The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 31, 1912, Page THREE, Image 3

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JC_? ? I ! IFHIIJ Jtffi yGr In nr W AAA vr m. IlNE L T I We will nit I mer'comin; *v gj ana we wii I ing purcha 11 For $ S Pnr $ 1, <| JBL vr A ! 1 For $ * j? Now is j| lutely FRE | jfTShoes, Hat || - Two hundred Boy: ;S; $6.00 the suit. K One hundred Men ' ! 3; and vest, only $7.50. H Three hundred pai Sl-50 to ?5.00 the pa mHiC Boys Knee Pants BjU | Ladies' Long Coat H9V g| Ladies Coat Suits 9RH i 8 Three thousand ya sDun. 38 inches wide D Three thousand ya very heavy, 38 inche yards for $1.00. Two thousand yar no starch, 10c the yi Five thousand yar Calico, 50c for 20 ya 'Times ai going to tel \ ren going a] Clothing an of every thi forget our ? IH dare sell cm I useful prem h Jen | KINGSTRE liLShoei HBBM When you pay yoi your r liaBff dissappointed. If j & get what you pay f< II - Men's ant i > I W\ The best ana larg ' that defy competiti< II faction to every cu< j.s. uBM' the storj INSON Bf eat Prer der to stimulate 1 <T THII ike the following great % into our store will be I offer the following Pr ses as designated belov 7p In Cash Coupons we ' I I two-blade Pocket Kn ^ . nice Agateware. d /\ f \ In Cash Coupons w III I II I gallon Costal Glas 1 v w v or a nice piece of A A A A I^Coupons ^.1 V I V V V L-uieu oiuc Agau ^ . You also have yo ers and Slop ^jars your chance to get sc E, and best of all, one < s and Clothing to be fo 5' two-piece Knee Suits from Si.50 tp - % <. 's all wool three-piece Suits, coat, pants $10.00 and $12.50. irs of Men's Pants, all wool, from ^ - irfrom 25c to $L 25 the pair. :s from $5.00 to $15.00 the coat, from $7 50 to $20 00 the suit. ,rds splendid grade Sea Island Homef, only 5c the yard.; .rds best quality Sea Island Homespun, ;s wide, only 10c the yard, or twelve . '< ds splendid grade Bleach Hemespwi, ird- or six yards,for 50c. j ds Bundle Print Calico, quilt ^>atch | rds, or 90c for 40 yards. , > . " , , V \ ^ *e hard," you say.. Yes, 1 you right here that yoi Vvnorl "hVnQ "W L UUI1U UCli v.1 tinu ? 7 d we want to sell these t ng on hand and it must jreat, grand, wonderful ;aper,and then pay you t liums. Isn't that tempt: kinson Broi 4 :E f s! Shoes! v ' nr money for a pair of shoes, you | noney's worth, but often you are 'ou buy your shoes from us you j * >r. 9 (> j I Youths' ninfhinor I I UUIIIU VIVIIiliig I est assortment in town at prices I on. Let us fit you out. Satisi >tomer is our motto. ERON J E WITH THE GOODS v | .J ' ^ nium ( \ :he Cash Trad *TYE premium otters, given a Cash R emiums for Cou| v: will give you your choice of ife, or a set of Colonial Glas e will give you your choice s Water Pitcher, a large G igateware. . . we will give a new stvle s? 3 Dish Pan?Something you ur choice in this lot of Pore >me nice Hoiiseh of the best stocks und in Kingstre< Five Thousand Dollars ($5, and Children's Shoes must f hristmas and every pair gua tnoney refunded. Did you e^ '' torn shoes from us? , No. W recommend; shoes that we ca can replace with another pair When it comes to shoes we ta we only handle the best . - ?L. . 'k A large stock of Boys and 1 25c and 50c each; including a famous world renowned John One of the most stylish an Hats to be found in town. Men's, Ladies' and Childre sizes and qualities. Dress Goods, Silks, Ginghi going ehefcp. f we admit all of tl i will not see men,v ii-i-fw** 'TVimr mnof IllL^I. iliuot irticles to them che be sold or we go bi Free Premium Offc ,o buy by giving yo ing. .Nuff Said. thers Coi SOU >- v % " QWlr'^Wlr^Wl^W^ I GO Courtne F< Breakfast, Din A First Class M i Pricey to Suit t ICE CREAM, SOFT D FINE ASSORTME> BACCO AND "MOTHER'S BREAD"?Best JM9-3m . '*/ i )ffer | e for the | >AYS | Every custo- i egister Coupon i )ons represent- |; i splendid Diamond Steel S' 5 Tumblers, or a piece of ?5 of a ^ beautiful one-half S; lass Berry Bowl or Dish, syenteen-quart Porcelain' gg have never seen before. S elained Saucepans, Boil- ? old Ware abso= | ; of Dry Goods, |; e to select from. ? ' !. M Jg 300) worth of Men's, Ladies' be sold between now and So iranteed to be all leather or er buy a "pair of paper bot- Jg 3 only sell shoes that we can jg ,n guarantee; shoes that we g? if they show signs of defect. 53 ike a back seat for no ,one? j8 x jS Children's Hats and Caps at ?} splendid assortment of the B. Stetson Hats at ^4 each. 281 id snappiest lines of Men's ?5 :a's Winter Underwear in all g v v S? irns, Calicoes and Percals, all g* 1 . 1} tat,- but , we are | '/omen and child- 1 have Shoes and 1 ap. A big stpck 1| oke. Now,don't 1 jr. .No one will ? u these beautiful | npany 1 TH CAROLINA 1 SB / w?Vlr'<Wl/*?^ Vb** h ^'W H 'TO | :y's Cafe I iner or Supper j [ .-' ' ? enu, . J he Times. ? f,! i w ! RINKS, FINE CANDIE, j IT OF CIGARS, TO- S CIGARETTES I in Town-FRESH EVERY DAY I fS y USE OF CALOMEL PRACTICALLY STOPPED. For Bilious Attacks, Constipation and All Liver i roubles. Dangerous Calnmnl Hiitop ll'n. tn dndpnn'c uiiigi usvna iiuj n* uuuoi.ii o Liver Inne. 1 Every druggist in the i-'tate has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is often dangerous and' people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results." says 0 H Patrick. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by 0 H Patrick who selis it A lnrtrp hnttle costs nO cents and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of sluggishness, you have only to ask for your money back. It will be promptly returned. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedyharmless to both children and adults. A bottle in the house may save you a day's work or keep your children from missing school. Keep your liver working and your liver will not keep you from working. Newspaper Subscriptions. ti 'The matter of newspaper subscription, "says The Kansas City Star man, "reminds an editor of the Greek philosopher whose poverty began to pinch him. One of his friends^sent word to the men of the city that each s hould take a certain kind of wine and on a certain day go to the philosopher's house and pour the wine into n r\f i? itn f A oa fkoli ? rJ Kllf au ciiipi v vat* anu au tucjr uiu, uut each thought that one bottle of water would not be noticed in so much wine, and the vat was filled with water. Thus the philosopher received no aid. It is somewhat that way with subscriptions. One fellow thinks he owes only a small amount and so neglects to pay it. The other fellow thinks the slip? and the editor fares almost as well as the philosopher." DON'T BE MISLED. Kiogstree Citizens Should Read and * Heed This Advice. JKidney trouble is dangerous and often fatal. Don't experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. < Begin with Doan's Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles 50 years. Doan's have cured thousands. Are recommended here and everywhere. The following statement forms convincing: proof. F G Copleston, S E Bartlett St, Sumter, S Car,,says: "I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills and have found them to be a remedy of merit. Backaehe and pains across my loins annoyed me and I knew that my kidneys were at fault.' Doan's Kidney Pills brought me prompt relief and in return 1 give them my heartiest endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. poster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, Sole agents for the United States.A Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. Notice to Corporators. I? ??mo\7 nlpflrl 1X1 UI uci | mat tjvuv iiiu^ ^/4vmv? of warning, notice is hereby given that reports, required by law to be made on schedule, blanks furnished, must be in the hands of the Commissioner on the date specified by law, and that on the morning of December 6, 1912, legal processes will be instituted under Section 6 of the act against all delinquents. This course is made absolutely necessary as the law requires that all reports shall be collated and compiled, and the totals shall be printed and reported to the General Assembly by January 5, 1913?a volume of work impossible of accomplishment if delinquencies are indulged. It is hoped, therefore, that all schedules will be filled in promptly, and sent to the Commissioner before the required date. E J Watson, /"Vmmissioner Agricufture, Com merce and Industries. Columbia. October 14. Why not give us a chance to fig ure on your job printing? We have good printers and one of the best equipped offices in the State, and we guarantee satisfaction, or no charge. We do not send out solicitors, because we have none to sent}; but we do give vou the benefit of what we save by not sending out agents, It stands to reason that if we pay agents 25% commission, the customer has it added to his bill. r t % VAUGHN PLEAD GUILTY WD CONFESSED.. , gd TOLD JURY REVOLTING DETAILS OF HEINOUS CRIME-DEATH SENTENCE PASSED. ureenvine, uctoDer /.v: ? j u Vaughn, on trial for alleged immor-, ality dusing his term as superintendent of the Odd Fellows' Home here, was put on the stand by his lawyers to-day and made a clean confession of his awful crime. i J2J The trial was brought to a sensa. x ^ tional close when Vaughn broke down and confessed all. He named two other victims in addition lo the three .,*7 <1 included in the indictment. The jury was out but four minutes and made no recommendation for mercy, the verdict carrying the death penaltyTears streamed down the face of K Judge Purdy, named by Governor Blease as special Judge for this trial. ^ ;.*<* Many jurors, court officials and spec- *' tators alike made na pretence or niu- ' # 4.. ing their tears as Vaughn, pale and broken, acknowledged his crime. Some jurors wept aloud. In the afternoon Judge Purdy, before sentencing Vaughn, overruled a v , > motion for a new trial, which wa* \ - +i *' argued by one or Vaughn's lawyen, > .T<i after his client made his confession. *' Judge Purdy, in sentencing Vaughn ' to death in the electric chair, set De- ' ^ cember 20 as the date for hisexecutioA. When court opened there was no intimation that the accused would make a confession. His attorney had fought stubbornly since the be ginning of the case to break dowa the strong evidence developed by the^ prosecution's little girl witnesses. r' Immediately after court opened ' 'yto-day, attorneys of both sides consulted, resulting in an agreement to let Vaughn confess in an effort to ' save his own life, and that the case > "f would go to the jury without, argument. "1 have acted devilishly, I have acted shamelessly," began Vaughn. "The devil tempted me and I have fallen." He pleaded eloquently but vainly with the jury to save his life, - - - ... . not so much for his sake as lor ms wife and little daughter. ' - . * j, Neither Mrs Vaughn nor her \ lM daughter was in court to-day.though they had been with the accused since the trial opened. He was formerly assistant superintendent of the First > ? * ' ! Baptist church Sunday-school, one / of the largest and most fashionable in this city. He was a ministerial student and frequently occupied pulpits of churches in and around Green ville. He owns considerable property. BLEASE ORDERS REMOVAL, Columbia, October 26:?Governor . ' ?. Blease to-night instructed the Sheriff of Greenville county to bring T U Vaughn to the penitentiary as soon as sentence is pronounced on him. His telegram to Sheriff Poole reads as follows: "Bring Vaughn to penitentiary on * first train after sentence has been passed on h'im. Allow no delay. See Acts, 1912, page 702." Immediately on leaving the court house to-night officers in custody of ff U Vaughn boarded an automobile CnortnnKnrnr urhoro tVlPV - If U^OH.C44lk/Ul|S? ?' ? *-? V VMVJ caught a train for Columbia, where the condemned man will be put in the penitentiary for safekeeping. This was done as a precauti6rary . measure, it was said at the Sheriff's ' * office to-night. V. ? Oog Lost. A young pointer, less than one year old, female, white with liver colored spots. Liberal reward wiH be paid for her return to L. D. Rodgers, 10-24-tf Kingstree, S. G. ? 4 Loj on the Track of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack ~ i / .1 * _ ? oi vitality,loss or strengtn ana nerve weakness. If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning- the stomsch and curing the indigestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb, had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at M L Allen's. x