(Tin4 County Stworb. KINGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. -OITOP AND ?ROPRIETOR. Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83 TERMS SUBSCRIPTION* RATES: One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance? 1 00 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards cff Thanks and all other reading notices.not News. will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. . rt?t,nrtmc.ivt/> datp5. AUV&lVliOll^u naiuu. Advertisement!. *o be run in Special colum, one cent a word each issue,minimum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Le^al advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. "In men whom men condemn as ill, I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not" KIXGSTREE?THE GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY. THURSDAY. OCT. 3.1912. If you want your money to grow plant it?in a reliable bank. The State supreme court plays a pretty good game of "set hack" it seems. Wonder what has l>ecomeof Theodore Price's cotton picker that was voted an unqualified success a year or two ago. Senator Tillman says that there are few Kleast' men around Trenton, his home. By the way, the Senator seems to have a penchant for hutting into State politics that neither Jones nor HI ease men seem to relish. At the suggestion of Senator Tillman, Richard Carroll, the Columbia colored preacher, has l>een invited to make speeches at the North in favor of WiHtdrow Wilson. Now, h>ok out for ti e "black peril" that Governor Blease warns us against so earnestly. ________________ T1i?1 vonr ("iniliiliitti act (tltH'tpfl? If so you are happy,as you have the right to l>e, Hut suppose your "favorite son" got left?is that any reason to fret and fume? By no means. Two years will quickly roll hy and then you can have the fun all over again. Just hide your time. They seem to l?e having a hard time electing a Clerk ?>f Court in Marll)oro county. Messrs T C Hamerand Julian MeLaurin have run over in a second and a third primary, resulting in a tie each time, and the county executive committee will probably order a fourth primary.We think the Democrats have re ally an excellent chance to elect Wood row Wilson President this year, if the proper effort lx* made. Hut money is needed to wage the tight in the doubtful States. Every true Democrat who can spare a little cash should contribute to this worthy cause. Comptroller Jones has refused ti? pay the claim of P 11 Corley of Lexington county, for salary and expenses during the State campaign. Corley is ex-Sheriff of Lexington county and was a memlx?r of Governor Blease's body guard, it is said. South Carolina is fortunate in having for Comptroller (General a man of firmness ami fearlessness in discharging tlu- duties of his responsible office. Several time- lately this worthy official has held up attempted raids u]x>n the State treasury, which a weakling would have winked at to preserve peace in the official family. Recently Governor ruejtse approved a claim for newspaper advertising in his own liehalf during the State campaign, hut the Comptroller General refused to pay it. If all the candidates were to shift the hurden of their campaign expenses upon the State the tax-payers would soon have their property eonfisf cjiten 1. In Newberry county it seem- to I l)e a regular thing for Hon "Huh" Evans and I )r C C Wvche to run over biennially for the Legislature in a second and a third primary. Fortunately Dr W'yehe usually manages to win, and in the third | primary between him and "Huh" | soon to l?e pulled off, it i< ; to l?e hoped that this year will 1 prove no exception to the rule. We agree with Governor Blease that a man should "stand by his friends''. It's a pretty sorry sort of man who will not help a friend who 1 needs help. There are thousands of I t people in South Carolina who are as sincerely devoted to their friendas the Governor is to his, yet these do not shout from the housetops the favors they have done or expect to do for the recipients of their Ixmnty. Professions of friendship blatantly proclaimed smack rather of tinkling cymbals and sounding brass. True friendship needs no advertising. v With a campaign fund of 8300,(XX) in hand, it is announced that there must Ik* forthcoming $800,(XX) more to keep the Democratic candidate in the running. We suppose it is all right, but we cannot see how even in a national campaign the enormous sum of one million dollars is needed for legitimate expenses. The office of President pays al)out $300,000 for a four year term; to spend a million dollars to get a candidate elected looks like buying the thrice over, as they do in Georgia Gubernatorial campaigns. Here's a pretty pickle! Governor Please is quoted as saying that there is one negro convict who would have he**!! mnloned out of the Den itentiary long ago l?ut for the "toothsome pickles'" he lias the knack of making. According to the Governor this negro, who is a "lifer",and has served twenty-three years of his sentence, should lie set at lilierty, hut is kept in prison to tickle the palates of Superintendent Griffith and the guards with his gastronomic delicacy. Truly this lis a serious accusation and we move that the General Assembly immediately upon convening appoint a committee to investigate the charge. The State Democratic Executive foivnnitme lcis declared Blease the nominee for Governor, which is as it should In*. That our elections are irregularly and even fraudulently conducted is too well known to admit <>f argument, hut it is the fault of the system more than anything else. This lax system is taken advantage of by venal partisans in every hotly contested election and it would seem hard to make one candidate or set of candidates pay the penalty of their friends' misguided zeal when for years the same* methods have been placidly acqui- , esced in by both voters and candi- ^ I dates If the game <>f politics i- to ( W' played fairly, .make the rules ^ more rigid and any fellow caught cheating should lie given a jail sen- ^ i tenee without the alternative of a fine. y, "My leg was useless; never had ^ heen anv good to me. so 1 of - w , fered it to save this girl's life," I is the simple statement of Wil- r liain Hugh, a little crippled news c 1 mtv of Gary, Indiana, whose leg f v the surgeons amputated t<> get s 1">0 square inches of -kin to graft c ? on the body of a young lady who was so hadly hurned in a motorevcle accident that death was eer- a v tain unless a large section of 5 skin could he grafted on her l?ody. e William Hugh, the newsboy, did ^ even know Ethel Smith, the in- t jured girl, yet the heroic little ^ fellow cheerfully made such a sacri- ( lice for the sake of humanity. Never , fc was done a braver, nobler deed when knighthood was in flower, 1 and yet they tell us that the ^ age of chivalry is past. Let us h all hope that the grafting will ^ he successful, so that the little t "newsy's" sacrifice will not have e l>een in vain. v . . a nil inuic ui icr>r? a^pictiaiiun ^ we acknowledge the receipt of a 8 cordial invitation from one 11 Sherc wood Dunn, of Aiken, South Caro- t lina, to attend a meeting to l>e held s in Columbia October 4 with a view to organizing a "Bull-Moose" pen in this State and "putting in the field an entire electoral ticket of Bull-Mooses." No, Mr Sherwootl, ? we cannot accept your doubtless n kindly meant invitation for several s reasons, primarily because we are a Democrat as long as such a party exists, and if that goes out of busi- v ness, then we are for the next thing ^ to it. The so-styled Bull Moose g C party, or anv political organization ^ 1 Roosevelt is connected with, we re- n r#l !i< !ir>feministic to everv instinct & et,4V' " -- / I of a white Democrat or a Southern | l>orn gentleman of any political ri creed. If Mr Roosevelt wants to ^ fill in his scattered rank and file, let him appeal to the Booker Wash- 1 ingtons, DrCrums and other nondescript thai he tried to ram down the throat of Southern Democrat ^ 1 when he had i>ower to do so. Tak- ? ing a choice among evils it would be ^ G hard to conceive of a worser evil bi E than Theodore Roosevelt again vest- Cl ed with almost unlimited authority ** and power. These Are Good Buster B ?"DARN Guaranteed Outlives its Dollar Box of Four F Four Months 01 WHEN buying hosiery, ask s WHY it is gauranteed. F Don't buy hosiery guaran- t teed merely to sell it. There d are real reasons for the guar- il antee attached to every pair of n Buster Brown's"DARNLESS" li Hosiery and, furhermore, it's p the only 25c silk lisle guaran- It teed hosiery made. e Not onlv is it woven of the ci strongest long staple Egyptian e yarn, and fast-dyed by a new n For Men, Women ALL WEIGHTS, STYLES, S Mil Let Us Print You Son SCHOOL INFORMATION.! School Improvement Prizes. u the County Superintendents of Education:? Following the suggestions which i iave been made to us by the State, nd county educational officers. we! iave decided to modify somewhat! he method of awarding school im>rovement prices. The following j )lans have been adopted fur the cur-1 ent year: 1. $5'MX) will be awarded to each ountv to l>e divided into three >rizes of $25.00, $15.00 and $10.00, vhich will be given to the three chools which, in the opinion of the ounty executive committee, shall how the greateSI material improvenent for the year. 2. After making the county .wards the County Superintendentj rill forward to the president of the; Ichool Improvement association the xhibit and papers of the three winling schools, and the State Execuive Committee will award to the est of these schools such other ( irizes as may be warranted by the: unds at the disposal of the State! Committee. 3. The enclosed score cards have een adopted to be used in estimatng the improvements for the year, 'he score cards of the schools win -j ling the county prizes shall be for- j varded with the application and ex-: libit to the president of the School mprovement association. 4. The county executive commit ee shall consist of the County Suprintendent of Education, the Couny Organizer or County Supervisor, srhere there is one in the county, .nd one member appointed by the bounty Superintendent. 5. Will you co-operate with us nd see that the schools in your ounty are apprised of the condiions of awards. We will forward as many of the core cards as you may need. Sincerely, Lizzie Rogers, St Matthews, Pres SCI Asso. The teacher asked a bright little irl how she knew that the earth is ound. The pupil replied: "Well, na says *o, you say so and the book ays so." Notice to Teachers. Ifce Superintendent of Education /ill have a sufficient number of lonthly report blanks to supply all /hite schools for the common school Tades. Teachers will apply to the uperintendent of Education or at Ir John Brown's store, stating the ? i il _ _l_ i.L umber of pupils oeiow me eignm rade. Teachers and trustees will please ake notice that no teachers' warant will be approved until the payee as registered her certificate with ae County Superintendent. 9-26-4t fotice of Teachers' Examination. The regular autumn examination of jachers will be held in the courthouse i Kingstree on Friday, October 4, beinning at 9:30 a. m. Applicants will be tamined on United States and South arolina History. Geography, English rammar, Arithmetic, beginners' Algera. Pedagogy, Civics and Current vents. Physiology and Hygiene, Agriilture. Questions based on the text X)ks used in the common schools. 9-26-2t .1 G McCulloUGH, Supt Education Williamsburg county. Reasons Why rown's LESS"? I Hosiery Guarantee 'airs Guaranteed 25c a Pair ecret process, but its patent Vench garter top prevents earing and stretching. Its ouble sole, high-spliced,heavy reinforced heel and "Gerlan Loop" try ply toe abso- ! jtely prevent holes at these A -nrl oq^Vi njjrf is spam- i 17111 LO' nnu VUVU|/M4V.M issly woven into the strong, j iastic, sheer lisle body. A omfortable, snug fit is assur- i d and every pair is perfectly latched. and CHildren IZES AND LOLORS NSON BROS. CO., NGSTREE, S. C. le Office Stationery ii L iV cjjfi., A >|t A >ji ?j? >C iCourtm t T OPEN SEI i On and after the i 4? has been closed during for the benefit of my oL Meals will be served at ** until late in the evening A first-class bill of 4e prices reasonable. Sati ey refunded. When in town try ( ' P. S. Coui 4? 9-19-3m ^??f* *|??*|* %??^ It LAI You Are s To call am J display of I Dress Go Trimming have we complete 1 Silks ai They are a your insp and look, display for We Are A a beautifi Coat Suits 1 for Ladies i the new i styles. | We als< your sped j our line ot \ for Ladies both wool Our line Children's sizes from i to Misses 1 Our line moral Uni and 75c. dies' Black Petticoats ?^ m ? W T tsiacK ui kinds, 50c fail to see i dies' Musi Ladies, we have all we want you to come DON' Jenkinson mu\ That is I TVJmmed b LET US S OUR BEA1 For Dr (The biggest 1 J. S. I THE STORE W 9-19-3 m jzxii. ? r )^? ^ ey's Cafef PTEMBER 19 - ' ?".i TTTl-iir*Yi 4* iuuvti ua.it; iiijv uaxc, ??mui 7^ the summer, will be opened d customers and the public. T all houi*s during the day and T | " n fare will be maintained and^a sfaction guaranteed or mo^j^g [ Courtney's reguh * dinner. , a rtney, Prop. j| 1?^ DIE SI All Invited H i see our grand 1 Fall and Winter i ods, Silks, and I s. Never before | shown such a I ine Dress Qoods * I n d Trimmings. J ill on display for * 1 , ection. Come ,\ |J They are on U your inspection B Jso Showing: I il line of New JB and Long Coats B ; and Misses in fall and winter H[ > want to call n| ial attention to v 13 Sweater Coats " ^ P* and Misses in S i and cotton. | of Misses' and 1 Dresses in all I I 2 years old up 1 I 6 and 18 years. 1 of Ladies' BaU ? < i _ ^ aersKiris at 50c g 1 Our line of La- | j 1 Silk iVIessaline 11 at $2.50, $3.50 1 ] iderskirts of all I 1 to $1.50. Don't I I our line of La- | 1 iin Underwear. II these goods on display and In and see them. IH T MISS II Drnlli DIUIIIulo uu.n ineryJ leady/t(vWear 4H y Real Experts }H II A 1I[ A I T II n u vv y u u a UTIFUL LINE * 1 y Goods I ine in Kingstree) (I D t? H iron! ITH THE GOODS /