I Queen Qual; H. Ring's! ^ New Advertisements ^ Hupmobiles?Gibbes Machinery Co, Columbia. The best fertilizer?Peruvian Guano Co, Charleston. Deposit money in the bank?Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lake City. A new enterprise?Bank of Cades. Buster Brown's Hosiery?Jenkinson B?os Co. Shoes, clothing, dry goods,etc?Jenkinson Bros Co. A HORSE A horse cannot give continue middle of the day. BUT THE "H : Always in condition and fresh I no matter what the distance. Sai The perfect simplicity of the v heavy expense bills. A truly ec< rupted service at low cost of upk THE DEEPER i W ' The inside, not the outward ap ask you not to let your first favo: the low strong lines, the comfort J you go deeper into the car and e: ' , WHAT MAKES PUl POWER? First?The relation of piston stroke Second?The design of the motor. Third?The efficiency of the carbu Fourth?The simplicity of the cha: Fifth?The degree to which frictic Sixth?The weight of the car. i r* i ir? i i A\I/ \/ ILL I us snuw T' How these essentials have been in the Hupp "32." First?The stroke is neither t( I short, but in ratio to the bore is a Second?The cylinders of the 1 en bloc: the valves at the side are dust and dirt. Three liberal cranl are provided to preclude the poss strain. Long Stroke HIPP "32" Touring Ca Detroit, including windsheild, g generator, oil lamps, tools and speeds forward and reverse, c< Bosch magneto, 105 inch wheel inch tires. Roadster, $900. We have an attractive Agency f with live, aggressive parties wh line of cars. GIBBES M (Mol EE I About maki ? Infai ? tE B B B { ^UlUUUUUUUlUUUtUilUUUi / $ / mmm ? ? >es, UHSESSflBSSKMBI ity Shoes For I C. Goodman SI Hnwai*I>earance of a car, establishes its tri ?able impression end with your admi able upholstery of the long-stroke gamine its motor, transmission and a .LING Third?The ca insuring correct all loads without to cylinder bore . Fourth The c tion: the motor, retor> - compact weight-i sis construction. dispensing w in is reduced. between eluch er Fifth?Frictioi finest ball and ro ou universal joint floating rear axle accomplished in drive and the lei transmission of p >o long nor too Sixth?The we s 1.7 is to 1. three hundred pc motor are cast equal rize and gr protected from Each of these ; (t shaft bearings collectively they iibility of undue maximum power and above cars o: r $900, F. 0. B. HUPP "20" STA1 as lamps and Detroit. 4-cyli horns. Three Bosch magneto, entre control, Ibase, 32x3 1-2 windshield, oil 1 wheelbase. >roposition open in this territory, ar o may be interested in securing the ACHINERY DLUMBIA, S. < iwmmimnimmmmmromm' then ng your Childr it sizes to 18 y MT Se BUTLER lUttittttUttUUttittiiUUUUiUUUii WWWW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWW wWWWWW \ \ ' _ Sho z' _adies' loes, all Style* c Foster Shoes T. Woods' Goods( vs Canclis Barr. Partition sale?Pose Fulton et als I vs Mose Adams et als. j i Foreclosure sale ? B H Guess vs i, Wash Gamble et a!. j ( Foreclosure sale?Belle G Blakely, ] Administratrix, vs Charlie /lc-m Bride et als. 1 Foreclosure sale--Seth Samuel et . als vs Titus Samuels et als. The net sums to be drawing closer about Becker, the police lieutenant, now being tried for the murder ; of iiambler Rosenthal at New York. PMEBDTrfftlfk C MACHINE! Dmetimes must have rest in the DIFFERENT i and will take you anywhere, do muddy roads for that matter. , less attention?eliminates the he purpose of giving uninterHE GREATER !D le value. For this reason, we ration for the graceful design. Hupp "32." We prefer that xle construction. rburetion is absolutely automatic mixture at all speeds and under B adjustment. hasis is clean of every complici- I clutch and transmission are a I j saving unit, permanently aligned ith a shaft and universal joint id transmission. n is reduced to the limit by the j Her bearings; there is but one between transmission and full j ?, giving a practically strait line ist peissible lost motion in the ! ower. ight of the car is from two to [ lunds under that of most cars of 11 ade. points is of unusual advantage; enable the the motor to give its 1 "00" nnn.f ttliu 5CI tlic iiupp a^Oil H f its size and price. S'OARD RUNABOUT $750, F. 0 B. nders, 20 H. P., equipped with \ top windshield, gas lamps and ' lamps, tools and horn, 110 inch id would be glad to correspond Agency for this exceptional ( COMPANY ? 11 5, D en School Dre ears of age, rai II c yjui i^vi : DRY Q ItUUtUiUiUUUUiUiUlUUiiiiUUiJ S? 5 and Sizes ; for Men, th< High Grade 2o., A New Bank. It is announced elwewhere in this paper that the Bank of Cades will Dpen its doors for business on Monday, October 21. The cashier, Mr H F Fenegan was in Kingstree this jveek on business and we found him to be a gentleman of fine personality. r~4SSOLIC ITOR^i OFTHK : Canadian Pacific Railway: ? I would like to confer with I any parties desirous of se- I J curing real estate invest- J ments in the Great North 1 west, and I am prepared to ! I give full information on any J subject in the territory of I the Canadian Pacific Rail [ way. The opportunities of- * fered by the Canadian Pa t cific Railway are marvelous. * | For full information apply to J I J. D. GILLAND, J ? Solicitor C. P. Railway \ KINGSTREK, ... S C. { MOW IS THE TIME to place your order for an artistic ?=> JL J.. A J? - JET' ' OR SHAW PIANO OR PLATER PIANO before the Christmas rush. We have hundreds of orders ahead at our factories and it begins to look like we will be unable to supply the demand. Better select your piano now and be sure of not being disappointed the day you want it. CHA8. M. STIEFF Manufacturer ?>f the Piano with the Sweet Tone. SOUTHERN TV A KEROOM: No 219 South Tryon St, Opposite Aca?leu?y of MuhIc. Charlotte, X C. C. H TVIL.MOTH, Manager. 9E=OE= 1 WAYS T Begin right. Know yourself. Limit your expenses. J Watch the leaks. 3 Stop the leaks. Have a home bank Avoid gold-brick Own a home. Don't be a " Be a man. Take cai D We will start you right. $ Ion which we will pav 4%' com The Bank ( f D. C. Scott, President. I F W. Fairey, Cashier. i wm. W. Rari )C=3l=3 on't sses. We ha nging- in price rfolk Coa OODS O lUUUUiiUtUStUiUiUUiUlUlUJi ' t t She i best shoe m i Shoes for JlINGSTf Horses, Mules, Buggies, Surreys, Harness, Etc. .1 * \ I am now connected with the well known D. C. Shaw Co, of Sumter and prepared to supply you with the best in the. way of live stock, harness, wagons, buggies, etc.. at prices and terms to suit. Being located 4 miles north of Greelvville and having no city | license or rents to pay, I can save you money on your purchases. C. L. MONTGOMERY 9-26?13tp Greelyville, S. C. R. Wallace Jones REAL ESTATE IFIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. I Cotton and Cotton Seed Buyer. i Dealer in ;Farm Supplies and Fertilizers. LAKE CITY, - S. C. i j 2-22-tf O SAVE [ O ; schemes, good fellow." re of your health. ^ 1.00 will open an account up- Q pounded every three months. 1 >f Kingstree J. A. KELi.ev.Vice Pres. X. D. Leses.ne, Asst. Cashier. r, Jr., Teller. \ I 1=0 Tim mnmwmt mmrommmn Wr XJ ve them in all : from 25c to $ ts ma OMPANY >es!! 1 JB Arrival of Passenger Trains at ^|n| KIngstree. H The Atlantic Coast Line railroad ?j has promulgated the following sched- M ule, which became effective Sunday, ? jfij October 15, 1911: ? fl North Bound. K No 80 7:43 am 9 *No 46 11:37 am 9 No 78 ... 6:10 p m 9 South Bound. 9 No 79 -i 11:13 am 9 *No 47 - -'6:10 pm. . ,1 J9 No 89 - 9:09 pm 9 * Daily except Sunday. 9 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured 8 with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot ?h| reach the s?pt of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to curs it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh I^Hj Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon ihe IvH blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Car* 6H i is not s quack medicine. It was prescribed by one . H of the best physicians in this country for yean . and is a regular prescription. It is composed of fl the best tonics known, combined with the best [H blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingre- B dients is what produces such wonderful results curing catarrh, Send for testimonials: free. flft 1 B F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo. 0.\jR5 Sold by Druggists, price 75c. *rwp WflH JTake Hall's Familv Pills for constipation. F I R E! J 11866 1912. II r am rvl no cnrl irv IN x ecu J. pieuoeu cv ? announce to my old patrons and the \9 public at large tfefi* 1 After the lOth inst. J I will be fully prepared to carry on 41 the practice of I nrWTIQTDV 9 jl ivJ 11\ l a in all its depart- yll Call on me if you * j ^ First Class WorK ^ ^ Prices to Suit. ^ i ' A. M. Snider, fl Office over 6amble & Jacobs' Drug Store, Opposite The Record Office. jAHHfl flfli >rry | 1 sizes, from | m 1.50. |