit are <9 we all baptized into one body,wheth- I er we be Jews or Gentiles, and are J allowed to drink into one Spirit, I neither male nor female, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free; we are all | one in Christ Jesus. j As to the Sabbath day,the Master shows what that means: works of mercy and necessity are admissible. He is the Lord of the Sabbath also. "We are journeying to a land of which God has 3aid, 'I will give it you.' Come thou with us and we will do thee good, for the Lord hath . 1 spoken good concerning Israel." T E James. Rome, July 10. Ilntlnhtlv Faro Snntc Are cured by Dr Hobson's Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin erup- ' tions. No matter how long you have been troubled by itching, burning or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic, Or Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Healing begins thit very minute. Doctors use it in their practice and ? recommend it. Mr Alleman of Littletown, Pa, says: "Had eczema on forehead; Dr Hobson's Eczema Oint ment curea it in two weeics. ' guaranteed to relieve or money refunded. All druggists,or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeifler Chemical Co, PUMal- _ jSfiSMHsi* ? g|