The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 19, 1912, Page THREE, Image 3

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I \ ^_____ | GROV ??????? I DY means of a t and a thoi I t coupled wit [ taOL. XXYI. r^STn r C W Stoll, Presid BP F Rhbm, Vice-Pf^'i ;?~~ THE PEO ' I v; > I m r Hides, Ft r : H. A. to B /? * Kingstree / Jl-chaser, and his f- ^g. ? and taken up th * a]ikeWe welcome all - a-c making >, . ' p IS VCi. Ladies' Hand Bag?; Toilet Sets, Infants' Celluloid Set Ebon Wood Handle M t T\ i n _ r j L>nnKin? uups, I Gents' Purses and Bill 4 I Lap Tablets, BEAUTIFUL LINE 0 FANCY B< Complete Ass i . p L THE KINGSTE I % I G? T' ^ WHEN YOlfllEEf A record of more t hind him. With a bi on hand, he is alwav Also Feea ^ J. L. Stuckey, ^CBSBBBBSB5S5B55BS FOR C * ALL THE WORLD LC GIVER The giving of a ring fo: k tory than ever. For here L teed secure. They are W I . ure because the stones do is accompanied by a writt We sell these rings becj rings made. We can coi conscientiously guarantee be sure of giving what yo "Watts Oppoi Kingstree LI^US PRINT YOUE mm* f tjry yyy?itf tt? | V WITH US"j] mutually jitable co-operation 'ough unctmding of business i h a desire 'live and let live" S interes many young con- 3 a;3 vicir are making use of 1 ce offered this bank and are ^ tlves solinancial foundation ness'of the are. < t WILLMSBURG, 3 Ingstree C. j ent E C Epps, Cashier. ^ dent Goswell, Asst. Cashier. 4 AAAAAAA?AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PLE'S MARKET ALERIN All Kits of Fresh Meatand Fish. Highest sh Price Paid for irs an Poultry. I IL1XR, PROiETOR j n , ~"S ! Drug-ompany V** < ' ' list of articldiat will make most stmas irifts* the old and young tive; don't ovook this store when urchases. ' Hudns Perfumery, Watean's Fountain Pens, Pipes irrors, Kern'>lebrated Candies and ystalized Fruits, Folds Burnteather Boxes and Basis, F CHRISTMA STATIONERY IN 3XES AND BBKETS. ortment f Christmas LEE DRU4 COMPANY sA o Stickey anything in horseflesh ;han twenty years stands beunch of nice norses and mules s ready for a sale or a swap, and Livery Stables. . Lake City, S. C. =y , ? . 1 t _ HRISTMAS >VES A RING FOR CHRISTMAS INGS THIS YEAR r Chrisimas is now more satisfacs are rings with the stones guaranr. W.W. RINGS?a perpetual pleasn't come out Each W. W. W. Ring en guarantee. luse we know them to be the best lscienti^usly recommed them and them* - Give W. W. W. Rings and u know will please. 3 <SC "^TSlttS lite the Depot , South Carolina ; LETTER or NOTE HEADS. wm p tg practical m W?3 The most acceptable able?the gift that is There is no more sens . WEAR SHOES. Ev for the money; and w good judgment and t I A FEW SUGGESTION c Papa would like to have pair of Hunting Boots, a pj Portable Bedroom Slippers, 3 he would like a nice pair of S I er?now what would pleas< i than a pair of stylish, Patei | Highcut Shoes,a pair of cozj " Slinners. or something in a E Walking Shoe for street w I about the children? My, 1 | please the Jittle ones. Jus 1 things they need, and you I to spend a great deal either I Jenkinso I Kingstree, I LOUIS COI THE AKU 232 and 234 King Street and 203 Meet The Largest Wholesale and Retai Try Us on an Order?-Will Savi Your Nearest Mail Box Place: AUTUMN { A stream of delightful ^novelties for no ending until aftdr Christmas, and eacl J-P on/iVk /tail Ko nncoi'Klo mail II1C Icis l/~ xx ouun van i/v ^/vwiwivi New Fall and Winter Suits, New Johnny and Makinaw Coats, Corsets, New Wash and Silk Waists, Muslin and Flannelette Skills, Silks, Dress Goods, Carpets. Write fnr nnp nf nnr Fall and Winter flat nmu IUI UIIU VI VUl IUU U..U ....... ... SEE CHARLE Job Printing Artistically is -wtJC 4? T uis- whvh^ jr gift now-a-days, is the gift 1 actually needed and will b< sible or serviceable gift than a ] ery one knows they are the b rill accept them with a comp asty selection. S BUY YOUR GIF! ?well, say a C. Don't put off y rir of com- ping until the las , or, maybe aown right now a i . . list, then "nose i hoes. Moth- wjiat yQU } 3 her more first. We can hel it Leather, < ing selections, wl r Felt House and yours will hai Gun Metal mas ever. Every v-- v i . . ?o nn?i. . biggest Chistmas ( ear: vviiai , -y- v to have shoes, an we can pair, you not only st the very tually need, but y won't have pense of buying a make a gift like t n Brothers South . ? - i 1 I EN & CO. A.DE TORE, ting Street, - - Charleston, S. C < I Mail - Order House in the South, i 1 e You Money on Every Purchase. i A "UT t Tk J ir 1 s uur ?iore next uoor to iou SURPRISES " Autumn and Winter wear that will have 1 fresh shipment seems more fascinating Fhe latest m Rugs, Mattings, '. Linoleum, Lace Curtains, Shades, Portieres, Hosiery, Gloves, Veiling, Etc., Etc, alogues. It will be sent by return nail. :STON FIRST fli j Executed at this Office; 1 f ' *' I"- r" 9 w J BiMiBt a il g.- i ifc^-'.s?. ?i ^?tawe r t /J i . that is service3 put into use. pair of LONG- : sst shoes made . fl 1* -i_ J_ _ nment to your rS EARLY . " our Christmas shopt minute?better sit nd make out your gift around" and find out vant, and come here p you to majce pleas lich means that you re the biggest Christ-, body has to have the , Bver. Everybody has d by giving them a . ; ^ give what they acousave them the ex- V jjj pair. Isn't it nice to , hat? 1 v . . ' .v - Carolina I j SHOT THE WRONG MAN. Chief of Police Shoots Member of * Jj Posee While on Man Heat * > 1 Aiken, December 12:?Irvin T Jones, a .well-known farmer living near Aiken, was shot and seriously wounded tonight by H H How .rd, chief of police of Aiken, while* oth were engaged in the 9earch io> 'files Harris, the slayer of Bi dford * Courtney. Chief Howard had gone to the edge of the town where the negro had last been seen and had posted men at points there to keep a lookout for the fugitive. As he was returning, passing a patch of woods, he saw a mon onnrnnrhinc him with a flrun. U4U?i WW? o w r ? and thinking he was the negro wanted he covered him with his revolver. The man promptly covered the policeman with his rifle. It developed later that Mr Jones thought Chief ^ Howard was the negro wanted. After the policeman had fired it vas discovered that Irvin T Jones lad been seriously wounded. The f aullet struck him in the stomach . { md striking a button was deflected Jirough the body. The injured man vas hurried to his home and an op?ration performed, removing the mullet. While dangerously wounded ;he injury will not necessarily prove fatal. ' ! Mr Jones is a well-known farmer, esiding just outside the city of Ai:en. He formerly lived at Wagener md is a director of the bank of that 4 -.3' >iace. Fit His Use txactly. "When father was sick about 9ix fears ago he read an advertisement >f Chamberlain's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly,"writes Vliss Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith, # \rk. "He purchased a box of them md he has not been sick since. My lister had stomach trouble and was dso benefited by them." For sale Dy all dealers. adv.