The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 07, 1912, Page FOUR, Image 4

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dhr (County Srrurii. J KINGSTREE. S. C. / ] C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. * J - * ut Kinirstive. Einiertru at me pwwmv.. ?- - ? , S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83 TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of' Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. ah rhancrps of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special colum, one cent a word each issue,minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Legal advertisements. $1.00 per inch first insertion, f cents per inch each subsequent inser. ;>n. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make pavable to. THE COUNTY RECORD. KIXGSTREE?THE GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY. "In men whom men condemn as ill, I find so much of goodness still; In men whom MEN pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?whereG*>dhas not" THURSDAY. NOV. 7.1912. Hurrah for Woodrow Wilson! And Sulzer was elected Governor of New York. Teddy may be the hull but Wilson had the Gore. / We si lute you, Mr President. A ban "Hull Mouses". The Hull Moose has taken to the tall timbers for four years at least. The Democratie rooster has a ' chance to crow again after a twenty years' silence. x ========= i Four hundred electoral votes for 1 Wilson and Marshall. Better make j it "nunanimous". < Down with the "Bull Moose" in South Carolina. Exterminate the herd at one fell swoop. ( After all is said, Col Roosevelt stands out about as brave a man sis 1 his assailant was a cowardly as- 1 i sassm. j Poor Mr Taft. Pleasant and amiable gentleman that he is, 'tis piti. ful to witness his complete collapse < as a factor in national polities. < 1 Hy the way, did you ever notice . that as soon as a man commits, murder he usually l>ecomes a < "prominent citizen" of the community? _______________ i It is said that Shrank is now J sorry that ho tried to kill Col Roose- ' velt. He should have "shrank" 1 from the eowardly deed l?efore he 1 committed it. ' ====== t In the ease of Vaughan, South ^ ' Carolina has a chance to emulate Virginia justice, swift and sure. Our juries are all right, as a rule, ^ hut oh, you Governor! It is reported that Mr John 1 K Aull of XewUrry will be ap- 1 pointed as Governor Mease's pri- ^ vate secretary and will assume ' the duties <?f the position Janu arv I Mr Aull is a bright young newspaper man who will ( doubtless till the place with f credit to himself and satisfaction ^ to his employers. For the good name of the order s l\ is gratifying to note that the Odd . Fellows of Greenville and the State c generally are active in the prosecu- I ? [ion of T V Vaughan, the lecherousj i traitor whose gross misconduct lias i ' brought the whole fraternity into < disrepute. To purge and purify an , 1 organization of any kind is far bet- ( fi?r tli-m ti? tvr ti * / Inol* f ho vi c< 1 i t \r i >f :i lix-mlier thereof. i . ~ .. ! \\ hen reddy I Teaks the Solid South" lie will have to equip! himself with the hammer of Vulcan I and the thews and sinews of Samson.: and then some. The South may! eventually depart from Jeffersonian traditions,hut never under the lead-! ersliip of a political mountebank such as Theodore Koosevelt, who has betrayed his party, his friends and even himself in his lust for political power. i4Ti? ?ill liuiimh nritlviliilitv XII nil II VIII liX 11 |?1V??UII/|I114* 9 s|>eaks a contemporary, "Vaughn will expiate liis crime in the electric chair.'' We hate to shatter such an illusion, hut we feel constrained to ask our misguided con-' temporary since when has it l>een the custom in South Carolina to impose capital punishment on a white man, however heinous his crime, if he has money and is willing to spend it to save his life. Already Vaughn's attorneys, even in the face of his confession, have apiMioliwl fi\r > nou* friol u-Vimli t4?il1-I 1U1 ?l 1IV.1 ...11^.1 <?v? tomatically" postpones tlie day of electrocution set for December 20. It would be surprising indee<l to many people if Vaughn is ever electrocuted, self-confessed criminal though he be. And now it turns out that that Spartanburg man didn't make four bales of cotton on four acres,or anything like it. The revised state- . ment is that a Spartanburg farmer J gathered five bales from four or five ; acres and had probably another hale left in the field. The "cub" i . reporter, whose knowledge of agriI'ulture is rather nebulous, made the simple error of substituting one ( ncre for five, blissfully ignorant, ' doubtless, that he had thereby ( "busted" for all time the record 1 for cotton production. Our "print- [ it's devil" interjected the observation when we published the original statement that it "sounded like a , fish story." Doubtless many other 1 phenomenal yields will dwindle \ into mediocrity when the proper j : .i.: 1 ? I imeswgauon is maue. David Kinard, a "prominent" s young merchant of Bamherg, shot J uul killed a man Monday night on $ the main street of that town. Of * itself this statement would l>e hut a i rerv ordinary item of news, since mr State has of late years achieved ^ i record for murder and all other < rimes of violence that would put to | diame Breathitt county, Kentucky; t ?ut in this case the report states that i .lie man-slayer made a mistake and silled the wrong man, a stranger rroin Massachusetts who had come i /i K'linluirir unlv -i fmv iltivc luifurn i :o take a position in the local cotton ( nill. Wonder if this "mistake" J vill justify an acquittal by a jury of ^ he man-killer's j>eers, or in the re- s note contingency of a conviction, f the unfortunate mistake in ident- ^ ty will appeal to a tender-hearted ,'hief Executive for a parole or par- j Ion. c ===== 1 Joe Cannon Defeated. Danville, 111., November 6.?F J 3'Hair, Democrat, is victor over * ormer Speaker Joseph G Cannon or congress in the 18th district by ill plurality. t B R Tillman, Jr, has taken legal t teps to recover the possession of G lis two children. The case will p ome before the Supreme court on November 26. 1 uih iWri i v -j i. . CHAT FROM CAULS. i S I What the People oi 21 Thriving Community are Saying and Doing : Carles, November 4:?The Bank of Cades has been doing1 business for two weeks now and has had a croor) nat.rnnacrp sinep its oneninff. ! i ???- ?*-- (.1 The Cades Mercantile company ( threw open its doors today and ev- j erything bids fair for a fine business. Surveyor Johnson is here, laying 5 j < out and locating some lots that have j recently changed hands. i The lots known as the McKenzie j property sold in Kingstree today ,i are located on each side of the A C L j' railroad. .All brought good prices. I understand that Mr C C Carsten got the one on the east side and Mr E H Carsten that on the left. Cades is to have some good fami- , lies added to her population in the near future, all of whom we welcome among us, and hope that others will come. Rev W H Whitehead has closed a good meeting at the Baptist church, at which eight members were added to the membership and | six to the Methodist church. We hope the goc'd work that has been done will have a permanent uplifting effect. Messrs H J Brown, G E Hill and S J Anderson attended t'ne Southeast Baptist association at Olanta as delegates from here. Mr D J McElveen and others from this place were also present during the session. We regret to report that Mr J J M Graham is very sick at his home near here. The members of Mr J N Floyd's family,who have been so sick of late, are, we hope, all on the road to recovery. Several of our folk went to Kingstree today, it being salesday. B. State Senator J B Green, of Marlboro county, died Monday. Mr Green had been Sheriff for a lumber of years before his election as Senator. Fresh and corned mullets, every i Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. 10-24-4tp. Thomas W Epps. j "It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the oest cough medicine I have ever -1 ?? ?!.- - 11 TT 1_ n L.11 usea, writes mrs nup oampueu, r )f Lavonia, Ga. "I have used it j with all my children and the results ] nave been highly satisfactory." For \ sale by all dealers. adv. r m i William Marion, a cotton mill op- i irative recently from Massachusetts, was shot and killed at Bamberg t Monday night by David Kinard, a j foung white man of that town. It c seems that Kinard meant to kill a j nill hand, but plugged the wrong \ nan. r The bo;, 's appetite is often the source of amazement. If you would lave such an appetite take Chamber- 0 ain's Tablets. They rot only create i healthy appetite, but strengthen :he stomach and enable it to do its 1 vork naturally. For sale by deal- 1 ?rs. adv. Caesar Holmes shot and killed his !ather-in-law, J H Compton, Monlay. Both parties are prominent j, 'armers of Orangeburg county, b Compton is said to have been the v iggressor, ?oing to Holman's house ? ind assaulting him with a gun. r A Great Building Falls vhen its foundation is undermined, ind if the foundation of health? food digestion?is attacked, quick ;ollapse follows. On the first signs t: )f indigestion. Dr King's New Life ?ills should be taken to tone the s itomach and regulate liver, kidneys ? ind bowels. Pleasant, easy, safe ind only 2;> at M L Aller's. adv. o Jacksonvi le, Florida, is in the c n hroes of a ?treet car strike. Just received a shipment of New iome Sew ug Machines. Will sell ^ heaD for c sh or on easy terms. ? 0-24-tf P -ople's Mercantile Co. rr Thirty-three States have ratified he constitutional amendment pro- tl iding for an income tax. Only two nore States are needed. The supreme court has affirmed he action of the lower court in sen- . encing Lewis Cantrell, Charles M d] laines, and C L Angel to life im- ^ risonment. lc w Debs polled a larger vt>te than 'aft in Nevada. j i 7JSSS3B8BKS52H jn i i j Having < I * 1 of Dry Qoodf | offering ours ly reduced p; Our Whoi which we ar< the other fel in large quai ducers, and i to save you i We also can Will be glad WILKINS VI I JDlled Daughters of the Confederacy, Washington,D C, November 12-16. On account of the above occasion he Atlantic Coast Line will sell ound-trip tickets from all points on ts lines, on November 9, 10, 11, 12, .3 and 14, from Kingstree, S C, to Washington, D C, at $15.30, with eturn limit to reach original startng point not later than midnight of lecember 1, 1912. For further particulars, schediloa roeorvaHnns oto nnnlv to T E Saggett, Ticket Agent, Kingstree, > C, or address T C White, General >assenger Agent, or W J Craig, ,assenger Traffic Manager, Wilnington, N C, 10-31-3t-adv STATEMENT f tie Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc, of rHE COUNTY RECORD, nblished Weekly at Kingstree. .^outh Carolina, required by the Act of August 24. 1912. Note?This statement is to be made i duplicate, both copies to be delivered y the publisher to the Postmaster,who rill send one copy to the Third Assistnt Postmaster General (Division of !lassification), Washington, D C, and etain the other in the files of the Postffiee. Name of Editor, Postoffice Address. Iharles W Wolfe. Kingstree. South Carolina. Managing Editor, None. Business Manager, None. Publisher, Charles W Wolfe, Kingsret', South < arolina. Owner (If a corporation, give names nd addresses of stockholders holding ne per cent or more of the total amount f stock). Charted W Wolfe, owner. Known bondholders, mortgagees and ther security holders holding one per ent or more of total amount of bonds, lortgages or other securities: Bank of Williamsburg. Average number of copies of each isu.e of this publication sold or distribted, through the mails or otherwise, j paid subscribers during the six ionths preceding the date of this statelent. (This information is required rom daily newspapers only). < harles W Wolfe, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me lis 29th day of October, 1912. J B Steele, Notary Public. /V*-- nvniroc of fho nlpflC. \lXiy CUIIlIlllSSIUIl CApivo MV MIV {/.VMW re of the Governor), Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of unressed lumber (board and framing) at iy mill rear Kingstree. for sale at the west price for good material. See or rite me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE. 18-tf . run LNII disposed of oui s and Notions ;tock of Hardwi tn rln^p nn L IV^ b-V/ V1V*^V bale Grot ^ offering a littl lows, is complt ntities direct i \ in this way w money. *y Cow and Hog F< to see you and que Yours for business (HOLESALE Gl ________ HHBHHRnvaiUHHi ' Courtesy brings the greatest reti "Aeep your future unmortgaegd h H. D. R Dry Goods, Hi Clothing ai in in in! in We solicit a share of y< and promise you up-to-da" prices and courteous treat You need the goods. Went Let's pull together, us Aour trade and we u profits with you. Here's chase you will get a prir model National Cash Reg the amount, Return en amounting to $10 and up ixiiuixia. When we buy for cash we get Can you afford to pass \ ing to you so you may gi\ est your neighbors, and h] break even. Now you w* your neighbor about this i you. Keep your ey< l nib is iiui a, succiai uj Printed checks of the cor chase will be given to eve tie better by you than oth everybody/' is our motto. Offer Extraordinary! ( Here is one of our most liberal clubbing offers: Uncle Remus Magazine..Six Months Southern Ruralist One Year! Good Stories One Year The County Record One Year The Gentlewoman One Year All five papers and magazines for only $1.50. 10-3-tf I r entire , we are ire at a g it the lir :erv SI ? I ' le lower ite. We from the e are en jed. <rA<i A<l?< JIC JUU UUI imcon irns and requires leai y debt. Save money as u EDD1 its, Caps, id Millinery ! ill If! our patronage te goods, fair ;ment. ^ led your trade i Listen! Give\ nil share our the plan: With ifn/t ^v?ayyi i LCU iium ister shownig th< ecks of CASH and receive vali a discount. Wh is by? We mak< re us your trade y increased trac ill say a word saving, won't yoi ; on this si ffer to special c rect amount of rybody. To do ers do and a saua CHICHESTER THE UIAMO l.ttdl's! A*kyOI b j( LLAju I bl-fbot-tertW ^4^9Kk Fills in Re4 tr.c >v ho?j, inled ?lo Wf T.ikc no otfcerI*/ Ck Drvffliit Askfo I (m It DlilllMI UKV V B yenrs kcown as Bent, ?A SOLD BY PRUGGl! F0LEY5H0. ttO9?tlM00?^htn k. >n Teat-I tOCM thsm i pro4 ableJ : prjcesl 4 it inmtrumH :ell as earWBjk ourWm 3 dat^ENK PurctWW liable IBB } rhi^JKn andjBBH or tSH itoiMHH Hu? jHH| i v i?9HHi SI I