The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 23, 1913, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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f gj E n< I Kingsti Word from Workman. Workman, January 21:?Mis Cora j Melton is spending the week with her uncle, Mr G Z Driggers. Mrs W G Benton and little daugh- ^ ter, Edna, spent Sunday here with , the former's parents, Mr and Mrs J H Morris. Mr and Mrs E W Miles spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs M D ' Driggers. Mrs G Z Driggers and children , spent the week-end with the for- ( mer's brother. Mr Joe Driggers. Mr W T Hagins has returned to | his home from West Marion. i Mrs S L Baker and children spent j awhile with Mrs Baker's mother, , Mrs W T Hagins, at Workman. | ' Miss Isabel Driggers has returned to her home from Darlington. Mrs Jane Driggers is spending the - w >ek with her son,Mr G Z Drivers. ; Mrs J L Barrow spent Saturday ' with her sister-in-law, Mrs W T Hagins. Mr and Mrs J R Barrow spent ^ Sunday with Mr and Mrs M D ( Driggers, near here. Miss Bertie Barrow was the guest of Misses Florence and Luh Drig- j gers. ? ( Taft Topics. 1 Taft, January 21:?Farmers in ( this section are preparing their lands ' .1 ivi oiiuuitrr crup. Miss Ellen Britton of Lanes, who hai? been visiting her cousin, Miss < Fannie McConnell, returned home Friday. Miss Mamie Brown has been visiting her brother, fiMr H P Brown atj c Lanes. t r.rhe new school house is complet- i ed; it is a pretty little house await- I $4.30 m k T< s ? ; 1 Columbia a Filth National ( L January 27?F First Exposition I ; THEORY Plus PRACTICAL EX Clearly demonstrated throu corn-raising experts from vai United States Government exh Thoroughly educational and i well as of viral importance to tl A corn education in one da: i and old. On account of this occasion t) * (Atlantic Coast offers the above attractive row Dates of Sale: January 2 Return Limit: To reac later than midnight of Februar W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traf. Mgr. 1-23 3t ?WBMIIH I I HI | FOR SALE. | i Farm of 210 acres, seven Z\ miles from Cades, S C. in ! % Indian township. 40 acres || ? cleared. 170 acres good || ? timber. Healthy locality * ? and very convenient to T t churches, school, markets, j 0 f railroad, etc. Good soil and 1 very productive. For full 4 2 particulars, terms, etc, ap- $ | ply to | | J. D. GILLAND, | T Atlorney-at-Law, | I KING ST REE.. S. C. ? 7A/IO >w have on display a ne. These goods are you want to make a ree Dry ing some young lady to come to I take charge. The Presbyterian folk I hold Sunday-school there every Sun- I day afternoon. Mr W R McConnell of Lanes vis- j ited his old home here Saturday and | Sunday. F A party was given one day last week in honor of Miss Ellen Brittoi. at the home of Mr and Mrs Thomp3/->r? M-Vin Kov-o rpnpntlv mnvpd into ( ' ",1V ,,W?V 4WV..VV J ^ their new dwelling. Games were played until a late hour and all present seemed to enjoy a pleasant time, i On Sunday, January 19. at the i home of Mr and Mrs C J Thompson was solemnized by Notary Pub- T ic J I Morris the marriage of Miss MaggieThompson and Mr Allen Tan- i ler. The bride wore a beautiful | iress of eream satin and a wreath of; orange blossoms. Miss Cammie rhompson, a sister of the bride, and ? VIr Rich Brunson were the attend- * mts. Mr and Mrs Tanner will be 2it home to their friends at Mr J A . McClary's near Trio, and ever\one , _ wishes them smooth sailing on the 1 sea of matrimony. Rosebud. J Chronic Constipation Cured. "ITittA orfA T Kor) t Ko nrnrct , m I'lVC jcaio ap, U I IJUU VIIV HVIUV | | rase of chronic constipation I ever 1 vnew of, and Chamberlain's Tablets = rured me," writes S F Fish, Brookyn.Mich. For sale by all deelers. adv Bishop Woodcock of Kentucky is g ronducting a mission at Charleston. E Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy. This remedy has no superior for Ir roughs and colds. It is pleasant to ake. It contains no opium or other larcotic. It always cures. For sf.le T )y all dealers. adv A IMftCTDCC 2) nd Return. i] lorn Exposition r ebruary 8, Inc. I v Held in Dixie. I * PERIENCE Equals RESULTS I \ eh comoetitive exhibits bv I. ious States, as well as by Q| ibit. exceedingly interesting, as he South's future farmers. 9. y?a valuable asset for young he Line Railroad nd-trip rate. \ !7?February 8, inclusive, h original starting point not I y 9, 1913. T. C. WHITE. General Pass. Agt. | ?? ?? I WANTED I I From six to eight good, | fat Beef Cattle a week, | P/>w iifUi/iVi T 117111 r*oi7 tV>o lA'I VV 1111.11 J. VY 111 L i J'_ | best market price. All Kinds of Meats 1 in season at living prices, L also a choice line of Fruits, Vegetables and Canned i t Goods. 11 Cpps' MarRet ' Cr. Acidtmr A Mill Stt* * 4 v.. ftl'V, iko] nd for sale a line o ; the very latest pa selection. Goodsl 3. Wallace Jones REAL ESTATE IRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Jotton and Cotton Seed Buyer. Dealer in j ^arm Snnnli^s ariH> . AAA Fertilizers. ,AKE CITY, - S. C.i 22-tf FIRE! I 866 1912. I am pleased to mnounce to my old >atrons and the >ublic at large that After the lOth inst. will be fully pre-; >aredto cany on he practice of DENTISTRY ti all its departnents. Call on me if you rant ! ' First Class WorK ^ at 9 Prices to Suit. M. Snider.! lice over 6amble & Jacobs' Drug Store, Opposite The Record Office. 7-tf i i i HUNTS Lightning Oil The Liniment I A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Teias FORSALE BY >r. W. V, Brockington. King** ?. c l<>u^h. Corp., Lanes, S. C. / CHICHESTER S PILLS t,ie diamond brand. a Lodleel Aok your Drnijlit fr A\ ?(( (mm 'I'til-fhet-lff1! t>lkooiidTlr?nd/A\ .{'Ills in Brd and Bold metilMc\MF/ loiea, aealed with Blue Rit>bco. \/ A w| Take so other. Boy of your " , / ~ /i RrufDt Ask fortlU.Cireit.TEB ? L Jg DIAMOND BRAND FILL A. for li . .V B jn?n known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable 1 r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE i [DEI raa f EMBROIDERIES itterns and fresh fi Co., | Professional Cards. | w i-i wmn? M n f f K A0 W +vmm ?' w j specialist.: i Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. glasses fitted. Office 11, 13, 15 Williamson Building, 10-31-3n? florence. s. c. DR. R. J, MCCABE, Dentist. KINGSTREE, - S. C Office Next to Court House Square. PHILIP H. ARROWSMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LAKE CITY, - - S. C. M. A. WOODS' DENTIST. Offlc* ovmr Slnglctary Bid g. d'PHONI NO. 62.# LAKE CITY, - S.C W. Leiand Taylor, DENTIST. office overDr W V Brockinfctou's store, KINGSTREE, - S.C. 5-21-tf. M. ID. Nesmith DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. DR. R, C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch buiHing, over Kin*fs tree urug < -ompany a. Benj. McINNES. M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater McINNES, M. D.. V. M. D. VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf K. Of p7 Kingstree Lodge iSf No*91 Knights of Pythias f xj?'* Regular Conventions Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night* Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall 3rd story Gourd in Building. P. H. STOLL U. C. R. N. Speigner, K of R;& S. Kingstree CAMPNO-27. V.MH llflrtlt MZXTlNOft 11 ' *f ai>(1 3r<1 Mond? V@raSij^B9^is5y Visiting choppers cox ^ ilally invited to com. VC QP 8111(1 8lt 0D a stumj or hang about on th? ^ limbs. B. E. Clarkson, 27 12 m. Con . Com FOR SALEBrick in any quantity to suit'purchae er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made X ZE323XC3Z. x Special shapes madt reorder. Corn pondence solicited belnre placing you* order-.. n - R FUXK The National House, 266 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Rates reasonable; centrally located on two car lines; parties wishing to go to the Island daily find it to their advantage to go to The National; ten minutes walk to the boat; special rates to paries and families. Mrs WB Oeland, 8-29-tf Proprietress. ? Coughs, Colds, Watery Eyes Cured in a Day by taking Cheeney's Expectorant? ""-n" /lAHonmntinn U'hooninC aisu Mil co luiiouiupvivti) ?? -- ? g 0 cough, droppings from the nose, and throat, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Cheeney's Expectorant a liquid preparation, tested for 50 years. Try it. Safe, sure and satisfactory. Druggists 25c and 50c. ll-7-7mp-adv. | PV17C that is positively s *om the mills. Con KINGSTR 01 101 i WAYS 1 Begin right. Know yourself. , Limit your expenses. Q Watch the leaks. M Stoo the leaks. Have a home bank Avoid gold-bricl Own a home. Don't be a ' , Be a man Q Take ca ]We will start you right. $ on which we will pay 4% com I The Bank < D. C. Scott, President. F W. Fairey, Cashier. Wm. W. Bar U IB I W. C. HEMINGWAY, President Bank of I Capital Hemingv | ???Open an account wi rapidly it grows. Caref of our customers. Four per cent, interej nenartment. We can I 0 Let us write your exc There Are Melons and II but the rich, sweet, juicy ones those that had plenty of avai POTAS to insure normal ripening with rapi< The right kind of fertilizer is a. good to bear melonsof first, quality instead of y then a lo 3iinnl* *&*r ^ IS" Pf lfe": .-'V\ >. CMACE^EMS. rilBC AND mm MM HIGHEST Mi run A forraw Bp Wool on , ll?t mentioning I I JOHN WHITE & CO. S J \ econd to f ' ^ le early 1 EE, S. C.( J a ov?iobo O SAVE I ' . A t :/> .< o "i 11 < schemes. 11 II 'good fellow." 11 re of your health Q 1.00 will open an account up- I ipounded every three months. g of Kingstree 1 / J. A. kelley.Vice Pres. | X. D. Lesesxe, Asst. Cashier. > A k, Jr., Teller. ,1 M map j| J. A. DOYLE. Cashier I >' 1 Hemingway J $15,000 | vay, S. C. ' ' vtk * ? ! \? " 'Wi ith us and watch how ul attention given to all st paid in our Savings handle any amount. hanges. n d sugar formationSv^ * investment The vines will continue M ielding only one or two pickings and * t of unmarketable culls. ;ment the compost with IOOO to 1500 A jf 5-8-10 goods, the ammonia to be . M mainly from organic substances like \ nkage, fish or cottonseed meal, s equally good for cucumbers, pump. squashes, B 9 for Potash prices n . in E | rectfoMi,h formu" * otasn i ays I J 1RMAN KALI WORKS. Inc. I M y. New York Monadnock Block, Ckktso | I Btrai Bank Btdf., Ntw Orleans San Franeiaco ? fi itt Bids., Saraanak Empire Bldj., Atlanta fl iiinwiw i?J / W Don't be Alariifecf' and worry abt-ut what it will cost you I to repair those damages to your car- ^jl riage. Just consult W M Vause & Son 1 and what at first may have seemed to -r' Jt you serious' and costly will soon simpli- ^ fy itself into a verv trivial item. This is not usually the case with carriage repairs,but when you go to W M Vause & Son you deal with services that are unusual?especially in the moderate size of their bills. W. M. VAUSE & SON. HIDES ^UR^ANDHmE*'0 in Mlon. Writ# ?' . .. ^