The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 12, 1912, Page FIVE, Image 5

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??????????? Value of a Bank Account. CA bank account with this strong, conservative institution is w th a great deal to you in convenience and security. t+ man<r m-iuiiotrs? and broader iw icoua w manj ptiii v^vw ? business relations, to ask and receive advice and to use our* facilities, CIt i* not necessary that you should come io the bank in person if you desire to open an account. Your deposits can , be sent by mail with your name and address, or by some other person, and the i deposits promptly acknoweldged, sending you either a pass book or a statement of the account at the close of each month, as desired. B C.We make it a point that every busi V ness transaction with our patrons shall, k be satisfactory. We want each one to B feel that they are free to come to us in 1 B all matters where our experience and | B advice will be of value and assistance. | fan a ion hp aiirp thateverv business F transaction passing through our hands i is held in strict confidence. ' >If you have had no business with this j bank we feel confident that you will appreciate the service we can render. | BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG ?'?*?*nrr * A MMftincc, 0, b. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem, V P., E C Epps. C W Boswell, Cashier. Asst Cashier. LOCAL (pf wm p X Cotton is quoted today at 12 | t on middling basis; seed $2? per X ton on local market. f Pay for your paper?do it now! Don't put it off? pay your sub-1 scription. The Kingstree Drug Co has a new ad. Read it. V - Mr E L Moore of Manning was in / Kingstree this week. y /* M Does it pay to advertise in The -J|kcord? Ask Sol Peres. Pay your subscription and tuinn ^ for us a long-felt want. . \% Who will bring us a nice turkey for Xmas on subscription? Miss Geneva Mitchum of Lanes was the guest of the Misses Nettles ^ here Sunday. We are pleased to hear that Mr P B Thorn, who has been critically ill, is convalescing. Mr T C Crosland of Bennettsville, Iflt brother of Mr R W Crosland, was in K Kingstree this week. v Pendergrass Bros Co has an ad in ;? txrKiVh nrp enumerated p 11119 iu WM.VM ? r some Christmas bargains. Dr and Mrs E T Kelley and little daughter, Margaret, visited relatives at Timmonsville this week. Miss Rebecca Nettles, who was quite sick last week, is, we are glad to note, able to be out again. Mrs Samuel B Wilkins and chil- 1 dren of Athens, Ga, are visiting Mrs Wilkins' parents, Mr and Mrs W T Wilkins, in town. We are grateful to the faithful ? ?j-J ? ? few wno nave neeuou uui injucai, and come to our aid by paying their dues for the paper. The ACL pay train passed over the road Tuesday afternoon and stopped here to dispense a few "shekels" to its employes. Mr M H Jacobs, Worshipful Mas~^r of Kingstree lodge, A F M, atflfpded the session of the Grand ^ Lodge at Charleston this week. Mrs K C Felton of Florence was a ? gjuest at the Kellahan hotel today en route to Zeb, where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs Guerry. The local merchants did a fine bus Iine3S Saturday and Monday. Especially was this the case with the merchants who ad vertise in The Record. Our merchants are busy arranging their Christmas decorations and displaying their toys and numerous articL-s symbolical of the great festal season. Mr Julian Jacobs, a son of Postmaster and Mrs Louis Jacobs, was * a -J Moofnr eiectea vrursiiipiui iui?h,> v> V Adherence lodge, A F M, of Charleston, last week. James Green, a colored habitue of the Lanes neighborhood, was arrested and lodged in jail Saturday, charged with stealing cotton from | Mr H P Brown. I When ready to do your Christmas shopping use this paper as a directory. All the live, up-to-date meri chants who advertise in The Record will treat you right. It costs us over $300 a month to pay for issuing this paper and we are not collecting that amount. Think of this and come up with that | dollar or two you owe. I How many good deeds we would do in this world to make the lives of others brighter and happier if we could only think of doing them at the right time and in the right way. Misses Mabel and Judith Lifrage are with their parents, Mr and Mrs J G Lifrage, at Salters, enjo.viug a well-earned vacation from the exacting duties of telegraphers. Willie Green, an Indiantown negro, was placed in the county jail here on Friday last for breaking into the residence of Mr Geo Lovett. He (Green) will await the action of the grand jury. Miss Ola Mae Saunders, who has been the popular milliner with the Kingstree Dry Goods Co for several seasons past, left here yesterday for her home at Deltaville, Va. She Will go via Baltimore,where she will spend several days. Rev W A Fairy, accompanied by his wife and children, left Kingstree at noon today for Walterboro,where Mr Fairv will take up the duties of pastor of the Methodist church of that town. Their many friends here wish them God speed. "Do your Christmas shopping early," is the slogan of every merchant. Consult the advertising columns of The Record and then get busy. You will find an elaborate display of holiday goods here and at prices that will compete with those of larger towns. The opening day of Mr Sol Peres' sale was a grand success. His store nw/vnr/Jo^ Tiiifh nnrphnoprs nil Hav WOO UUTTUU1 TTIV4A pv?4 ? ^ Saturday, and the flow of business has been kept up with marked regularity this week. The sale is still in progress as vou will see from his advertisement on page six of this paper. If you can't pay it all, let us have as much as you can spare on your subscription. If you haven't the cash, bring us pork, beef, . urkeys, chickens, eggs, partridges, squirrels, 'possums, cord wood?'most any old thing will be taken at market prices. Can we offer anything fairer to encourage payment? Rev H J Sqider.son of Dr and Mrs A M Snider, paid a call of one daj day last week on his parents here while en route to Pacolet, Spartanburg county, where he has been called to fill the pulpit of the Baptist church for the ensuing year. For the past four years he has been serving four churches in Jaspej county. We are led to wonder sometimes how some of our subscribers expect us to get the paper published?o:r even to get food and clothing, for, that matter? they appear to be absolutely deaf to any form of appeal to pay the debt they justly owe us. We are( charitable enough to attribute much of this seeming indifference to thoughtlessness, but it pinches U3 none the less, whatever the cause. August Gamble, a negro of the n J- 1.:? Kit P,-_ uUUrulIl 5CCllUllywaoancoic:u wj a%v. ral Policeman W E Allen and lodged in jail here last week charged with incendiarism. It appears that August had become a worthless burden on the hands of his wife, and when she remonstrated with him in an attempt to make him mend his ways he became violent and vicious, whereupon his wife chased him from under the shelter of her domicile. This seems to have further infuriated Augrust and to get squai-e with his spouse he set fire to her house. Fit His Lase Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ago he read an advertisement of Chamberlain's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly,"writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft Smith, Ark. "He purchased a box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited by them." For sale by all dealers. adv. A nice line of beautiful, rich cut glass, silverware,hand painted china, etc, suitable for wedding presents and Christmas gifts. It Kingstree Hardware Co. Could Shout for Joy. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart." wrote C B Rader of Lewisburg, W Va, "for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years, it suited my case as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at M L Allen's. adv Tobacco seed will be gi^en to planters free at Nelson's Warehouse by Epps & McIntosh. 12-12-lt ML INMTION. Help Williamsburg's Schools. t Editor County Record: ? \a it.q+ an fnwr cpVinpls hflVP fflkpn ! no jet, ov iv*t oviivviu ??? ? - . advantage of the great opportunity , that they have in the offer of a , "School Information" column free. We should prove our appreciation to ; our valuable paper and its editor for such a donation by sending in month-' ly reports from each school. Let the i people know what you are doing. In ! ] fact, they doubt anything being j ] done when you are not willing to ' tell others about it. 1 Teachers, have one of your ad- j vanced pupils to . write your school | j notes at least once a month, stating i' the progress of your work, giving a 1? description of alHmprovements. If i it is only a flower planted on the j campus, fell us about it. This will j lead others to follow your example. i Had you thought of your campus or . school-room deserving a Christmas ( remembrance? A nice rose bush for j i the campus, a few bulbs or some other plant or plants will be gratefully received by your campus. A pretty picture or a nice book or j something of the kind will, in like [ manner.praise the giver for many a \ Christmas to come. This can be done by each pupil giving a few pen- ' nies. The most effective improvements, ( especially campus and class-room > decoration,are being done by the pu- i pils under the wise leadership of the teacher. What a great and glorious opportunity the teacher has. How \ can you afford to ignore this? I shall J from time to time write notes and send clippings to the "School Infor-, ] mation" column so that you may see what other States and counties c I of our State are doing. There is no j t question about it, we must bestir r ourselves more in the future than ? we have in the past. Nearly every! c county in the State is making vigorour efforts to be first in educational j affairs. What is^Williamsburg's plan?; ^ The following are the officers of j ? the School Improvement association J c of Williamsburg county: : ? Miss Florence H Stubbs, Orgariiz- \ er, Rome; Miss Alma Davis, Presi-! dent, Kingstree; Miss Mamie Mc-, 1 Lees, Vice-President, Cades; Miss i' Cleva Rhame, Recording Secretary, i Vox; Miss Lona Reed, Corresponding! Spwptarv. Rome: Miss Mattie E! i' Harper, Treasurer, Greelyville. I Great pains were taken in electing {j the officers. We feel that, faom the a president down, we have made a; * most wise selection. There can be i ^ nothing but success if they receive J c the proper response from our people. I In order that the work of improve- ^ ments might be stimulated we have appointed a soliciting committee: Mr T W Boyle, Greelyville; Mr W E Nesmith, Cades; Mr E R Rowell, Taft; Mr B B Chandler, Rome; Mr W F Tolley, Kingstree. For the conveniences of this com- t mittee ana tnose wno win neip, we have made out a suggestive list of | articles that can be used to a great i advantage in and around the school, c We have included many very small f articles, such as ils, tacks, etc. ? Our idea is to make little cases and t include a number of these small and i necessary articies, which will consti- 8 tute "an emergency set", or some other suitable name may be used. All donations, whether caf h or goods, will be used to the best of advantage for this improvement work, t Don't wait on the committee, but > notify the treasurer, Miss Harper, J urVinl- vr?n ran and will irive. Florence Stubbs. t Rome, December 9. STATE AID To Rural Schools In Williamsburg County. 1 dSS;.0' K "ssssf Nov 26,-121 Vox. ~42j i $ 100 00 Spring B'k 4S 56 17 . " " " Marior. Brh 45 ! 23 78 > Retreat 48 1 100 00 C Mulberry ... 50 ! 100 00 ( Ru. Gr. Sc. " " Heyw&nL... 27 Indian town 300 00 " " " " Cedar Swp.. 28 Cedar Swp 300 00 ( M " " Earle 36 Earle 200 00 . " " " Aimwell. 39 Aimwell 200 00 Trio 41 Trio 200 00 1 i <1.579 96 * School EofertalnmsD!. i On Thursday night, December 26, j at Indiantown Graded school build- j iug, the young people of the com- i munity will give an entertainment, 1 after which light refreshments will , be served. The proceeds win pro 10 improvements at the manse. The public invited. 12-12-2t School EnlertainEient. There will be an entertainment at Cedar Swamp school building Friday evening, December 20, 7:30 p. m. ] Admission for adults 25 cents and children 15 cents. 1 Refreshments served after the < play. The public is invited. Proceeds for worthy cause. 12-12-ltp School Entertainment. The Spring Bank school will give an Xmas entertainment in the school auditorium Friday night, December 20. After the exercises,' a box luncheon will be given. The public is cordially invited to attend. It A Cut Glass far Wedding and Xmas Gifts. Christmas is coming; it's just around the corner. You can count the days now, and before long you can count the hours.. You will want a few nice presents for your friends? to get them come to our store and make vour selection early. We have a nice lot of beautiful rich cut glass, silverware, etc. It Kingstree Hardware Co. The supreme court has decreed that Mrs Lucy Dugas Tillman may retain the custody of her children, Douschka Pickeis and Sarah Starke rillman, on condition that their father, B R Tillman, Jr, be permitted to have them ten weeks in each year it intervals specified by the court, rhe court likewise orders that the children be kept within its jurisdiction, requiring each parent to give i bond of $5,000 as a guarantee of rood faith in carrying out the provisions of the decree. SPECIAL NOTICES {fjA Phone us when you want /jT to get a. notice under this heading. Price one cent a JLif} word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 25c. Phone 83. Wanted?Orders for fine frost-proof Cabbage Plants at $1.25 per 1,000, all varieties; cheaper in larger lots. Satsfaction guaranteed. F S Cannon, ll-28-t3-30-13 Meggetts, S C. Use Dus^Catc h to protect your goods vhile sweeping. We can give you bar els at 3c Id delivered or half barrels ' o b Greelyville. E'UST-Catch Mfg Co, 0-10-tf Greelyville, S C. For Rent.? Two-horse farm at AnIrews for rent or share crop. Two nules to go with farm if preferred bv in Kiorn I cuter vi Duaic-uwp^i, & mui u<6u itate of cultivation. Apply to County Record or W S Camlin, at West AnIrews, SC. 11-14-tf For Rent or Lease?Either a two >r four horse farm situated in the Inliantown section, with 6-room dwelling ind all necessary outbuildings. Also me two-horse f arm within one mile of Cingstree. with dwelling and outbuildngs. Good land on both places for all Linds of farming. Apply to L C Montgomery, 2-5-tf Kingstree. S C. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is ax least one dreaded disease that cience has been able bi cure in all its stages, and hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only tositive cure now known to the medical fraterlity. Catarrh, being a constitutional disease, retires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh hire is taken internally, acting directly upon the ilood and mucous'surfaces of the system, thereby lestroying the foundation of the disease, and riving the patient strength by building up the onstitution and assisting nature in doing its ?ork. The proprietors have so much faith in its urmtive powers that they offer One Hundred Dolsrs for any case that it fails to cure. Send for ist of testimonials. Address F J CHENEY A CO. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's "'"amilv Pills for constipation, adv Notice ot saxe Notice it hereby given that tie unlersigned, Ly virtue of a warrant of atachment issued by H 0 Britton, Clerk if Court, in the matter of J L Nexssn gainst R E Ward and Atlantic Coast iine Railroad Co, to me directed. I have evied upon two bales of cotton and will iffer for sale and sell the same on the irst Monday in January. 1913, the same >eing the 6th day of January, 1913, to he highest bidder, for cash, and apply he proceeds of such sale to the paynent of the amount due J LNexsen for idvances. George J Graham, 12-12-3t Sheriff Williamsburg county. Trespass NoticeAll persons are hereby warned against respassing on lands of the undersigned n Hope and Laws townships, either by :utting or removing wood, hunting any rind of game or alTowinc; stock to run it large. Violators will be dealt with iccoraing to law. W N Clarkson. 125.-4- tp Heinemann. S C. Registration Notice. The office of? the Supervisor of Reg stration will be open on the lsi Monlay in each month for the purpose of egistering any person who is qualiied as follows: Who shall have be?n a resident of j 1 *n?A trncM onH nf thfi I OlAlt 1U1 WI?V JtOlO, HUM V* ?U. :ounty one year, and of the polling pre5inct in which the elector offers to rote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six nonths before, any poll tax then due ind payable, and who can both read ind write any section of the constitution of 1896 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or whc :an show thai: he owns, t i has paid ill taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this Stat* idsessed at tnree nunarea uouars ur nore. H A Meyer, f.lork of Board mm Don't wait until the cold blasts of winter are upon you to order your supply of coal. Give me your order now.. Order your Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for cow feed from L. C. MONTGOMERY, 7-i8-tf KINGSTREE, S. G. . ; t . * % 1, I Williamsburg R V!- - ivuigsirt __ = 3^? i WE ARE still writing Insurai bles, Ginhouses, Cotton, S and Health, etc, etfc. If you a lines, let us write you a policy in panies. Losses are being sustained, f but it does not come so hard whei or Hartford. Royal or Springfield, Fund, Dixie or N C Home, Teut North America, or the Scottish U We can give you an Acciden women, without medical examinal ing $2000.00 and increasing to $1 the cheapest Accident and Health the strongest Scottish companies. Let us discuss these matters R. H. Pittman, Pres. and Bus. Mgr. Bargains in Bediming Thursday, Decerr remaining stock of HATS, RIBBONS AND $5.00 Hats will go at.._ 4 Oo ? " ?? ?? 3.00 4 2.00 4< 44 44 44 l.QO 44 4 4 4 4 4 4.._.? Ribbons, regular price 50c the " " 4* 35c 44 25c 44 << u ,? << 10c ' These are only a few of c greater bargains will greet yoi Kennedy M Kingstree, Short Crops! And money very scj people, yet they mus things for Christma No Fake! No Jok< hero is some Free Cas iday Trade. Listen;1 and money is scarce, 1 for your cash money t Stop, Look, Rea< and see what a little < for you at Pendergrc These Special Prices i THURSDAY MORNING, I Nice Red Apples, per doz, 10c up Large, Ripe Bananas, " 15c up Sweet Fla Oranges, " 18c up Candy, per lb 9c Rice, Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Butter, Lard Soap, etc., at special low prices. White P. & B. Crockeryware, 89c Ginghams 4 3-4c the yard Outings 5 l-2c the yard Spot Cash Oui Pendergrass J KINGSTF I ' . ' \ ieally Company j ?e, S. C. | ? ace on Dwellings, Barns, Sta!tock, Produce, Life, Accident ,re not protected along these one of world's strongest com- a v . or the unforeseen will happen; a one has a policy in the Home German Alliance or Fireman's > - onia or insurance uompanv 01 nion & National, t and Health Policy, men or tion, for $5.00 per year, carry3000.00 in five years. This is known, and issued by one of j ' '''-I with you. 9^ < ' ,m M. A. Shuler, | Sec'y and Treas. I ?J - # Millinery. v | ______ iber 5, we will close out our I VELVETS ST COST. $3.79 . 1 -fl 2.98 yard, now 39c " " 29c " " i9c - *fl " " 13c * f \ " " ~8*c tur cut prices. Come in and * 11 than are listed here. illinery Co. - S. C. II I T!_ I nam ire arce with the poor t live ancPhave nice ' J e! But in Reality h Help for your Hoiwhen times are hard the more you can get ;he better for you. i These Prices Cash Money will buy iss Brothers Store. , rvill go into effect on ' DECEMBER 19, 1912 Now For the Children Toys, Fireworks, Dolls, Horns, Glass and Crockeryware, all going for actual cost. We have a variety of Christmas Goods on hand and if you will come to our store before making your purchases, we feel sure that you will be pleased with our offerings. r Only Terms n ii r* _ oroiners ^o., tEE, S. C. J