ahr County Suburb. KING3TREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. fOlTOt? AND PROPRIETOR. Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S C as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83TERMS - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year $1 25 J One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance 1 00 , Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, * * * ' r\f An?t will be charged ior ai me rate: ui vnv cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDA V NOON in order to, appear ir. the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ' ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Special colum, one cent a word each issue, mini- j mum price 25 cents, to be paid for in advance. Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion. 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. * 'T ' n/vn^orr.n QC ill "in men wnviii men vuimv.,,... >?> ..., I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot? I hesitate to draw the line Between the two?where God has not." KIXGSTREE?THE GATEWAV TO OPPORTUNITY. THURSDAY. AUG. 8. 1912. FROM BENSON BAILIWICK. \Religious Meetings ClosedSchool Trustees Hold Meeting. Benson, August ?After a series of very earnest and certainly well J prepared sermons delivered by Rev R \Y Humphries of Sumter, the J meeting at Cedar Swamp church closed last Sunday evening. The j congregation here is much attached j to Mr Humphries and he also expressed himself as having a peculiar, nearness, as it were, to them. For it was in Cedar Swamp church that u:? at nruophinor vvn<; I Ills lust C11U1 i ni |/ivuv?iu6 ...? made,and tnere, too, he saw for the first time his partner for life?his helpmeet, who vefy soon afterwards became his wife. Mr Humphries, although a very young man, has suffered a great deal from nervous ! troubles, and we deeply sympathizeJ with him. The patrons, trustees and the Superintendent of Education met here Friday afternoon to discuss matters in general pertaining to the betterment of Cedar Swamp Graded school. Mr McCullough read for information the financial condition of the school. It was noted from the report that it would be necessa-! ry to charge an entrance fee for each pupil to supplement the present amount which is derived from taxation, in order that the school, may be in session seven months. By i vote this was adopted a'most unani- (1 mously, Mr A B Burrows objecting strenuously. However, the school is announced for a seven months pe- ( riod, and the teachers are to be engaged with that understanding. ; 1 The matter of the appointment of the present board of trustees was : mentioned by Mr McCullough, < who was acting as chairman. He i stated that the time for election had , passed, as was advertised in the I county paper, and that the present , board would feel better if they were J endorsed by the patrons. A motion; to that effect was made and carried, j, Although there was a dissenting vote, the motion was finally made unanimous. The chairman stated that he had the authority to appoint the trustees, and furthermore to annul the election of any teacher that might be chosen by them if he thought it for the good of the school. The time decided for the opening ; of the school was Monday, October 14. The following teachers will be < here to assume their duties in class rooms: Mr Pilgrim from Spartanburg as ! T, _ _. I principal, ne is a Kcauuatc w cue | Citadel. He took a post-graduate course at the South Carolina Uni- j versity and comes highly recom- 1 / mended. The assistants are Misses Bethea from McColls.S C.and Davis. St oval, Ya. Both of these ladies have taught in the county before, and their qualifications are well known to all who are concerned. W E S. Hustling Hemingvvny Notes. Hemingway, August (>: ?Please allow me space in your paper for a few notes from "Ancient Lambert," or "Modern Hemingway," as outlittle town is growing too fast for its progress to be kept from the outer world. Although we have lots of visitors from different places.still there are many whom we never see, and you, Mr Editor, seldom visit us. The excuse used to be the long drive, but now the train runs daily from Andrews to Johnsonville. What is the excuse now? We have on record now, three new stores complete and doing business. Eaddy-Creel Bros have their handsome building complete and have gone to Baltimore to purchase goods to open up by the first of September. Mr F E Huggins, an experienced merchant of Chapman, has his store almost finished and expects to be here also by September 15. Dr G B Haselden intrnds having his new drug store ready for use by the first. We wish these and all new-comers much success. They will have no trouble in depositing their money, as the Bank of Hemimnvflv is hoinir ranidlv erected. Mrs J M and Miss Sadie Eaddy returned here last Wednesday after spending several days at Maid with Miss Annie Moyd. Miss Ola Spring of Chapman has returned to her home after spending two weeks at the home of her uncle, Mr .1 P Haselden, of this place. Miss Rena Lewis of Venters sj)ent the week-end with relatives here Farmers of this section who have been selling their tobacco seem well pleased with the prices. Crops are looking fresh and green today as a result of a much needed shower Saturday night. Hebron Happenings. Hebron, August 5:?Most of the farmers in our community are through gathering tobacco. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr and Mrs R D Baker's little girl, Basu, but we hope for her a speedy recovery. Quite a number of our young folks attended the picnic at Olanta last Saturday. All reported having a nice time. Miss Lois Calder, after spending some time with relatives here, has returned to her home at Darlington. Mr and Mrs H J Thomas and son, Linwood, of Darlington are spending a few days with their mother, Mrs M J Thomas. Miss Ola McElveen has returned home after spending a few days with her sister,Mrs Julius McFadden of Cades. / Mr Bulon Moore and brother, Sam, were pleasant callers in our community Sunday afternoon. Messrs Dana McElveen and Herbert Ward were noted in our parts Thursday. Mr Archie Coker has returned to Columbia after spending several weeks with his parents, Mr and Mrs J M Coker. Mr Jack McElveen took a flying trip to Charleston last Friday. Hr T, W Moore and Miss Leila McKnight were callers in our parts Saturday. Brown Eyes. Mr Walter E Felder, a prominent young planter of Summerton, died at his home near that place Sunday. Flying Men Fail victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, backache, nervousness, headache and tired,listless, run-down feeling, But there's no need to feel like that, as T D Peebles, Henry, Tenn, proved. "Six bottles of Electric Bitters," he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other stomach remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to suffer when -this great remedy will help you from the first dose. Try it. Only 50 cents at M L Allen's. * I i /^n%rrir\ IT LI 1 S I A i t and UtINti." C, Thursday morning. The McCullens had trouble with the dead man over a dog. xxx William Conner, an aged white man of Columbia,was fatally injured by the Southern Railway excursion train to Charleston Sunday morning. As usual, the train stopped ten minutes at Branchville for lunch. Mr Conner, it seems, overstayed the time, and when the train started he ran after it, but slipped as he was climbinc uDon the steDS of the car j aru fell between the wheels. Both ; legs were severed, one above and the other below the knee. He was taken to Charleston but died as the train pulled into Union station. XXX A fist fight betweeu George R Rembert.the Blease leader, and John J McMahan, the strong Jones advocate. both candidates for the House, at the Hichland campaign meeting at Congaree Thursday of last week, drew blood and\aused the crowd of 500 voters to be thrown into a state of intense excitement. Several blows passed, one blow from Mr McMahan's fist drawing blood from Rembert's mouth and two slight lacerations on his face evidenced where Mr McMahan's hits fell. Mr McMahan suffered a slight laceration on the lips as the effect'of a blow from Mr Kembert's nst. X X X Following the riot in a theatre at Spartanburg Saturday night,when Mayor John. P Grace of Charleston, attempted to speak and a portion of the crowd yelled him down, and when the police force failed to preserve any semblance of order, the city council held a meeting Monday night at which Chief of Police J E Vernon and Lieuts Cudd and Johnson were discharged. Johnson is a relative of the mayor. The meetwas attended by five aldermen, one remaining away. Mayor 0 L Johnson was not present. The men were discharged because they failed to obey the orders of Mayor Pro Tern j Leonard, who presided at the meeting, and who attempted to keep down the noise Saturday night. Petitions are in circblation in the. city, calling on 0 L Johnson to re- j sign as mayor, and being signed by! many of the leading citizens. XXX William Clark of Charleston, betL-rw??. n a* "Rnhhitcut the throat of his wife, Daisy Clark, from ear to j ear early Tuesday morning, and the woman was dead before help could | reach her. As Clark ran from the j room where his wife lay gasping in blood, officer Hilton of the policeforce, who had previously warned; the two to keepv quiet when they made a disturbance quarreling, I grabbed him, placing him under ar- J rest. The policeman dragged "Rab-j bit" into the couple's room, and, there he saw the murdered woman ; on the floor. This is the second Xime Clark attacked Daisy with a j Knife, as he stabbed her several years | ~ morrioH anH The many friends of Mr H M j Burrows hereby announce him as a t candidate for Coroner, subject to r the rules of the Democratic party. ] 5-2-51 p j For County Auditor. < I hereby announce myself a can- * didate for the office of Auditor of \ Williamsburg county, subject to the ,' rules of the Democratic primary. 8-1-tp R B SMITH, j We have been authorized to an-' nounce Mr J J B Montgomery as a i candidate for re-appointment to the < office of County Auditor, subject to c the rules of the Democratic party, t 5-2-5t p r For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi- j < date for re-election for the office of j ] County Commissioner of Williams- j burg county, subject to the rules of t the Democratic party. 5-2p J N Hammft. "I was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ! and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M E ' Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever; and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. Price 25c. 5-23-4m Weak Eye* < Am aada atroar by Laoaardfa Era Lotioo. Ia> ^ taaaatfce la aarcd wtthoot pais ta oea day. No ( hmrtaada?ywfaadad. Draarrbta aall It at tSata. or lorwaidad prapakl oa raoaipt ot prtaa br S. B. Uoaardi A Ccl. TWa. Fla. < 6-18-p R W Fulton. , I hereby announce myself a can- 1 didate for re-election to the office 1 of Probate Judge, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. P McLure Brockinton. 5-2-5t p For Clerk of Court. I hereby announce myself a can- ' didate for re-election to the office of ' the Clerk of Court for Williams- ' burg county,^subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. 5-2p H 0 Britton. ... Vnr flnrnnfir. At the solicitation of my many ( friends, 1 heareby announce myself ( a candidate for the office of Coroner, ^ subject to the result of the Demo- 1 cratic primary. 6-13-pd H U Kinder. At the solicitation of many friends r I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner,subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. ( 5-23p C J Joye. I hereby announce myself a candi- 1 date for the office of Coroner,subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J Isaiah Morris. . 5-23p __ J I hereby announce myself a can- c didate for Coroner, subject to the 1 rules of the Democratic primary. 5-23p J A Scott. IS' CARDl ?, not more than 100 we^H imary election for $3.0<^B[ 't ask us to credit you, ents over 100 words lBH a word. For other tBH *ds is $5.00. ^ SB For House ofp^H tativesMB 1 hereby announce flMB iidate for the House itives from Williamst^^B promising to use my elected, for the upbuiBH county and economy i^^B tions. I promise taitr^HB the entire people of 7-4p J 1 hereby announce candidate for relecticBBj House of RepresentatiBH iamsburg county. I pl^BE 'r\ oKirla + roGiilto I tv auiuv biiv. ivauiuj ?ratic primary. bB >-27-p R H K.? ro the Democratic vot^^H liamsburg:? flfl I hereby announce my^^Bj iidate for election to tflH Representatives and pj^^Hfl abide the result of th^HB bespeak your suff rage^^^H 6-20-p RobBH I hereby announce B^^H Iidate for re-election^HBS of Representatives, sB^B rules of the Democrati<^^H| 6-27-pd B B BBB At the solicitation friends I hereby annoiB^B candidate for the Ho^^flfl sentatives of South Cai^HB to the rules of the D^BB BB 5-30p fl| For SuperintflH Educatifln The friends of R^^flJ Tprphv hpcr fn For Tie M I hereby annour, lidate for re-appoii |Hh ice of County Trea jH9j he rules of the Dem, HHH 4-18 pd J V j^H Bargains at K Hfifl hiverytninjr in our HfiMB ?ain for cash. _ Buy] :eries from headqua ve are prepared to s/^H^| >n a cash deal. lollar to spend, see Yours for WlLKINS WHOL? "BUM ;he rules 01 the ? MMHM nary. W I SflnH 6-13-pd HB9 I hereby announ gSjj^M lidpte for Sheriff BH^E :ounty, subject to HHH Democratic party. 9HH )ledge my faithful ;ure as in the past. 9^H| 4-25-pd G HH ?andidate for electiod^BHB jf Superintendent oHH Williamsburg countyH^Hfl 'ules of the Democr?^^^H| BH We are authorize^H^H ;he candidacy of "ullough fcr re-eflBBEj )ffice of County Sup^^HH Education, subject tH9H| ;he Democratic prim HH For Road E ro the Democrats c ^HHj county:? I hereby annour BBHfl :andidate for Roar' HBUH )ledge myself to ab flBHB ;he primary electio |HH 6-20p Wal hb At the request o lereby announce ifc :or Road Engineer SBQj :ounty, subject to Democratic primar. S|H| 5-30p HBH Mr JOSEPH FRhJ^H innounces himself 'lection to the office o^BHB leer, subject to theBH^fl Democratic party. f Williamsburg courHHBB