The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 31, 1912, Page TWO, Image 2

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' * TOBACCO SOLO MONTH OF SEPTEMBER.; V ; k. A THIRTEEN MARKETS AND THIRTY-THREE WAREHOUSES REPRESENTED IN REPORT. < . I Columbia.October 23:?The South Carolina tobacco report tor the, nx?nth of September was issued late ,t 1 yesterday afternoon by Commission-1 ./?. *r Watson,showing that the amount tobacco sold in this State for the ; months of July,August and September this year was 24,387,912 pounds, and valued at $2,653,443.68, as against 11,077,917 pounds, valued -At $17303,290.28,for the same i>eriod last year. The increase alone this vear in money received by tobacco growers during the months of July. J y August and September as compared . with the same months of 1911 is iifTr * very nearly equal to the total money f value of the entire 1911 crop. The detailed report from each of the markets in the State follows: v South Carolina Tobacco Report? , September, 1912 ? By grades, -13 markets, 33 warehouses. Sold for Producers from Fi?t Hand?Grade, leaf; pounds sold, 3,064,697; amount paid, $304,843.48. ' " * - >sniA fnr Dealers ? Grade, leaf; pounds sold, 320,143; amount paid, $50,769.09. Resold by Worehousemen -Grade, leaf; pounds sold, 805,394; amount - . r?aid, $81,387.63. Grand Total Sales -Grade, leaf; ?*" ~ - pounds sold,4,290,234: amount paid, $497,000.20. Comparison for month of Septem - . ' ber for 1910-1911-1912. ? , . Sold for Producers from First * ^ Hand?Year, 1910; pounds sold, 7,419,848; amount paid,$695,116.02. Year, 1911; pounds sold, 4,978,763; * Itin ?.A Yoar CtlliU UU L paiu, 1UV.U1. x\.M4, 4*1 \ 1912; pounds sold,3,064,697; amount ^ * paid, $364,843.48. mn' ' w. Comparison shows a decrease for 1912 as compared with 1911 of 1,904 pounds, and $263,317.16. ys Average price paid: I Year, 1910; price, $9.37. Year, 1911; price, $12.61. Year, 1912; ; price, $11.90. . k - - By Markets?September, 1912, 13 markets, 33 warehouses. Soldfor producers from firsthand: Pound* Amount Market. sold. paid. . Conway . 65,938 S 7,887 88 f Darlington 528,680 63,024 50 Dillon 49,980 5.286 50 ; Florence 235.186 29,005 07 Kingstreg. 152,535 17,378 31 V.'<? Lake City 546,656 68,42113 Loris 34,651 3.091 27 Manning 107,616 11.335 88 11 ? iic itcu is RKQ ua I luariuii. . i*v,vw iw.wv' < Mullins. 63b, 183 <3 693 91 v- 4 Nichols 165,657 20,42199 Oiama ... 18,832 2.134 56 t\ , Timmonsviile. 396,717 47,602 57 Total 3,064,797 $364,043 48 Grand total sales: \f Pounds Amount Market. ' sold. paid ' Conway 84,978 $ _9.367 28 Darlington 665,193 78,643 89 Dilion 83.642 9,134 20 Florence 33<,9i5 38 900 50 Kin^stree. 268.16o 2b,021 06 ? Lake City 722,787 92.96196 . Jr' * Loris 47,205 4,696 33 Manning 130,707 13,390 03 i, : u->C ? ~1<t jiariun .. .. ?w, *?- >. i x\j i. r * Mullins 994,440 114,355 85 Nichols 262,838 30,753 64 Olanta 24.32'? 2,631 35 Tinimonsville 461,057 53,427 39 Total. 47290.2:34 $497,000 20 , Total for the months of July. August and September: ' Founds. Value. 1912 24,337,912 $2,653,443 68 1911 11,077,995 1,350.153 40! rinerease 13,259.917 $1,303,290 28 Average price per pound in September. 11.90 cents. ' Whole cr?'p in 1911: Pounds, 11,101,*'6; value, $1 352 462.84. 1911 average price per pound, 12.31 J Charities and Correction Meeting | . Tbe South Carolina Conference of j Charities and Correction will meet next month at Greenville. Distinguished speakers have been secured, including Dr Hastings H Hart of the Russell Sage Foundation,New York. Owen R Lovejoy. General Secretary;' of the> National Child Labor Commit- j tee; Jean Gordon, the noted philanthropist of New Orleans: Mr t (' 1 1-ogan, Secretary of the Associ-j' > ated Charities of Atlanta; Lt-Gov Chas A Smith, Dr W P Jacobs and ' Richard I Manning. Civic"JLeagues, Literary Clubs, Associated G??rities, Baraca Classes are invited to send delegates. All persons interested in the work of e charity and reform will be welcomed to the Conference November 12-44. ? ? Caponizing is another job the farmet flegl^cte and thereby loses money. HEMINGWAY HAPPENINGS. Rural Police Suppress Lawlessness?Neighborhood News. Hemingway, October 28: ? The bean vines are beginning to look like "J Frost" had been around on j his nightly visits. A moving' picture show was in town Saturday night, operated by .Mr J?nies Wyand, who lives near hero. We understand that he is to exhibit here one night of each week. The stork called at Mr and Mrs S J Haselden's Sunday night and left thtfm a little girl. Mrs R G Waldron and son, Mr Albert Waldron of Rhems, spent the week-end at the home of her son, Mr S E Waldrofi.-of this place. We are glad to learn that the little son of Dr W C Hemingway, who has been quite sicx, is now improving. Since the rural police has been on duty through here we do not hear nearly so much shooting and rioting at night. We believe that the rural police idea will prove a good idea for this vicinity. The little son of Mr Bob Weaver has been very sick with fever for several days. He is now much better. Mr Clarence Snowden, superintendent of the farm work of W C Hemingway & Co, was sick with chill and fever a few days last week but is able to be out again. Mrs Sam Altman of Choppee spent a few days last week with her * ?i^ -r a:. I son, Mr Arinur Human, in unsi ftlace. ' Koad Engineer John M Eaddy was seen on our streets Saturday. Mr "Rubber" Bryan, traveling: salesman for Georgetown Provision Co,was in town Friday night. Mr Editor, come down and let's go 'possum hunting. The boys are playing havoc with them around here; "'possum and taters" go mighty well together now. The Youth's Companion For 1913 The Youth's Companion appeals to every interest of family life, from housekeeping to athletics. It begins with stories of youthful vim and vigor, with articles which disclose the secrets of successful play in the great games, with charming tales of life at thp trirls' colleges. But the Com panion does not surrender these readers vvjien they have entered the more serious paths of life. Mothers will welcome the page for little children and the weekly doctor's article. Fathers wiir find the important news of the day as it is. and not as it is rumored to be. The entire household appreciate the sketches which touch gently on common foibles or caricature eccentricity. In short, for less than four cents a week The Companion brings into the home clean.entertainment.pure inspiration,fine ideals, increase of knowledge. Names rarely seen in tables of contents will be found in The Companion's announcementfor 1913, which will be sent upon request- with samples of the paper, to those not.familiar with it. Every new subscriber for 1913 will receive rree an me issues ior ine re-1 maininjf weeks of 1912; also, free, The Companion Window Transparency and Calendar for, 1913, in rich, translucent colors-the most beautiful of all Companion souvenirs. The Youth's Companion. 144 Berkeley St, Boston, Mass. Xt ir Suhs' rljitinns I{wired ?J this Water the horse before you pive him hay. Hay before prain. concenrates last. !> + v* *>?*? <? * Legal Advertisements. I * Citation Notice. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBUDG, By P M Brockinton. Esq, Probate J udge. Whereas, F M Britton made suit to me to grant him letters of administration < * nr /> -r* \B of the estate o! ana enects 01 r .nar- i ion Britton. Sr, These are therefore to cite and ad- ' monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said F Marion Britton,Sr, deceased, tii at they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, SC, on the 9th day of November next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show catise.if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 25th day of October, Anno Domini, 1912, Published on the 31st day of October, 1912, in The County Record. P M Brockinton, 10-31-2t Probate Judge. J ' Summons for Relief. I (COMPLAINT SERVED). STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COlfNT\ OF WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Pleas. Jessie infant, by J Wesley I Cook,her Guardian ad Litem. Plaintiff, against i Louis Simmons. Stewart Simmons, veri die Simmons, Wilbur Simmons, Harlan ^Simmons, Rosamond Simmonds and Emily M Simmons, Defendants. T<> the absent Defendant, Stewart Simmons: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complain! on the subscribers at their office in Kingstree, S C, within twenty daysy&fter the service thereof, exclusive of tne day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Jvelley & Hinds, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated October 24, A D 1912. You Will Please Take Notice? That the complaint in the above entitled action is tiled in the office of the 11 lerk of the court of common pleas for Williamsburg county. Kelley & Hl\ds, Plaintiffs Attorneys. THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. williamsburg county, Court of Common Pleas. Jessie Simmons, an infant over the age of fourteen years, by her Guardian ad Litem, J Wesley Cook, Plaintiff vs Louis Simmon^, Stewart Simmons,Verdie Simmon^. Wilbur Simmons, Harlan Simmons RosamofW Simmons and Emily M Simmons, Defendants. notice to Stewart Simmons, absent infant Defendant over the age of fourteen years: Take Notice?That unless you procure the appointment of a guardian ad litem to appear and defend this action for you and on your-behalf, within twenty days after the service of the summons and complaint herein upon you, an application will be made to H 0 Britton, Clerk of this court, at his offiqe in Kingstree, S C. by the undersigned at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the twenty-first day after the service hereof, for an order appointing some suitable and competent person guardian ad litem to appear and defend this action on your behalf. Kelley & Hinds. Plaintiff's Attorneys. Kingstree, S C, October 24. 1912. ? 1'^24-61 Summons for Relief STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. county of williamsburg, Court of < Common Pleas. J W Bennett, Plaintiff, vs Prince Gamble and Frank Gamble, Defendants. ? / To the Defendants, Prince Gamble and Frank Gambled You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this ' action, of which a copy is herewith i served upon you, and to serve a copy of 1 your answer to the said complaint on , the subscriber ,at his office in Kingstree S C within twenty days after the j service hereof, exclusive of the day of j such service; and if you fail to ariwer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint I.eRoy Lee. Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated October 16,1912. To the absent Defendant,Frank Gamble: Take NoncE-?-That the dbiginal SUmmnns in this action nf which the fore going is a copy, together with the complaint, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the court of common pleas of Williamsburg county, State of South Carolina. on the 16th day of October, A D : 1912. Lkroy Lee. < ? Plaintiff's Attorney. I Dated October 16, 1912. 10-24-6t j l" . . i Notice of Application J for Homestead. ' Notice is hereby given that Mrs Martha E Pipkin, widow of the late J G Pipkin, Sr, has filed with me her peti- j tion in writing praying that the homestead exemption in and from the real ' and personal 'property of the rfaid J G Pipkin, Sr. deceased, in Williamsbtirg county and State of South Carolina, be appraised, set off and assigned to her, the said Martha E Pipkin, and the children of the said J G Pipkin, Sr, deceased, pursuant to the provisions of < Section 2635, < ode of Laws of South 1 Carolina 1902. Volume I. and in accord- ! anct* with the laws now of force pre- i scribing, regulating and providing for < the same, and that by her petition as ] aforesaid, she. the said Martha E Pip- , kin. has shown and declared her intention, and has actually made her proper application to have such homestead ex- < emption appraised, set off and assigned in the manner indicated above. H 0 Bkitton Clerk of Court for Williamsburg county. < Kingstree S C, October 10. 1912. ? 10-10-4 j I Partition SaleTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OK WILLIAMSBURG. Court,of Comitjon Pleas, j P M Byrdic.'S D Tisdhle and J C Scott. Plaintiffs, V8 J J M TisdaJe. H E Tisdale. W L Tisdale, J M Tigdale. Tina Nexsen.Estelle McCrea.Einma Brown. Eloise Brown, and Bank of Kingstree. a corpo- ] ration under the laws of South Carolina. De- . t'endants. Pursuant to the judgment in the above entitled ' action, dated June 20, 1912. 1 will offer for salt- be- j fore the court house door in Kingslree. South . Carolina,on saleaday in Noyember, 191::, the same being on the -tth day of the said mont >. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described premises, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate in the county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina; containing ] Q1U V.nndrod ortd n I rt i?t 1 ncrOft. MrtH bounded and described as follows, to wit: North by public road leading from Kingrstree to Potato Ferry; East by lands of W H Pamel ; South by lands of Mattie P Scotland West by laids of John Strung:, except 1?? acres of. the above described . tract which has been sofd to P M Byrdic; 25 acres which has been sold to S D Tisdale, 2 acres which I has been sold J C Scott, and about 3 acres | which has been set apart as a burying ground. , Purchaser to pay for papers. Georce J Graham, Sheriff WilliamsbJnr county. , Kingetree, S C. October 17,1912. , . 10-17-3t - . Foreclosure SaleTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COL'NTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Pleas. X Belle G Blakely, as Administratrix of the Estate ' of T A Blakely. V8 ' 8 Charlie McBride, Jessie McBride. Joe McBride. Mary S Simpkins, A^nes Thompson. Margaret McBride. Clarence McBride. Samuel McBride, j Ebbie McBride, Leila McBride and Rivers Mc- | Bride. Defendants. ; T Pursuant to the judgment in the above entitled 1 action, dated October lv 1912. I will offer for sale j ' before the court house door in Hingstree. oouin i Carolina, on salesday in November, 1912, the same hi being cn ihe -1th day of the said month, between ; thi hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described premises, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the county of Wil- j liamsburg and State of South (Carolina, containing I twenty-one (21, acres, and hounded and described i HI as follows, to wit: North by Ben Miller; East by W j D Bryan; South by Mary Washington, and West ; \ by Ben McClary. I Purchaser to pay for papers. George J Graham. , tl Sheriff Williamsburg county. | Kingstree, S C, October 17, 1912. 10-17-31 j g Notice of Judicial SalsSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. P! county ok williamsburg. ' j Court of Commmon Pleas. L Trie Farm Supply Company, a corporation duly t} created and chartered under and by virtue of the laws of the State of South Carolina. Plaintiff. against E N Ackermon. Defendant. <i decree fur sale in foreclosure. Notice is hereby given. That under and by virtue of an order issued out of the court of common pleas in the above entitled aetli n, bearing date the n. 19th day of J une. 1912, to me directed, i will stjl to L the-highest bidder,for cash, before the court house t door in the town of Kingstrte, county of Wil- b1 ilamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first ' Monday in November,1912, the same being the 4th ? day of said month.durihg the legal hours of sale, th? fntlnwinir fieftcribod tract of land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land ? lying, being and situate in the county of Williamsburg and State aforesaid, in Anderson township, and containing fifty (5t>) acres, and bounded as follows: North by lands of Alice Ackerrnon; East by lands of K A Ackeihnon; South by estate of Hlakeleyt and West, by lands of S .1 Player. Purchaser to pay for papers, and if bid is not f complied with on day of sale, the said lands will be resold on the same or some subseguent salesday, at the risk of the purchaser. ' 8 H O Brjtton, 10-17-31 Clerk of Court. Partition Sale. ? THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of wii.uamse urg, . u. Court of Common Pleas. ' Setb Samuel, Nathan Samuel. William Samuel, Ben Samuel, Minda Samuel an^ Anna Nelson, bom Samuel, Plaintiffs, vs Titus Samuel and A C Hinds, Defendants. Purs jant to the judgment in the above entitled to action, dated April 9,1912.1 will offet for sale before the court house door in Kings tree. South Caro!ica,on salesday'in November, 1S12, the same A being c n the 4th day of the said mor th. between ?j the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, a'l the following described premises, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying, be inland situat? in'the county of Williamsburg gr and Suite of South Carolina, containing .one hundred (10U) acres, and bounded and described n follows, to wit: North by Martin Browder; East and South by Robert Henry; .West by lands of er Gourdin .the same being known as lands of the es- ? tate of Titus Samuels, deceased. st Purchaser to pay for papers. . \ rtt H O Bam on. Clerk of Court foe- Williamsburg county. Kings tree. S C. October 17, 1912. l(M7-3t Partition Sale THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg, sf Court of <>>mmcm Pleas. r : RoseFulton, Aaron D Hart. Ed,Fulton, Joe Maple. Petar Maple and Annie Peniiergras?. Plaintiffs, tr vs ly Mose Adams. Stephen Wilson, Henry Wilson, Harvey Wilson. Elijah Wilson, Joe Barr, Grant D Barr. Eula Fulton and Tiner Fulton, Defendants. Pursuant to the judgment in the above entitled action, dated June 19, 1912, I will offer for sale be fore the cour.t house floor in Kingntree, South Carolina, on Aldsday ri November, 1912, the same being on the 4th day of the said month, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for rash, all the following described premises, Ct> wit: All that certain piece, parcel os tract of land lying.being and situate in the county of Williamsburg and State of South Carolina, containing'flftyicres .more or less, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: North and East by Sam Fulton; South and West by estate of Thomas E\ Brockin gton. rUrUflB9CI IU JIJIV 1U| ^njJvi a. George j Graham. Sheriff Williamshurg coaniy. Klngstree, S C. October 17. 1912. 10-17-.1t Foreclosure SaleTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of wlujamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. B H Guesa, Plaintiff V8 Wash Gamble and J W LockJiear, Defendants. Pursuant to the judg ment in the atiove entitled action,;dated October 1, 1912, I will offer for sale before the court house door in K ingstree, South Carolina, on salesday in November, 1912, the same being on the 4th day oi' the said month, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all the fojjowing described premises, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or Tract of land lying, being and situate in th? county of Williamsburg and State of Slouth Carolina, containing eleven (111 acres, and bouoded and described as follows, to wit: North'by John K Gourdm; East by John Cantey; South and West by Hector Woods; for further description, reference is to be bad to a plat of same made by J E Scott, dated December 24, 1890. Purchaser to pay for papers. George j Graham, Sheriff WilliamsbuRg county. Kingstree. S C. October 17. 1912. * 10-17-3t Notice of Sale STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. county of williamsburg. Magist rate's Court. J D Gilland, Plaintiff, asrainst i-3 w w Batfste, Defendant.' J Take Notice, That under and by virtue of a de- I ree of sale in the above entitled action issued by a Magistrate R K WalLa.-e, dated October 15, 1912, I ind to me directed. I w ill sell at publi; auction to u :he highest bidder for cash in front of the court a rouse door at .Kin^sm*, South Carolina, on Mon- I lay, November 4. 1912, at twelve (129*)) o'clock I loon, the following described personal property, B o wit: "One (1) Mason and Hamlin Onran, in S rood conditidp." George J Graham. Sheriff of Williamsburg county. South Carolina. Kinjrstree, South Carolina, iCctuber 15, A I>! 1912. 10-17-3t Final Discharge.' Notice is her(M?y given that on the 23rd lay of November, A l>, 11112, at 12 'clock noon, I will apply to P M Brocknton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Executrix of the estate of IdaGenever Rhodus, deceased * , Miss. Lucy M Burgess, 1l)-24-4t Executrix. Executors' Notice. . Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of Simon Poston. deceased, to present the same, duly attested, and to all persons indebted to said estate to make pay ment to the undersignedS B Poston, Jonsonville, S C, J W Brown. Leo, S C, KM0-3t Qualified Executors. Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of undressed lumber (board and framing) at my mill near Kiniifstree. for sale at the lowest price for good material. See or write me for further information, etc. . N F. H. HODGE. 7-18-tf /; m Notice of Limit* STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 0 u HO\I IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the undersigned partnership with limited liability: First. Under the name of NESMITH oci~"iiu. i ui tuc fiiuuti ui cl ^cuciai i Third. The name ot' the general partnt he names of the special partners are B L stst of Fowler S C. and William McCullou^ Fourth. The amount of the capital sto as contributed to the common stock is as B L Nesmith J B Tallevast Wiiliam McCullough Fifth. The partnership is to begin on Yd continue to the 19th day of August, A Witness our hands and seals at Nesmil D1912. (Sign> Signed, sealed and delivered in i le presence of R J Nesmith, [ W F Clark. ) TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i p col'nty of williamsburg. Personally appeared before me R J N resent and saw H P Tallevast, B L Nesm ugh sign, seal and as thtir act and deed imited Partnership and that he with W f lereof. Sworn to before me this 19th day of Ai (seal) Van D Harper, Notary Public for South Ci TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i Affi . county.of willi-*msburg. ( ?mal Personally appears B L Nesmith, who irtners mentioned in the Certificate of F artnership; that the sums specified in the jr each of the special partners to the com 3od faith., paid in cash. Suwrn to before me this liJth day of Ai (seal) Van D Harper. Notary Pub Notice of Limite STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to eertify that the undersigned partnership with limited liability: First Under the firm or name of NES Second. For the conduct of a general c Third. The name of the general partne he names of the special partners are R J nith of Nesmith, S C. and J B Tallevast < Fourth. The amount ?>f the capital sto< is contributed to the common stock is as R J Nesmith B L Nesmith ... J B Tallevast Fifth. The partnership is to tfegin on t 1 continue to the 19th day of August, A D Witness our hands and seals at Nesm D 1912. igned, sealed and delivered in the pres- ) ence of William McCullough. W F Clark. i rATEOF SOUTH CAROLINA.) p . County of Williamsburg. ( Personally comes William McCullough, it and saw* H P Tallevast. R J Nesmitn, al and as their act and deed deliver the i ?rshiD: and that he with W P Clark witru Sworn to before me this loth day of A (seal) Van D Harpef IWTK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I A(R . ' County of Williamsburg. i * Personally appears J B Tallevast, who tedal partners mentioned in the certifies imited Partnership; that the sums spe?ifi< ibuted by each of th?* special partnars to . and in good faith, paid in cash. Sworn to before me this 19th day of Ai )0-31-6t (seal) Van D Harper COMPARE TH WITH Or I Jsssk THE RED BELL J ^:iuak^| ON THE BOX / X . J^OT only the style, and wearing qualit as well?and you will sell you a pair of sh mense stock of LONC considerable less thar to pay elsewhere anc good a shoe as those money. $1.50 to $2., LONGWEAR SHOES grades, and $3.00 to $ grades?and it * isn't to ask you more tha grade shoe, LONG> right up to the minu have some exclusive pi that we would like to s see them at your f Jenkinson Bi Kingstree, - i :d Partnership. 1 . County op Williamsburg. 1 have and by this agreement do form MERCANTILE COMPANY. nercantile business. 9 >r is H P Tallevast of Nesmith SC. J 9 Nesmith of Nesmith, SC: J B Talle- 1 a gh of Nesmith, SC. 9 * * i_ ._ l _ 4KS CK wmcn eacn 01 uie special 500 00?$1,500 cash. I the 10th day of August A D ldlZ^t H th SC. on this 19th day of August,* E9 pel) HP TaLLEVAST, (SEAL) ? H p, lnesmith (seal) iw J B Tallevast, (seai. I h Wit liam McCUI lnirgh. ( SEAL) I H esmith. who on oath says tharl^was[ fl| ith J B Tallevast and William McCum H deliver the foregoing ertificate of) HE Clark witnessed the due execution . H| igust, A r> 1912. , r j nesmith. j^| irolina. * Hj > on oath says he is one of the social flU lesmith Mercantile Company, Limited certificate to have been contributed H mon stock have been actually, and in S B L Nesmith. ugust, A D 1912. 5 lie for South Carolina. l<?-31-6t | d Partnership. j , County of Williamsburg. i have and by this agreement do form 9 MITH GIN COMPANY. I otton ginning business. J r is H P Tallevast of Nesraith. SC. Nesmith of Nesraith, S C, B L Nejf Fowler, S C? * :k which each of the special partners follows: $1,000 00 cash. * .11 . 1,000 00 " 1,000 00 " -$3,000 00 cash, he 19th day of August, A D 1912, and S 1917. ith, S C, on this 19th day of August, (Signed) H P Tallevast, (seal) RJ Nesmith, (smal) B L Nesmith, (stj| j J B Tallevast. (w&) who on oath says that he waspresB L Nesmith and J B Tallevast sign, foregoing Certificate of Limited Part*ssed the due execution thereof. _ William McCulhouoh, deponent^' J ugust, A D19I2.,,. ^ ^ Notary Public for South Carolina. on oath says that he is ,te of NESMITH GIN .COMPANY,; ?d in the Certificate to have<been con-r the common stock have been actual I B Tallevast, deponent j ugust, A D 1912. , Notary Public for South Carolina. jM ESE SHOES fl I general make-up ies?but the price find that we can oes from our~Jtn*r"""/ * :\i/CAr? cuncc M i y\ uni\, jiiull* ai t i you would have ^fJ I give you just as fjH that cost more j9B 50 buys ? pair ot j in the cheaper J 4.00 in the better : fair for any one 9 m this for a first 4 3 VFAP SHOP5 aro S a-**?a\ Wl 141 V te in style, and we interns this season ' ;how you--come in j irst opportunity. ' J -i rothers Co. | South Carolina, j 9