The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 15, 1912, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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ft I I LEHN & FINK'S TZJveris TALCUM I TOILET *^IVERlS*j * and fe*J?i BATH Kpls We have a gcod assortment of Ti THE KINGSTREE D wmammumBsssmasmmaBBmmm I THE PEOPLE'! Highest \ ^ #Hides, Furs ai ' H. A. MILLER, PR ^|oooo?ooooooo<; : 0 CTCD Q J 1 Ui I HIGH I X when it comes to turning ou i Q Harness. We always carry a ful \ ?S Wagons, Harness, Saddles, etc. O See our line of Tyson & Jones, 0 Buggies, also our Columbus and | V YOURS TO PL] V Williamsburg Live S V Thos. McCutchen, Mgr. j Jboooooooocoocx: [ I YYYYYYYYYYYYYYTYYYYYTTYYY YYY1 _________________________ 1 GROW W t I I ; J RY means of a mutually j. i ^ and a thorough und< needs, coupled with a desire on the part of those interes 1 fc cerns in this immediate vicir the extensive service offered ? building for themselves a soli f t for the larger business of the BANK OF WILL L Kingstree r ~ C W StoLL, President. | ^ F Rhem, Vice-President. 11 11 V>1 VI 11 Will clo. 11 Pick the Pure Drugs I are more important than pure foods, when it comes to ministering to the sick. We use only the best in c o mpounding prescriptions. Patent Medicines Of All Kinds Huyler's Candies irnip and Rutabaga Seed. RUG COMPANYJJj ? ; wmmmBsmmaimmmBammmm i MARKET DEALER IN II - . II nds of hresn I ts and Fish. I t Cash Price Paid for nd Poultry. I OPRIETOR <xxxxx>oooo^j t Stylish Vehicles and ^ II line of Buggies, Surries, Q i Bull Durham and Parker V 1 Thornhill Wagons. * EASE. A ttocK Company, A KINGSTREE, S.C KXXXXXXXXXXSi fTTTTTTTTTVTVTTTTTTTTT? < ___________________________ < ITH US ] < . M >rofitable co-orperation < srstanding of business 3 to "live and let live" 3 ted, many young conlitv are making use of J bv this bank and are 3 %/ ^ id financial foundation future. 5 JAMSBURG, 3 ?, S. C. 3 E C Epps, Cashier. 3 i C W Roswell. Asst. Cashier. 4 1 AAAAAAAAAiAAiAAliAAAii itest se Augui Fruit w 3. Wallace Jones] REAL ESTATE J FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, i F Cotton and Cotton Seed j Buyer. 11 Dealer in Faiyn Supplies and; [ Fertilizers. ^ LAKE CITY, - S. C. " 2-22-tf Bj if J^YOU | S3 OH THE ?5 & SAFE SIDE?] ? IF NOT WHY NOT? " Whose fault is it? It is not ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side. ^ and would be more than delighted to i WRITE YOU A POLICY C1 y that will protect you from all loss ^ by fires at a very low rate. We represent the best and most reliable r< companies on earth. ^ Kingstree insurance, Real Estate & Loan Co. , li. N. Speigner. Manager. ej > ft COAL! COAL!]' Don't wait until the cold blasts of winter are upon you to order your supply of coal. Give me your order now. B I have several carloads or- _ dered and will be glad to 9 have your order. The sooner I the better. 1 L. C. MONTGOMERY, I 7-i8-tf KINGSTREE, S, C. I LIGHTNING RODS. I H. L. WhitlocH, Lake City, S.C. I Special Sales Agent. Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All Kinds Improved Copper and Galvanized Section Rods (Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Authorities and Fire Insurance Companies). PURE COPPER WIRE CABLES, ALL SIZES. Our Full Cost Guarantee Given with Each Joh. I sell on close margin of profit, dividing com-! 1! mission with mv customers. 3-7-tf I 0 CHICHESTER S PILLS W THK DI A "il'IM) * S LaJinl A?l> JftfiirltrniiiMfnr /A 4, t( 2?".v?\ <'l;l-?lMS.|it>l<!i?munjTir?nil/A\ ? SMIls in Itt'd i ('Otd !i.c:j|lic\y/ 0 ?TV 7J ' 'i with K RiM a. \/ ' Tn?i* c olh?r. Jtur c.f your * ? ~ Of I'ru^vl-'. A., for t JII-fJIKw-TEit 8 W Jf ICKAN'l) I'l I.I.S for 85 V "C* B ytarsi n -..nj. St-.t.btfcst, Alwjys ReliaM* SOLO BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE VlAl it 15. hile it is I | Professional Cards. 11 DR. R. }, MCCABE. j Dentist. CINGSTREE, . S. C J Office Next to Court House Square. ; (J . >HILIP H. ARROWSMlTHjd ATTORNEY.AT-LAW \ ^ .AKE CITY, - - S. C. r M.A.WOODS, 1 DENTIST. J' Office over Singletary Bldg. ^'PHON? NO. 62.^ .AKEC1TY, - S. C!g N. Lei and Taylor, 1 DENTIST, t '.tii?> over l)r W V BmrkiUKton's store [INGSTREE, - S.C. " -21-tf ip Yf. D. Nesmith l! DENTIST. " *ake city, - - - s. c v DR. R. c7 McCABE ! ii Dental Surgeon, flk'f in Hirscli 'milling, over Kinns-. tl #tree Dru^ Company's j n Id Benj. MclNNES, M. R. C. V. S. , t 1. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D.! b VETERINARIANS. C t One of us will be at Kingstree the rst Monday in each month, at Hel-' t's Stables. 9-2S-tf | ii 1" Why Suffer from Eczema? j" l Georgia Man Tells His n Experience. I was afflicted with a very bad 1 *se of Eczema for twenty-five . ears,which was in my feet, legs u nd hips. Through all this time I ied different remedies and doc>rs' prescriptions, obtaining no :lief until I used your HUNT'S URE. c; One box (50c) cured me entire- S \ and though two years have Vl apsecj I have had no return of 'j le trouble, b Naturally 2 regard it as the ei -? ?. ei rcaiCM remedy in nic wuiiu* Yours, 0 J P Perkins. S( Atlanta, Ga. Manufactured and liuuranteed by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO. Sherman. Texas. SOLI) BY U Dr. "W. V. BrccKington, Kin^itree, S. C. p laKely-McCtilloug'H Co., . Lanes. S. C. \\ BaBHHBQQBansmnHi ri WANTED < From six to eight good, fat Beef Cattle a week, *' for which I will pay the n best market price. All Kinds of Meats ; in season at living prices, also a choice line of Fruits, Vegetables and Canned , Goods. Epps' MarKet Cr. Academy C8X Mill Sta. FOR SALE. j in any inaritity to suit, purchas [ r. T'ue B<--1, Dry I'ress Machice-made ^ a: jc pecia 1 shapes made to order. Oorre* * oridonce -?>]u-?re<i ht'lore placing you/ rrler* W. R Kl \K I Chamberlain's Cough lismeoy ! Cures Colds. Croup and Whoopiag Cough. J C I ortui rhis is y< Ripe. f ADVICE TO VOTERS. !l I Disapproves Candidates Being II Interrogated on the Stump. 11 Editor County Record: ? We note with approval the timely ^suggestion to the county Chairman I made in last week's issue of The ; County Record by "W E X" from Cades. He said, "The unpleasant i episodes and disgraceful scenes which j mark and mar many county cam; paign meetings throughout the State are caused by making State politics an issue in the county campaigns." There has never been any breakig down of the old maxim that You can judge a man by the cornany he keeps." Mr W S Gunsalus.a farmer living ear Fleming, Pa, says he has used hamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dirrhoea Remedy in his family for jurteen years,and that he has found ; to be an excellent remedy, and ikes pleasure in recommending it. or sale by all dealers. This is a free country. A voter in go with the best people in the tate and vote with them; or he can ote with all of the scoundrels, paroned convicts, grafters, gamblers, centious degenerates and lawbreakrs.if he desires. Let him choose his rowd and line up with them. He ught not to be ashamed of his as)ciates. ?Sixwf'iufinnj . The Trials of a Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman," 'rites E E Youngs, E Berkshire,Vt, and was often|troubled with constiation and indigestion till I began r. .icq n- If.nrr'c Vfliv T.ifp Pi lis <J U3C l/l U V V* _ _ . y 'hich I have found an excellent emedy." For all stomach, liver or idney troubles they are unequaled. >nly 25 cents at M L Allen's. Sometimes we really believe that here is something in a name. Doc Wiley's successor, you remember, is amed Doolittle. Rub-My-Tism will cure you. />' V,* u ?u *K. *:. . A JijW ^ 1 ir-" twin*** ? n: 'J " :MXTT*-'iJiJ <uj a v.ry * ucial prim rcr: to roii or fi *n our n?rares fc?"T* 'i ?*A A m?cnifx*.nt machine-# XtVtevltiyNuU rfiuycftdont offet. m ^*33 We Will Teke Yon-. Old Machine w a t.w?l allowance on a ?pUT"i l r a -y lk'OMtic. Andyoact.o st.Jl i**-. ci 1 ' *' 5 > v^rtsguoftae ipecia. price oai <.*-? term*. DOMESTIC h* perfect 5f?r7injr machine that has always led all othn takes and is today bettor than ever. Two machine! t onc-lock atltch and chain etltch. Straight drop. i'?d. high zrm, h\ll kirn/. A complete set oi atU*chr*ntB-? very one rradical, *tc.. made for evory-day use. Toe 11 jm-.*suc u revelation >.f modern m.??-hin? progress, ri .d out erv uf it SEND FOI BOOK. F*?2, The Truth A ?out ScWiri [sch* ??," yo?l how yoj nn h?v? the finest sewirur rr..vh I'M at a . ,b: lu-K Ft- vl?. S'.Y *- ? month, '?-n :hy ? s-1! d reel v. b -re w r have r.o agent ar.d f.vo /ou ? -o IKAti UARAr : tb ul fore joi bay any tusrnio* lhie rev Literature aril s?^e yoj money. &rw1 forityj'V. .MiuS(M) M.tet.-IB Co.. tfi Jtckvso d>*d., Ocpi. Cteigl. F01EY5 OMOIAXATM Fob Stomach T?.wUol& and.Constipation ;_S' nity I our last : SUMKEK iliODS OFTES j! ; [list DYSPEPSIA. ! r! Tln-ir I: fleet on tlie l?lsre?tive Or- f! ^;!in? lt?'?|i<>n?il>le I'or M tny of (| I the Sesi??in'* III*, jjl Summer should be the period of lerfect health, but impure water ind milk, unripe fruit, and the tenleney to indulge in acid foods and ced drinks, produce a contrary con lition in many peopie. The effect of the average summer liet is to constipate even normally egular bowels, and this results in disarranging the entire digestive sysem. When the bowels are choked vith the stomach's refuse, indigesion is almost sure to follow, and the I'aste matter that should pass out hrough the bowels, not finding pasage. ferments in the stomach and he poisons are forced into the blood, ausing much distress and often erious illness. To keep the bowels free, there is 0 more effective remedy than Dr aldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This is a leasant-tasting bowel stimulant and ixative tonic that is very gentle in s action,bringing relief in an easy atural manner, and withoutdiscomort. A spoonful of Syrup Pepsin nil quickly check summer diarrhoea y cleansing the bowels and rt-movlg the foreign matter that irritates nd inffames the tissue. It is sold 1 drug stores for fifty cents a botle; a large family size, considerably lore than twice the quantity, costs a ollar. If you have never used Syriyi 'epsin and would like a free trial ottle, postpaid, write to Dr W B aldwell, 406 Washington St, Monicello. 111. j Now, if the citizens of old Williamsburg county would meditate seriously and calmly, would they J endeavor to precipitate a breach be, tween the supporters of Blease and Jones? But, more seriously, would anyone . presume to agitate a question on the stump or elsewhere, seeking the retirement of such noble, brave, undaunted, dutiful officials as the ones we are so fortunate to entrust our county affairs with? Let each voter exercise his Godgiven privilege and choose for him| self. This is a prerogative that weas Ameri an citizens are blessed with, and you can't take it away from us. So do away with factional strife and clique. Ask no partisan question, but vote for the candidate * who you think will fill thejoffice with i the greatest proficiency. WES. Benson, August 12. ????? Further Additions to Road Fund. Editor County Record: Please allow me to submit the following list of donors, with the amount contributed by each, since August 1, to be used in claying sections of sand roads running in any direction from our county seat. We appreciate these liberal donations to our road fund together with other supplementary donations previously received and mentioned in these columns, all of which bespeaks the - - loyally or our citizens. ; * , i Kingstree Hardware Co $25 00 Farmers' Supply Co 25 00 Epps & Mcintosh Warehouse 25 00 Bank of Kingstree 25 00 Williamsburg 25 00 Gorrell's Warehouse 10 00 Jenkinson Bros Co 10 00 Wee Nee Bank 15 00 Kingstree Dry Goods Co 10 00 People's Mercantile Co 25 00 J W Coward ........ 5 00 E L Morgan 5 00 Mcintosh Bros Co 10 00^ $215 00* Very respectfully, JNO M Eaddy, R E. Kingstree, August 10. I Are Ever at War. I > There are two things everlasting' ly at war, joy and piles. But Buck. len's Arnica Salve will banish piles in any form. It soon subdues the J itching, irritation, inflammation or ! swelling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, ' ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds,* ! pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 cts at M L Allen's. m J Texas is stiil claiming a bumper cotton crop? 5,000,000 bales. The Eastern belt can make only a fair ' crop at best. A crop under 13,000,000 bales is a safe prediction. i One of the most common ailments i that hard working people are afflictj ed with is lame back. Apply Cham berlain's Liniment twice a day and ; massage the parts thoroughly at V each application, and you will get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Greenville has gone on record as ; standing for that which is best. Sale chance d [J