The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 05, 1913, Page SIX, Image 6

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SEA FIRES IN THE TROPICS. Marvelous Beauty of the Gleaming Water* at Night The beautiful effect of the sea's phosphorescence is vividly .described by P. Walton Harrison in the Selborne Magazine: "inr nno u-Vinm business or nleas lire has caused to be at sea at night can scarcely have failed to note, especially in the summer time, the number and brilliancy of what seem to be glowworms shining under water. If the traveler has extended his travels further a-s^a and has watched the sea fires within the tropics?in the Red sea, Arabian sea, about the Indian coasts or in midoeean?he will have seen a sight he never can forget, the sea one sheet of flame, in parts of a green*-V -?I ' > ? >?> ?+<? n-t a nolo vol ln\C JBI1 I'WUI, iU |iauo vi a p.iv iv.w. , the heads of the waves one blaze of light as they tumbled and rolled their foamy "diamonds about in great profusion. "Over the bow. where the water is cloven bv the sharp cutwater, all is aglow. Along the sides, which fling back the waters neglected by the forepart, the crest falling waves glare with angry eyes as the ship tumbles them over, acting toward them as flint acts toward stool. All around the sea seems on fire, and the sickly pale light shining wit at a time when 'night makes a weird sound of its own stillness' and the imagination Ts prone to conjure up fantastic shapes and creatures, when Tke water, like a witch's oils. Burns green and blue and white, I* wiVvr> tlmt tbo do IV Ull^uv WV tuvw^iiv Hions of whom Columbus' crew feared the malevolence were holding their revels on the bosom of the sea and that this pale light which shone around was the lantern guiding them to their orgies. Here and there a patch more brilliant than the rest, now and again a dark, unilluminat?d piece of water, relieves the sameness of the general incandescence, and where the sea is troubled bv the movements of its inhabitants, or, fltill more, by the passage of ships, it shows its sense of the intrusion by a more than wonted display of brilliancy and hurls its harmless lightning with much magnificence. "The wake of the ship is one sea of liquid fire. Unless one has seen it he is apt to think the language deaeribing it extravagant and exaggerated, but any one who has sailed the intertropical seas will know that words cannot adequately tell the glory of the sight which there meets Me eye, when the conditions of the weather most favor the display of tiie sea'B phosphorescence." On Lif?'? Road. All our weariness of suffering is without avail to leave even a little memory among those for whom the work ie done. All that is wrought in despair, all that is loveless and mechanical, falls to the ground. We live for even so much as a brief life only in that which carries the breath ofour being, the love of our heart. It is not in ceaseless routine and grinding that we live, nor in what is small and anxious. Machines will continue the tale of that forever. No cog will ever be missed in that endless chain. But we shall not wholly die in the song we carry V?/**a4 V? ** lnro tvi4 Vi wVllpVl WA I 1U V/UJT liVdl V, VilV IV'V * 1VM ? ? V love the being of another, the smile we give another wayfarer at dusty noonday.?Collier's Weekly. t ????? f When Dogs Were Cooks. "There was a time," said the antiquarian, "when dogs did our roasting for us?at least they kept the meat turning so it would not burn. 'Spit dogs' they were called, and we call their descendants 'spitz' to this day. Spit dogs were trained to turn the spits on which roasted chickens, beef, ducks and turkeys. The little fellows did their work well. They were never known to let a fowl burn or to snatch a mouthful or two from it. As late as 181G spit dogs were employed in the old Philadelphia inns on Second and Third streets." Helped In the Robbery. The Earl of Balcarres had a field of turnips upon which he prided himself a good deal. He once surprised an old woman busily employed in filling a sack with his favorites. After giving her a hearty scolding, to which she replied only bv the silent eloquence of repeated courtesies, he was walking awav, when the woman called after him: "Eh. mv lord, the hair's unco' heavy. Would ye he sae kind as to help me on to mv hack wi' it?"?which he did forthwith, when the culprit decamped with profuse thanks. All It Needed. "I made this potato salad for you myself/' smiled she. "Isn't it delicious ?" "It would be," assented her husband, "if you had put a little more oil and vinegar and pepper and mustard seed and horseradish in the dressing and introduced a sliced egff or two and a few white onions ana left half of the potatoes t." | * The Scrap Book I ' ' Didn't Want Nothin' Nohow. Joseph Bucklin Bishop, secretary of the Panama canal commission, tells this story to show how difficult it is at times to extend hospitality iu the canal zone: Maurice H. Thatcher arrived one Saturday evening to take up his duties as civil governor of the zone His house was next to that of Mr. Bishop. Bishop called him up on the telephone and said: "Governor. I know it is hard to get provisions here Saturday evening when | all the stores are closed. I cheerfully put my larder at your disposal. I think I have enough meat to provide for both of us over Sunday." "I thank you." replied Thatcher, "but I eat neither flesh, flsh nor fowl." "Well," suggested Bishop again, "1 have a cellaret here, and if there are any wineR you would like I should be glad to give them to you." "I neither drink, smoke nor chew." said Thatcher politely. Mr. Bishop, not at all discouraged, returned to the fray. "You will probably have nothing to do tomorrow. I'm going to church, and i should like to i hare you accompany me." 'Thanks," answered Thatcher, "but I'm a Christian Scientist"?New York Tribune. Black Butterflies. When pride of the meadow and goldenrod Are decking the bayou's bank And the still, brown water that glides between Reflects their verdure rank. Then day after day, through the sunlit hours, The flutter of velvet wings, Like the trappings of fairy funerals, Jl flickering shadow flinga mwrift *nA *11 In hUpk Like motes la the clear sunlight Or like shades of their slater butterflies, They cover the blossoms bright. So our lives are dappled with flecks of shade ' That often obscure the flowers, Yet see how the purple and gold shine through The horertng, black winged hours. ?Clara Boise Bush. Good Witnesses. On his eighty-fourth birthday Paul Smith, the veteran Adirondack hotel keeper, who started life as a guide and died owning a million dollars' worth of forest land, was talking about boundary disputes with an old friend. "Didn't you hear of the lawsuit over a title that I had with Jones down in Malone last summer?" asked Paul. with a twinicie id nis eyes. The friend bad not beard. "Well," said Paul, "it was this way. I sat In the courtroom, before the case opened, with my witnesses around me. Jones bustled In, stopped, looked my witnesses over carefully and said. 'Paul, are those your witnesses?' " "They are.' said I. " 'Then you win,' said he. 'I've had them witnesses twice myself.' "?Every, body's. Cheerfulness. Wondrous Is the strength of cheerfulness and Its power of endurance. The cheerful man will do more In the same time, will do It better, will persevere la it longer than the sad or sullen.?Carly le. Drew at Sight. Mart Hoover years ago, when Kansas was not the cultivated commonwealth it has since become, had sent a consignment of corn to a commission > merchant In Kansas City. The merchant telegraphed, telling the consign- " or: "Your credit is $27.40. Draw on me at 6ight" But Hoover was mad. He had expected his money, and none came. He felt he had been duped, and he treasured up the grievance. One time, about six weeks later, the commission man came to Hoover's town, got out of the bus and started to walk down the street Hoover saw him and instantly drew his revolver and fired. His eye was fairly good. Tiie nunet cut away the merchant's necktie and unfastened his collar. Then Hoover put up his gun. "That's expensive shootin'." said he. , "but I reckon you're as sorry as I am." "What do you mean?" demanded the j town constable, arresting the gun man. "He told me to." said Hoover, sur- : prised. "Told you to?" demanded the white cheeked city man. "I never did any- ! thing of the kind!" j "You did." said Hoover, and. drawing out the telegram, he read: " 'Draw on me at sight' "I done it." said he. 1 A Midnight Sundial. ? If some benevolent vandal will in- ( vade the Barnard college campus some night and wreck, shatter, demolish and I otherwise destroy a certain harmless I looking ornamental sundial in front of Brooks hall the entire freshman class will combine to raise funds for retaining counsel in case he is caught and prosecuted, for the harmless looking sundial is an instrument of torture. When alarm clocks run down at dead o* night In the Brooks hall dormitory the young women In the freshman class are wont to rap at the door of some upper class man and ask, "Please, what Is the right time?" To which the Invariable reply Is: "Go out and consult the dial, freshman. It keeps perfect time." And?but you wont believe this? nine out of ten freshmen follow the upper class men's advice.?New York Post r-- ' ' ?to insure comp ! t along a case of Cbed. cr ^orest> at liNlf As pure and |aw| Delicious Thirst-1 Demand the ( Refute sube M to Ac THE COCA-COLA COM . If you exp FO this Spring or not ready to tal place your order future delivery, vide for your wj | have a complete lowing in stock I of Firestone Ca Tubes, Spark F Parts, &c. 7 id. c. s: "THE FO] l-30-tf \ GASOLINI Let us figure with you when yo rnndle the Associated Manufactu ind will be pleased to show them >ur garage. lAMER-THOMSOi; CO., Almanac I |i FREE ? '"^Sfcare nev< A yg when tc MBBMpP " ' ' ... "\Jand mit< to sweeter Ttatnaear Supply Co, K s? i For That Picnic lete success take ^ Hi ig beverage?in field I home or in town. 0 wholesome a9 it is M ;ood. M ?Refreshing m Quenching M jtnuine? Soda ututM* Fountains ?Booklet. 01 Carbor?icd in Bottle*. PANY, ATLANTA, GA. ect to buy a RD I Summer and are te it now, please with me now for so that I can pro ints. 1 expect to } line of tne fol)y May 2: All sizes sings and Inner lugs, Chains, Ford ii RD MAN," s.c. : ENGINES u want a gasoline engine. We rers' celebrated line of Engines to those who are interested at - Kingstree, S. C. ousy Hens 2P profitable. They cannot fay irtured nlpht and day by lice 2s. Dust the hens with Powdered Lice Killer 25c and 60c mlnate the body lice, and paint r the roosts and nests with Liquid Lice Killer SSe, 60c mad SI i them up and destroy ml tad, is bidder profits. r, awry hack If It falls." lid br. dealers everywhere. or f Cades Mercantile Co, Cadks.SC; Farmars' insstree, 8C Kingstree D When you bring . . ?A. ... our siure you ore ai physician calls foror inferior drugs a pounding. We keep on han< Up-to-Date Toilet fumes, Etc. Also ment of Stationery D. M. Ferry' The Best Va C Tobacco, Cigai THE KINGSTREI v^(t Go To WHEN YOlf NEED S A record of more than hind him. With a buncl on hand, he is always re Also Feea and 1 J. L. Stuckey, \* ? ????? (the wood everlastirg I SASH, DOORS I Lengthen the Life ASK YOUR 1 L. Wetherh V LARGEST MFRS. SOUTH, T?WW powers i X Mr. Farmer; 0 Come in and get v and stop buying hi 6 McCormick, the be 0 Ask those who ha\ v mick and they will Q our statement is c< V YOURS TC O Williamsburg Liv< rS Thos. McCutchen, Mgr. ?mmmmM What could be better for town oj that won't burn?won't leak?tha as the building itself, and never n? Cortright Metal Shingles meet ev< R>u;,r. nf imtlnhnnt Nlnno o?Kiir I Reg. U. S. Pat Off." stamped oc For S< Williamsburg Hardware G( rug Company your prescription to irp to tfpt what vour -no chea? substitutes ire used by us in comi / d a complete line of / Articles, Soaps, Peran Excellent Assort? t 's Garden Seed irieties Grown. *s and Cigarettes I DRUG COMPANY vA Stuckey TitlMrh"""" M fTHING 111 HORSEFLESH 1 i twenty years stands be- . 1 i of nice horses and mules " ady for a sale or a swap. I Livery Stables. Lake City, S. C. V ;r __ _ __ . _?, -CYPRESS( AND BLINDS f of Your Buildings. ( ^ _ DEALER OR orn & Son, f CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 mdRakes! a Mower and Rake 0 ly. We handle, the 0 st on the market, o e used the McCor- X convince you that v ?rrect. O ) please, v ._/ 3 Stock Company, O kingstreIe, s. c. X ooaimmxxy, ssrl ' country buildings than a roofing t is lightning proof?lasts as long ?ds repairs ? sry one of these requirements. ine without the words " Cortright ' 1 i each shingle. 9 f. ue oy 2 ), Kiigstree, S. C.