The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 13, 1913, Image 1

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klX^i>T R KEr^^"TO"'c AROLI^X THU^DAY, 1^RCH^^18. ^ 4 r y ;a great ' As /\ a uruer I Ut of p|, I >u cann I fovides I rst, sea I ic* likel J >naWy i I I ?aiti isket I SiSSiN Ioiisrtr, IDA AFWl A h 9- Ten civs af'period ? !etr. f iha hac^aps-' h Gene^ As\e <He, Bday. ast close was 1 ing by-sjvity j t apparej, on ed with i lit hard fediirs. BB he onp iSSt-ix H nor'sjw^?to |H ts, broug- ihe mid some< rly H The adi ny HHttg rday, whi he HI e had beeif" all HH ppropriatitf 411 H ernor's ve as j H| lator McLi. %\ 9 ; polities'' jd Dy fV* ? ItA I 7Ka uuu vii# ag commit^ had ! president i the fialature r^ded March 2, aft an1 voted to wre^ng ytlon bill vetk, it two Houses atuld sday,' in orq to d effect to a pre which had nfre H^Hk irnaturimt!: HH ^cr?taj of i H| ler toirn is neceary : *>n conjiie '< MW| ?\vise,tie 9BBm land wild HR^^R i these jrn "bhL kSBHB HB ic H VOZ//1 R roir-ch Isl"y %c>ty filter- is ai| yjn', yet mettle s fori: M *} r*th 17jt afutre miff, H W) 9>1' USOQ/ust U'/li |BjB>ne<j[. hy A pre/tut _~Tyl\rng som fort 11 r, y#nac/e />i I /') not r*kefur ffr.s" ijitfni^nJcV I- H Sf.H . We P* eWSrtJntel A$<i SHOPI convenience to those being out of t ?ent, The Parcel whatever you please. Order it wii ace to call this "The Store With Th ot find in most Hardware Stores. : "That hereafter all Fourth Class r [>nd or third class, not exceeding: ele y to injure the person of any postal required for transportation and deli r~| King ' \ ty acts. As the Legislature remain-; ed in session for the necessary three's ' 4 days, the bills became laws without!1 1 { the consent of the Governor. This j. i was the object of the reconvening ^f j the LegiF ature Thuioday. j When the House convened Thurs* - ? % r! day at 2 o'clock Kepresentative jmiiler of Richland did the unexpected by raising the point of jio quorum. Sure enough, the quorum was lacking and no business could be transacted. Insv^ad, steps were taken to J bring the derelict members into j line. Telegrams weae sent out over the State and the delinquents were1 instructed to report. The result was that when the General Assembly met aorain thf> np\*f rlnv the desired auo-i "ft *7*- mv'*~ ?-v . > rum was present. Then there was f nothing to do but to adjourn, the business of the meeting having been automatically dispatched. The meeting, however, was enlivened, even to ^ the point of asperity,by some tart references to a letter written bv Sen- J ator John L McLaurin and by a message from the Governor which pro- ^ voked some acrimonious discussion. Senator McLaurin's letter,written to Hqfeey Jordan of Georgia, had 0 " -J" T amelatnro I ^ LUOUC IClClCliV^ IU U1C I^gioiwvuiv in terms none too complimentary and 0 some of them resented it. The re- c % ^ s suit was a short, sharp discussion of the Senator's references, including a mention of "Hearst's Magazine," c the allusion being to the Archbold letted, read by William R Hearst during the campaign of 1908. In ? one of these Mr McLaurin wasquot- ^ ed as saying that a little more aid ^ from the powers that be would result in the defeat of Senator Tillman. ? This reference to "Hearst's Magazine" was made by Mr Liles of Or- r angeburg. Others who spoke cut- " tingly of Senator McLaurin were Messrs Boyd, Sapp, James and "Citizen Josh" Ashley. 7m\ M*>tocfay? become oT 'IctrenP fous for his ohildren*a fn- ;' ts that In the event oFVIs be a JIITTBR one. TpFe 1 S we are going to be.slutn* , for YOUR cfimDRBN'S money In the bank? .Bvm C, baking the FIRST start. ,.\i ttarf AQW and pat aooiaf I jfng;with US* jjrmf M it on|}avirigs accounts. jM If . I CHANTS BAajfl #?f 1 : gLA^K I> PING BY IV own. You can send us your ord I Post, Is Aiwa th the assurance that it will he fi le Goods." <L For exam]ile: Her Hard to find? Try us C. PA nail matter shall embrace all oth :ven pounds in weight, nor great employee or damage the mail e very." ;stree H, Wholesale and While this was going on the mes;age from the Governor dealing with ;he report of the spec1 o committee appointed to investigate his charges n regard to tjie distribution of the pfineaf-innal fund was stir ing up-the waters of wrath. When the message was first rereived in the House, Mr Evans, a nember of the majority of the comnittee which had submitted the report exonerating Dr Mitchell,-spoke rreely in regard to the message. He esented the Governor's criticism of ;he report and finally moved that it >e referred to the committee on Edication. Mr Ashley moved that it Je printed in the journal. This was he time that the point of no quorum : 1 1 u vita raiscu uuu ti?c nuu^c iuu>d to adjourn. The next day the question came lp again. Then, after some discuslion, Mr Evans, voicing his belief hat the Governor's charges did not imount to much, being unsupported >y any proof, withdrew his motion o refer the message to the commitee on Education. Then,after some speeches on points if personal privilege, and the ado]> ion of resolutions of praise for the ifficials of theHouse,the lower branch if the General Assembly adjourned, ine die. Meanwhile, the Senate had gone h rough very much the same proedure. The Governor's message on he Peabody report had aroused the ame criticism there. This criticism ound voice in a resolution by Mr >ouch expressing confidence in the legislative committee which investigated the Peabody matter and trust n the integrity of its findings. This esolution was blocked by objection PBi | Com . ? M WE ANNOUNCE ?5 I Ready-toWear Clothing, . I Hats, etc. We invite yoi visit before this stock bee a new and well selected s and the price is right. OUR LINE OF DRY GC "Everything ip Merchan< THERE IS A REASON sales since opening in No1 ar values?better service to ' THE CADE5 ME8C " r TAIL er today and Uncle Sam will bring it .ys At Your Ser lied carefully from the stock of the I e is a Hardware Store where you cat RCEL POST" LAW?The Parcel Posl er matter, including farm and factor er in size than seventy-two inches quipment or other mail matter and i ardware Retail Dealers I I ' by Appelt, who was sustained in his | i; point of order, the chair ruling that | in the absence of a quorum the mat< ter should not be taken pp. ! The Clarendon Senator declared he would be willing to have the res- j olution taken up by the next session : ., and this was the disposition finally j 1 ,J made of the resolution, which was' j continued. The Senate finished its |i session and aajourned sine (lie John S Reynolds. i Lake City Laconics. ] Lake City, March 12:?The Ladies' j J Aid society of the Methodist church :] I was charmingly entertained last Monday afternoon by Mrs G F Stal-1' 1 vey. A number of Lake City folk are 1 attending court in Florence ard i Kingstree this week. , Mr J D King of Winston-Salem is in town this week. Mr Kir*/ is the ( owner of the new brick tobacco ware- * house, which is now under construe- ^ tion. When finished this will be the, largest of its kind in the State. Mr L A Winston has returned home after several months stay in ? Burlington, N C, where he has been , buying tobacco. i Mibs Ethel Spivey of Conway is the i guest of her aunt, Mrs G F Stalvey. Quite a number of the younger set enjoyed the dance given at the home of Mr and Mrs J D Daniel last Friday night. , Dr Rufus Ford of Marion is conroviunl CPrvifPS at the R&D UUCUUg 4VIH w* . m tiat church this week. Both the af- ( ternoon and evening services have been well attended, as Dr Ford is ^ deep and earnest speaker, and it is ( hoped that his eloquent sermons will i have the desired effect in this community. w ( BflW8.fll.ilfl Hivimninv i I ' ipany I j * friends the arrival of a g ete line* * of Spring Pants, | j Ladies' apd Men's Oxfords, ? 1, ope and, &11, to pay us a ij omes deployed. We have I tock for you to-choose from I in no is no less attractive, 'UUO and, in fact, we have iise" v - * * j for every success. The remarkable growth in our /ember last is due to better pur customers. f. "4-: - _ ____________ MILE COMPANY, I , Weigh ^ * 1 poun to you to morrow. 2 poun 3 pour "vice I largest stock of hardware 6 poun i buy anything you want " P0"0 ( I a 11/ u;hirfi Koroma a(. POUO " ?" w,~ 9 pouo y products, now embrac- 10 pou in length and girth com- U pou lot of a character perish- Q|jp \\\\ CO. We L In? many friends of Mr and Mrs Louis Jacobs at this place were saddened to hear of the latter'a death at Kingstree last Saturday. Mr and Mrs P H Arrowsmith and Mrs Lily Askins went down Saturday night to attend the funeral services o u n u txy . Mr B G McClam was in Charleston; this week on business matters. Mr H Nachman and little son were at St Stephens last Tuesday. Tift oyster supper given by the adies of the Baptist church last Friiay evening was quite a success, fhe drills and pantomimes, in which tne imra ana iourtn graae girls or i :he graded school participated, were nuch enjoyed and credit should be ?iven to their teachers for the pleasng manner in which they were acted. There will be no school Thurslay and Friday of this week on ac:ount of the teachers' meeting in _i _ii i.i? ^uiuiuuia, at which piuce au ui LUc 'acuity of the Lake City schools wifl 3e present. P H A.-^ "For sale," "For rent," "Lost," 'Wanted"?makes no difference vhat it is, let it be known through >ur "special" ad column. Results vill surely follow. * > Rankintr i1 ??""?t? for all at this bank, becai sary red tape allowed to !tion of business with our that time is valuable to a We're conveniently 1< date facility for promptn to do business with with The Bank SCadei The (g$ tress-ary ^ of tae world's L best'C h That's what the T TcJ really is. It holds i you the best music c world?the musical great masters, the J music, everything* u All yours to enjoy *\ Doesn't that interer your favori; "ti< in at any tii Victor^Vid , r i ** 1 i^n t 50 niiles or .less d :..5c I' CIS BC I r ids lie-: I .^^bI ids ? ?_i4c i ds: 17c | ds 20c ds 23c d? i. 26c ds.. _......29p nds . 39k\ s ont and keep it for future reference. n^H MM ead--Others Follow. BH TWO SCORE LIVES LOST Off Maryland Coast t? DynamlM^ Explosion. HH Baltimore, March 7:?Three hur\| dred tons of dynamite being loaded" |H I in the British tramp steamer, Alum Chine, in the lower harbor of Fort Carroll, exploded about 10:80 o'clock this morning, instaiifly killing from ' 40 to 50 men, wounding and maiminrr tKroo ocnro mnrp Sftmp nf whom may die, and dealing destruction to f jj^B $500,000 worth of property. ' gB| The Alum Chine and a loading - J BH scow alongside her were annihilated. \ Hfl The tug, Atlantic, which twice went 8fl to the rescue of the imperiled sea- j^fl men, was set on fire and later sank. ' 'M H The United States collier. Jason,jnst . Ji ^fl comple x.*d and ready for trial, was; r BB raked to her deck and her armor was |9 riddled. Bnildings in Baltimore and |fl towns many miles away were rockedk "a rfl L_i.L. ? a it.. . - f 1 * Mi ; H Dy me iurce ut ^ ti^a have instituted a. thorough in- ? "*j flj vestigation to pladfthe ^laroe, '_ Sj The County Record office fe ] H better equipped than do your- M panting, Send it to us at once. 9H n ft I Mario f 1 iiiuuu _ Convenient f ! I i I js^ij^re is ifo unneces- \'w f- I enter , into the traiisac- 8 pat) is. Our theory is < p I II cc Tned. T wM I 1 I 3catebv^>ffer every uwto- ? 1 ess in banking, wish j I of Cades, I i. sj c. I &^ ''^.1 If