C(r> r fir Value of a Bank Account. C.A bank account with this strong.conservative institution is worth a great deal to you in convenience and security. It leads to many privileges and broader business relations, to ask and receive advice and to use our facilities, It is not necessarv that you should j come to the bank in person if you desire to open an account. Your deposits can be sent by mail with your name and address, or by some other person, and the deposits promptly acknoweldged, sendting you either a pass book or a state- 1 ment of the account at the close of each > month, as desired. Darlington spent the week-end in town with the family of Mr Dwight Harrington. Mr W L Spencer of Baltimoie was in Kingstree yesterday in the , interest of the American Type. Fonndors Co. Li* : . Miss Bessie Harper, who teaches at Darlington, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr and Mrs Edwin Harper. ' * On Monday, Mr D C Bryan of, Salters was taken to the Florence J infirmary, where he is rapidly re-; covering from the effects of his recent severe accident. Mrs Lester M Conrow and little daughter, Anna, of New Bedford, Mass, are visiting the former's mo-1 kj ther, Mrs R A Dobbin, and sister, / * IF Mrs Hugh McCutchen. \ 4 V Mr J M Way, Conference Field t Secretary of Sunday-schools of South j * Carolina, will make an address in ; the Methodist church Sunday evening at 7:30. Everybody is invited. ^rs S Keels Brockington and lit-1 son, S K, Jr.who have Deen visit-1 v ing thf former's parents. Mr and J m Mrs A M Gordon, returned to their home at Florence Sunday morning. The place of meeting for the "InPB ^stitute of the Ladies' Foreign MisHL & \ionary society" of Harmony 1'resbytery has been changed to the town flail at Salters Depot, Monday, November 11. All are cordially invited to attend. V^B Last Saturday a party of hunts^^B men, among whom were Sheriff G J Graham, J ^ B Montgomery and G H Lovett, went deer driving in White's bay. Four fine deer were the result of the day's chase, the dogs having j caught one, Mr Lovett shot two, and ' Mr Montgomery one. f The Daughters of the Confederacy have recently made the last payment on the monument which stands at j the intersection of Main and Acade-1 my streets in Kingstree as a tribute to the memory of Williamsburg's Confederate dead who gave their lives for the dear Southland. The monument cost $2,500 and the ladies in charge were aided by a substanj ^ial contribution from the county. I Miss Mollie Saunders died very ! suddenly at the residence of her sister, Mrs Hugh Cooper, at Indian-J town,Monday night. Death was due i to heart failure. Interment was made at her late home, Rocky Mount. Va. Miss Saunders' mother, who has been critically ill at the ^ home or Mr t'ooper, is now convalescing. Last Saturday afternoon Mr W E Jenkinson received a telegram from his wife, who is with her parents near Florence, stating that their lit- \ tie child, Violet, was very ill. MV Jenkinson went to Florence that evening and is still there. A letter j from him today states that the child is in a critical condition. It is thought! that the little girl ate something from which it became diseased. The county tax books are now open for the collection of county and State taxes. Treasurer'Cook has a number of blank receipts he is ready to fill out. The tax books will be closed January 1, 1911, after which date, up to February 1, a penalty of 1 per cent will be added. From February 1 to March 1 a penalty of 2 per cent will be added. After March 1 the penalty is 7 per cent. THE SCHOOL RALLY Sparsely Attended Here Last Saturday. In accordance with the call published in The County Record on October 3 for a meeting of the school trustees, patrons and all interested in the educational and school improvement work in Williamsburg county, issued by Miss Florence H Stubbs, Countv Organizer of School Improvement association of Williamsburg, the meeting was held in the auditorium of the Kingstree school building last Saturday. Notwithstanding the importance of the meeting and the urgent appeals made by the leader of the movement, Miss Stubbs. there was only a baker's dozen present of the 139 man urKin hold thp office of school trustee in the county. In addition to these, there were probably thirty or forty teachers and patrons. Addresses were made by Miss Stubbs, R J Kirk, Esq, Hon B B Chandler, Mr D E McCutchen and Dr S C Mitchell, president of the University of South Carolina. The meeting was opened by the singing of "America", followed by prayer by Rev W A Fairy, after which addresses were made in the order named, interspersed by musical selections. At the ennelns'nn nf the nro gramme lunch was served at the school building by the local teachers. Hymeneal. The following marriages have recently been performed by Probate Judge Brockinton: October 18, at his home, Miss Hallie McClum of Old Dock, N C. to Mr Hallin Norris of Columbus county. N C. October 19, at his office, Miss Helen 0 Burkett to Mr Clarence l7rikk?-??October 19, at his orfice, Missj Belle Walker to Mr Robert Howard. October 19, at his residence. Miss Ruth Parson to Mr Henry Cade. A Hot Supper. The public is cordially invited to attend a hot supper at Mr Charlie Marshall's residence, Friday evening, November l,at 8 o'clock, for benefit of Spring Gully Baptist church, ltp. Georgia Buck sweet potatoes, de-: livered at 80c per bushel by 10-24-4tp. Thomas W Epfs, 'Phone No 9. j The pastor who says the election j of Roosevelt would cause the South i to secede again, should surely stick : to ms pulpit ana let pontics aione. If you need a nice, serviceable Raincoat, go where you can get the best for your money. [10-24-tf People's Mercantile Co. The French government is experimenting with an electrical device to prevent hail storms, which cause an annual average loss of $30,000,000 in that country. Offer Extraordinary! Here is one of our most liberal clubbing offers: Uncle Remus Magazine..Six Months Southern Ruralist One Yearj Good Stories One Year The County Record .. .One Year The Gentlewoman -....One Year All five papers and magazines for only $1.50. 10-3-tf CIRCUS COMING. John H Sparks'World Famous Shows Heading this Way. On Wednesday Mr F M Heaton. general advance representative for u'oo in tjNii'n maLr. LUC r\o onvno, u uo m , inp contracts and paving: the way; for the coming: of the hip circus. 1 Immense quantities of provisions of all kinds were contracted for from j our local merchants, and the j grounds known as Scott's field was leased for Saturday, November 16, which is the date the hip show is to exhibit here. From now until show day hardly a day will pass but that one or more apents of the circus will be in town lookinp after details, promotinp public interest and thorouphly advertisinp the surroundinp country. This (jjrcus employs over 50 people in the department of publicity alrtie. Mr Heaton, who is a very penial gentleman, volunteered the information that Saturday, November 116, the date the circus is here, happens to fall on the repular weekly salary day of the show, and that the 300 and over employes with the show would be paid the apgrepae sum of $6,000 ?a tidy little bunch of money to be turned loose in our | midst. Mr Heaton has in his possession | many newspaper criticisms of the show and they all speak in flowing terms of the excellent entertainment given and the honorable methods employed by the show management1 in doing business with the public ? no gambling or short change artists being allowed among its employees, j Our people wid undoubtedly turn out en masse if the weather is at all! favorable. f Boys' Cortti Clubs, Attention! To the boys of the county corn club:-- Saturday, November 9,is the day appointed for our corn exhibition. Please be on hand at the court house in Kingstree at 11 o'clock with your exhibit of 10 ears. Every boy in the contest must send me the report of his crop and also the history of his crop, not later than Saturday, November 2. It will lie necessary to have these reports fully a week before the exhibit, so that the committee will have opportunity to grade your worK. It. J G McCvllough. Co Supt Ed. Just received a shipment of New Home Sewing Machines. Will sell cheap for cash or on easy terms. 10-24-tf People's Mercantile Co. It doesn't seem as though anything can happen in this world without bringing on a famine in China. Fresh and corned mullets, every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. 10-24-4tp. - Thomas W Epps. Senator Gamble has found out that politics bears a strong resemblance to his own name. New line of the famous John B Stetson Hats in several latest styles. The best hats sold. 10-24-tf People's Mercantile Co. If there is anything in a name, General Booze, of the Mexican army, should be a hard man to whip. We have a few tine Trunks that j we will close out cheap. IT you need ; a trunk.look at ours before you buy. 10-24-tf People's Mercantile Co. i | The Best Crops Made Last Seas Were Those Under Which Was Used I Pmivia JL VI %* T AM Wo will pre j CHARLES Make our booths in I headquarters and rest roon and our offices in the Peop i down town. A hearty w and your favorite salesma] Peruvian Guai 10-17-6t CHARLES Alterative Yvhat is a "?onicvV A i me-Ycim: fh't ir._r s. ;i the f .. ft 51IC?T" 0 ' 0 \.jj ? v. o'e \Vh i -:3 an I ''u e^tive"? A ! c'Idvoj t.'ai autre or 01^ i-;s ur.* [ . lil'hy e i on to b:;.!-hy i-t'cn. Nnme the b;., t tonic a Ay :--'s Sq on'v Stm?:*.-: | r?:!:teni.re'yfeefro nalco; c\ ; A:k vour doctor about it. i : ' i ? - ? r n ran nr tmr? i i nwia ? t?:..ous attacks, sick-heacac! ins j t: a, constipation, diz;y rreils-th.c a.'e some ' tV of ir.c . liv*r. A- : v r doc or if he Aviv's r*:!.'r in .its'! c.*< * T>"* cVse is s :* .*"!, r.r: r,:i! ' '" C'tin Yr v.- j r co . * n~-*i * - SPECIAL NOTICES | Phone us when you want! QT to get a notice under this 'ieat^n*>* ^rh'c one cent a 'Jig} word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than 2oc.! Phone S3. I For Sale?Tract of land situated six ' miles from Kingstree and three miles j from Cades, containing 65 acres, with good five-room residence and one tenant { house. School close by. For particu- j lars see or address W P McGlLL, 9-12-tf. Kingstree, S*C.! For Rknt?Cheap to a good man, a stable suitable for sale or livery business, in the town of Kingstree, SC.! where there is no livery. Good chance for a live man For particulars apply to Kellky & Hinds, Attorneys, 10-17-tf Kingstree. S C. Use Dust-Catch to protect j our goods while sweeping. We can give you barrels at 3c Id aeliyered or half barrels fob Greelyville. Dust-Catch Mfg Co, 10-10-tf Greelyville, S C. For Sale?Plantation in Berkeley county.on ^antee river, containing 734 arres; will sell very .reasonably and on easy terms. Apply to J P Gaili-ard, People's Rank Building, 10-17-4t Charleston, S C. FOR SALE! * Good 8-Room Dwelling jj House j with good Barn and Stables on 9 two lots. Dwelling and outbuild- Bl 1 ings comparatively new. Locat- 9 ed within two blocks of school 9 house. Also two good mules 7 and 9 8 years old, 2*tn5ISpF o Guano ?ve it at the } TON FAIR | :he Exhibition Hail your o while on the Fair Ground lie's Bank Building when welcome by the Company o awaits you. j io Corporation TON, S. C. I / I Williamsburg B i ! Kingstr< . i j We are still listing like to have youry. Lis months. We have much pro] interest you in a farm < have tracts ranging fr< City lots to hundreds ar acres in a tract. Let us write you a surance, or any kind you ies, Dweilings, Barns, S R. H. Pitta, Pres. and Bus. Mgr. FALL, I We are showing a Pattern and 1 and the i Novelties in 4 - Our Trimming Departmen milliner, Miss Stumpner, from in that city a number of seasc leading style centers in the N< to us well equipped with the h Again this season we are 1 dren's Hats and Infants' Bonr The public is cordially invi Kennedy Mi Buster E "DARN Guaranteec U OIIR WHEN a customer asks for ouz show Buster Brown's "HA and it always pleases. No wears well, as less than one-half of replacement under the guarantee. For Men, Womei 25c a Pair Costs 25 per cent, more to mak anteed or non-guaranteed brand am only 25c silk lisle guaranteed hosier yarn with 2-, 3- and 4-ply strong lir Absolutely no seams or knots. ? Mir All Styles, Sizes, vve JENKINSON BROT Kingstre The County Record and St Only i i ealty Company J ;e, S. C. I property, and would j t it with us for a few perty listed, and can Dr plantation, as we ^ Dm a few acres and j id even thousands of Tornado Policy of In- jj i may want?Ginner- | tock, Life, Etc, Etc. M, A. Shuler, J Sec'y and Treas. 1912. [ magnificent line railored Hats f newest Trimmings. | t is in charge of an efficient Baltimore. She trimmed >ns, and having visited the >rth this season, she comes : itest ideas in millinery, naking a specialty of Chillets. '3 ted to call. illinery Co. 1 I brown's [LESS" I Hosiery * Choice best 25c value in hosiery, we RNLESS" Guaranteed Hosiery t only does it look well but it one per cent, is returned for ft* i and Children Four Pairs 01 ftf| Guaranteed 0 >"U e than any other 25 cent guar1 looks the part. Also, it is the y made. Made of soft Egyptian i ten toe, knee, sole, heel and top. .> li il AI?li i^utn dint vuiuia an HERS COMPANY J e, S. C. ?mmmmmm??mmmmm?? igHisrn Ruralist one Yen 1.25 f j