L_ ?. Hi jlljc jfoimtg fteftttfb. B j VOL. XXVI1. KlXGrSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913. XO. 7 t K Tobacco Flues with th V are made by an exper ' ect satisfaction. "Riv u are used to buying. 1 i i : ? 1.1 no riSK in ouyillg irum ua, g Thank us now for havi I Coffins and Caskei JUGH SCHOOLATHLETIC \ & ORATORICAL MEET A MOST SUCCESSFUL AND ENJOYABLE OCCASION-KINGSTREE WINS CUP. The second annual contest of the WtlHamaKiiror Hicrh School Athletic B and Oratorical association was held H here Friday, both the athletic and B -ratorical programmes being successB ally carried out in the presence of B large number of people. \t 2:30 o'clock the following athB Jc exercises took place at the base> M a'l grounds in North Kingstree: | B 100-yard dash?' W C Holroyd, Alex Blakeley, Kingstree; Tart, Union; T ^Bockfield, E Ard, Johnsonyille; P * TT **?i?in- Tir? hk nogu, ureeiyviuc. nuu uj uug?u I 1st, Aid 2nd. J Shot put?C Harper,ECook,Kings^ twa;, Johnson, Cribb, Union; DNewWi? E Ard, Johnaonville. Won by f -took 1st, Harper 2nd. 1 220-yard hurdle race?C Harper, W C Holroyd, KingBtree; Tart,Cribb, 'nion; J Jones, Johnsonville. Won lroyd lsc, Tart 2nd. 380-yard face?K Baker, McB Mc^dij^Kingstree; Johnson, Union; Rankin, L Mishoe, Greelyville. >n by Baker 1st, Mishoe 2nd. '220 yard dash?Blakeley, R Mc * - ?? a TT f a i n F' II, Kingstree; tare, union; ato, u aaelden.Johnsonville; Hogan, Greelyville. Won by Hogan 1st, Blakeley 2nd. f High jump ? Harper, Holroyd, Kingstree; Cockfield and Venters, Johnsonville. Won by Harper 1st,! Cockfield 2d. In this contest Harper broke the State high school record by jumping 65 inches, while his opponent went 62. ^ 440 yard race?Baker, Holroyd, Kingstree: Cockfield,Haselden, John- j W sonville; Mishoe, Greelyville, Won 1 * by Baker 1st, Holroyd 2d. * I jb&vey&t/ 1 ATo one was ever able to I the water. How la a wot save money who never ha I more men intrusted their I there would be fewer bai I their wives with their b; . find at the end of the mon GBR BALANCE in the ba "*"* ? w v r* i 1 uo XKJUJX. i Jill I. We Pay 4 per cent inten /; I FARMERS & MEI ^ I "ABSOLUTELY SAFE" >bacco F e handsome dark blue color, n ienced man, accurately cut an ets where rivets belong."- Tt [Yy these oncg and be convince ana no lurtner argument as i< ing put you next to where to i r~] Kins 1 1 Broad jump?Harper, McFaddin, Kingstree; Snow, Brockinton, Union; CockfieW, Haselden, Johnsonville: Hogan, Greelyville. Won by Harper 1st, Hogan 2d. 1-mile relay race?Baker.Gamble, Harper, Blakeley, Kingstree; M Rankin, L Rankin, Hair and Mishoe, f 1 11 ? IfinflrsfrM uretiyvillc. IIUU tJJ l?uBuv>vv ! team. Thus ended the most successful and satisfactorily arranged field exhibition of the WlWamsburg High School Athletic association, and the splendid trophy cup, contested for for the first time, has been won by the Kingstree school. The next feature of the day's j programme was not to take place until 8:30 p. m. in the school auditorium. This was the oratorical feature of the associated schools of the county, to be participated in by both boys and girls. The contestants, with their subjects, were as follows: Florence Carraway, Union?"The Sweet Girl Graduate." Bettie Register, Greelyville?"The , ti? - r T ?? l^esirucuuu ui uci umiciu. Marina Spring, Johnsonville? "The Death of Marmion." Rubie Thorn, Kingstree?"The Mallet's Masterpiece." Emerson Ard, Johnsonville?"The Reunited Country." George Eaddy, Cades?"Woodrow Wilson's Inaugural Address." Winfred Godwin, Union?"The Reunited Country." Pm?bhW Hnirftn.Greelvville?"The Traitor's Deathbed." Zeno Montgomery, Kingstree? "The Ancestral Ideals." First place in the oratorical contest was won by Miss Ruby Thorn and Mr Znno Montgomery, representing Kingstree High school, to whom medals were presented by Mr Hoey. Second place was won by Miss Florence Carraway and Mr Winfred Godwin, of Union High school. The handsome trophy cup was pre swim without going into nan going to know how to d any money to save? If finances to~their WIVES, lkrupts. If men intrusted ank accounts, they would th that there was a HIGnk than ever before, king with US. jst on savings accounts. fl fcCHANTS BANK, I LAKE CITY, S.C. I lues! iade from Charcoal Iron, highl /J TMif VIQT* onrl irkinf SPPt U put tug^tlivi y U11V4 ley will make a home wherevei id. They are made so that yoi o purchasing after you see the )urchase your Flues, and pass I rstree l~h Wholesale and sented to the Kingstree High school by Prof McCutchen. The judges were Prof D M O'Driscoll, of Charleston; Prof George McCutchen, of the University of South Carolina; John Hoey, of the University of Soutl} Carolina. James Rhea and John Hoey, of the University, 1 j acted as starters and referees in the < athletic contests. Kingstree will send > a team to Columbia to participate in the meet between the several high schools of the State Friday and fully expects to make a creditable showing. COLUMBIA PERFECTS PLANS For State High School Contest Today and Tomorrow. Everything is in readiness at the State capital to receive the high school representatives from all over the State for the oratorical contest this evening and the track meet to- , morrow. The University faculty and students have been busy the past few days arranging for the entertainment of students who will enter the ] contests. They will be entertained at i the University from supper to-night < until Saturday morning for breakfast. ; This afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the ] society halls and in the chapel of the 1 University, the speakers will meet 1 i? fKo nroliminnripa TVlPV will be I divided up into four divisions and from each one the best two will be selected, and at 8:30 o'clock this evening the eight chosen will meet in the chapel for the final contest. Friday morning at 10 o'clock preliminaries will be held in the track meet and at 3 o'clock the finals. The following schools will be represented: Anderson Fitting school, Anderson High, Brunson, Clio, Dal- J cho, Dillon, Easley, Furman Fitting itup n i =Dales 1 Com] Hanan' FOR Hanan's Shoes neec those who have worn thei that holds its shape, looks We have them in the late convenient for you to call i stating size and last, will t eel post, prepaid. If they back at our expense. Price $6.00 THE CADES MEM Cades Toba y polished, will resist rust gr< ;ion, ell or tee is careiuuy lr r used this year. Will give 11 can set them up in your bai flues and get the price. Th( it along to your friends. irdware Retail Dealers school, Greenville; Greenwood, Hastoc,Hickory Grove,Kingstree, Latta, McCormick, Richland, Seneca, Spartanburg,Sumter, Summerville,Westminister, Wofford Fitting school and Yorkville. Gold medals are offered for first and second places in the oratorical contest and gold medals with athletic figures on them for first places in *- wioaf PiHHnno urill also LUC Liata umki i?uwvuu ..... be awarded for first and second places in the athletic contests. The following boys will compose the athletic team from Kingstree: Earl Cook, Alex Blakeley, Casper Holroyd, Cuyler Harper and Roy Baker. Zeno Montgomery will represent the school in the oratorical rontest. The boys were accompanied ay Messrs R L Holroyd, Wallace Mcintosh and Virgil Kinder. David Epps and McBride McFaddin also went with the team. Paroles Barney nauacc. Governor Blease Tuesday paroled Barney Wallace, white, who was contacted of manslaughter and carrying concealed weapons at Darlingtop in 1912 and given twelve years in the penitentiary. In addition to good tjehavior the parole is conditioned on Wallace never again entering the :ounties of Lee and Darlington in this State. Wallace was convicted )f killing his brother-in-law, Dal ton ailbert, and the wife of the dead nan asked for the parole of the prisvnpr The Drisoner paroled must ive with his widowed sister, wife of :he slain man, and support her and i young brother. There is nothing that gives more satisfaction in your room than one of >ur fly swatters, price 10 cents. It. Williamsburg Hardware Co. Mile pany i s Shoes MEN I no recommendation to n and appreciate a shoe better and wears longer. ! 'st styles, and if it is not | n person, a letter to us, I >ring them to you by par- i | don't suit, send them I and $7.00. mmm?mmmmm iNTILE COMPANY, , s. c. r i icco Flu< *ater than any other flue iron ispected before leaving our better satisfaction because 7i with a smiling face. Reme jy are now ready for delivery. CO. We L PLANTOF ACTCORPORATION BURNED, TWO MILLS LEFT STANDINGMUCH LUMBER DESTROYEDMILLS TO BE REBUILT. Georgetown, April 21:?The plant of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Corporation, said to be x>ne of the largest lumber plants in the world, having a capacity of one-half million feet per day, was almost completely destroyed by fire, which broke out this morning about 5 o'clock. Fanned by a strong wind from the north,which increased as the fire made headway, it seemed that nothing in the pathway of the flames could escape. One of the mills, which was located north of where the fire commenced,and another, which was not directly in the direction the wind was blowing,remain standing. Two mills, together with the power house and two dry kilns, and a vast amount ot lumoer, aoout:, ten million feet were destroyed. The I loss is estimated at about one-half! million dollars and is said to be com-!. pletely covered by insurance. It miffht have been a serious prop- j The Best Til 1> Let no one think his t have passed. Right now t > are greater than they eve 1; guished advantage in dea I are not too small for us n Give us your business little. We are just as atte as we are to large ones. The Bank I Cades fi" treasury of the world's gt|K best music '' That's what the Victor really is. It holds in : you the best music of tl world?the musical gen: great masters, the latest music, everything you w All yours to enjoy whenev Doesn't that interest you? your favorite selections on 1 in at any time. Victor-Yictrolas $15 to $200 Mr Samuel D. Ct * Jdta es! made today. Remember, warehouse, which insures they will outlast the flues >rnhor vnn run absolutely ''' osition to a great many persons who * were employed in these mills as well as to business generally icGeorgetown and vicinity, as this was the chief industry in this section,but the management has announced that the work of rebuilding will be started at once and that the two mills which were not burned will be run day and night. Owing to the fact that most of the pumps were put out of commission during the early stage of the fire very little could be done to check the flames; however, the plant of the Dupont Powder company, which manufactures alcohol out of sawdust, was saved by heroic work on the part of the management and employees of that plant. Of coarse, the fire attracted great attention and a large crowd of people, in fact, every one, who could possibly get out, turned out to witness it. * v tyj Fine meals at Stacldey's Cafe. It ? 4 Keep the flies out with some of our screen doors and windows. It. Williamsburg Hardware Co. If you want a square meal for your money call at Stackley's Cafe, where "Cleanliness is next to godliness", forms our motto. It ma Ia Until I . | 1116 16 nun. ( . - I best days for business j the chances of success j> r were, and one distin. ling with us is, that you j t or we too small for you. , even though it may be j? intive to small depositors t, s. cx | 1 -Victrola 1 store for ie entire L J I is of the y popular V ant. er and as often as you wish. Wouldn't you like to hear the Victor-Victrola? Come Victors $10 to $100. And erms to suit, if desired. r Music House irleston, S. C. lit, Representative, Ki ngttree, S. C J