F ? I Bad t Next Saturd; from the A. < Our store wi Fire Sale goods Vnn eaa tvp VL'ill I Ull TT W T T MSB chases, consequ our Fire Sale pri t we return from gains, and we v* JENK J Kingstn ' MR. J. P. WHEELER HELD UP i in Charleston*' Last Week by Three White Men. Charleston, March 14:?With the left side of his face bloody and somewhat bruised, and his nose bleeding profusely, Mr J P Wheeler of Kingrstree. walked into the Union station Ure between 3 and 4 o'clock Thursly morning, and to Officer Kelleher, Id the story of a holdup by three wbite men on Mary street, not far from the Union station. Mr Wheeler 1 stated that he had been set upon by three white men, roughly handled and relieved of his coin, about $19. The officer assisted the injured man to the Roper hospital as quickly as possible, where his wounds were dressed. . r Mr Wheeler, it appears, was on his way to the Union station, presuma? bly to take the early morning train to his home in Kingstree, ana was ' walking on Mary street. While he | claims that he recognized his assail| ants as white men, he did not know them and was unable to give the poi lice anv definite description of them. | Hurried investigation failed to lead to any clue as to the identity of the t robbers.?Actos & Courier. Among the honored guests to atJf tend the annual dinner of the Hibernian society at Charleston Monday was Congressman Victor Murdock of Kansas, a warm iriena 01 me rnie Congressman Geo S Legare and a prominent progressive Republican. \jT Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more discouraging than a chronic disorder of the stomach. Is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trifle? "About one year ago," says P H Beck of Wakelee, Mich, "I bought a package of Chamberlain's | Tablets, and since using them I have felt perfectly well. I had previous' lv used any number of different med icines, but none of them were of any lasting benefit." For sale by all dealers. adv. A big eating club has been formed in New York City. The members are former residents of North Carolina, who want to make up for the time they lost while residents of the Tar Heel State. | Are Too Constipated? If so get a box of Dr King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear, f They will stimulate the liver,improve I your digestion and get rid of all the noianns from vour system. They will , ? surely get you well again. 25c at Kingstree Drug Co's and M L Alty* len's. adv. We prepay postage on all orders amounting to $2.00 and express on orders amounting to $5.00 or more. Florence Dry Goods Co, 3-20-4t D W Cunningham, Mgr. \ gfarrx?V. . k At ay, March 22, > Z. L. Depot. A I ill continue to be a 1 to dispose of. We 1 hit the market a li ently, we will be ab ices. Don't buy yo the Northern mark* ill get them, too. 1 IN50N ee, nnnn \m. ? Many Klogstree Readers Have Heard It \ and Profited Thereby. > "Good news travels fast" and the 1 thousands of bad back sufferers in > this vicinity are glad to learn where C relief may be found. Many a lame, f weak and aching back is bad no more, / thanks to Dean's Kidney Pills. 2 Thousands upon thousands of people 1 are telling the good news of their > experience with this tested remedy. \ Here is an example worth reading: C J T Dozier, deputy sheriff, Marion, { S C, f^ys: "I have no hesitation in / recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, 5 as I have great confidence in them, i I had backache, coupled with pains ( across my loins ana my Muueyo ?cic v badly disordered. I read about Doan's ? Kidney Pills and,deciding to try them, 3 I procured a box. After using them J a short time the backaches and pains i left me and my kidneys became nor- C mal." i . For sale by all dealers. Price "50 r cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, 3 New York, sole agents for the United jf States. _ Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. adv. ? "A Bonier** Replies to **CItIzen.** I Editor County Record:? I n1 -11 amahrrVi in I ttJIUW IIIC Spavc ^uvugu ?m your valuable columns to say a few words to Mr "Citizen". He should have conferred with the Clerk of Court and satisfied himself in regard to the hunters I had. Now, Mr Editor, if our friend I "Citizen" were to lose his wife and could fool another woman to marry him, would a receipt from our Probate Judge answer for a marriage license? Or would he insist upon having a license, which would be more legal? I am sorry I have no Code ?"' Ttnan ao mv f?pnH "Citi ? 1 tins Oil Sins, Ottir Imdiis Vn't Cm ^ The worst cues, no matter of bow lone standing, ? are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves \ Psia sad Heals at the same time. 26c, 60c, S1.0QL * UUUCi HI J UVOS.) MWP t*v ? zen" has; for if I had, I should not have offered intelligent strangers my receipt when the law requires a license. Now, Mr "Citizen", are you not ashamed of the way in which you treated those men,and were you not informed of their coming and asked to have the license ready? Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. A Hunter. March 3. 1913. Warning Message. | Charleston, March 16:?The con- I tinued rains of the last 24 hours I will augment the floods and the fol- I lowing stages are now indicated: E Cheraw, 36 to 38 feet Monday; I Smith's Mills, about 18 feet March | 26; Kingstree, 12 to 13 feet March . 20; Effingham, 15 to 16 feet March 24 or 25. If heavy rains occur within a week the stages at Effingham and Smith's Mills will be increased. J H Scott, Local Forecaster. g npi Th< vill find us b; Jargai bargain center as will be in the Norl ttle late, after all ile, with the cash ur spring goods y ets. We are goin Don't buy until w BROl poooooooooooc $ Tison & Jones, i and Hercules BUS( Columbus and T ii.nnnmnv unui < mubunmiuK mun < Harness, Summer / Whips, &c. s Dr. Hess & Clark 5 try Powders. . ? YOURS TC > Williamsburg Livi S KINGSTl ooooooooooooc The Fall T KINGSTREE GRADED Da. UCJ Septemb* All departme in Good Woi Parents who intend enteri will please do so during the fir Patrons and friends of the to visit the school at any dme. Any further inforn applying to J. W. Swittenberg, Superintendent Kingstfi Ve want to Print . . A flllj ack at our ol n Cen we will still have i ihern markets next the merchants h in hand, to pick u et. Wait for the hi g there with the e return from the I* rHERS XOOOOOOOOCXXXTfl Virginia, Guilford 8 3 I BS. I hornhill Wagons. X ERS AND RAKES, | Dusters. Saddles, a: ;'s Stock and Poul- X ) PLEASE, Vl b Stock Company, O REE, s. c. X erm of the | IANU tlllltl dtnUUL fan ?r 16,1912 Mits are now rtinc Order 1 ""'ft rig their children in the school st week of the fall term. School are cordi-illy invited i latinn mav be had bv E. C. Epps, 1 Clerk Board of Trustees. 1 I se, S. G. i VAAND HIDES AT BI6HEST HAiilT PI1C1 PAID fOK RAW FUK3 I AND HIDES. Wool Commission. Writsfcr ^ prico-lkt men Uoalnff this *4 , EATASLISHB01837 IITEAOOu Looutiua K*. : your Stationery ' d Stc d stand acrosi ter several thousand d< t week to buy our lave been on and n p bargains that wi ig values we will o cash in hand to pi forth. COMP South Ci Kingstree Dn When you bring y< our store you are sur< physician calls for?n nr inferior Hru$?s are pounding. We keep on hand a Up-to-Date Toilet A fumes, Etc. Also ar ment of Stationery. D. M. Ferry's The Best Vari Tobacco, Cigars [[ THE KINGSTREE 1 W??WMW????Maaa Go To i WHEN YOUETANYTI A record of more than t hind him. With a bunch c on hand, he is always read Also Feed and I J. L. Stuckey, BEST QUALITY. I L. Wetherhc ( ^ CYPI I SASH, DOORS J CHARLES'] W PROMPT DELIVERIES. IT PAYS TO ADVERTI Let Us Print Ton Soi uidll J $ the street ; ollars worth of | Spring Goods. ... I lade their pur- I ill even eclipse I ffer you when I ick up big bar- I i A 1MV I rvi^ i > a irolina. i1 >ur prescription to Hi e to get what your HH 0 cheap substitutes 1 used by us in com- j^H ^ complete line of . ' rticles, Soaps, Per1 Excellent Assort 1 Garden Seed CUCB orumi* B and Cigarettes j 4 Stuckey SE IN THE RECORD ae Office Stationery^ HORSEFLESH f ^ wenty years stands be- 1 I >f nice norses and mules I ly for a sale or a swap. iivery Stables. Lake City, S. C. ' EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. C >rn & Son, I RESS 1 1 AND BLINDS, 1 row, s. c. I | ESTIMATES FURNISHED. (