The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 31, 1912, Image 9

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? | Professional Cards, j SW W. H. WOODS. M. D., ^.SPECIALIST. 1 Eye, Ear, Note and Throat. I^v Ir CLASSES FITTED. 03 ' ~ t Office 15 Williamson Building.^ fjjl \0-3TjSmZ FLORENCE. S. C. DR. R. J, MCCABE. Dentist. , rKINGSTREE, ' S. C Office Next to Court House Square. f^ILlP H. ARROWSMITH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LAKE CITY, - - S. C.: M. A. WOODS. DENTIST, Ofiic* over Sin^letsry Bldg. ^'PHONE NO. 68.^ i ayt ri-rv _ ^ ( , Iunivc. ui i, - -? - , W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. office over Dr W V Brockingtou' * store. K1NGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. . M. D. Nosmith (DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - , - - S C. DR. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kiriistree Drug (Company'a. Benj. MclNNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES. M. D., V. M. D. ^ VETERINARIANS. ^^)ne of us will be at Kingstree the " ^ ? ?J - U of Hoi. nrsi :uouua\ 111 racii mvuui, aw avi Bk ler's Stables. 9-28-tf I Receipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages and all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at The Record office. If we have not the form you wish we can print it cn short notice^^^^ fflsm ^w^\s^\a'\a'\s-Na'Na-a'Na'\s.-\a- A' lots fll i! Sill I [[oil Din? He would be 4 heartless father indeed who dia not allay baby's 1 sufferings as did Mr EM Bogan of Enterprise, Miss. He says: "My baby was troubled with breaking out, something like seven-year itch. We used all ordinary remedies, but nothing seemed to do any good until I tried HUNT'S CURE and in a few days all symptoms disappeared and - a - M fnow baby is enjoying tne Desi 011 health." Price 50c per box. Manufactured andeCuaranteed by A. B. RICHARDS MECICINE CO., Sherman, Texas. wwwv\vwv\v*v\v\v\wv\ / SOLD BY Dr. W. V. BrocKington, Kin^str**, S. C. BlaKely-McCullough Co., Lanes. S. C. rr rr 7wz tktw: rr md WANTED From six to eight good, I fat Beef Cattle a week, I for which I will pay the I best marKet pnce. i All Kii>ds of Meats in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, ; Vegetables and Canned Goods. Epps* MarKet ? Ac*0^mr<gfc Mill 5t?. | HHBnHHnBHQBHi | Ladies' ( Hi . S WBMk ar y ^Ladies' ( s Every Boj >S Wants a *1 ^(jiff/it* We want every pipe , in this country to kno Mixture is. |^l We want vou to know tl ^ one and a half ounce 5c i ?a delightful smoke. S* And you should know, to now get a book of cigarette pi A Free Pre* |l These coupons are good fc ents, such as watches, toilet pf* ture, and dozens of other articl w of the family. You will surely like Duke ^ df Myers at Durham, N.^ C., a - ! * r Woman Finally Recovers From Nervous Breakdown Impoverished nerves destroy many people before their time. Often before a sufferer realties what the trouble is, he is on the verge of a j complete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep your nervous system in good con union, as int: uci vcs a it n?v ^vk> v. , of all bodily power. Mrs. Anna i Koanz, 2:1 Mechanic St., Pueblo, ! ColoT, says: "For many years 1 suffered from j nervous prostration; I was unable j to do any house work and doctors '. failed to help me. Remedies I , < tried from druggists did not do me a particle or good. A neighbor told my husband about ' Dr. Miles' Nervine 1 and' he procured a bottle. After the ; first few doses I showed a marked improvement and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I have been perfectly well for years and 1 cannot praise Dr. Miles' Nervine too highly." If you ,are troubled with loss of appetite, poor digestion, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are ir. a general run down condition and - t .l. unable to bear your parr or rnc i daily grind of life, you need some- I thing to strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what is the mat- j ter with you, but that is no reason 1 why you should delay treatment Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its value in nervous dis- ( orders for thirty years, and merits i a trial, no matter how many other remedies have failed to help you. |k Sold by all druggists. If first bottle falle to benefit your money Is returned. 1 MILES MEDICAL CO. .Elkhart, Ind. | 5 j Zoat Suit [] Have just receive! r that have ever t i . e iooKing iur one a , Marcus, Zoat Suit; ; .. v. ... Watch! * S r and cigarette smoker >w how good Duke's ^ iat every grain in that big JM ;ack is pure, clean tobacco A s d, that with each sack you apers and ent Coupon ^ >r hundreds of valuable pres- ^ articles, silverware, furnies suitable for every member ^ s Mixture, made by Liggett JS nd the presents cannot fail ^ to please you and yours. ^ As a special offer, V during October ^ and November only ^4 we will tend you our new ilhwtrated |1 catalog of pretentt gj FREE. Just send us . J5 your name and address Pn[ on a Dostal. A Coupons from Duke's Mixture may it assorted uitk tags from HORSE SHOE. J. T.. TINSLEVS NATURAL JM -EAF. GRANGER TWIST, coupons 41 "om FOUR ROSES (10c-tin double upon). PICK PLUG CUT. PIED- 0ft ON? CIGARETTES. CUX CIGA. S :TTES, and other tags or coupons rM ud by us. Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS. MO. 5J .CTiVEHWSWA1MWS * I J8f Q<1 | B OH THK g j&SAFElSH??| IF NOT WHY NOT? \ Whose fault is it? It is not ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side, and would be more than delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICY that will protect you from all loss by fires at a very low rate. We represent the best and most reliable companies on earttf. i Kingstree insurance, Real Estate & Loan Co. R. N. Speigner. Manager. The price of subscription for The r? j Ok i or ? ?t/x os necorn is $1 co a yew, wc enuw i.u cents discount when a whole year is paid in advance. If you are six months or a year behind dori't expect a receipt for a whole year for one dollar. This applies to all. tf t ? dullness resultlMf from oniM!r?a? | tlni. Dr. Miles' Laxf.tive Tablets. -? I > I i the most attractiv ieen shown in Kings n l _ _ win pay you to see 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING n ' 'A ^;?? i Tax NoticeThe tax books will be open for colU-ction of taxes for year 19:2 on the 15th day o:i October next. Tax levy as follows: For State 534 mills " Ordinary County 3l4 44 " Roads 1 " ' Chaingang and Bridges 1 " " Con Sch 3 " A tax of 50c on dogs. For High School in Xingstree..2 " 44 retiring bonds " '* 2 ' 44 4 4 4 Greelyville4 ,4 All parties between the ages af 21 i_nd 60 years.inclusive.are uaoie, unless l exempted bylaw, to a poll tax of $1.0<>. also a commutation tax of $2.00. Levy for special school districts as follows: Nos 8, 19, 25, 32, 34. 40, 43. 47. 49, 53, 55 and 56?2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 6.16.22, 26, 28, 29, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42. 45, 46. 48, 50. 51 and 52?4 mills. No 23-12 mills. No 24- 6 " No 27- 7 " 4 Stock law fence on all-stock in Suttons and part of Anderson and Penn townships ? mills. Upon all unpaid taxes after Decern-1 ber3la penalty of 1% will be added for January, \% for February and 5% to 15th day of March next, after which the books will be closed and executions issued upon all unpaid taxes. By an act amending Sec 397 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina the county Treasurer is prohibited from leaving his office for the purpose of collecting taxes, therefore I can make no ou:side appointments for the collection of taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for tne amount of their as to avoid sending the wrong amount,also stating the#township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located; also state "whether poll or road tax, or both, are wanted, After paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all your property is covered; if not. see about it at once. By following the above suggestions pomplications and additional cost may be avoided. j wesley uook, 9-19-U2-26 Countv Treasurer. Kingstret CAMP NO- 27. iW/U> imcui Mkinrtoa to'f I at aud 3rd Muuda1 SV&SV&L''1 I N,*hU e*ch month. ' * , ' Mj Visiting choppers co\ V~ vi;; Jtallf invited to comV-aV: jy op and sit on astumr s?' fi' * V or hang about on th< ' limbs. Philip H. Stoll, 17 12m. - Con Com of IF5. , Kingstree Lodge ?sW N?- 9i Knights of Pb^s r NJp' Regular Conventions Ever: 2nd and 4th Wedneaday nights Visiting brethren always weleome, Castle Ha ll 3rd story Gourd in Building R. N. Speigner, c C. R. C. McCabe, K of R & S. IFOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to ??uit puton-i pr. The Best Dry Press Machine-ma*1' XBEICZ.V Special stapes made to order. Corrcpondence .'solicited before placing vour orders. W. R. FyXK * When you want us to change the address of your paper it will save lots of trouble to name the: old as well as the new postoffice. Please bear this in mind. tf McCail's Magazine, and McCall Patterns For Women Hare More Friends than any other magazine or pattern;;. McCall's i> the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of McCall Pa tterns, each issue is brimfjl of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women.' Save Money end Keep in Style fcv subscribing lor McCall's Magazine at. once. Costs only Jo ' cents a year, including any one ot the ceieoratcd McCall Patterns free. McCaD Patterns Lead nil others in style, fit, simplicity, economy and number sold. More dealers sell McCal! Patterns thin any otaer two makes combined. None higher than 15 cen;s. Buy ( iroro your dealer, or by mail from McCALL'S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37th S*.. New York City Ncrr-Sunplt Copy, Premium Caul' rue Mi Pattern Cl'l jput fre*. I 00 rej-tst L? [l e styles of Ladies' ? ;tree. In all colors us. We guarantee e AND MILLINERY n .H. .. \i OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. $ ? ? i fS^?2H^S2?S3J^53J^?3Waf>33?3? The County Record, published at Kingstree, devotes a column to school news in almost every issue. This news is of the work of the schools throughout the county and is undoubtedly a help to the cause of education in Williamsburg county. From The County Record we get the following bits of news from Williamsburg: The patrons of the Aim well school have just completed a modern, tworoom school building, costing $1,000. This is the result of consolidation. At Vox a $450 school is being completed for use this session. The peoyle of Hebron are erecting a $1,500 three-room school house. The trustees of Nesmith school^ have let the contract for a two-story ' bnijding, to cost $1,500. Three modern one-room buildings ' are in course of construction in Mul-1 hprrv nnd Rptrpnt districts Bennett and McCullough schools , have consolidated and will have a new school house this session. The Johnson Swamp school is soon to have a new building.?Southern School Xotes. Ancient Axioms Modernized. "Justice is blind"; but she sees more than she takes official notice of. "Put by something for a rainy day"; but don't let that lead you to j forget the pleasant weather of the; moment. "The world owes you a living"; but it's just as well to go out and collect the debt. "Old friends are best"; but every once in a while a new one turns up fit to make into an old one. "Make friends"; but don't expect friends to make you. "Man proposes"; but. often enough, the baby disposes. "The way of the transgressor is hard"; but his wife's is harder. "Opportunity knocks once at every door"; but if you're knocking at the sarnie instant you're not likely to hear the lady. If you. have young children you have perpaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you will find Chambei'ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by all dealers. Semper Fldem. Ernest Revels, a young farmer of Ontario, Wisconsin, one day last week, called his dog to him, petted it and then shot it through the bodyRevels then turned the gun upon himself. When friends, aroused by the shot, arrived they found the dying dog licking the hands of his dead master. Rye may be sown in the fall and used as a late fall and early spring pasture. * , Sick headache is caused by a dis- j ordered stomach. Take Chamber- j Iain's Tablets and correct that *nd J the headaches will disappear. For sale bv all dealers. Good feed will put life into a horse a hundred times better than an 8foot whip. .adies' Cc tnd Misses' Coat Sui and qualities. If y very suit a perfect f Kingstree, b. ( Ladies' C< v> \ ' ' V iC ' . ' ' ;' ...X" ' -iJbitt&SiKs > .-J MILLIE-CHRISTINE DEAD. Human Freak, Known tbe World Over, Dies Near Whitevllle, N C. Word was received here yesterday afternoon that Millie, one of the eel ebrated Millie-Christine twins.known all over the world, had died at the . home of the pair near Whiteville, Columbus county,N C,and last night a message was received stating that Christine died at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, some hours after the death of the other. The twins were about 60 years old. Born in Columbus county in slave- . ry times, the women, who were colored, were sold in their youth for $40,000 for exhibition purposes. While being shown in Philadelphia, a few years after their sale, they \ were stolen and nothing was heard of them by their owner for several ^ m years. Finally he located them in London and regained possessiop of them. He again placed them on exhibition and they appeared before many of the crowned heads of Europe as well as being exhibited throughout the old country and' America. They were seen in Wil- / " mington the last time with a carnival a year or two ago. Millie-Christine had two heads and two sets of lower extremities but % only ope body. What one disliked the other disliked, the same thing made each sick, but they had their differences and were known to have, AiiAwamln/-! nrif U fViniviroltma 4UflIlCICU YYllIi lllUlllOCl VCO. . Wlj They were the wonder of physicians, anatomists and biologists everywhere. On the stage they sang in chorus and danced. One head carried on a conversation with one person while the other carried on a different conversation with someone else. One could sing one thing, and the.other something else, yet they were so completely one person that one could not perform any function without the other. ; Millie-Christine was a puzzle. In ? many respects they were one person- f ality, and in others they were two. They really appeared to be one per- f| son with two heads. A pain save the j? other a pain. It was a repetition of j the end of the Siamese twins who, died in North Carolina, at their ' T home near Mt Airy. One died while , the other was asleep. When the live one was awaked and informed that the other was dead, he expired in a few minutes. Only a ligament at the side connected them,where were otherwise two perfectly formed men who had violent differences at times. Both of the Siamese twins were married, and left families in Surrey * "3 county, North Carolina. Millie-Christine was a more won- ** derful beinj? thfln the famous Siam- ? ese twins. They apparently had but one body, but evidently tnere were two. Each person,if there were two of them, had' two hands, two lejrs and Iwo feet; and yet anatomically she or they had only one body so far as close observations were concerned. The women were reported to be very wealthy. ? Washington Start October 10. o?rl ovprm'sp Hpvplons a rasiuic aim vaviv?wv f strong frame in all kinds of young stock. ^ Here is a women who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz, Mrs P H Brogan of Wilson,Pa, who says, "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other." For sale by all dealers Watch the label on your paper. If your subscription is out, pay up >at Suits i / ? its I ou it. v | j ^'1 I rat Suits ~ Addj