The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 24, 1913, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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. I Professional Cards. f DR. A. G. EADDY, lOWN^ONVIl I F.. S. C. Office hours: S to 1?? a. m.. 'J to Hp. m. and by appointment. Office at residence. 3-l3-??m DR. R. J, MLCABE. Dentist. KINGSTREE, - S. C Office Next to Co irt House Square. PHILIP H. TK ROUS MIT 11 ATTORNEY* AT-LAV f LAKE CITY, - - S. C. W. Leland Taylor, DENTIS 1 . ftt< v over l?r W V Br<* kniir'on'? Store, KINGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. M. D.Nesmith | DENTIST, | LAKE CITY, - - - S C. Benj. MclNNES, M. R. C. V. S. ' B. Kater MclNNES. M. D..V.M.D. VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kinjrstree the ~ 1 1 i,L ?.*. IJ^I nrst Monaay in eacn montn, at nw^ ler's Stables. 9-2S-tf E. N. BEATY L. H. SIAU i Georgetown, S. C. I Beaty & Siau B (Over Bank of Georgetown I Civil Engineering, ra Land Surveying ' Farm Drainage Levels General Contracting Concrete Walks a Specialty 3-13-4m I l(INGSTI,EE ^ o*v? Lodge, No. 46 A. F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each , month. Visiting brethren are cordially ' invited. M H Jacobs. W M. ^ EL Montgomery, Sec. 2-27-lv \ Jgl( Kingstree Lodge No. 91 Knights of Pythias * ^ Regular Conventions Kvery ' 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights Visiting brethren always welcome, | Castle Hall 3rd story Gourd in Building, j W P. H. Stoll U. C. R. N. Speigner, K of R & S. #Kingstree ; CAMP NO- 27. Mmi Murines I st and 3rd Monds v Nlght* In each' month. Visiting choppers cordially invited tooonv. up and sit on a stump or hang about on the limbs. B. E. Clarkson, 87 12m. Con. Com. LIGHTNING RODS. H. L. Whitlock. Lake City, S.C. Spacial Salts A^tnt. Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All Kinds Inproved Copper and Galvanized Section Rods (Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Authorities and Fire Insurance Companies). PURE COPPER WIRE CABLES. ALL SIZES. Our Full Cost Guarantee Given "with Each Job. I sell on close margin of profit, dividing commission with mv customers. 3-7-tf Coughs. Golds. Watery Eyes r > l- . n.? lureu iu d uaj by taking Cheeney's Expectorant? also cures consumption, whooping cough, droppings from the nose, and throat, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Cheeney's Expectant a liquid preparation, tested 1 .or 50 years. Try it. Safe, sure and satisfactory. Druggists 25c and ll-7-7mp-adv. ? ?n??? ?? e IFOR RENT. | I One good two-horse farm j! f two miles from Kingstree, 3 f on Sumter road, dwelling t * and out-buildings. Very | convenient to town, rail- + 1 1 road, markets, schools, ? churches, etc. Fine land for rj ^ tobacco, cotton and corn. Z\ Z First applicant gets the t \ farm for 1913. Apply to 1* J. D. GILLAND, | Attorney-at-Law, t KINGSTREE, S. C. | ** Legal Advertisements. Summons for Relief. (OoM I'l.AlNT SKHVKD). THE STATE OF SOI TH CAROLIN A. COl NTV OF Wit ! IAMSBI KO, Court of Common Fleas. S B Boston ami .1 \V Brown. qualified executors of tile estate of S Boston. deceased. Piaiutitls against Amanita Cooper. John Wesley Cooper and Sam B C "per. Defendants. To the Defendants, Amanda Cooper, John Wesley < 'ooperan 1 Sam P? Cooper: You are hereby summoned and required answer the complaint in this avion. of which a copy is herewith served upon you.and to serve a copy of your answt r to the said -omplaint on the subscriber at ins office in Kmg>tiae SC. within twent\ day.-after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid.the plaiatitfs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Date. February IS. liMJ. LeRoy Lee. * Plaints' Attorney. To the absent Defendant. John Wesley Cooper: Take Notice- That the original summons in this action, of which the fore- > going is a copv, together with the complaint. was tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Williamsburg county. State of S"Uth Carolina, on the 21st day of February, 1913. LeRoy Lee, 3-?7-bt riatntins Attorney. Dated 21st day of February. 1913. Notice of Application ' for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned will make application on the 5th day of Mav. 1913, at eleven o'clock a. m., to the honorable P M Brockin- 1 ton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for his final discharge as Administrator of the estate of L G Blakeley, deceased, and that at said time a 1 full accounting will be made to the said Probate Judge of his actings and doings as said Administrator. Dated at Kingstree. S C, this, the 29th day of March. 1913. T E Bl.AKKI.KY, Administrator of Estate of L G Blakelev, deceased. 4-3-5t Notice of Application ? 1 1 lor *mai mscnarge. i Notice is hereby given that the un- , dersigned will make application on the , 5th day of May. 1913, at eleven o'clock a.m. to the Honorable P M Brockinton, ( 1 udge of Probate of Williamsburg ; county, for his linal discharge as Administrator of the estate of Thomas E Ragin deceased, and that at said time a full accounting will be made to the said Probate Judge of his actings and doings as said Administrator. Dated at King-?tree. S C, this, the | 29th day of January. 1913. A J Ragin, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas E Ragin, deceased. 4-3-5t Notice of Application . for Final Discharge* Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application on the 12th day of May, 1913, at eleven o'clock the Honorable P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for his Final Discharge as Administrator of the estate of H L Grayson, deceased, and that at said time a full accounting will be made to the said j Probate Judge of his actings and doings as said Administrator. Dated at Kingstree, S C, this, the 5th day of April, 1913. Leon M Grayson, Administrator of the estate of H L 1 Grayson deceased. 4-10-5t 1 TTcf a f n Vntinp All persons holding claims against the : estate of Phoebe Nesmith, deceased, are hereby required to file the same, I duly probated, with the undersigned,and < all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make payment to the undersigned. i Henry Nesmith, Qualified Executor; or J D GilLAND, Attorney, 4-17-3t Kingstree, S C. Notice of Teachers' Examination. The regular spring examination for teachers will take place in the court house at Kingstree on Friday, May 2, beginning at 9:30 a. m. and closing at 4 p. rn. J G McCullough, County Superintendent Education Williamsburg county. 4-17-3t Pinal Tlicr?Viartrft. 4k AMMI* va Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of May, AD 1913, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, we will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissorv as Executors of the estate of S J Taylor, deceased. S V Taylor, E 0 Taylor, M I), 4-3-5t Executors. Final Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 3d day of May A D 1913, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county.for Letters Dismissory as Guardian of Norman Thomas. . J Edward Duke. 4-3-5tp Guardian. Final Discharge^ Notice i* hereby given that on the 26t.h day of April, 1913, at 12 o'clock, noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissorv as Administrator of the estate of T E Salters, deceased. T E Salters. 3-27-4 tp Administrator. Clerk s Sale for Partition THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WILUAMSKl/m; C'OI NTV. In Court of < ommon Fleas. T W Britton, PlaintitF. vs J K Britton. James S Britton. KM Brittou, F < Britton. Henry Haselden. Sammie Haselden. Baker Haselden. Annie Haselden Joy. Mattie Haselden. Ivey Haselden. Scot tie Haselden and Ida Pamilla Haselden.Defendants. Pursuant to the decree in the above entitled action, dated April 19PJ, I will oiler for sale before the court house door in Kingstive.South Carolina, on salesday in Ma\, 19Pi, the same being the *th day of tile month, between the legal hours of sale. t?> the highest bidder for cash, the following described prenv-es. to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract ot land lying, being ami situate in Wiiliamsbnrg county and State ??f South Carol: : containing 111 acres, more i a- less, and bounds d as follows, to-wit: On the North by and- of F * Britton: on tin- Fast by the lands of J J -mow; on the South by Indiantown-Kome public roail. and on the West by the G P Dennis tract of land, now owned by J J Snow. Purchaser to pay for papers. 4-17-dt * H 0 Britton, Clerk of?'ourt for Williamsburg county. Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Hemingway, LOCATED AT Hemingway, S C, At the Close of Business April 4, 19l.'l. i Resources. Loans and Discounts Slf>.<>86 47 Overdrafts 6-14 5Furniture and Fixtures 516 lf? 1 Banking House. 3,411 631 Due from Banks and Bankers 2,166 84 Currency 571 00 Gold . 290 (Ki Silver and other Minor Coin 087 0"> Checks and Lash Items 125 39 j Total $24 799 05 Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In 813.535 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 219 93 Due to Banks and Bankers 539 27 Individual Deposits subject to 7 6".: 1 Oil Savings Deposits S4"> 35 Certified Checks (5 oU Bills Payable.including Certificates for Money Borrowed, 2.0(H) cm Total $24,799 05 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I county of williamsburg, \ Before me came J A Doyle, ' ashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. ? J A DOYLE, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of April, 1913. J M G Eaddy, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: H L Baker, W C Rollins, II Edw Eaddy, Directors. I ! Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that at 12 o'clock m., on the 12th day of May, 1913, the j undersigned will apply to the Judge of i Probate of Williamsburg county for her final discharge as Administratrix of the estate of Ed G Ard, deceased. Mary Ard. 4-10-5t. Administratrix. Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Reg istration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified a* follows: Who shall have been a resident ol the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling pre cinct in which tlie elector oners to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. H A Meyer, f.lerk of Board NoticeAny and all persons without proper written authority are hereby forbidden from entering for any purpose whatever upon the lands of the undersigned "ikatmonn fka dqm<i m q 17 hp LUIIlptilJ V VVIICiC *Ci WUV ouu.v ...w.J situated in the county, and especially lands in Santee river swamp. All unauthorized hunting and fishing upon said lands is hereby particularly prohibited. Santke River Cypress Lumber Co, Ry M W Seabrook, Attorney. Sumter, S C, April 4, 1912. 4-10-4t LOST OR STRAYED?Foe Toner. ^jl Anawera to name of "Raga." Maybe Rags is not much of a dog, as dogs go. J But he was Baby's %lairmota?anrl Rakv Klay luetic UUU JUTUhrj as gone to Never-; Never Land. So a want ad whistled up every street in town and Rags is back home again. DAZED THE CROWN PRINCE. The New Servant Who Went From One Extreme to the Other. ,1,.. Ill mm* imh?k ??i umiiiii^nm> wi mc Cenn.ui royal t'iiin:!v Mrs. Unijb Fraser tells tlif following stmy of rlie el 11\\ ii prim e and :: d.sequious me ii hi I: His highness |i;i?) just taken into liis sendee a new manservant, tint tlie overdone obsequiousness of the man jarred on his master. At last the rov. 11 [niiiee l>e. anie so irritated thai the servant reeeived an intimation to the eiteet that his highness would pre lei to he treated with more sim|ili- it The day after having gi\eu this warning the eioun winee was seated at his taliie writing wnen lie sudden!* felt himself tapped on the shouldei Thinking it was his wife, lie turtle! qtii'kly. smiling, on'y to hehold tli hitherto ohsequioiis servant standing heside him and regarding him with a most friendly smile Itefore the astoti ishetl heir to the Herman throne eon Id ii oil <nit!i hie words in wiiieb to re \ WW/ "18 HE DBCNK?" buke the servant's presumption, the latter jerked his thumb in the direction of tlie door, and aunounced: "Pa^peben has come to see you." Now. the crown prince was expecting a call from his father, the emperor, and as "pappchen" literally means "little papa" his astonishment Increased. "Puppcben!" be grasped as soon as he could articulate. Then, thinking that the servaut surely must have beeu drinkfug to dare to speak of the emperor in such a familiar way, he muttered to himself, while bis eyes were fixed on the man in amazed inquiry. "Is he drunk?" The servant apparently thought the whispered remark was a confidential request for information as to the prospective visitor's condition, for after scratching bis head in some perplexity he leaned closer to the crown prince and whispered softly: "Drunk? Well. I think not I didn't notice anything." Too Expansive. Two members of a country club were discussing a fellow member. The latter did not hove a reputation for outbursts of wild extravagance. "I understand that 'Bucky* Browu has quit the game of golf." "What! 'Bucky' Brown? He used to be so fond of the game. Why on earth did he stop playing?" "He lost his go.'f ball."?Everybody's Why Scratch? "Hunt'sCure"isguaranteed, to stop and permanentlycurethat r LLO^fl terr'^e itching. It is compounded for that lyjSi purpose and your money it a f/fwL1 will be promptly refunded %Jrni W]M\ WITHOUT QUESTION fiMyun if Hunt's Cure fails to cure 'tc^ Eczema, Tetter, Ring m Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c at your druggist's, or by road direct if he hasn't it Manufactured only by A. B RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Shwmto, T?m t Dispensary Petitions. Editor County Record: ? Several neighbors told me yesterday that a petition is being circulated in this section to get signatures aswing that an election he held in f ? ?-.f UA yl i c?nan_ I V> I i 1 IfWIlSi 11(1 L'UUIll* I'll IIIC uiop.11- I sary question again. Several of my J informants said they signed the petition somewhat carelessly and somewhat under a wrong impression. In I two or three instances theyiunder-; stood from the presenter of the pe-; tition that the election would he held whether or not thev signed. Manv I of my informants say they are unalterably opposed to dispensaries being placed in our county and that they are opposed to an election being held. Now, Mr Editor. I do not accuse any one of wrongdoing, but I wish ! to call the attention of our j)eopleto , the situation and ask them to con-; , sider well before signing such peti; tions. I would not, for a moment, j be so presumptuous as to attempt to : dictate to any one; but let us con! sider a fact or two. In the first place, we now have no ; " * * llfllf I L mm l dispensaries in vviuiamsuurg eouiuy I and unless we have an election and vote it in, we will not have any under our present law. Secondly, those of us who are op-1 posed to re-opening of dispensaries 'in our county should not sign any { petition for an election. If we do j hot want dispensaries why should we ! want an election? Again, suppose 1 the majority of our voters are now j opposed; who knows but that, if an : ! election is held, the agitation conse-1 ; quent may turn many to become in j favor of dispensaries. Many people seem to think that because some will drink intoxicants , I and therefore their money goes to I other counties or to other States, that it would be better to have the , ; dispensary,so that our county would get whatever profits there may be | in the sale. I Now, friends, 1 bend to my knees | ! and ask you to pardon a personal j : experience. Twenty years ago your' ' humble writer was agent and operaj tor in one of the towns of the State. I was glad that I could keep my Bi- j ble on my desk where were kept the other books connected with my work. The Bible taught me how to keep the books and how to keep myself straight. I soon became persuaded that I should not work for a railroad company any quicker than to work on a farm on the Sabbath day. I resigned my position. Many told me then, and have said since, that some one will keep that office and that I might as well have kept it. That it is not wrong to work on the Sabbath for the reason that others will do the same work on the Sabbath. But I say because others steal or lie or cheat, is no reason why I should do these things. Because others drink intoxicants is no reason I should drink, or help to cause it to be sold for others to drink. If I help to try to keep it as far away and as unhandy as possible, then I feel that I am individually free from its evil consequences. So let us not say that we may as well or better have intoxicants sold ! in our county, because others will buy it elsewhere. Let us "keep our i skirts clear,"for God holds us respon! sible. But, however we may sign i or vote, let us do so with the full understanding of what effect the result will be. Before I close, let me say I am not posing as any paragon of perfection. I have faults and too many of them, too. Johnsonville. Drive Sick Headaches Away. Sick headaches, sour, gassy stomach,indigestion,biliousness disappear quickly after you take Dr King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the'system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; i every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recommended by Kingstree Drug Co and M L Allen. adv If you have anything for sale try an ad in our "special" column. No. 666 This it a prescription prepared especially fx MALARIA or CHILIS 4 FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c J [ BLEASE DISREGARDS PRIMARY. Won't Appoint Nominee For Auditor of Georgetown. Georgetown, April 17:?There are some heartburnings in this county because of the fact that Governor Bleaseh^s failed to commission some of the men, who, in the primary last August, won the election and were declared thr nominees by the county executive committee, but the incumbents of the offices at the time are still holding over, in the absence of the appointment of their successors. Mr T S McConnel! opposed Mr J A Hemingway for county Treasurer, i'he face of the returns gave Mt Hemingway 79b votes as against 774 for Mr AicConnell. Mr McDonnell entered a protest alleging fraud at one of the country boxes, and after a heated contest the executive committee threw out the box in question, giving the contestant, Mr McConnell, a majority, and declared him the successful candidate. His commission has not yet been received. Mr W J Bruorton ran against County Auditor H C Tallevast and in the primary defeated him by a vote of 799 to 761. There was no contest in this case. Mr Bruorton has been patiently awaiting the receipt of his commission in order that ne mignt enter upon the duties of the office. Long patience bringing no reward, Mr Bruorton addressed an inquiry to Governor Blease, asking him the direct question as to when he might expect the appointment, to which the following was the reply: State of South Carolina Executive Chamber Columbia, S C, April 1, 1913. MrW J Bruorton,Georgetown,SC. ? Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of March 31, Governor Blease directs me to say that, according to his information, the present Auditor at n - 1 ueorgeiown is niaKinK a very guuu officer and the Governor sees no reason to make a change. Respectfully, Jno K Aull, Private Secretary. Mr Bruorton feels very much aggrieved at the action of the Governor in this matter. He has made public the upshot of the matter only within the past few days. Wlnthrop College Notes. Winthrop College, Rock Hill, April 18: ?Friday night Winthrop College entertained about fifty of the gentlemen who graduated at Yale College in 1885. A six-course din ner was served in the dining hall at 6 o'clock. Dr Johnson was assisted in receiving the guests by the marshal and the presidents of all student organizations. After dinner a musicale was given in the auditorium by the choral society and Prof Bauer, who is at the head of the music department. The field day exercises were held on April 7, at 10 o'clock. A good many visitors were present for this occasion. * ? i* i.i Wintnrop gave a reception ror me delegates, who are attending the State Medical ai.oociation, Wednesday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock. The parlors were beautifully decorated with roses and potted plants, and sandwiches and coffee was served. Dr and Mrs E T Kelley of Kingstree were in Rock Hill a part .of this week, and while in the city they came to the college for a short while. We were glad, indeed, to see them and hope that they will come again. M J. \ Look to Your PlumbingYou know what happens in a house in wnicn tne piumum# is m pvui condition?everybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's j Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. adv A doctor whose principal diet is peanuts has recently married a young lady whose food consists largely of apples. It is not likely their friends will hanker after invitations to dine with them. The County Record and The Youth's Companion, 1 year $2.75.