Value of a Bank Account. C.A bank account with this strong,conservative institution is worth a great deal to you in convenience and security. It leads to many privileges and broader business relations, to ask and receive advice and to use our facilities, CItia not necessary that you should come to the bank in person if you desire to open an account. Your deposits can besentby mail with your name and address, or by some pther person, and the dfiiysits promptly acknoweldged, sendjMpftjU either a pass book or a stateTOei?f the account at the close of each month, as desired. CWe make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons shall -^satisfactory. /We want each one to feel that they are free to come to us in ! all matters where our experience and advice will be of value and assistance, you can^lso be sure that every business transaction passing through our h^ids to held n.strict confidence. CM you have had no business with this bank we feel confident that you will anmeciate the service we can render. BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG KINSSTREE. S. C. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem. V P. E C Epps, C V/ Boswell, Cashier. Asst Cashier. LOCAL fi M X Cotton is quoted today at lli 1 on middling basis; seed $20 per ? ton on local market. x f <$ Saturday will be circus day. Mr 'David Silverman of Atlanta is in Kingstree visiting his wife. Mrs Cornelia Gourdin spent several days in Kingstree last week. T^e Qpen season for quail or p^rw' '^e shooting begins tomorrow, j Attention is called to the adver-' tisement in this issue of the People's Mercantile Co. Miss Martha Gourdin visited her ' sister, W G Gamble, here yesterday. ^ Boriu*V5vember 1, to Mr and Mrs tiflkjjj^jE'StoU, a f ne son. Congrat^tHraons. Mr Wm J Reddick has been con-1 fined to his home several days this week with a severe cold. i Kingstree and Williamsburg will I doubtless send a good crowd to the j I county fair in Charleston next week.; "EMitrvr Wolfe had a serious set- ! - I r back last week and is still confined to his bed suffering considerable) pain. Mr Daniel EEvans is again in the temploy of the Butler Dry Goods Co. His many friends welcome his return. Willie Cottingham of Salters De- j pot informs us that he planted five gourd seed, got one vine up, from which he gathered ninety gourds. Mr Walter Harper, who is a student at the Medical college, Charleston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr and Mrs Edwin Harper. Mrs L M Conrow and daughter Anna left Kingstree Tuesday morn-: ing for Richmond, Va, to visit the j family of the former's brother, Mr J C Dobbin. Road Engineer Eaddy is engaged I rebuilding the bridges across Broad! swamp near Kmgstree and is using j the fcon pile driver recently purchase' by the county. A special ele^ion was held in Kingstree Tuesday ^ to choose a successor to Alderman H E Montgomery, resigned. The vote stood: J B Alsbrook, 66; P S Courtney, 51. 0 Dr R C McCabe will leave Kingstree tomorrow (Friday) morning for the Northwestern University, Chicago,to take up some special work. 1 SI be absent from his office for! I weeks. great auction sale of lots ke place at Andrews next Sat-: zes ana a guuu j,uue are | offered all who attend. If you are looking for an investment it might pay you to attend. Mr Joel E Brunson, a well known former citizen of Kingstree. but; ?qw of Sumter, visited his daughter j * nire, Miss Willie Brunson, a teaehir er in the Kingstree High and Grad| ed school, this week. m Mrs E C White, age 37 years, sis-! E- ter*of Mr C W Boswell, died at the r infirmary in Sumter last Saturday after having undergone a serious operation. Mrs White had been in ^ very poor health for several years. ' Cypress poles are now being placed on our streets for use in con*' -i? _ nection witn ine eiecinc nguiing system, which we hope to enjoy before the moon goes into hiding during the nocturnal hours many more time* "Wh#'s Next?" a three-act comedy sketch, was presented by local 9K& I I talent at the opera house here to a | good audience Friday evening. The I play was well received, and a neat | sum was realized for the local school j library. Mrs J J M Graham of Cades was a guest at the Kellahan hotel Monday, having come to Kingstree on a shopping trip. We were glad to learn from her that Mr Graham,her husband, has about recovered from his recent illness. j Mr and Mrs C E Hilton cf Tampa, Fia, are in Kingstree, stopping at the home of Mrs A M Gordon. Mr Hilton has taken a position with the LePhart Lumber Co. Some years ago he resided in the Greelyville i section, where he was deservedly j popular. Some of our Williamsburg boys should by all means make an exhibit at the National Corn exposition to be held in Columbia January and February, 1913? So far as we have seen, the highest yield in this county has not been exceeded by any county in the State. i Misses Ola Davis and Jessie Be1 thea,teachers in the Seranton school, were visitors in Kingstree Saturday. Miss Davis is a native of Virginia, j having been reared in the vicinity I of classic old Blackstone, while Miss i t> tr n_n _ xi ! tfetnea comes irom MCLan, in me | famous Marlboro county. We have outstanding on subscription more than $1,000. yet we are not able to pay office rent. Our expenses this year have been hea\ier than ever before. Now, we make this personal appeal to our readers. Pay what you owe to date and at I least one year ahead and save us the j additional trouble and expense of j sending out one thousand individual j statements. To the few who have already paid,this, of course,does not apply. The licensing conference of the Kingstree district met at the district parsonage here on Tuesday. Those present were: Revs J R T Major of Summertcn, C C Derrick of Lake City, Geo M Teasley of Greelyville and R F Morris of Turbeville. Mr Morris was licensed by the conference to preach, and both he and Mr Teasley were recommended to the General Conference for admission on trial. Presiding Elder Holroyd and Rev W A Fairy participated in the meeting. The small amount you owe us on subscription is a trifle to you, but it means hundreds of "dollars to us. Having to employ extra help practically all this year to take the place of our sick chief, the paper has been run at a loss since last spring. Even at this time we are barely paying office expenses, yet we are doing as much or more work than ever before at this season. But collections are what count and, we must say, our collections are poor. Pay what you owe?it matters not what others do. Mrs Florence "Merriman, ,wife of Mr Logan Merriman.died at Georgetown Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock. Mrs Merriman was a daughter of the late Capt and Mrs D E Gordon of Lanes; a half-sister of our tov nsman, Mr A M Gordon, and a niece of Mr S A Nettles. She was twenty-four years of age and leaves a husband and three small children to mourn their loss, besides a host of friends and relatives to whom her charming disposition greatly endear- | ed her. % The funeral and ipterment took place at Georgetown Tuesday. John Keels, a negro living near Kingstree, came into town Saturday and in order to raise a few dollars other than by the proverbial "sweat of his brow", swiped a nice bale of cotton belonging to the People's Mercantile Co from the platform at the depot and sold it to one of the buyers. The theft was soon discovered and the negro was arrested and given lodging at the station house till Monday morning. The buyer of the stolen cotton recovered his money and waived further proceedings against the negro. Then Mayor Kinder took a hand in behalf of the peace and dignity of the town and fined him $20, which he paid. The price of subscription for the well-known magazine "Youth's Companion" has been increased to $2.00 a year and it is well worth the price. For more than a quarter of a century The Youth's Companion has been recognized as the highest quality of literary pabulum for boys and girls, and men and women as well, to be found anywhere. By clubbing The Companion with The Record we can save our subscribers twenty-five cents on old or new subscriptions to tVio tum if vnn want to subscribe | Vliv V..V. -- J - ? - ' " I to The Companion or renew your subscription, send us $2.75 and both The Record and The Companion will be sent to you for one year. New subscribers can get The Companion from now until January free by subscribing now and sending $2.00 for The Companion alone or $2.75 for The Companion and The Record one year each. tf. Notice To Policy Holders. In so many instances has the privJ ilege of credit been abused that the insurance agents of this city have ! j been obliged to adopt the following j rule governing the payment of pre-, 1 * - . i. x.i_ * 1 _ miumsi in order to comply wun tne , i dernar ds of the several fire insurance j | companies represented by them. It 1 will be found on all policies, \ cates and renewal receipts issued on and after November 15, 1912: RULE: Particular attention is ca! 1-; ed to the following notice and con-1 dition of this contract: } This policy, certificate or renewal! receipt shall become void on the 25l;h j day of the month following the date j of issue unless the premium or consideration named herein shall have been actually paid to th* authorize d agent of this company on or before tne said 25th daf, and this notice is hereby mutually accepted as suffi-! cient to comply with the cancellation notice required bv the printed conditions of this policy. Accordingly, you will take notice that Policy No of f InciMnoa Pn U*ill Hp r??nPpllpH for nonpayment of premium - unless paid before the time named herein? | without further notice on the 25th ; instant, and all liability will ceai? j from that time. Yours respectfully, W W Barr, Louis Jacobs, Kingstree Insurance, He.a l | Estate & Loan Co, wllliamsrurg realty co, ll-7-4t ^ _ _ Agents.1 Card of Thanks. I take this method of extending1 my thanks to the voters of Kingstree for their hearty support in electing me Alderman of the town. J B Alsbrook. Fresh and corned mullets, every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. lft.94.4tn Thomas W Epps. i *v ? * '"?? - * \ ? I?II 9 Some Tha BARC f' We have been fortun 1 splendid values in Silk M 1 Petticoats, or Underskirts, low prices considering the c of the garment Listen at r then come to our store and pons that we are giving wi Ladies' Silk Messaline Shir ing at $2.48 the garment ; Ladies' Messaline Shirtwai; regular $3.50 values, will go at at these items. , A lot of Ladies' Muslin Pe I real $2.50 values. We'll let the A lot of Ladies' Silk Me values, will go at $2.98. A large lot of Ladies' Merc neatly trimmed, only 50c and $1 A large lot of Ladies' Hous ii $1.:25 the garment. [ A large lot of Ladies' Kir H 50c each; long Kimonas at $10( | A large lot of Ladies' Outii si ed Petticoats, great values at 5< | Whafs The Use f over an old sewing machine m [ dresses when you can come her f tie dresses from 2 years up to 1 A large lot of Misses' Dress y styles, 6 to 14 years old, 50 and \ Misses' Dresses, very pret jj $1.50 and $2.00 the dress, j To go along with the Shi I scribed above we have in stoc j Skirts in Black, Brown, Gray -I come here and get a nice Skirt, | all for less than $10.00. Who ( I Come and see, it will do you no .J ixr_ I J ?x. ? 4/u: 4-? we cuuiu nut muse tins stu. the nice two-piece Knee Suits \ 4 to 17 years old. Come and se $1.50 to $7.00. Give us a look; Cotton Goods i but in the face of this we offer Homespun for only $1.00, 5c th Quilt Patch Calico, 45c for Best soft finish Black Hon Heavy Cotton Twill Flann< Just remember, when you to give us a look. Our line of s buy and we sell them very clos Now don't forget that we premiums with cash purchases and $20.00. Yours Jenkinson E . * -'V* * j KINQSTRI-E HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. ?*? ? ? ? ? ?-? The proceeds from the play given for the benefit of the sehool library netted $40. We hope with this to get some good books which will be quite an addition to the library. We were glad to have Misses Ei merand Haiiie mnds.r^ssie ciaaeiey, Margaret Evans and Lilly Butler visit the school on Monday morning. A deligh:ful entertainment was given to the teachers by Mrs T A Blakeley in honor of her guests, Misses Margaret Evans and Lilly Butler, on Monday evening. The amusement for the occasion was a musical guessing contest,after which delightful refreshments were served. SPECIAL NOTICES Phone us when you want /jr to get a notice under this M heading. Price one cent a [JE, word for each insertion. No v ad taken for less than "25c. Phcne 83. T.nsT?One barrow hoe. black and white spotted, with one side of face torn by dog, weight about 150 pounds. Information or return of same to Peoples Market, Kingstree. will be rewarded. 11-14-11 .. ? For Rent.?Two-horse farm at Andrews for rent or share crop. Two mules to go with farm i f preferred by renter or share-cropper. Farm in high state of cultivation. Apply to County Record or W S Camlin, at West Andrews, S C. ll-14-tf For Sale?Tract of land situated six miles from Kingstree and three miles from Cades, containing 65 acres, with good five-room residence and one tenant house. School close by. For particulars see or address W P McGill, 9-12-tf. Kingstree, S C. / For Rent?Cheap to a good man, a stable suitable for sale or livery business, in the town of Kingstree, S O, where there is no livery. Good chance for a live man '"For particulars apply to Kellky & Hinds, Attorneys, 10-17-tf Kingstree, S C Use Dust-Catch to protect your goods while sweeping. We can give you barrels at 3c lb aeliyered or half barrels fob Greelyv iHb. . . Dust-Catch Mfg Co, . 10-10-tf , Greelyville, S C. II TIT" ; .1,111 II Hill T inksgiving, 1AINS i iate in picking up some ressaline Shirtwaiste and for ladies at wonderfully quality and the make-up Hiis Chat see the goods and couth cash purchases, twaists, real $3.00 value, gosts, very pretty and stylish, $2.69. Please look carefully tticoats in black and navies, j im go at $1 89. ssaline Peiticoats, r eal $3.50 erized Black Satin Petticoats, LOO. se Dresses and Wrappers at nonas. Short Kimonas only >. ig or Flannelette Embroider)c each. 1 of Worrying i aking children's and misses' e to our store and get nice lit2 years for 50c each. , >es in a variety of beautiful $1.00. ty, 15 .to 18 years old, only irtwaist ar d Underskirts dek a beautiful line of Ladies' r and Navy Blue. You can Silk Shirtwaist and Petticoat iver heard of cheaper goods? harm to look at them, ry without telling you about ve have here for Boys from ie them. Nice little suits from you will not be disappointed Are Going Up, you 20 yards good Sea Island le yard. 20 yards. lespun only 8 1-3 the yard. ;1 only 8 l-3c, 10c and 12 l-2c. need shoes of any description, shoes is; the best money can e. are giving valuable, useful ) amounting to $7.50, $10.90 i truly, brothers Co. Williamsburg F Kingstr FOR ! Large lot and five room cottage, or ness part of Kingstree. Two half-acre lots in ' New Town.' Forty acre farm, part of which is ii One hundred and eight acres, two i One hundred and four acres, three One hundred and two acres one an< Eighty acres, one mile from Lane. Four hundred and twenty-three aci tation. Fifty acres, one and one-fourth mil One hundred and sixty acres three One thousand acres, one and one-hj one of the best farms in the coi One hundred acres in Florence cou Six hundred acres, two miles from ! One hundred and.fifty acres, with I r> .... D i-_i i.. uuuucau, in .oexAeiey cuuiity. One hundred and fifty-eight acres, stables, farm fenced, near Bon Eleven hundred acres, with fourtet miles from Bonneau. Nine hundred and eighteen acres,w near Bonneau. This plantation and three tenant houses. One hundred and fifty acres on rail] Fifty acres, with four-room dwellir Much of this is splendid tobac< on six acres of tobacco this year, purchase land and grow bump R. H. Pittman, Pres. and Bus. Mgr. I Give U I n M/l I lr> o l? yva* t tlliu ICl U9 SIIUW y U I. Millinery, Cors lars, Belts, Glo^ Our Trimming Departm< milliner, Miss Stumpner, fro in that city a number of sea leading style centers in the 1 to us well equipped with the Again this season we ar( dren's Hats and Infants' Boi The public is cordially in Kennedy M 1 It's Up ' Snow Custom For The Standard This shoe / of best mat / / experiencec f tr\\ . / ( \\ i points has 1 * #1 \ K/ ience in ms S * W " I This is a ' :JL \ | Jjjf and are sol< '*212 each pair g|'t?; ?I play a fu elties, C 1 they arri ' - .'V r lealty Company cCy ?* Ct SALE: ie and one-half blocks from busi<9 n Kingstree. niles from Kingstree. miles from Kingstree. d one-half miles from Hemingway. es, near Greelyville. splendid planes from Gourdins. ~ miles from Gourdins. tlf miles from Gourdins. This is unty. ;nty, four miles from Olanta. St Stephens. two tenant houses, four miles from with two-story house, barn and neau. ;n tenant houses, one and ons-half ith eight-room two-story dwelling, also contains two four-room houses road near Bonneau. lg, five miles from Bonneau. v :o land. One planter made $1,463 Why may not others do the same? ;r crops. . M. A. Shuler, 1 \ Sec'y and Treas. s a Call f .:J i our beautiful line of ;ets, Hose, Col res, Notions, etc. mt is in charge of an efficient m Baltimore. She trimmed sons, and having visited the ^orth this season, she comes latest ideas in millinery. ? making a specialty of Chilmets. ' vited to call. - x lillinery Co. ro You! ' \ - ' Quality Shoes Men 9 1 i of The Best is all the name implies: made enais, over custom moueis oy 1 workmen. Perfection in these >een attained by years of experiking honest, high grade shoes. # v new line of shoes in Kingstree i at $4.00 and $5.00 the pair, uaranteed by H, Patrick ______ / I will soon have on disII line of Christmas Novell in and see them when ve. \ | HOLD ON TO YOUR MONEY and in times of adversity it will hold on to you. Every business man should havt an account at a good bank where it will be safe when he needs it. Besides, the advantage of being able to draw against it by check is worth something. This bank solicits the accounts of merchants and individuals. Wee Nee Bank j i .