T Just for Convenience. ' Entirely apart from the many rv/4 jvi? al Checking Account at the IBank, the convenience of it is no small consideration. The ability to make purchases and I pay bills after banking hours] without the necessity of al-; ways having a pocketful of! money is worth a great deal. ' With a Check Book in your I 1 pocket, you are taking no risks of losing money and yet you j always have all of your money j on hand and ready for use.! One is as liable to need money i before nine in the morning or ' after three as between those hours. The Personal Check Book settles the matter. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG KIN6STREE, S. C. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem, V P. E C Epps, C W Boswell, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. | ?, LOCAL g ^ mm M\ Hon R J Kirk was at Florence I TTri^oir * * . Mrs R J Kirk is visiting Charleston relatives. Mr FJ Henry of Spartanburg spent Sunday with Mr Jno S Jennings. Mr S Marcus and family and Mr | Harry Riff spent the week-end at Manning. Saturday, May 10,- is Memorial day. A warm welcome to all the old heroes. j Dr Rosa H Gantt of Spartanburg was the guest of Mr Louis Jacobs' familv Mondav. I Mrs R K Wallace and son, Louis, have returned from a visit to relatives at Clinton. Mrs Rebecca China of Georgetown J is the guest of her brother's.Mr S A Nettles', family. rfhT I - But are still sel I The Celebrated Kins F 9 ^ For Men Let Us 1 ' Mr ? Tribble <>f Due West visited his daughter. Mrs F Otis Arrowi smith, this week. Unless rain conies soon the bean j crop and other truck now maturing I will be almost a failure. Train No 80 was delayed nearly i two hours below Lanes Sunday morn1 ing by the derailment of a box car. Daily shipments of garden peas 1 and string beans are now being made from Kingstree and good prices returned. Miss Hannah Gale, after spending the season at St Augustine, Fla, is the guest of her sister, Mrs John S Jennings. , The Daughters of the Confederacy are making preparations for the an-j nual dinner to the veterans on Saturday, May 10. j Isn't there some kind of ordinance against riding bicycles on the sidewalks? In some parts of town it1? becoming a nuisance. * ' i Miss Maude Logan represented Kincrstree Civic League at the Con vention of Women's Clubs held at | Florence, May 6-7-8. Miss Edith Brady, who has been the guest of her uncle, Hon R H Kellahan, returned to her home at Wilmington yesterday. We are pleased to learn that Miss Essie Blakeley, who has been confinI ed to her room for several days, is able to be about again. Mr D R Gregg of Cowards, recently employed here as an operator by the A C L Railroad Co, spent the week end here with friends. Miss Ella Alford of Marion and Mrs fattie Scott 01 ivingsiree spent several days in town this week visiting relatives.?JSishopviHe leader j Mrs R L Holroyd and little son, Frank, spent last week at Summerton with Mrs J R T Major. The boys at home kept "bach" while she was away. Dr S C Moore, who was wounded by the negro, Austin, in the swamp fight near Luray, in Hampton county last week, died Monday morning in a Columbia hospital where he had been taken for treatment. Austin, at last accounts is still at large. The many friends of Rev James McDowell will regret to learn of his death Wednesday at Yorkville. For a number of years Mr McDowell was People ARE lling the best line < [ Quality There ai A f-v Lion Bran have a fin fF TRU1 o dress su R an ^ Hand In many s I Boys Genuine ake Your Meas for a nobby, ne ^ Made Suit. Fi r*F-1 i l? m leeu uy uie vjuuuc ft Company. Lool samples. ^ nnuR dry ooo line of Sprin est we ever i The r ? i | Kingstree, ( pastor of the Presbyterian church a Bethel and he was beloved by all whi knew him. He was 81 years of age Monday being salesday, Clerk H C Britton sold at auction for partitior i in the case of T W Britton, plainti!f against J E Britton and eleven othei ' J C 1 4- _ 4 4. _ C 1 1 4 '? ueienuanu*, a ui 11*13 wira ui pood farm land. The price receiver j was$3,200, the purchaser being Mr! W Britton. i We are requested to announce that ! the closing exercises of Indian1 town Graded school will take place Thursday evening, May 15. An address will be made by Prof W H Hand,of the State University. The public is cordially invited to attend all of the exercises. We return belated, but none the less appreciative thanks to our esteemed friend, P S Courtney.for a generous gift of headed lettuce and beets from his truck farm near town. Both the lettuce and the beets were | about the finest specimens we have ever seen at this season prown locally. Until yesterday afternoon Mr M H Jacobs held the piscatory record | amonp the anplers of Kingstree by having captured a 7l pound trout early Monday morning. But yes terday afternoon Mr B T Sease de| prived Mr Jacobs of this honor by safely landing a 9 pound member ol the same tribe. The Kingstree district conference of the M E church, South, opened its annual session in the Methodist church here last night at 8:M0. Rev R L Holroyd preached the opening sermon to a large audience composed of a large number of delegates, who arrived during the day. The conference will be in session today and will close Friday afternoon. i Mr W K Mcintosh shipped last Friday for Mrs LeRoy Lee three crates of snap beans which she raised in her garden and were sold in the . i n_ i..fc ? or ritisourg, ra,' marKei iur qo.lo pci crate, fifty cents more than was received a few days prior by Mr "Dunk" Gamble for his shipment ol five crates to the same place. Thest are excellent prices and it is believer that on account of the short crop ir North Carolina and Virginia the} will hold during the bean season ir this section. Let us hope so,at least, for the benefit of the planters. Tuesday morning Sheriff Graharr received a call from St Stephens re k'c Ma / O JL IAV RUNNI] )f Dry Goods, Noti re no better Shirts id. They fit bette e line. See them. nvo I TRY A I HIVO, IT CASES A Bags tyles and k / Leather ;ure MM w Tailor- !HM t guaran- fernL 'Tailoring \ r nvpr onr Tho Cnruat * w w A UV vwi and Comfort, ladies prefer t DS DEPARTMENT is coir g and Summer Dress Gooc offered our customers. D People's AGENTS FOR THE CELEB t questing the use of his blood-hounds ) to traii some one supposed to have . set fire to and burned down the Baptist church at that place. Two dogs were sent down in charge of Mr W J 1 Cockfield, but owing to so many foot ; J prints in the vicinity of the burnt ! k most interesting lot sales ever held in Kingstree is that advertised in , this issue of The Kecord by the ; Southern Realty and Auction Co, to take place Wednesday, May 21, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. There will be ' forty-five lots sold at auction to the highest bidder. These lots are embraced in the property of the Acad. emy Realty Co and are located at the north end of Academy street?a rtVioT-minor rouirlontinl QOPtinn rtf U1V/OV V.liai Illlug 4VWIVIVUV1UI w.. v. the town. Don't miss this great lot [ sale. A brass band is advertised to : be on hand to add enthusiasm to the ' event. ; The Kennedy Millinery Co have . an attractive advertisement in this , number of The Record, in which > they are offering their unusually r handsome stock at specially low prices during an extraordinary sale . to start Monday, May 12. and con' tinue until June 1. Don't overlook . their adv. The Wilkins Wholesale Grocery Co ; have an ad in this issue of 1 he Kecord that is worth the attention of our readers, especially the farmers . who buy food stuff for their stock | and household supplies in bulk, such | as flour, rice, grits, etc. Also.pouli try raisers will find it to their adr vantage to get Wilkins' prices on i chicken feed before buying. If you want Ice Cream for SunJay leave your order Saturday at Stacki ley's Ice Cream Parlor. Delivered - at any time desired. It rrantili NG NO J ons, Shoes, Hats, C and Collars made f ir, feel better and I [AB0 Gro ft This depart] Jy We carry the \ and give our * rtAMTT1/?A XXTCk 1/Y1 I OCIVlV^C vvc; rvn ^ Strousc Readj for Men and ] ficient to com cal that we h TO made clothing f?r style suits are of 1 hTM styles. Price iplete and up-to-date, W< Is, Waistings and Embroide >on't fail to see these goods I s Mercar RATED NEW HOME SEWING I IBT I] ! Fire and Life I I? u id ui alive i ? | We are exclusive age Insurance Company of Ri burg, Georgetown and B< one of the very best com j State. We can show you som policies of the age. Besides this we repn old Fire Insurance Compai very best in Fire Insurance If you have Town or or want to buy, SEE US I bargains. Call on or write us, I Plowden 6 OFFICE: Stackley Building, Next D rlfl7Pn a*- pel uvav.i, for less. L D Rodc.ers & Co, It Kingstree, S C. / For Sale?500 bushels Cow Peas. Call on or write at once to W T W ilk ins, It Kingstree.SC. For Sai e?Best strains of Sweet Potato Plants all varieties, at $1.75 per 1, 00. All orders shipped same day received. Satisfactiqn guaranteed or your money back. < aruuna Plant Co, 5-8-4tp Box 40. Meggett, S C. T ' ^^1 ipany " 1 ed in Kingstree ie Famous Dolly Madisoo >/\ 9 . ir Ladies. This Shoe never lis to give satisfaction. V. *T WirwOBt a 0 ll