m Countij llcanft. m YOI. XXYII. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1913. NO. 14 . I 1 G] The "Happy Cook gGHEloy out of Cooking is to lit makes and in eight < preach style. To get the I I ^^Coffins^ HUGH LONG FOUND "NOT GUILTY." V JURY SO DECIDES WITHOUT LEAVING BOX OR HEARING ARGUMENTS BY ATTORNEYS. A precedent was established in Aiken county court history on Thursday last when the jury in the Long murder case decided that they had about enough of the testimony and were ready to acquit Legislator Long without henring any more evidence or any of counsel's arguments in the case; that they had already reached their decision and would f have returned a "not guilty" ver\ diet the afternoon before. The defence has just rested its case and the prosecution was ready to place on the stand witnesses in rebuttal, but it was near the dinner hour and the court announced a recess, whereupon the foreman of the * jury, Jas R League, of North Au# frusta, leaped to his feet, but when J he started to make his statement the | Court stopped him with the announ cement that the State must be ffiven its opportunity to present witnesses in rebuttal to the testimony offered by the defence. When the State's testimony was completed after dinner, the foreman then informed the court that the jury had already determined upon the merits of the case,>and that arguments by counsel were useless. This stopped a promised flow of oratory. So Judge Ernest Gary of Columbia, presiding, delivered his charge and permitted the jury to enter an ante-room and draw in regular form the acquittal of Long. They were out about ninety seconds, when the Clerk of Court,in sonorons v i ??TT L T tones,read the ve*dlest see us, or remember "T n?1 King ' \ With some few natural exceptions there is general satisfaction over the verdict, and no one, so far as known, has presumed to question it* inatire. i SCR ANT ON SKETCHES. Items of Interest, Mos fly Personal, from Our Neighbor Town. Scranton, June 10:?Mr H 0 Graham has returned from Columbus, Ohio, where he has been pursuing a course in veterinary surgery. He has one more year before completing his studies. Miss Clyde Wiggins and Mr Lyde Langs ton of Elim spent Sunday pleasantly at the home of Miss Fanny Cannon. Mrs L E Kennedy of Andrews spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo C Cusaac. Mrs Stanley Matthews of Cowards returned to her home Monday, after spending a few days here with hef sister, Mrs C H Pate. Dr Myers Graham of Cowards went to Charleston today for medical treatment; he was accompanied by his brother, Mr Charlie E Myers. Dr Graham has a large and increasing clientele in his section and we hope he may soon be able to return to his practice. Misses Ruth and Hattie Parrott nt TTiim nmro thp wplmimp and at tractive guests of Miss Olive Lavender at the home of Mr and Mrs J M Myers, Jr, Sunday. Dr W S Lynch went to Florence Tuesday on business. Dr C H Pate took to Florence Monday Mr R Barfield's daughter, who will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Master Liston Kirby, the youngest son of Mr S J Kirby, will also have to be operated upon for the same trouble. We hope these patients will recover, and soon be able,to return home. IMG. hienine thanvnu have now. f of a few unnecessary exto start a bank account. It ying the luxuries that he it he does not miss; because i? comfort he enjoys todav his EARLY ECONOMY. W. iking with US. rest on savings accounts. RCHANTS BANK. I LAKE CITY. S.C. | s happi re in the summer time wne coal shed, the servant and it will do your cooking;, bat 'he Store You Will Eventua ;stree Ha Wholesale and BENSON BBEEZES. Observance of Children's Day? Local and Personal. Benson, June 10:?Saturday, June 7, will be remembered as another . day to be marked with a white stone , in the calendar of our community. ^ This was Children's day at Cedar ( Swamp. And not by any means by ^ children alone will this particular occasion linger long and pleasantly in memory's archives. A host of * grown-up folk came to mingle to- 1 gether in an informal way, seeming- 1 ly oblivious of business care and ' " l worry of any kind. Misses Ulmer 1 Crooks, Ervin McCullough and Mrs * G Ollie Epps had the children drill- c ed in the exercises for the day. * These ladies deserve the hearty 1 - - ' - m T praise of the entire community for * their indefatigable efforts in the arduous task of training the children, J besides the arrangement of the en- t tire programme, which was carried ? out to the very letter. The little folk formed in line outside the church, marched to the e rythmic strains of soft music down 8 the aisles and took their assigned 1 seats at the cessation of the music e with the steadiness and precision * of trained soldiers. * The girls were dressed in white with a beautiful bow of ribbon neatly arranged in the soft tresses of their hair, of which they are justly proud. Following are those who enacted the programme: Florence Rembert, Everette McCullough, Mary Rembert, Laurie Brown, Addie Burrows, Hasell Epps, Tommie McCrea, Frances Burrows, Dan Brown, Edith McCullough, Fowler McCutchen, Osena ^ Haddock, Emory McGiU, Junnie Mc- 1 Cutchen, Dolerese McNeil, Eulah ( m Comi M ATTENTION We have just i Deering Mowers am n ciL.il n.Ai Lorn oueiiers, tun Harrows, Meadows Feed Grinders, Ha; If you contempt Harvesting Machi: future, or any kinthis line, it will p<* prices and terms THE CADES MERCA I Cades { COOK n the weather is so warm, the heat. Then you must ring, roasting, broiling, toa Uy Patronize." irdware Retail Dealers McCullough, Beth McGill, Grace Haddock, Hessie McCullough, Sadie Tyler, Dave McCutchen, Mabel Tyler, Blanch McCutchen, Alberta McCrea, Cecil Phillips, Dosia Burro are, Herbert Brown, George Rembert, Eulah McCullough, Salters Burrows, Nathan Brown,Julia Marion McGill, Oneder McCrea, Alma Duke and Elector Parnell. After the conclusion of the programme for the smaller folk, Rev D to in-? _ a rr: a | A rnillips OI MU^BUtT KBVC OU lu* cresting short talk to them and Rev 3 C Haddock invoked the Divine )lessing upon the assemblage. Our ' >eloved Sunday-school superintenlent, Mr S H Guerry, also spoke a : 'ew words to the children, after 1 vhich Presiding Elder Holroyd prolounced the benediction. Outside Messrs J W McNeil and L< F Tisdale had in readiness a plen- < iful supply of delicious lemonade I ind served the crowd with much I :ase and politeness. We have had opportunity on sev- < ral occasions to mention the edibles ind their bountiful supplies that the adies of this section have the envi- i ible reputation of preparing to empt the appetites of even the most fastidious; hence we refrain from ; nentioning in detail the spread pro rided. It goes without saying that ;hose who shared the feast enjoyed t, for they lingered Jong and busily it the large table, which was ar anged underneath a cluster of statey oaks, garlanded with streaming iioss, their limbs interlocking,formng a perfect shade from the sumner sun. , As it has been the custom heretofore, the boys entertained the crowd n the afternoon by playing baseball. 3n this occasion we presume they i >1 I utile r i pany i , FARMERS! unloaded a car of d Rakes,Pony Steel 11 on King and Disc I ' Hfi'llc flllfl I VM 1 ?0 V 111. lllk! wiiw y Presses, etc. late investing in nery in the near d of machinery in ly you to get our before you buy. iNTILE COMPANY, I , s. c. I * ? - \ 3. _;._a_ ; HABIT The surest way to get I t buy an Oil Stove. We hi sting and ironing the year Co. I We L< would prefer our not mentioning the score in print. Sunday night this section was visited with a heavy rainfall. Monday a very cold rain fell all day and it is still raining today (Tuesday) with wind coming from the north. This weather will prove a set-back to the already small cotton, and will put the farmer at least one week behind' with his work. Miss Bunnie Nunnamaker of Sumter is visiting her relatives, Mr and Mrs G 0 Epps, this week. Miss Sadie Snowden has arrived borne from Lander College. Cadet Jack McCullough is at home from Clemson College; greeting his many friends. WES Attention, Veterans! As I wish to attend the meeting Df the Blue and the Gray at Gettysburg July 1, 2 and 3, I would be glad to get in company with any veterans wh6 may be going. I think if lonvinor Vinorofrfwa .Timo 9Q ftr >/* iVH* VV V UAJV WV| V4 perhaps Florence at that time. Conrad Constine, Survivor of Capt Huffh R Gardin's Palmetto Battery; Col John C Haskell's Battalion of Artillery. jDWlr" ? W'1' ? Vlr*? i Attention! Tn | Now that the veg< hand we make our j growers. Bring yc f other vegetable ch< collect them witho you courteous trea The vegetable to start an accouri The Bank ?! Cadet Lie treasury cf ths world's In i m"- ^ best music '' That's what the Victor really is. It holds in you the best music of ti 4 wunu?mc niu^iLai gen great masters, the latest music, everything you v All yours to enjoy whene'^ Doesn't that interest you? your favorite selections on in at any time. Victor-Yictrolas $15 to $20C * Char Mr. Samuel V w I S?tMtMA? r anH JUI11K1IVI W1IIIVI V ?uu ive them In two differ* ; 'round. Ovens to suit r ^ad?Others Follow. When to Stop Advertising. When the grasshopper ceases to hop and the old cow quits her bawling; when the fishes no longer Bop and the baby stops its squalling; when the dunners no longer dun and the hoot owl quits its hooting; when the rivers cease to run and the burglar stops his looting; when the vine no longer runs and the skylark stops its larking; when the sun no longer shines and the young man quits his sparking, when the heavens begin to droD and the old maids stnn advia ing, then it is time to shut up shop and quit your advertising.?Ex, Ta me Totacca Gravers a( Saam CarOUM: Since the heavy rains the tobacco is in a very green and growing state and I being a warehouseman and being fully in touch with the tobacco situation, and knowing the strong demand for ripe and colory tobacco, I feel that it is my duty to caution every farmer to let his tobacco get ripe before gathering, as one barn of ripe tobacco will bring more than several barns partially green. The above is of much importance to the farmers and will save them thousands of dollars. Ripe tobacco is what the buyers want and you roill c?>p it ooll hicrh 6-12-2t. Your friend, - j Lake City, SC. J D King. uck Growers! ! f stable season is at appeal to the truck ' i >ur bean checks and *cks to us?we will .: ? T fU ut charge, and give J tment. 1 ^ ison is a good time t with us. ^ of Cades,. > 5, s. c. aSt ' "^"la . 1 ft 1:1 he entire L [ is of the popular * ant. rer and as often as you wish. Wouldn't you like to hear * the Victor-Victrola? Come V ir. . ~ * v ictors $10 to $100. And erms to suit, if desired. * Music Housp leston, S. C. c arr, Representative, Kingstree, S. C M