PROPHESY SMOOTH X^UNGS Jeremiah 26*T*? Lord in tnp Light and mu ft-tf*ot*on ?(Aom thuH 1 furr'?I'x+iai r.i. UR last acody related to the f j times of King Joaiah ?ud bis reformation. At about that time tbe Prophet Jeremiah began to apeak la tbe Dame of the Ix>rd Joelah was succeeded by hia i?oa, \rla> proved himself another bad son of a good father; and we remark here that betweea tbe ages of twelve awl eighteen wrtkl appear to be the time when tbe majority of boys reach no me mental decision respecting the future which has Kracfe to do with their titer 11WS. so nr w wr mumuri, uic majority of netahty great men ha re confessed to reaching a decision of character during thts period. Likewise it Is said that the majority of criminal* take their start in evil-doing at this early ape. We urge agate npen parents ana guardians the hnportaoon of this peri od in human Dlk asd the wtedo? of giving proper care and counsel that t ie blossoming manhood arxl woman hood may he directed in proper channels and be a btearing to themselves and others. Prophecy Apaiaet Jeru?tern Under the eril rule of King Jebotefcim, Jeremiah, under the Lord's jroid ance. foretold the coming destrue pi y fa tlon of tbe city P and temple. The a ? fx effect of Ruck a n propbecy should . f?5f[ have led tbo pec- mjFf pie to aelf-exaoiin- f atlon, prayer and jaj^HVW 1 fasting, and a fall 1 return to loyalty ^ * to God. Bttt, ac- XT cording to Jeremi- A? x ah'3 account. It pr*f>M ? dmimcUr was a time of *?*great moral dedsqneocy. He picture* a terrible condition of tbe ^eople?a prevalence of dishonesty. 01 dander, of murder, adultery, false swearing and open licentiouaneaa. . Tbe priests led tbe people In an angry attack upon tba Prophet He wa? arrested, charted with speaking evil \ of his city and declaring Its forthcoming destruction. How foolish: Could merely the Prophet's declaration bring the thing to pass! And If he were the Lord's Prophet could their assault upon him turn aside God's purpose? It Is noteworthy that It was tbe priests and the false prophets who, on this occasion, called for tbe death of a true Prophet. And alas! this baa not Infrequently been the case. Nearly all the persecutions of Jesus and His Annatloa nnd followers Lhmnctiout the Age bave com* from professed senants of God What heart searching this should bring to everyone of us lest, peradventure, we should be similarly overtaken la a fault and be found fighting against God and should bring upon ourselves severe condemnation. Lst Us Net Fight Against God As Jeremiah told them of the time of trouble nearing, so some today are declaring that the greatest time of trouble ever known In the world's history is probably but a few years off? that it will mean the most terrible anarchy, the only rettef from which will be the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom In power and great glory. There are some today so foolish as to think that the trouble could be put off or avoided altogether by silencing those who call attention to the Word of tbe Lord (Daniel xii. 1). Let us not be found fighting against Ood. He Is mighty and will prevail, and all of His purposes. He assures us, will surely be accomplished. Jeremiah Impressed the princes of Ills people. He reaffirmed every y l&R word be had utdared himself urged reforma-more Just than the priests and \ ' a *8 e Prop*1?18' (yt\\ acQQltt?d Jere11 i V JY V m 1 a h although ? I X?D/ % | his words conJertmiah arrested. demned them. So ft has beeu at various times in the history of the truth; if It had not been for the moderation of the civil power, many a reformer would have been put to death. Every child of God, however, faithful to his consecration, is a aprvant of righteousness and should be a foe to In In its every form. Such must be prepared for the finger of scorn and | the lip of sarcasm and slander. Such may take to themselves the words of our text and rejoice, saying, "Th# Lord is my Light and my Salvation: whom shall I fear?" These trials would evidence that God found them worthy of shaping and polishing for His service, whereas others without such persecutions would have every reason to doubt that they were in preparation for the Kingdom. Such should rejoice and be very ? glad. They should realize that there will be different grades of honor and dignity in the Kingdom and that the more they suffer for righteousness* sake, the higher and greater will be their reward when all these afflictions are past. Stiff Joints Sprains,Bruises are relieved at once by an applicay tion of Sloan's Liniment. Lk>n't | rub, just lay on lightly. | i "Sloan's Liniment has done wore pood than anything 1 have ever triad i II For ?t. If joints". I jjl.i i;,y Land hurt to : | badly that I hud to St..p"work right ia I the busiest time <>t the> ear. 1 thought j I at first that 1 Would have to have my I hand taken off, hut I got a bottle of I Sloan's Liniumnt and cured my bal d." WilioN WuEELkK, Aiorria, AU. | Good for Broken Sinews ( G. G. Jones, Baldwin, L. I., writes : . ?'-I used Sloan's Liniment for broken { ai news above the k nee cap caused by a , fall and to my great satisfaction tu ( able to resume a urk In less than three . weeks after the accident." ( SLOANS LINIMENT | Pfaie for Sprain M>. Hnntr A. Voibl, M Somereet ' St., riajnfield, !f. J., vrritea : ? " A i friend aprained bla ankle so htdly I that it went blank. He laughed w ben i I told him that 1 would have hint out ' in a week. I applied Bloen'a Liniment i and In four days he wee working and I aid 9 loan'a wm a right good JdaV- , merit." 1 on boraee, cattle, V fiHrj j ponl try aent free. 6 / tJO J The National House, 266 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Rates reasonable; centrally located on two car lines; parties wishing to go to the Island daily find it to their advantage to go to The National; ten minutes walk to the boat; special rates to paries and families. Mrs W B Oeland, 8-29-tf Proprietress. fTrtyfTTfVTTTVTVTT fffTW ! JUVENILE BICYCLES { l The very thing for the ^ I boy's or girl's Xmas gift. ^ I A lasting pleasure which J I makes the remembrance of J I the giver linger in the heart < I and mind of the lad or las- q I sie until the last spoke is J gone?and that will be ron Jj I a good long time * TIRES GUARANTEED 5 < ^ ? _ _ * Eve.ytling in sportaiirs popp ies z t t ^ l B.H.Worthen ArmsCo. \ f ^Charleston, S. C. ? A*A!A A A , * A Prominent New York Politician Near Death Hon. R. N. Lansing, of Rensselaer, N. Y., Six Tints a Member of the Assembly, Tells of Narrow Escape. @ "About fifteen years ago 1 was taken with rheumatism. which affei-tt d my heart producing1 what was called valv u 1 a r trouble. Three doctor? told me 1 would never do another day's work. iV. While I had many ~^ remedies recomm?*nd?*l to me I Dr. Miles' Heart >^V helped rae in?id? 1 the end of the week I called on my I doctor and asked him to examine me. Ho said I was better than he ?w?r expected to see me and aahed tf I wm taking his mod:,cine. 'When I tofd him I was not. but was takthg Dr. Kile*' Heart Remedy, he said. Thank the Lord for Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy.' I continued to take It, and while I realized my heart was damaged se 1 could not expect a permanent euro, for fifteen years I worked every day, notwithstanding I had been told I would ever work again. In July. 1911, I was token with rheumatism again, and It ; went to my heart as before. I got so bad that one of the Albany papers wrote up my life and said I could not live but a few hours. I again took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy with v^ry satisfactory results, and have not missed a day at business or in the legislature since January. I feel that Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has saved my life and cannot recommend it too highly." Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Is sold and guaranteed by all druggists. MILES MEDICAL CO Elkhart, Ind. 10 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cores Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough, ' i ORDER CHRIST; 8 S APPLES WALI> BANANAS PECAI 8 ORANGES ALMO GRAPES BRAZ in COCOANUTS FILBE M Our Mixed Nu fl Headquarters if ROMAN CANDLES, SK A TORPEDOES < jF Goods Shipped < W\ Full Price List ; S SOUTHERN FR i mil fl 12-5-3t IflSSSSCSSSSSSS Will not blow out or thumb screws, so that detached. Throws a cl Extra kirge red danger s It is equipped with handle, good hand lantern. Strong. At Dealers STANDARD (iMM9actlW NswmIc, F*. .1. stoci do y?u &ye y?i JSfSwe*- doped medicim ever think of t Many animals ment with do; whirh are wnn ail. An animal with a down condition a drugged. When tl they usually die. You should take doctoring your sU? your family. Noah's Hors are medicines?not safe side by giving j tested remedies. Noah'9 Colic Remedy fc most dangerous disease, C its effect. Simple to ad tongue. Cheap in prlce$50 to any stock owner. ! Ko&h'a Fever Remedy coughs, colds, distemper, and the treatment of mill on the tongue. Two sizes Noah'9 Liniment is the t ; stable remedy on the mar hoi, chloroform, ammoni poisonous drugs. 26c, i Gallon cans at $6.00. These remedies are sold cine. Made In Richmond 1 "I been using f 1] Noah's Liniment ana J Noah's Colic Remedy ir\ on our stock with the > flic rem- lillFiliMH ^ edy as being Ineand a IlllKllBl B! sure cure.?T. J. Davis, HltMnM Sup't State Farm, |||.M|ullilfl Lassiter, Va." uUmJUaUU ^Bj wlwVSin H DOORS i BLINDS stock house in the South. . ce. HER & CO-. iTON, S. C. k Don't 1 Order Your Christmas as the rush will be too great i in December. We have the 1 ry and Silverware in the Car pleased to hear from you. James Alls Established 285 King St. C Visitors Cordially Member* Retail Merchants Refuna.- Railroad Fare Porter-Snow COTTON FACTORS AND COM 90 EAST BAY ? Charlesto] i All Cotton Handled ( Extra Staple ' Special Would be pleased t signments fromyo command our best 9-19-13t fmt S. C. ?n Commission. Cotton a ft. [ty. Tlj d receive coniu which will attention. i f. * as I ES and FURS $ j fEED ?? ~~A 3D'? |j tifully, or send them to ?! i nd we will dye them to W trifle compared to pur- g; ?It Satisfies. ? NDRY, 1 : n r awfpq 5S i V II IflAlJUAW WT M f, S. C. g? . jf[ of Information c? j COMING. | last moment, | r LTOWI I | nds of desirable | \ edding Gifts | put away until you f I Careful Attention. f { & CO., I \ ELERS." | RLESTON, S. C. ? n & Son, 1 ESS I 4D BLINDS, 1 J 4, S. C. f | riMATES FURNISHED. # * IDES