The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 13, 1913, Page TWO, Image 2

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HOW TO SPEND MH DAYS fc f fci U:e Year 1913Better than I Did *0? in 1912. How many of us children have o mnmont tn think nf this o iiivihv v w - ? important subject? I haven't thought of writing at all until I began to think of what an important subject \ we have. ? Now children, let us come together forming an endless chain of little links. Resolve to have a purpose ind live up to it. Let us make eveeffort possible to brighten the ^ y 1913. Don't think or say with<urselves that we haven't the fe or that we are not in position tactive, for each girl and boy grand chance, no matter where or where his or her situation be. If we only cultivate will . r within us. Think of the many things that count in making our own life and also lives of individual with whom we chance leet happy. shall arise each morning with a irt full of love and a smile for Aafid every one, singing some veet little son." that may be cheerng to one and all. With a happy smile, I can cause so many other smiles and keep them growing by *! cultivation. My little work and household duties which sometimes seem a burden to me will soon be a source of Dleasure and gladness to know that I am of some importance. I shall strive to fill my matter what or where I may be. I will be sure I am doing my duty regardJess of any obstacle which should arise up before ftie. I say let us have a purpose in life and live up to it. for without it we would be a mere trifle. Just think how many little things we may find to do each day at home. We car. be cheerful and helpful striving to be a help instead of a trouble. At school we can help to attend to the smaller children's wants and if one should be sick see that he or she gets attention. If any disturbance should occur, which sometimes does, especially among the little boys, see that they come together and make friends, getung each party to acknowledge their faults to the other. When we attend to each little thing that we may find to the best of our knowledge at the close of the day we can kneel so joyfully to thank the Heavenly Father for strengthening us so wonderfully in oar weakness, with nothing to keep us from feeling free and happy. Let us strive to be more helpful than ever before. I am a little girl thirteen years and six months of age in the eighth grade of Union High School. Wish ing our little band of writers mucn success in their good work during the proceeding year, 1913. Winnie McLaulin, Rome, S C. I am going to make the year of 1913 better than the year of 1912. First, 1 am going to improve in my school work. Study my leases,obey my teacher, speak kind to my teacher and be kind and true tr y schoolmates. In society I wf1" ty to write my debate the best qjp' id make my side win. At cf f jement I will learn my part V ^ ak it distinctly. I will not t???\ jfchool nor disturb my teacher. I vlll not disobey any of the school rules, so that my teacher will not have1 a right to keep me in. I will try not to be late in the mornings nor be absent from school unless I am sick. Second, I will trv to kef jp my house better in 1913 than 1 did fa 1912. I will do what my parents ten me 10 do and not grumble about it. I will f try to be more careful wi*'\ my things and when I get throv th them I will put them awav learn to help around my it I will know more w' I will * nday and ave my an id ?e e 7 i else. If a lady was out shopping and had a big armful of bundles and were to drop them, ought I to stand off and watch her pick them up, or : ought I run and pick them up for her? Why, of course,I should gathj er them up for her. If I should go to a friend's to spend a day or night if they don't have exactly what I want to eat, I ought to eat what thev have and sav nothing about it. There are many ways that we could I best spend the days of 1913 and I hope that everybody ^'ill spend the ! days of not only next year, but all the years in the future as best they can. I am a boy of the sixth grade. Yours truly, Luther Aull. I On new year's day we all should make a new and good resolution. We should not only make it but should keep it also and try to have everything marked with brightness, cheerfulness and happiness, also with kindness and truth. We should do our duty to our parents, teacher and friends. First of all,to God each day in the year. We ->11 aa?% mobo u 'JDQ r nf 1Q1S if ail tan iuar\t a p,uuu j VM* V* .. we will only try, for I am sure you can do something kind and good to help those that are in need and trouble, For a friend in need is a friend indeed. On school days we should go to school and learn our lessons, but don't go just for the fun of going. Try to get the benefit of our time,for if we waste it some day we will wish we had not wasted so many useful days. On Sunday we should go to Sunday-school and preaching. After services we should take a good rest and then read some of God's holy words. We should try not to lose a day, for when lost you can never recall it. Do your very best ever}' day and do a good and kindly rlopH Rp true to God and vour na tive land. A life like this, I think, | would be much happier than the one , some of us lead. Delle Sexton, j Sixth Grade, Kingstree, S C. J Hurrah, for the year 1913. I am a boy of the third grade in Kingstree Graded and High school. Each day must be put to good use. January's 31 days and nearly all of February's have been spent fairly good. Average and behavior at school. Home duties must come first of each 4,1? l?~ /low cn\7DQ 01 uie impfiiesi ow uojo uuu to us. Up early, bathe, dress, feed horse, fill water pail for breakfast, then off to school. Home again, lessons to learn, woodjboxes to fill and, as boys will do, get into mischief and get all out of these days I can. Then comes vacation, not a day is lost,for boys that will, can always find work as well as play and no one should idle the six days God gives us to work and the seventh to rest and serve him. Levin Nelson. Get up early, make yourself look fresh and bright, and be nice to everyone. I get up as soon as I hear anyone up, dress and go to the living room, straighten tne magazines, books and papers that are left the night before, sweep and dust till breakfast time If anything is needed I get up and get it and don't wait to be told. After breakfast I help to fix the school lunch for 1?>^ of us. At school I try to have good lessons and please my teacher. After school when I am not kept with my mtisic I go home and do lots of things to help till supper is over, then I study lessons for the next day and read till bed time. I love Sunday-schopl and love to go. 1 try eacn year 10 pass to the next grade in my studies and hope some day to go to Winthrop College. I am in the fifth grade of Cedar Swamp Graded school. George Rembert. Sunday I am going to preaching and Sunday-school. I shall study my lesson and try to keep its teachings. I want to be up early the next five days, help my mother and get my lessons as near perfect as possible and not get a single demerit. I tirorif tn h<? vorv kind to mv brothers and father. 1 want to help all sick people I can. Saturday I want to clean up my room good and help mother do all the odd things, so as not to have so much to do on Sunday. I am going to try and read a little in my Bible every day. Carrie Moseley. Salters Depot, S C. \s this is 1913 I am going to try live a better life than I ever lived fore if it is the good Lord's will, 1 I know it is His will always for o d<* ^nd I am going to try as near as I can with ? =? i 1, u: am going iu ?s?v mui i I know He will if I 0 to Sunday-school and 1 Rb^rt Him. I like to W * Je boy 8 years old, my Jackie Bradham. v Mouzons, S C. V'tf i 6 to 14 Day* 'H - fund money if PAZO fo e? '2 of Itchia*. .dtetPaMlinCtoMdvm. Jr EmT& Rert. 60c. I j RelievesN' (Sloan's Liniment gives instan sciatica. It goes straight to the nerves and stops the pain. Don* PROOF ? Kk-;. Nisckf., Oconto,Wis "Liniment u r toothache and neuralgia inti help me a:vi i wouid not be without the 1 sm vxwua is also good for rheumatism, sore th THE PEOPLE'! All Ki Hides, Furs a H. A. MILLER, PF Jd^When Visiting The City By In at OSCAR I Most Re! CLOTHING Just now prices are cut in hali every purch 513-515 King Street, S. The HANDSOME G yfVVfffTVTf fffff VTTTTfVfyTTl [ GROW W DY means of a mutually t and a thorough und needs, coupled with a desire g on the part of those interes -I p, cerns in mis lmmeuiaw; view t the extensive service offered ? building for themselves a sol f for the larger business of the BANK OF WILI Kingstre< ? C W Stoll, President. p F Rhem, Vice-President. f SOMETHING NE | The State Seal I In two sizes, Ladies' and Gentlemen ? men's, $10.00, with your initials engn 2* If you wish to order one,call atjthe (get a ring card measure to secure rings can be seen also. STEPHEN THOMAS 257 King St, C tq. fox So\xt] euralgia t relief from neuralgia or painful part ?soothes the t rub?it penetrates. .. writes :?" I have used Sloan's ic head where nothing else would -iniment in the house." Lias IENT ! roat. chest pains and sprains. Pains All Gene vvkf.R, of Johr.^psburg, Mich., ' > say your Liniment is the best n the world. It has cured me ofi those pains have all gone and I ay your Liniment did cure me." Pain All Gone R. Swinger, of 547 So. 12th St., Ky., writes:? I suffered with vere neuralgic headache for four * ' 1""' T nea/) irnnr unoui any icuei. x for two or tliree nights and I ffered with my head since. I have iy quick reliefs from pain by the an's Liniment and believe it to be .iniment on the market to-day. I mend it for what it did for me." ic., 50c., and $1.00 at All Dealers. o&n's Free Book on Horses. Address EARL S. SLOAN. Boston. Mass. _iijjji5_i__ij_ | S MARKET UfcALtK im inds of Fresh its and Fish. ;t Cash Price Paid for nd Poultry. tOPRIETOR The Sea Don't Fail to Stop .EVY'S liable r STORE I and still we guarantee iase at W Pnrnor nf Mnrrk ill uuihvi vi iiiviiiv REEN CORNER | VTifTvifnimfxiifH rITH US III * profitable co-operation J lerstanding of. business 3 to "live and let live" t sted, many young con- J nity are making use of 3 by this bank and are * id financial foundation j ! future. 3 JAMSBURG, : ?i s. c. ^ E C Epps, Cashier. < C W Boswell, Asst Cashier. 4 iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :W IN RINGS: f Signet Ring | 's. Price: Ladies', $5.00; Gentle- ^ ived in the center. T Breathes there the man {cith Z mil so dead, \ ^ i Who never to hinself hath said, ^ / | l'rThis is my own, .my ^ tive land?'' f I ip i?1 \ office of The County Record 'and k the exact size, and where ^the ^ & GO., Jewelers , > harleston, b. Caxolinai IHIIIIMIOMMMt *** C ' * "I Wood's Seeds Tor The Farm and Garden. I wui iicv* ucdLijpiivc vaiuiv5 is fully up-to-date, giving descriptions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, i Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Se^tds. Wood's Seed C stales has long been recognized as a standard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write f jr it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, ^LLD^llLlN, IVlLnirlUmLF| v A. j Better Than Spanking, Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C H Rowan Drug, Co, Dept .7,705, Chicago, 111, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any vnn /4 ay rvf Tho fYmntv Record. X VX x iiv V/VV....J ? - This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C H Rowan Drug Co is an Old Reliable House; write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. 2-6-lyr-adv D tlJA|| AAA IaAAA D. W dlldUC UUIICO REAL ESTATE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Cotton and Cotton Seed Buyer. Dealer in Farm Supplies and T^Av4l 11 r ci o. LAKE CITY, - 8. C.i 2-22-tf I nKOlSKlf! I THKBB8T M B REMEDY fl B For all form* of ? I? j I^^JIVLY B fte,KJ*?y TrwtfM, CatarrH mi V I "5-DROPS" |c I STOP TNI PAIN | QIvm Qulok Relief j| tVl | It stops CPS acnes ana pains, re- w lleres swollen Joints and mnsolss tmi ?-aots almost like mario. Destroys the exoess nrlo acid and Is Quick. wi safe and sure In its results. No >e< other remedy like ik Sample a , free on requeet. 6'' One Dollar per bottle, or sent pre paid npon reoeipt of price if not Wk obtainable In yonr locality. SIMMON RHEUMATIC COM ML I m, IN Lake fcreet J VtesetlMties,llekleataeM Sear Itiissst, Seleklag ?J Uver Treeblea. IM Per V VL|?i at yufrHJU Jld lYtfu JJNMiTrffk 1 mnu,ACNC.nxs, nrnn.KAi# J auras, vmnos, salt snium, nA ? worn, its, ?*** imsM tyssWfl I "5-DROPS" 8ALVM in a nrasete a \ When you want us to c^arjthe 'IJSjwof your paper it wilave ' ?\ trouble to name jold ' M w?ar 48 new PortQfficef*36 ^jbear .g ^ mindt f j I % r .. \n artf pat put 1^' 1 ircijl ? fill nr rj vxj \6t' 41 iraj CI ? 1 ? A [ Pijcet / It ' Of > mr G?itie Oppostf 9L__i te I ! yi [I * U >Ui If NOT ? ?v whose fai^, Jj offer jou Flats to nlar l5 would be^' J WRITE * it will proter fires at a ve sent the be? mpanies on ? igstne iiarifa' R. N. SN| vatS TIE We thir up-1 Rep don des dea qua /#? So Near lie 2 HAI Rates r 0 car li e Islam jeto gi ilk to t 1 and U V\ a.? fS&J KirgCxternjal Accater the MotheJ of Aieins the oman J only xjU preparfiVJ that psily and quik J| CUES forms ofnll flamnfl or Co9ges?n 1 sack lumonia,Grpt I Coufejds, Pleni^ A Siocoms Preptrathfa been here it has gi rt 011 "ufiiuiu iit tumiij v best Mhom I know ?n ing ycthiseiueat right witbojitation. In Weidhntg BUT Ti HAVE IT IK T-' All hm. SI. 50 60WML CO.. InmtiMf nhiM Vi