f - ? (Enuitty SrmriL; KIN6STREE, J5. C. I C. W. WOLFE. !CTOP AND PROPRIETOR. j Entered at the oostoffice at Kingstree, ( S C as second class mail matter. ______ , TELEPHONE NO. 83- , TERMS , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 | One copy, one year in advance ? i w Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices.not News, ! will be charged for at the rate of one i cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and j all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue.All communications must be signed writer, not for Dublication unless j l/J V41V - . desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special colum, one cent a word each issue,minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. ' Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements, v very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. * T? romittinc checks or money orders ! make payable*to. THE COUNTY RECORD. KIXGSTREE?THE GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY. ??????????? "In'men whom men condemn as ill, I find so much of goodness still; I nmen whom MEN pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not." THURSDAY. DEC. 5.1912. Now that the 'possums and persimmons are ripe the high cost of living is a purely academic question to the man who possesses a good dog and is convenient to a good 'possum range / ? Of all vices of mankfnd pro- , fane swearing is the most senseless. Some one has said that when the devil wants to catch a profane swearer he does not use j any bait, as the victim will swallow the empty hook. Now that Governor Wilson has been elected to the office of President of the United States he ought to l?e able to afford a motorcycle instead of a bicycle as an aid to locomotion, even if Mr Carnegie did refuse to give him a pension. Anyway, we venture to guess tlmt neither Taft nor Wilson is tn he numbered among those 1 who "do not take kindly" to the Carnegie pension idea. Both J these future Ex-Presidents are 1 said to be poor men and it j would doubtless l>e gratifying to them to know that in after ' years, when their earning capacity j ceases, their families will be i safe-guarded against poverty and j hardship. < ' J \ The grand jury of Colleton ^ county recently "presented" the maydr of that town for non-enforcement of the prohibition law. The chief of police of Walterborough says that there are twenty-eight "blind tigers" in the town and that although he has reported the fact to the mayor and aldermen they will take no action against the illicit traffic. J In the face of these conditions how can it be expected that prohibition will prohibit? Governor Blease has promised Vaughn, the reptile in human form, to "take his case under consideration," and that he would decide later on whether he would commute his sentence. Fiend incarnate though he be, we have never much believed that Vaughn wfuld be made to expiate his crimes in the death chair. Our Governor is too tender-hearted and merciful to al ow a man U* electrocute* 1 merey because he ruine?l a few <>r han girls. ? Anyone who doe> not want to re-; eive a publication will find no1 trouble in having it discontinued if lie or she will just notify the publisher that the paper is no longer wanted. Don't continue taking the paper, however, until you are pressed for payment and then order it discontinued without paying what you owe. That is not honest. Xo publisher of a reputable newspaper wants to force anyone to take his paper. At the same time the newspaper man expects those who take hi* paper to pay for it just the same as any other debt. It seems that the Democratic statesmen are opposed to ExPresidents accepting a twenty-five thousand dollar pension from the Carnegie Corporation. Just why we fail to discern. We had thought it a good idea to insure the comfort of a President of the United States after his re tirement from office. Then, there is no compulsion involved in the matter of acceptance. If Woodrow Wilson as a school teacher applied for a Carnegie pension, why should not he as a retired President accept a far lugger tine voluntarily offered. Every month the expense of publishing a newspaper is greater than the month lie fore. Print paper, type and other printing material, labor, gasoline and everything else have gone up from twenty-five to one hundred per cent within the past two years. Only the price of the paper remains the same and yet there are some who seem to Wgrudge us the one dollar we charge for a whole year's subscription. Friends, come up and pay what you owe us. It means only a dollar or two to you, hut for us our whole year's work is at stake. Our collections have Wen very poor this year and we see no reason for it. Our expenses have Wen greater than ever Wfore si nee we have had ehnrce of the paper. Don't wait for the other fellow?pay us what you owe. Drives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these maladies no time should be lost in taking the best medicine obtainable to drive it off. Countless thousands have found this to be Dr King's MflU? riioAAtTAmT V\A_ i*vn X/IOVUVCIJ. iny uu.5uanu uclieves it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs George W Place, Rawjonville, Vt, "and for coughs, colds and croup we have never found its jqual." Guaranteed for all bron:niai affections. Price 50 cts and 51.00. Trial bottle free at M L Allen's. adv rr. Bargains lr Beginning Thursday, Dece remaining stock of HATS, RIBBONS ill $5.00 Hats will go at _ 4.00 44 44 " 44 3.00 44 44 44 44 2.00 44 44 44 44 1.00 44 44 44 4 4 i 1 4-U KlDDoris, regular price twv, m 35c " 25c " 15 c " 10c " 1 ~* These are only a few of greater bargains will greet y< Kennedy M Kingstree, ^ ^ I - - ^ ^ ^ L QTATF GENERAL J TOPICS I '< Tl r 1 rrrrrr^r^rrrrrr-r^^, The Baptist State convention met Tuesday at Abbeville. XXX The Sixty-second Congress con-1 vened Monday,to continue in session ' until March 4. XXX The cotton crop for 1912-13 is estimated by the New Orleans TimesDemocrat at 13,975,000 bales. XXX i Governor Goldsborough has apI pointed William P Jackson to fill I out the unexpired term of the late * * ~ ^ * -1 Tl ? United States senator isiaor rniyner. Jackson is a Republican, while : Rayner was a Democrat. XXX A colored man, a son of Jack Johnson (not the pugilist),was killed < by an engine of the G & W railroad at Georgetown Monday. The negro tried to jump on the pilot of the engine as it was going into the yard and, losing his balance, he fell in front of the engine and was crushed to death. x x \ The People's Bank of Leesville, I ir nnnntv olncioH itfl i./TAlU^lrUU vtsuiAwj, viv^vv. .vw Wednesday, November ?7, when the funds ran so low that it was impossible to continue business. ' Dr E J Etheridge, the president of the defunct institution, is said to be missing. It is stated that this bank has been practically "broke" for tbe past year and that its condition was known tn the State authorities. It is also reliably stated that the State ( Bank Examiner had not made an i examination of the condition of the aank since last February. The presI ident of the bank, Dr Etheridge, is i said to be indebted to the institu; tion about $20,000, which is only $5,000 less than the entire capital stock. This is the second bank failure in Lexington county this year. XXX Saturday mooiing Mr Joseph M Thomas, a prominent business man of Charleston, disappeared from his J home in a manner which led his family to apprehend that he had i committed suicide, He was last seen 1 at the Boulevard at the foot of Rutledge avenue and near the spot his ' hat and overcoat were found. After a diligent search the body of the 1 unfortunate man, for the recovery of which his family had offered a reward of 8300, was found Monday night in Ashley river. Mr Thomas was fifty-seven years old and up to a few months ago had been a member of the firm of Stephen Thomas & Brother, the well-known Charleston jewelers. Members of the family of the deceased state that there was no reason Mr Thomas should have taken his life and he must have done so while suffering from a mental aberration. Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists between liver and bowels to cause dis tress by refusing- to act, take Dr | King's New Life Pills and end such abuse of your system. They gently I compel right action of stomach,liver and bowels and restore your health and all good feelings. 25c at M L J Allen's. adv We have a few fine Trunks that we will close out cheap. If you need a trunk,look at ours before you buy. 10-24-tf People's Mercantile Co. i Millinery. | mber 5, we will close out our I D VELVETS AT COST. I ZII ?98 I ZZ....~ ....... 2.48 I 1.79 I e yard, now 39c I " " 29c I " " 19c I " " 13c I " " __ 8ic | our cut prices. Come in and I )u than are listed here. I illinery Co. I - S. C. I 1 GRAND AO a Choice Residence Nesmi TUESDAY, D On Eas; Nesmith is located on th< lins to Georgetown and from Kingstree to George Kingstree and 27 miles rounded by some of the f State,it is bound to be ; few years. ONLY ABOUT 100 LOTS WILL BE Those who buy now will ?et the mo to make money Valuable Prizes will be given away. especially invited Remember the Date and Day, Tues n. Or . Sir Inter-State k I D. W. Cunningham, Manag THE PEOPLE'! COM) ?U 1 < ncauijuai tci 9 j It's the lines of your figu ^ S ^ ^ t Dest corse Style 182. It made of a silk meah: has C3.I1 bllV# dou Die stripping. the top atrip being ailk; baa 12-inch claap with two hooka and eyea: two t-* a 0 pair# of aapportera. Is finished at top with IvCVO II silk am broidery with fringed edge and bow. The front steel ia finished with plush; is de- 1 1 signed for an average figure. Sizes 18 to 28 look, you OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IJ WITH EVERYTHING THAT IS GC People's Mc Kingstree, t . ; . - mmmmimmmmrmssammm&BBEamsassKmmsmgm CTION SALE - and Business Lots th,S.C ECEMBER 1& y Terms ==?==^=????: % i new railroad from Mulon the main public road town, being 18 miles from 5 from Georgetown, surinest farming lands in the an important town in a SOLD, RIGHT IN CENTER OF TOWN st desirable lots. Come one is going , so why not you? H Free barbecue dinner to all. Ladies 9 to attend the sale. Xi H day, December 10th, and be on h^^l; 9 .iaa-e, "^7"o Sell! J iction Company 1 ;er Darlington, S. C. fl : mercantile] PANY for Good Goods" I rp> or\A nnf I \A7in rtKf'c I ?vfc JL I&llli O fl enai of your Underwear I iat mark you For Men Hone Better?All SI. J :::l King Quality] ... . , Shoes for Men! ml give the ^ - ...m The Shoe that Is builtn that graceful, for Comfort, Styl^H and Service. A pJH ire that every wj|| convince you. :ovets. These I ~T~^H ^ . Blankets J :orsets are the . ML ? We have a splendiflH :ts that money assortment of Blajfl| _ j ? _ WearaLe Kelsana our Priccs fv competition. flH you want to ?? r best. Don't forget that vvefl * are exclusive agent^H > COMPLETE for the New Homd? )OD TO EAT Sewing Machine. 9 i srcantile Co.l South Carolina^