The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 20, 1913, Image 5

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Value of a Bank Account. < [ C.A bank account with this strong,-con: servative institution is worth a great deal to you in convenience and security. It leads to many privileges and broader business relations, to ask and receive w" ^ advice and to use our facilities, A ?LIt is not necessary that you should f*r\rr\Ck fn tKo Konlr in norcnn if Vftll dpsirP J to open an account. Your deposits can be sent by mail with your napie and address, or by some other person, and the deposits promptly acknowedged, sending you either a pass book or a statement of the account at the close of each month, as desired. , CWe make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons shall j be satisfactory. We want each one to j fool that they are free to come to us in all matters where our experience and advice will be of value and assistance. You can also be sure that every business transaction passing through our hands is held in strict confidence. <LIf you have had no business with this bank we feel confident that you will appreciate the service we can render. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG ^ KIN6STREE, S. C. \ C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem, V P. E C Epps. C W Boswell, Cashier. Asst Cashier. 'LOCAL pi wis M To-morrow is Good Friday. Next Sunday will be Easter. Mr W M Vause was in Florence this week. Mrs LeRoy Lee was a visitor to ^ Columbia this week. Mr W M Stafford of Salters was in Kingstree Monday. % V Miss Agness Erckmann will spend ||^ the week-end at Brunson. Mr R E McKnight of Greelyville jral was in Kingstree Saturday. BUm Miss Alice Nexsen is the guest of BIB her sister, Mrs Carroll Burgess. W The banks will be closed tomor^ i n j? \ . i i i_ _ i: R row, uooa r riaay Demg a legai nunH day. HA Dr J 6 DuRant of Lake City was HU noted in Kingstree Saturday of last SB week. I Miss Agness Erckmann attended the Teachers' association in Columbia last week. Miss M S Boyd, of the Salters section, visited relatives here Wednesday of last week. ^ Miss Flossie Kellahan of Zeb is spending the week with her uncle, Hon R H Kellahan. The water in Black river at this place registered 12 feet and 8 inches at 7 o'clock this morning. Miss Lula Epps, who has been visiting Mrs E C Burgess, returned to her home at Mouzons Friday. Miss Daisy Phillips, who is teaching in the Bethesda Graded school, visited Mi96 Mary Vause last week. The deluge of Saturday and Sun. day almost entirely wrecked the $400 bridge recently built across the canal. Wanted, a copy of The Record of January 16, 1913, to complete our files. Send to Record, Kingstree, S C. Miss Bessie Van Keuren of Meggetts will spend the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs H Van Keuren. Mrs R W Crosland of Bennettsville will visit her parents, Mr and Mrs J N Hammet, during the Easter holidays. Mr E M Hirsch, a popular traveling salesman, left for a trip to ^ J CnovfunKurrr TllOfl. Xjrrceuvuic auu upaiuiuuuig a wvw 1 -jjl day morning. Mrs W H Gaillard of Manning spent several days this week with ?her sister, Mrs M C Mouzon, and Mrs W G Gamble. Miss Odessa Montgomery, who has been visiting relatives in Savannah, I Ga, for some time, returned home rS Saturday morning. ' \ Monday was St Patrick's day and the shamrock emblem was numerously in evidence by the sons of Erin and their friends. It is reported that in some localities a considerable portion of the bean crop has been washed out by the recent heavy rains. Mr W R Scott is having materials placed on the ground for the erection of ten tenant houses on the r>i Hv thp rivpr. Dia^'iej pxv/t/wvj *,j .... ...? Hon R J Kirk, lay reader, conducted seryices at the Episcopal church last Sunday morning and will do so again tomorrow (Good Friday) at 11 a. m. A company composed of local talent will present a three act comedy farce entitled "A Regular Flirt" at the Thomas opera house on next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. -f There will be a regular meeting of Kingstree lodge A F M at 8 o'clock | this evening. All members and visiting brethren are cordially invited : to be present for work in the Mas- j ter's degree. Mr D E Rodgers of Summerton was a visitor to Kingstree Monday. Both Mr Rodgers and his good wife,' Mrs Emma F Rodgers.are well known in Williamsburg, where they have, manv friends. I Congressman Ragsdale advises us I that he has recommended Mr Louis! j Stackley for postmaster at Kingstree j I and that the appointment will be i ! made probably within the next ten days or two weeks. Mr B W Butler has sold his stock ; j of dry goods, clothing, etc, to Peers j & Maipass of Orangeburg. Mr But- . ler, we understand, has accepted a ; position as general manager of the j Hutzler Company of Florence. Several mad dogs and others bit- ' ten by dogs affected with rabies were 1 killed in town last week. An ordi- 1 nance not to allow any dog on the j street without a muzzle might be i the means of preventing one or more persons from a horrible death from ' hydrophobia. ' % f ( Pete Davis, a young colored man employed by Mr F H Hodge at his J saw mill near town, had one of his I hands so badly mashed Friday even- J ing last that the amputation of the } first and second fingers was neces- < sary, the operation oeing periormeu by Dr W G Gamble. We had the pleasure of a visit last week from Editor H S Cunningham, one of the veteran newspaper men of the State. Mr Cunningham is editor and proprietor of the Bishopville Vindicator. Editor Cunningham is a native of Williamsburg county and says that he keeps in touch with the old county by reading The Record. The "wild man" from Lanes about whom the late papers have made much-ado was taken from the county jail here Tuesday afternoon and sent out to recruit Road Engineer Eaddy's forces as a member of the chaingang.he being a perfectly tame, abie bodied negro and very little re- c moved in appearance from the aver- t age male member of the Afro-Am- I erican persuasion. t I We find it necessary to remind our I friends that we do not publish obit- I uaries, tributes of respect or other personal notices free. We of course make no charge for printing the death of anyone as news. But there r is a vast deal of difference between c a news item and an obituary or a s tribute of respect. Sometimes the s latter are received a year after the ^ death of the person referred to. g It is with pleasure that we call at- t tention to the advertisement of the Florence Dry Goods Co. A J Howard, the president of the company,is c our former schoolmate ant'. David 1 Cunningham, the general manager, t and the editor were reared together, g so to speak, on old Cedar Swamp. . Both of these officials are high-toned gentlemen and we can cheerfully * vouch for their business integrity, c We bespeak for this concern the consideration of our readers. The machinery for the Kingstree Electric Light and Ice Co has arrived and is now being installed as rapidly as possible. An expert electri- j cian is wiring the houses of patrons, so that all will be in readiness when 1 the "juice" is turned on. The ice 1 machinery is also being installed and i it is expected that the plant will be j in running order in time for the hot } weather. The machinery is new and of the most modern type and first ( *?lno?s aorviop is antici Dated from this i much needed enterprise. We are pleased to note that Messrs Jenkinson Bros Co are moving back into their old stand on Main street near the depot, where this well-known and popular firm wa3 temporarily put out of business by fire on January 31. Soon afterwards they opened up in Gorrell's warehouse,where they have since conducted most successfully a big fire sale, disposing of all their damaged stock at greatly reduced prices. Messrs Jenkinson Bros Co return to their old stand with a full and complete new stock < and with the best wishes of the community for a long and successful business future. Ladies, write us for samples of Dress Goods, Trimmings, etc. We can please you. Florence Dry Goods Co, , 3-20-4t Florence, S C. Chamberlain's Tablets for Constipation. For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers, adv If you know any friend expecting to go to the mountains, call their attention to the advertisement of Chimney Rock and Bat Cave, which appears in this issue. 3-20-8t f DENOMINATIONS UNITE In Forming Sunday-School Association. Delegates from several of the Sunday-schools of Williamsburg county,representing churches of the various denominations, met in the Methodist church here Saturday, March 8, at noon. The meeting was opened with devotional exercises, Prof 0 M Mitchell presiding, After listening to an earnest address by Mr Cappelman of Charleston on the importance and advantages of an interdenominational association of the Sunday-schools of the county, it was moved and seconded that we effect sucfi an organization. The following delegates reported: 0 M Mitchell, Union M E church, Rome; Rev F H Wardlaw.Indiantown Presbyterian church,Vox; W ESnowden, Cedar Swamp M E church, Benson; Walter H Tart, L H Johnson, Black Mingo Baptist church, Morrisville; i W D Eaddy, Bethesda M E church, Cades; R E McElveen, Bethel Presbyterian church,Cades; T A McCrea, Central Presbyterian church,Benson; Miss Ethel Lifrage, Union Presbyterian church, Salters; J T Frierson, Mt Vernon M E church, Mouzon, | ind the following ministers: Revs P 5 McChesney, Williamsburg Presby:erian church; W E Hurt, Kingstree Baptist church; W I Sinot, Union Presbyterian church; R E Sharpe, ; Union M E church; D A Phillips, Kingstree M E church. A permanent organization was ef- * "ected by the election of the followng officers: Prof 0 M Mitchell, ( president; Rev F H Wardlaw, vice ; ^resident; Mr J G McCullough, sec etary; R J Kirk, Esq, treasurer. It j vas moved and carried that these s >fficers act as an executive commitee for the organization. The following were elected dele- ( rates to the State Sunday-school invention, which convenes at Sumer: Miss Agness M Erckmann, * Kingstree; Mrs J H L Chandier, Sal- ( ers; Mr G Ollie Epps, Benson; Miss > ^uth Nettles. Kino-stree: Mrs W D )aniel, Vox. Miss Grace Vandiver, who was exacted to be present Sunday, did " lot come. Prof Leonard T Baker, 1 >f the University of South Carolina ind secretary of the State Teachers' ( issociation, delivered an address de- ? ' 1 roted to practical hints to Sundayichool teachers. The address took he place of the regular sermon, the ipeaker being presented to the large congregation by Rev D A Phillips, rhe congregations of the four Kings- I ree churches united for this occa- ' lion. Prof Baker delivered an excelent and helpful address and held i ;he attention of his hearers through >ut the same. N D Lesesne. Sec pro tem. 1 ~ * ( Cleaning Up Day. Through the president of the Civ- J c league we are requested to an- 1 lounce that Friday, March 28, has ! >een designated as a general cleanng up day in Kingstree, and it is loped that every property owner ind resident in town, white and coljred, will observe the same by givng their premises a thorough overruling, and "setting their house in Drder" for the reception of a glorious spring. From many sources it has been j predicted that, owing to the very 1 mild winter season, general health , conditions are going to be bad dur- : ing the spring and summer, and in ; dew of the information it is the ur- < g^ent duty of every citizen to join hands with the Civic league next Friday and help put the town in a ? clean, sanitary condition. -Millinery Openings. Yesterday was opening day in the millinery departments of Mr S Marcus.the Kingstree Dry Goods Co and at the Kennedy Millinery store. Tbe day was by no means a propitious one for the occasion, it being cloudy and rainy throughout, but notwithstanding the inclement conditions, a large number from town and a few from the country ventured out to see the pretty displays of Easter millinery and note the fetching little Tam-o'-shanters m crash materials of many colors,with a single feather towering up some 10 or 12 inches and forming a perfect interrogate point (?). Everything in ladies' headwea this season seems to be new excep perhaps the large brim hat with i correspondingly large oval crown and even this must be set off with i Bulgarian ribbon artistically ar ranged to be in style, The styles ar all much smaller than a year ag< have a highly tailored appearance. The display of spring dress goods and embroideries is the most elabo' rate and beautiful ever shown ir Kingstree. The laces are also ver^ dainty and exquisite in design, es pecially the "shadow" variety. We will refund your railroad fart from any point within fifty miles ol Florence if your purchases with us amount to $25.00 or more. Florence Dry Goods Co, 3-20-4t D W Cunningham, Mgr. Wood's Garden Seeds?New seeds just in at Scott's Drug Store. 1-23-tf. SPECIAL NOTICES iftS) Phone us when you want QT to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 2oc. Phone 83. For Sale ? Sweet Potato plants: S'ancy Hall, Georgia Bucks, Norton Yams and Haman varieties. Booking irriora for Anril nnH Mav S'2 npr 1 000 H J Brown, 3-13-8tp Cades, S C. Wanted?Two or three regular f>oard?rs. Nice rooms, good fare. Mrs H A Miller, }-13-2t Kingstree, S C. Wanted?500 bushels of cow peas; lighest market price will be paid for same. WTWilkins, 2-27-tf Kingstree, S C. For Sale?15 S C Brown Leghorn ?ggs for $1.00, or will exchange for :ommon eggs at the rate of 4 for 1. 2-27.4t W N Jacobs. Wanted?The return of my Sunny South cotton and bean planter loaned ast spring and taken from the premises )f Mr Hugh Pendergrass. Pe-ty now n possession will please return to 3-20-2t. W P McGill, Kingstree. For Sale?One Al Work Ox. Apply x> People's Market. 1 TT A 14*11 T1 it n n miner, rrojj. For rent?Five Rooms, apply to Dr ? J McCabe. 2-6-tf Wanted?Orders for fine frost-proof Cabbage Plants at $1.25 per 1,000, all varieties; cheaper in larger lots. Satsfaction guaranteed. F S Cannon, 11-28-13-30-13 Meggetts, S C. BEAUTY SPOT OF THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS CHIMNEY ROM BAT CAVE Situated iu Hickory Nat Gap. There are many hotels and boarding houses and country homes where board can be obtained at lower rates than at any other section where the same class nf accommodation is triven. Before you make up your mind where to go write us for printed information, which will be sent free of cost If you want a few picture postal cards of the manv beauty-spots around here send 10 to 25 cents in stamps and we'll buy and send them them to you. Teachers of public and private schools who want to take special courses under the most competent instructors should write "Literary, Arts and Handk-rchief Association. Teachers who want tc join the Teachers' Outiug Club, "where they share expenses and thereby get their outing at smallest cost. Write "Outing Club." Doctors, bankers, lawyers, merchants and manufacturers can get printed information that is of special interest to them. It costa less to send your family here than to any other section. Furnished cottages, single room for housekeeping, and tents, can be rented at reasonable rates. Write for information. Address, Freeman's Camp, 3-20-8t Bat Cave P 0. N C. Farm For Sale Joye's Great Corn Land at Venter's On Old Georgetown Stage Road For Sale. AN UNEQUALED *:FER TO QUICK BUYER This farm consists of 175 acres, 7( acres of which is cleared and in excel lent condition, fairly good dwelling pack house, tobacco barn:*, stable anc other necessary outbuildings in gooc repair. A pair of mules worth $600 t< go with property if quick sale is effected. Terms: $7,000; $3,000 cash. balanc< at 7 per cent, interest,to be paid in tw< n ? tA C111 1 years. limy uc mauv bv^ouii convenience of purchaser. For furthei particulars write or apply to L. L. JOYE, 3-13-4tp Venters. S. C To Cure s Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fail* to cure. ?. wTGROVE'S signature on each box. Sc. y^Hog < is contagious and v? g W loss unless enecKea in m/ fwt? Hog Ci a Universally regarded as a than a generation. 5<>c i> 3 Ha pr$* D 53H ^ prevents Hog Cholera fro S9b m per gallon. Makes Iron: HB/ "Your Money If?*; Get Pratts Pre FT For sale by: Cades ; \TT% ^ >Farmers' Li \W tree. ^ *2i" I Milhous & Jt Old Stand! WE ARE pleased to announce that we have reopened oil Main Street where we wei fire some time ago. Our prese and is comprised of the very b< Our line of Dry Goods and ( and up-to-date. We invite your inspection ai prompt and satisfactory servic< Milhous & Ji KINGSTREE, I /inm mild I mm f) ! I lit HAH 11 I I Remember: We have Candies that are Cigars that will do you gc Drinks that will make a n Our Cate is stili open and taste" with care and di< Meet me at Coirtney's Courtney's Cafe am VIRGIL KIND! Kingstree, Have you se F OF | FORD and a fui FORD P i . always oi Come and T SUMTER,S. C. D.CSh The For 1-30-tf \kMm I The four designs of Cortright Mel j I made in any of the following ways: I I Siamrwl from Tin-Dlate and Dai r 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and pai 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Gal' 4. Stamped from special tight-coate Each and every genuine Cortnght P Trade-mark, " Cortright Reg. U. S We have local repreaentativea almoat eve locality, write ut direct for aample*, price* i CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING Cholera ?ry dangerous. Causes" htavy % time. Cure it quickly with L.l_^_ C !?. 1 ' r 1 11 innings, Inc. I New Goods! I - . i . I 10 our menas ana patrons r business at the old stand on re put out of commission by nt stock is all new and fresh, 3st and purest in groceries. Jents' Furnishings is also new ' id patronage and guarantee 3. J mnings, Inc. 5UUIT1 CAKUUIINA | IF COMING HERE! I H-ll j'j delicious. >od to smoke. iew person out of you. meals prepared to a "Queen's spatch. Make This Your Station Stop I Ice Cream Parlor ?R, Proprietor SoutK Carolina ' ^ ' ? = T en the new ID? CARS 1 H line of 'ART? . ' :| ri hand. ^ ake a Look. : PHONE 553. aw Co. d Man. 1 | wSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSM tal Shingles as shown above are oted Red. nted Green. /adzed by a hand-dipping process. d Galvanized Sheets. detal Shingle is embossed with this . Pat Off." a *4 rywhere, but if none in your immediate and full perticuUri. COMPANY a OBBBBBa ' J J