REPUBLICANS' EXTRAVAGANCE A x A?1 1/1 TU^m uuwrwneTii uuai muic MICUI Doubled Under Roosevelt DEMOCRATS, GREAT RECORDj ' Startling Figures Which Show That the Cost of Our National Existence and the High Cost of Living Must Be Reduced. Under a proper downward revision of the Republican tariff schedules the .people of the United States would save 13.000.OCC.000 each vear. or over 8100 per family on manufactured goods alone. President Taft's vetoes of the wool tariff Mil and the steel tarlf.' measure 1 passed by a Democratic house COST THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES ABOUT $660,000.000 PER ANNUM. The cost of conducting the federal government MORE THAN DOUBLED between the close of President Cleveland's second administration1 (Democratic) and the beginning of President Roosevelt's second administration (Republican). As the DIRECT RESULT OP HIGH REPUBLICAN TARIFF SCHEDULES the people of the United States pay a tax FROM NINE TO SEVENTY-EIGHT PER CENT on food and ordinary household articles used to the home by every family, rich and poor. The total oost of running the federal goremment In I860 was $55,000,000. The amount appropriated at a single session of the Sixty-first congress for the fiscal year 1911?$1,027,133,446.44? was more than double the amount? $?54,496,055.13?appropriated for the fiscal years 1807 and 1808 at both sessions of the Fifty-fourth oongresa, the last congress of the second Cleveland administration. Only eight years elapsed between the J close of the second administration ofj President Cleveland and the beginning {. of the eeoond administration of Presl- j m dent Roosevelt and yet the amount a> j propria ted during the tour years of the latter ? $*34W0WTM5?was more than double that appropriated In the four years Mr. Cleveland was at the helm?vis, ll.87U9357.47. For 1910, the last fiscal year provided for in oeagrees under President Roosevelt, the hlghwmter mark In ap propria tl one?$1,044,401357 JL2 ? wu reached. President Taft's estimate to the last session of congress for government support for the fiscal year was $1,040/. , 48,02635. In other words, governmental ex? pensps for the FOUR YEARS of Presi- , dent Cleveland's administration (Deny . ocratio) were only $830361,651.92 more than President Taft's (Republican) estimate of the amount necessary to ocrr- j er the expenses of ONE YEAR of < President Taft's administration. Congressman John J. Fltxgerald of j, New York, a Democrat and chairman < of the committee on appropriations, in ! r addressing the house Aug. M, 1912, on 1 the subject of appropriations said. Thoughtful men have watched with Alarm the rapid increase in tna oost of > government In th? United States." He farther eald that two causes seem responsible for many present evils: "One, the UNFAIR AND UNJUST SYSTEM OF TAXATION by which an undue share of Inoome by those: whose circumstances In life are not' considered more than reasonably com- j fort&ble is taken through our customs ; laws for the support of our government; the other, the difficulty or Inability to readjust our system of taxation and to remove many taxes from ths necessaries of life, so long as the GOV-' ERNMENT IS EXTRAVAGANTLY i CONDUCTED, or ths Instrumental!-1 ties provided for ths conduct of ths public service are either Inefficient or aye not utilized so at to render the most effective and comprehensive results." W tV*fi to the (act that the Democratic party I pledged itself if intrusted with power | to do two things?REDUCE TARIFF DUTTE8 AND RETRENCH PUBLIC EXPENDITURES by eliminating j waste in administration and the abolition of useless inexcusable offioes. The Republicans talk about tariff revision, and yet when a Democratic house in fulfilling Democratic promises to the people reduced the tariff, a Republican president vetoed the measure. *By their works shall ye know them." bDemocrats in every state of ths Union should organize and prepare ' for polling a record breaking vote Nov. ; C. Be It remembered that no matter bow certain victory seems, overconfl* r IlmiccUt fat &i\ Chl-cfcen-tcr*! )Hua:onJ Tirtnd/A\ j 1'JIU in n?d n.'-i UoM!lc\V/ i >> ?T>fe>3 boxes, sealed with Blue Rihton. \/ I 1?^ Wf Tilt no ?lk(r. liny of roar " 1 17 ~ ft I?rnrr1?t. A.K f,r flU-OIIES-TER 8 i ** m mamoxd i:k.\xj? hills, for ?s \ ^0* Jw ycAi'. V nown is Bc^t. Sifeit. Always Reliable r SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ?????? I LOUIS THE ARCAE 232 and 234 King Street i The Largest Wholesale see c H Your Nearest Mail! AUTU A stream of delightful r no ending until after Chrisl than the last-if such can 1 NEW FALL AND WINTE NEW JOHNNY AND M; COATS. NEW WASH AND SILK V rnp^FT^ MUSLIN AND FLANNEL WALKING SKIRTS. SILKS^ DRESS GO C | CARPETS, Write for ooe of our Fall a Why suffer th Aches at Protect your family?your Have in your home a bottl tingle preparation any family It is a Pain Remedy as w application. Can be taken safely to diarrhoea, etc. Noah's Liniment is a fine coughs, colds, asthma and t< Noah's ! ? - ror rr.eumausm, siui joims sprainti. sore muscles and aci kinds kThei:e is no better remedy. Be ready for the ?mtv enc Liniment in your medicine ci; Best Pain B and sold by all dealers in m< 25c., 50c., and $1.00. If it isn't satisfactory, go ask for the return of your mo we want you to have it Made iit Richmond, Va., by No i?" Sold and guaranteed by Kin lir t A Fin w | Fall Dry Good \& and Ladies' We: it' ft | All goods sold to give satisfac M fnnppH JL V?AAV/VV?ff ! Stacl 1/ j Dry Go With the addition of lfijj| ! and a beautiful and i ^1^ please the most fasti* COHEN IE DEPARTMI imH Mppfincr fJtrppf 4.11V4 i*Vl' ITIVVVlll^ and Retail Mail Order A R L ES T 0 N Box Places Our Stor MN SURPF lovelties for Autumn and :mas, an i each fresh shipme: 3e possible. The latest in R SUITS. I RUGS. IKINAW MATTINGS. LINOLEUN WAISTS, LACE C SHADES. ETTE PORTIERES. HOSIEI 11 GLG VI Dd Winter Catalogues. It w \ Ml I?Bb) fife/ \ese every day id Pains loved ones?against them. e of Noah's Liniment, the best r can have. ell as a Liniment for external r colic, cramps, indigestion, ! preparation for sore throat, >othache. Use Liniment , neuralgia, strains, hes and pain9 of all y by having Noah's I <8*3^53 kjset to-day. It is the La~gjL~J Lemedy figg edicine ; three sizes, ?tzrzsr- ' W ? MKAW ? MMMikMto Ej'j to your dealer and ssrr: ney. It is yours and MR ah Remedy Company. . j?? y gstre ' Drug Co. and M. L. Allen. e Line i s, Notions, Shoes $ ar. 'fi I by us guaranteed $ tion or money re- ^ !??i 9 ; v its ! ileysf lit \h >ods Co. f a number of new type faces ( a/1 Kv\/\ /\^ rkft*-v/M? T1TA /JO r? / /cuieu line ui. papci, we urn v dious with JOB PRATING. i & CO. INT STORE I ? (*Y% o nlocfi-in <2 f* I " \/nai iv^kuii) '-> w * | House in the South FIRST e Next Door to You j ilSES | Winter wear that will have j nt seems more fascinating j i r it 1! CURTAINS, IV, 1 IVES. CILING. ETC.. ETC. ill be sent by return nail ' sJ WHEN YOU BUILD THAT NEW Oi^D ONE.REMEMBER THAT G( NEEDED FOR APPEARANCE. E a ES5ARY FOR PRESERVATION fi MENT AS WELL AS A LUXURY. ASK THE PAINTERS WHO U5 AND GLASS IF THEY ARE NOU " FARMERS' SI CORT^ good wood shingle, tad in tome places they cod Roofs put on 26 yean ago are as good as new to-< We have local representatives almost everywh< locality, write us direct foe samples, prices and fi CORTRIGHT METAL ROO 80 NORTH 23d STREET ?:@:?:?:@.?:@:?:?:?*? ?. The Coffins and C | offers his s< | Day and ^ in the ?> ? FIRST OFFICE OVER STACKLE s) ?j Yours to S< I L. J. STA< a ?:@?@:@:???:?:?:a@:od paint is not onlj uahmh iut absolutely nec . paint is an invest bbhhm8 mhrbk >e our paints.;putty^HHBH rHE BEST. JPPLY COT -1 [fiiH | %METAL I jl f $mmm! 1 ' 'L Aid RIGHT if m OVEROL&^OD % fl SHINGLES Vj| Mo dirt?no bother, and when ooce R vMHH|E hey make a thoroughly itorm-proof I ire-prool roof, neither of which can L (a# |k? lar/w) tktfwrU B ? price?they co?t bo more then .1 , t much lew. & ley, tod heee oeref needed repein. g trc. but if none in your iromecfiete I all peiticulen. | fl I FING COMPANY I - I PHILADELPHIA, PA. | 9 . M &:?:@:?:?:@:@:@:?:@ -J CKLEY, | I UaIia(a Men W idoHclo moil | J ervices ,?. gBB Night II :Y'S DRY 600DS CO.'S. :kley. i fl d:?:?:?:?:?:??:?:?^ j ituckey 3 IG IN HORSEFLESH ^ intv years stands be- f nice horses and mules J for a sale or a swap. | ery Stables. i Lake City, S. C. T lfei JJ JB hern Ruralist one Year ^ i oe sM 1