i j Professional Cards, | (DR. R. J, MKJAbfc. Dentist. KINGSTREE. ' S. C Office K?t to Court House Square. PHILIP H. ARROWSMITH attorney-at-law LAKE CITY, - - S. C. M. A. WOODS, DENTIST. Offic* ov?r Slngl?t?ry Bldg. A ^'PHONE NO. 62.^ i a vr riTV ^ (' j L*rtXVE< VI 11, v, ? V W. Leland Taylor, j r DENTIST. Office orer Pr W V Brocklnglon' s stcr*. KINGS TREE, - S.C. j 5-21-tf. L, i M. O. Xesmith B DENTIST. LAKE CITY, 5.1 1 DR. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch buiHing, over Kingstree Drug Company's. Benj. MclNNES, M. R. C. V. S. II B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D. VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-2$-tf I mrnmWT I' '1' (ill IB!; W He would be a heartless father * indeed who did not allay baby's < sutferings as did Mr E M Bogan > of Enterprise, Miss. He says: "My baby was troubled with I breaking out, something like sev! en-year itch. We used all ordin- j Eary remedies, but nothing seemed to do any good until I tried HUNT'S CURE and in a few days 1 ! all symptoms disappeared and now baby is enjoying the best of, health." Price 50c per box. I Manufactured and Cuaranteed by B. RICHARDS MECICINE CO.. j Sherman. Texas. j ^v?v\v?wwv?wv^wwww SOLD BY Dr. W. V. BrocKington, Kin^itree, S. C. , SlaKely-McCuIlcugh Co., Lan??. S. C. t: rr rr ?rrrr. rr rr ^ rr tt: ^ I WANTED j From six to eight good, 11 I fat Beef Cattle a week, ? 9Hy| for which* I will pay the || E P| best market price. 1 I I All Kinds of Meats I ; H I in season at living prices, I 9 I also a choice line of Fruits, ; H I Vegetables and Canned I 1 Epps' MarKet S Academy , OH^Bkpndeni'e -iolicited hetore placing vour ! i ESBBm*" w-R pvxk J_>r. Wiles* L*xatlv? Tablets. ||Ladies' C I Ladies' C PCfB ^Eimtondl a "I Got This Fine M & Myers Du B3 All kinds of men smoke of pipes?as well as in cigaret ^ 6tory. Thej like the genu | % $idkt rJj Choice bright leaf aged to m< J&k sod then granulated?every gn that's what you get in the Ligget You get one and a half ou ifp. tobacco, unsurpassed in quality, get a book of papers ft* . 0 Now About I In every sack of Liggett & M 5*^ coupon. You can exchange th other valuable and useful article penny. There is something foi skates, catcher's gloves, tennis suitcases, canes, umbrellas, and us; P-~li * iicart Disease Almost Fatal to Young Girl ; "My daughter. when thirteen years I )Id. was stricken with heart trouble, j 3he was so bad we had to place her J bed near a window so she could pet /' ^ \\ her breath. One r-|- cA doc*.r. Mi s' H( art Remedy rd cured her fathM, she began to 1mA ' ' She Ic S&iflL!>Mi a Sreal many botW(P*uAties, out she is Jl /'* soared to me today. a fat rc?y iheektd girl. No one can imagine tae jonaurnce i miw i.i x-??. - Remedy." A. It. CaXOX, Worth, Mo. I The unbounded confidence Mr. Canon has in Dr. Miles' Heart Remrdy is shared by thousands of others who know its value from rxperience. Many heart disorders yield to treatment, if the ^treatment is right. If you are bothered with short breath, faintng spells. swelling of feet or ankles, pains about i :he heart and shoulder blades, pal- | pitation, weak and hungry spells, j >*ou should begin using Dr. Miles' j Heart Remedy at once. Profit by ; :he experience or others while you nay. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Is sold and guaranteed by all druggists. WILES MEDICAL CO.. ElkhartTHnd.' 4 'oat Suit. JHave just receive that have ever 1 looking for one it IMarriis. 'oat Suit-' OLE:,111 mil 'inIPmi ii ?? Pipe With Liggett j? ke's Mixture" |ij Duke's Mixture in all kinds a*j tes?and they all tell the same g/; ine, natural tobacco taste of ?stel imiiii iiwiib gj ?Uow mildness, carefully stemmed WW | sin pure, high-grade tobacco? bp t & Myers Duke's Mixture sack, SB oces of this pure, mild, delightful HI | for be?tod with each sack you , Jie Free Pipe vrrj Duke's Mixture we now pack fia esa coupons for a pipe or for many s. These presents cost not one ! r every member of the familr? IV rackets, cameras, toilet articles, E2 dozens of other things. Just send M four name and address on a postal 1 as a special offer daring Octo- 8#= ' and November only we will K , i d you our new illustrated cat a- Bu ire of presents FREE of any Jt*trge. Open up a sack of Liggett fc jjjj Myers Duke's Slixture today. |U 'ompens from Duke's Mixture may be 2B ritd x-tth tajrs from HORSE SHOE, afl i - TtNSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF, H ANGER TWIST, and Coupons from |W UR ROSES (IX tin double coupon), AS K PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT C1GA- R , [TES, CLIX CIGARETTES, and Jfife r tags or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. i?J Cut i Louis, I f 1 BH ??? wj? ,w> m ML?/mu-w????% g ^ safe side? IF NOT WHY NOT? Whose fault is it? It is not ours. ' We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side, and would be more than delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICY that will protect you from all loss by fires at a very low rate. We represent the best and most reliable companies on earth. Kingstree insurance, Real Estate & Loan Co. R. N. Speigner. Manager. The price of subscription for The Record is $1 25 a year: we allow 25 j cents discount when a whole vear is | paid in advance. If you are six! months or a year behind don't ex-! pect a receipt for a whole year for' one dollar. This applies to all. tf: ?" . result1.'.;: * ! tie." t Miles' Laxativ# V-v'n. .1 d the most attractiv )een shown in Kings will pay you to see i DRY GOODS, CLOTHING 0 - ' ? - M Summons for Belief. (complaint served). THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsbl'dg, Court of 1 ommon Pleas. Sophie Tisdale and Benjamin Scott, Plaintiffs, against Rachel McBride.Thos McBride. Charley McBride. John McBride. Mack McBride Dave McBride.Daniel McBride. Viola McBride, Dock McBride, Daisy McBride. Hey ward McBruie, Jury Scott and Orrie Scott; The Bank of Kingstree.a corporation duly chartered under the laws of the State of South Carolina: and H M Cooper, T M Cooper and J F Cooper, co-partners trading under the firm name of Cooper Brothers, Defendant*.. To the absent Defendants, Mack McBride. Dave McBride and Daniel McBride; You are herehy summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is* herewith served upon you.and to serve a copy of y*"Ur answer to said complaint on the subscribers at their office in Kingstree, S C. within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated September 19. 1912. Kelley & Hinds. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Take Notice?That the complaint in the above-entitled action has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the court of common pleas for Williamsburg county, State of South Carolina. Keli.ey & Hinds, 9-19-fit Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Tax Notice The tax b?cw. j. w.?tainly speak highly of Doan's Kidney Pills." (Statement given March 23, 1908.) CONFIRMED PROOF. On January 12, 1911, Mrs Hath- \ cock said: "1 willingly confirm my i former endorsement of Doan's Kid-1 ney Pills. The benefit I received j from their use has been permanent."; For sale by all dealers. Price 50: cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo,! New York, Sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. People who plant the town "red" j at night, usually awake in the morn- j ing to find everything the color of j indigo. . Why not give us a chance to fig ure on your job printing? We have good printers and one of the best equipped offices in the State, and ive guarantee satisfaction, or no charge, j We do not' send out solicitors, be-, cause we have none to send; but we do give vou the benefit of what we save by not sending out agents, It stands to reason that if we pay agents 25%' commission, the custom- j er has it added to his bill. ^adies' Co tf mcrmaumasmKBFrz: twejkb md Misses'Coat Sui and qualities. If y< very suit a perfect f Kingstree, S. ( Ladies' Cc j KINGSTREE HIGH SCHOOL VOTES. * M inr^r^^nr^nrnr^^nrrrl? jl The Wee Nee Literary scciety held ' J its regular meeting in the society I hall, on Friday, October 14, with Mr "Ja Cuvler Hamer in the chair. J We were glad to have with us an- 'W other one of our old members, Miss jj Winnie Scott. j The programme for the afternoon was carried out very nicely. The I question debated was: "Resolved, . That country life is more condu- i cive to happiness than city life." After a very interesting discussion the judges retired to make their decis- ] ' ' 91 ion. On returning the chairman J stated that the decision had been 1 rendered in favor of the negative. J The second roll was then called M by the secretary and the house ad "Little Breeches." jjj (The following is one of the strongest poems written by John Hay, former minister to the court of St James, London, and Secretary ..J of State in President McKinley's cabinet It is well worth preserving in your scrap-book). ^ The snow come down like a blanket As I pas>ed by Tairgart's store: I went in for a jug of molasses And left the tewm at the door. Thev scared at something and started? I heard one little squall, , "vttB And hell-to-s;>lit overtlie prairie Went team, Little Breeches and all. Hell-to-split over the prairie! > ) I was almost fruze with skeer; But we rousted up som<* torches And sarched fot 'em far and near. At last we struck hosse^an 1 waeon Snowed under a soft white mound. i. 5 Upsof, dead beat?but of little Gabe No hide nor hair was fout d. And here all hope soured on rue: Of my fellow-critter's aid? I jest Hopped down on my marrow bones ,<3 Grotcli-deep in the snow and praved. * * * * " By this, the torches was played out, And me and Isrul Parr Went off for some wood to a sheepfold That he said was somewhar thar. We found it at last, and a little shed Where they shut up the lambs at V-3 We looked in and seen them huddied So warm and sleepy and white; Ami thar >ot Little Breeches, and chirped, As peart as ever you see, ' I want a chaw of terbacker. And that's what's the matter of me."' How ui'l he git thar? Angels. ' He never could have walked in inat storm; They just scooped down and toted hirn To wliar it was safe and warm, Ai.rt t think that saving a little child. And fot< hing him to 15is own, . Is a demed sight better business Than loafing around the Throne. * ?4 A log on the Track of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality,loss of strength and nerve ' ' J weakness. If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning the stomsch and curing the indigestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb, had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have f helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at M L Allen's. Many Greeks have left the United States to engage in the Balkan war. . If you knew the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame ' * back, soreness of the muscles,sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without it. For sale by all dealers. , ? Onlv twelve davs now before the ~ -i? f resiuentiai eiecmui. Here is a women who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz, Mrs P H Brogan of Wilson,Pa. who says. "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other." For sale by all dealers. ! ! II III 11 I I IIIII ? W at Suits its .u it. 1 * I ? >at Suits 1