She (Cmratji ISrrnrft.' ' K1NGSTREE. S. C. 1 C. W. WOlFE. OITCR AND PROPRITTOR. Et.tered at the postolfice at ixingsiree, S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83 - - * r erivis SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i*ie copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices,not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and a a communications must be in this office | before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. AM communications must be signed i by the writer, not ft?r publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: v Advertisements to be run in Special colum. one cent a word each Issue,minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Le^al advertisements, $1.00 per inch lirst insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders i I *ake payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. , KIX<;$TREE?'THE GATEWAY 1 TO OPPORTUNITY. j "In men whom men condemn as ill, | i truodness still; I 11i111 au lliuvii V* In men whom MEN pronounce divine. I find so much of sin and blot ? 1 hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not." j THURSDAY. OCT. 31.1912. For heaven'.- sake, give u> a' i ! rest oil, \\ e stauu ;u .11 iiiajivMdop anil kittle, for the Lord."' ticorgia, the "Kmpire State of die South,'' with over a million more imputation than South Carolina, has contributed only a lit-! tie more than ten thousand dollars to the Wood row Wilson fund, while South Carolina's contribution amounts to nearly fifteen / % thousand dollars. . File idea of the Bull Moose t party in thi> State that those who voted in the primary are absolved from voting for Demo^ era tic electors is a mere quihble. Before tlie primary the pemox*---* ' n.,,1 MRIX1C ->aiH?liai njinviiuuu n.i*? i chosen as the partyV standardly liearer.- Wilson ami Marshall and!] every intelligent voter in the!, primary knew this to l>e a fact. ' Therefore, we say> every man 1 'alio swore to support the nomi- j nees of the party when he vot*d in the Democratic primary j violates his oath when he votes ? ior Hull Moose electors in the j general election, inasmuch as he r know- that thereby he is indirectly voting for an independent candidate who i- opposed to the c I Vim HTjitir nominee, Woodrow 1 Wilson. f Last week was disastrous to c ) malefactors on trial for their lives. r Police Lieutenant Pecker, charged J with instigating tin- murder of; i* U?.-enthal, the Now York gamMer, was fount! guilty ami will receive a capital sentence, while in this t State a et rayed the trust re- i \ ?^ed in him makes a story the revolting details of which are al- ( jooet without parallel in the hisJar^r. of crime in this State. i WATCH GREELYVlLLt GROW! Big Land ifale Gives Building Impetus-Other News ol Interest. Greelyville, October 27:?We have : nad frost several mornings this week. Miss Martha Gamble was a visitor . to Kingstree Saturday. ,: Those were some auctioneers here 1 Thursday plying their business. Misses Leitch and Deanes, two of our popular school teachers, spent Saturday at Kingstree. "Rally day" was held at the Methodist Sunday-school last Wednesday. The exercises were opened by Rev; W A Fairy of Kingstree, aft^r which Rev J M Way of Spartanburg dis-; cussed the organization of Sundayschools. Dinner was served on the grounds, following which Mr Way discussed the "Ideal Teacher." Rey L E Peeler of Georgetown spent Monday here. A thief entered the Mallard Lumber Co's store one night last week. He pot a couple of suit cases and packed them with poods. The next morninp there was a clothes drummer at Foreston and when the officer J approached to arrest him he dropped the poods and took to the bay. He hasn't been captured yet Mr and Mrs B G Land spent Sunday at Kihpstree. I In previous letter to your worthy paper the writer advised your readers to "watch GreelyvilleNprow." As evidence of that adyice being founded on a substantial basis,about fifteen acres of our suburban land was sold last Thursday by the Atlantic Coast Realty Co for Mr E B Rho-: dus and it brought about $6,aOU.1 Mr Rhodust purchased this property | about a year ago for $500. A bar-; 1 rn ' LHfCUe Uiuilt'l \> a? K' > CI1 ?ii 4UUIH,V.UW1I I with the sale by Mr Rhodus, which was enjoyed by all. There was a good band of music on hand, which made things lively, and several val- j i uable prizes were given away. Hrs R S Brunson. Jr, and Mr J M Oliver each won a prize of five dollars and Dr E 0 Taylor got the free lot. A great many of our country friends were present and bought lots onwhich j they intend to erect dwellings. We |1 shall be glad to welcome them among . < ? '- iL.i rii us, as we ieei sure uiai ujey win i j make useful citizens. , ! i Steamboat Bill. j j United Daughters of the Confederacy, < Washiogton.D I, November 12 16. j On account of the above occasion the Atlantic Coast Line will sell j round-trip tickets from all points on j ] ts lines, on November 9, 10, 11, 12, | < 13 and 14, from Kingstree, S C, to j J Washington, D C, at $15.30, with : t -eturn limit to reach original start- ] i ng point not later than midnight of t December 1, 1912. c For further particulars, sched- 1 lies, reservations, etc, apply to T E i t Baggett, Ticket Agent, Kingstree,1 > C, or address T C White, General; 5assenger Agent, or W J Craig,' c Jassenger Traffic Manager, Wil-'t nington, N C, 10-31-3t-adv Id Just received a shipment of New'a dome Sewing Machines. Will sell j a heap for cash or on easy terms. f o-24-tf Pey the publisher to the Postmaster,who , ,vill send one copy to the Third Assist- j int Postmaster General (Division of j Classification), Washington, D (.. and 1 retain the other in the files of the Postiftice. Name of Editor, Postoffico Address, j Charies W Wolfe. Kingstree. South , Carolina. Managing Editor, None. Business Manager, None. Publisher.*Charles W Wolfe, Kings- j tree. South ? arolina. *? Owner (If a corporation, give names > and addresses of stockholders holding :?ne per cent or more of the total amount >f stock). Charles W Wolfe, owner. Known bondholders, mortgagees and ather security holders holding one per ! cent or more of total amount of bonds, : mortgages or other securities: Bank of Williamsburg. \ mimKnv ??f cnmns nf each issue of this publication sold <>r distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date of this statement. (This information is required from daily newspapers only). ' < harles W Wolfe, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of October, 1912. J B Steele, Notary Public. (My commission expires at the pleasire of the Governor), ' * >' I I STATE and GENERAL H TOPICS ; .1 r Fifty-seven arrests for drunkenness were made ir Spartanburg "circus day" last week. X X X The street car strike at Columbia has been settled and the cars are running on schedule time. X X X The fcj^ulgarian army has captured several Turkish strongholds and st-em to have the Moslems on the run. X X/X Thy question, of dispensary or no dispensary will be voted on in Union county next Tuesday. Union is now a so-called dry county. XXX In a fit of temporary insanity Mrs Ed Stancill of Greenville committed suicide last Saturday by? hanging herself with a plow line fastened to a gas-pipe. , XXX J E Aiken, a white man of Columbia, a carpenter by trade, shot himself through the head with a pistol Monday morning. Aiken leaves a wife and eiffht children. XXX Frank Brown of Brunson, Hampton county, shot himself in the mouth with a pistol Monday morning, blowing out'his brains. The cause of the suicide is not known. XXXRev John Bass Shelton, a well known Baptist minister, who has assisted in religious meetings here on several occasions, died in Montgomery, Alabama, Friday of last week. XXX The ninety-second annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist State convention will be held at Abbeville, December 8-6. The sessions will be held in the splendid new Baptist nUiia-stl-, kiiil/finrr of Aklxavillfi tuuiv.ll UUUUUlfl UV wv > HIV. XXX . J W Caldwell, a Spartanburg farmer, claims to have already gathered five 450 weight bales of cotton from one acre and says there is enough cotton in the field to make still another bale. (Sounds like a big fish stcry?Printer's Devil). XXX Last week Governor Blease paroled Pope Havird, a Saluda county man sentenced to a five-year term for assault and battery'of a high and aggravated nature. I^avird was the man wh<5 tried to run down a schdol teacher, a Miss Mitchell, on the public highway, the young lady being >n foot and Havird in his buggy. Havird had served about a year and a half. XXX Between the C N & L freight deoot and J W Copeland's store at Clinton Monday, Warren Franklin Lawson of Lanford station, was 5,hot jiree times in the hack of his head )y his son, Robert B Lawson. The ragedv was the culmination of an >ld feud between father and son. ["he general opinion locally is that he shooting was premature. XXX Lester Gunter, a young white man if the Steadman section of Lexingon county, was shot and killed Sunlay night by his cousin, Levi Gunter. ?h4 two men had had a difficulty ome days ago when L?ster Gunter md several companions went to the lome of Levi Gunter's father and icted in an ungentlemanly manner n the presence of Levi Gunter's sisers. Sundaj-jjnight Lester Gunter, n a buggy v;ith two other men, Irove by Levi Gunter's house and hunter behaved in a very disorderly | nanner, causing Levi Gunter to shoot | oward the buggy. The bullet found i mark in Les':er Gunner's body, inlicting a mortal wound, from which le died in a short while. NOW IS THE TIME to place your order for an artistic S T IEFF ? OR SHAW PIANO OR PLAYER PIANO before the Christmas rush. We have hundreds of orders ahead at our factories and it begins to look like we will be unable to supply the demand. Better select your piano now and be sure of not being disappointed the day you want it. riiie u qticcc MM in. dllLII Manufacturer ?>f the Piano with the Sweet Tone. SOUTHERN WAKEROOM: No 819 South Tryon St, Oppo?Me A?*il?my of Mu.tic, Charlotte, X C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. f. V *? -A' - dm." - *.? - . - > ? . ? I Having d || of Dfy Goods |p offering our si | ly reduced pr | Our Who! j which we are | the other fell 1 in large quar j ducers, and i j 10 save yuu u We also carr Will be glad ' "J j WILKINS W a mrao! i ? ? Slop J ? I have good news for you to buy very cl ' Dry Goods, Shoes, Clot Goods; Supplies, Groceries, Stoves, Coffins, Caskets, Se store doing a General Merc< invested in these various lir next year this stoclf must b< w>ipn in Creelwilie. to VTflVit ^ w merchants to sell Groceries Hoping to have a call f S. Vincent T B. Wallace Jones REAL ESTATE FIRE AND IIFE INSURANCE.; I ' l! ^ -II Cottofo and Cotton Seed i Buyer. | I j Dealer in I Farm Supplies and Fertilizers. * I " \ ? LAKE CITY, - S. C. 2-22-tf Offer Exlracirdioan! Here is one of our most liberal clubbing offers: Uncle Remus Magazine Six Months Southern Ruralist ..One Year Good Stories ........One Year The County Record .....One Year i The Gentlewoman .....One Year ' All five papers ar^magazines for only $1.?0. T. 10-S-tf I" fiR msamras/BtirnmamBUBBBtammaas LII11II I lisposed of our enti and Notions, we tock of Hardware at ice to close out the esale Grocery offering a little lov ows, is complete. itities direct from . ' ' n this way we are 4 noney. y Cow and Hog Feed. fn cpp vnn nimfp vnu fcV U V V j vy fc* %| M ^ V W. ifours for business, HOLESALE CROCI Look!! List 4 for you. There is an opportu heap, any of the following lin hing, Hats, Caps, Millinery, Cotton Hardware , Buggy and Slip Harness wing Machines, and in-fact everything mtile Business. I have about Eight 1 les, and as I expect to do practically r 2 reduced about half by Spring. It will call at Taylor's. It is ctistomary in G at cost. You can expect the same gener rom you on your next trip to Greelyvill ' Yours for business, ' aylor, Greely I The Best Crops Made Last Season 4& Were Those Under Spj - ? ... ^ I Which, was usea ^ Peruvian C I We will prove it al CHARLESTON | Make our booths in the Exhib headquarters and rest room while on and our offices in the People's Bank down town. A hearty welcome b] and your favorite salesman awaits y Peruvian Guano Coi w.i7-6t CHARLESTON, S. ( Let Us Print Yon Some Offi :2^KR^^UMnEDDB| k Al I ire stock, J are 110$ a great= line. I Stock ver than We buy the pro4 4 4 enabled i v iii our prices. | t !RY CO.J en!!! | -* 1 nity just now 8 es of Goods: JJ and Wool Knit . I , Saddles, Cook B to be found in a fl 'housand Dollars fl 10 time business ?3 to be your inter- H reely ville for the |8 osity at Taylor's; 111 e, I am, IB ville, S./C. I osmaamjaBma^Lmmm H 11 /i ^t/nM nil ition Hall your 199 the Fair Ground 1981 Building when I^H f the Company ||HH ou. HH poration ' ^RbH Ce 0lyifl lUtlvl J W bS