The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 01, 1912, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I We have never ma goods as are seasonable lor and give our c list on We have a lot of da cost. Pumps, slippers insist) I " A ROUND OF FLEASURF: Morrisville the Center of Many Enjoyable Occasions. Morrisville. July ? One of the j most enjoyable occasions of the I season was the house party piven by 1 the Misses Biockinton and Mun-; nerlyn in honor of their friends.! Misses Mae Bradham. Ruth and Lila Byrd of Bamberp. The first week of the occasion was spent with Miss Daisie Bell Munneriyn at Choppee. The party consisted of seven pirls and seven boys, while ' others were constantly cominp in and poinp. Such sports as horseback and automobilinp were very much enjoyed by all. On Tuesday nipht Miss Munner' * - - 1 -- 1 Unv jvn entertained in uuu??i ui nn guests. Dainty refreshments were served. A large number of friends were present and enjoyed the occasion. At the close of a pleasant week the party was accompanied by the1 Misses Brockinton to their home at Morrisville in an auto. While there, Mrs F Rhem entertained at a six o'clock dinner, which was tastefully served in courses. On Monday afternoon the Misses Brockinton entertained at cards and served an ice cream course, with a choice selection of cakes. On the i following Tuesday a launch party was given at Georgetown in the afternoon. and that night a party or dance was given by Mr Lauricei Rhem in honor of the guests, which was enjoyed very much by all. The j remainder of the night was spent at | the Tourist hotel. Wednesday morning the party were met at the wharf by Mr J W Slfinnpr hrnth^r-in-la\v to the Misses ! -- ------- I Brockinton, in his gasoline launch. After a very pleasant ride of two, hours the party were landed at Pawley's Island, where they had a ( "swimming"good time". A new programme was arranged ' for each day, such as surf bathing, fishing, striking, oyster roast, etc. Mrs Skinner never tired in her charming manner of giving her guests a good time; the entire house i was turned over for their pleasure.! After a pleasant week spent- onj the island the party returned to Mr! B 0 Brockinton's home. On the fol-1 lowing Monday the party were taken in an automobile to Kingstree,where they met quite a number of their friends and the day was spent very pleasantly. On Wednesday the party was broken up and the Misses Brockirr ton took their guests in an automobile to Andrews, where they took the train for their homes at Bamberg. :iiHiuiuuuu\uuiMtM)MiinMi IMU1 ?T 5E: 10c yard-wide Percales ?r 10c 40-in White Lawi jr: 5c Colored Lawns Sr 8c Colored Lawns 5E 10c Colored Lawns 8= 6c Calico % *rfcGENTS' STRAV 1 ? E Muutuuuutuuuuuuuuuuuu de a practice of putting on s r and dependable, and if we ners the opportunity to buy linty law ns, heauiitui nnens and footwear of ail kinds loi pee Dry Andrews Personal Items. i Andrews. July L'T:?Our new hank I f will soon he completed anil whin a finished will he one of the hand- w somest i>ne-story brick buildings to a he found anywhere in the State. Work will soon be comenced on tl a two-story brick storehouse for the n i'heonix Furniture company of ii Georgetown, who will have a branch p store at this place. Mrs Mensell and daughter, Miss Mensell. also Miss Mabel Jenkins, of ? i a \ irginia, are visiting their rela- j ^ tives, the Mesdame- John and Ken j f \VI ifo The many friends of Mrs J L Grant will be glad to know that she | is home and recovering rapidly from j an attack of appendicitis. Miss Loui-e Coop- r of Fairfield 0 ft has returned to her home after a u pleasant visit to Dr and Mrs Hopan. The vounir men pave a deliphtful c T moonlipht picnic, complimentary to the younp ladies at Black river last Wednesday nipht. Every one en- p joyed the occasion. s] ? Bring a glass or boi I It makes one think of I and wholesome and celi I ling, teeming with pal B your soda fountain old o; m Our new m A l telling c Cola vindication at nooga, for the askir Demand the Genuine a Whenever^^^ THE COCA-COL you see an Atlanta, ga. Arrow think <.j of Coca-Cola. RDEI 5c yd 10c Dress C is 0 l-2c Ladies' Un 3 l?2c 10c Embro 5c 10c Val La 7 l-2c 25c Dress 4r sOc Umbre ~ I V HATS AT HALF PRI BUTLER auiuiuiuuiiuuauiiiuiiuitiuiu special sales and running t find that we have more of litem at just wnai w e pau . laces and embroideries\\! r ladies. A complete line o Goods < Tobacco was planted at Andrews- | or the first time by Messrs -James nd Payne. We don't think that the i'oed Could be better. Their fields re beautiful. The new hospital will be open on he first of August. It is quite a I eat building and one that is a cred- ;i : to our town. It is for colored . eople. ^ P_M E. aouce. The Daughters of the Confedercy will serve ice cream and cake on he court house square on Friday rom (> to 8 p. m. Committee: I Mrs D C Scott, Chm. " J F McFadden, " WHCarr, Miss Helen Scott. "Were all medicines as meritorius as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea Remedy the world , ould be much better off and the ercentage of suffering greatly dereased," writes Lindsay Scott of I emple. Ind. For sale bv all dealers.1' I L D Rodders is closing out his " rocery business and is offering his ( plendid line at cost for cash only., . - , I ^ ' 1 i< I ! Tie Old )aken Bucket illed to the brim with )ld,clearpurity?nosuch j ater nowadays, back the old days with ttle of everything that's pure ghtful. Bright, sparkaken^bucket.^^ j jim \ ? IN iinghams 6 l-2c deryests 4c each idery 5c ce 5c Silks 15c illas 25c CE T^V rvi J UK i U( iiUtUUiiUUlUUUtUUlUltUUUU he "Steam Roiier" over any certain lines than w .1 for them. Tills is hett-; hich w e have consigned t i up-to-date gents shoe* _ * *1??*?* Q1 [I WAYS 1 1 Begin right. Know yourself. Limit your'expenses. Watch the leaks. 0 Stop the leaks. 1 have a home bar Avoid goid-bri< Own a l ome Don't be a Be a ma Take c b) We will start you right. 1 on which we will pay 4?0 coi The Bank I>. ( . Sott, President. F W. F.ui.'EV, C'n-liier. Wm. W. P>.* I BEST QUALITY. L. Wetherh MSPS CYF ISASH, DOORS CHARLE PROMPT DELIVERIES. CORT1 METAL S Storm-proof, too, because they interlcx finest driving snow or rain cannot sift under Best roof for country buildings, becausi They'll last as long as the building, an V e have local representatives almost? locality, wr:-? us direct for samples, prices a CORTRiCHT METAL ROOFING MOLES A Removed with MOLESOFF, v how large,or how far raised ab they will never return, and nol OFF is applied directly to the ! disappears in about six days, ki skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in Each bottle is neatly packed full directions, and contains < or ten ordinary MOLES or WJ der a positive GUARANTEE or WART, we will promptly re FLORIDA DISTRII Dept. B-172, - P | 3m7 -4 wfiHimimiifiifHimn1 AUGl 25c Boys' Pants $1.00 Gents'Shirts 50c Gents' Shirts 35c Gents' Shirts ?5 f\f\ Chnpc W C IIV/VJ $4.00 Shoes 00DS c UUUUUUlUttUUUUlilM !=X OI=30E??C ro SAVE f i I I 0| Ik. ' j :k schemes. "good fellow." n. are of your health. ! f" aa ...ill ?n^/-niint itn. A' CI .in/ ?III upcil ail avwuum m p- ^ tnpounded every three months. 1 of Kingstree .T. A. Kki iky.Vice Pre. X. 1>. I.k-k>nk, .V-t. Cashier. ,KH, Jr., Teller. [ 'C 10 EXPERT WORKMANSHIP, m torn & Son, I DRESS f > AND BLINDS, 1 ISTON, S.C.. I MGHT HINGLES pioOFtoJffij :lc and overlap in such a way that the 1 s they're safe from all the elements. n d never need repairs. 7 I everywhere, but if none in your immediate I paiid a mv SO North 23d St* B COMPANY 2 PhilsdelphiVPaJ NO WARTS without pain or danger, no matter ove the surface of the skin. And trace or scar will be left. MOLESHOLE or WART, which entirely lling the germ and leaving the i One Dollar bottles. in a plain case, accompanied by inrairrh romodv tn rprtlflVP pi flit 1 VI*?VV*J vv ? . V ~ r~> ; lRTS. We sell MOLESOFF un- | if it fails to remove your MOLE 1 ifund the dollar. i? 5UTING COMPANY, ENSACOLA, FLA. ifmmmimmimmmmnnmnm JST PR 18c $2.50 Shoe 75c $2.00 Shoe 35c $1.50 Shoe 23c $1.00 Shoe $3.50 50c Boys' 1 $2.50 50c Girls' [ OMPANY lUUiiUUlUUUUiU'UiiUitiUiUUiUi r Hei our prices. vVe don't have e need we quietly put them ?r than carrying them over t o our bargain counter for im ; anc! furnishings. - HINGSTH aa *e J I to. We only buy such \ jfl on our bargain coun- M Xt o the next season. # JflH imediate sale at actual J H EE, S. C. J, 1 Arrival of Passenger Trains at ,A Kingstree. The AUantic Cuast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule. which became effective Sunday, October 15, 1911: North Bound. No 80 7:43 a m *No 46 - - 11:37 a m No 78 6:10 p m South Bound. 5 No 79 11:13 a m *No 47 - - - - 6:10 p m XT _ on A. AO _ I , i\o OS ... v.vif p m ^ * I >aily except Sunday. 9 Deafness Cannot Be Cured J by local applications, as they cannot reach the disease*] portion r>f the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining or the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. and when it is entirely closed, deafnese is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hear- -*> ing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ^9 ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed cond ition of the mucous surfaces. ( We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case \ . 9 of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be ' 9 cure*! by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. 9 free. F J CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FIRE! J 1866 1911. 1 H I am pleased to I announce to my old I patrons and the I public at large that 1 After the lOth inst. S I will be fully pre- I pared to carry on ] the practice of' 1 Wash Suits 38c 5- I )resses 38c I 3 =3 I lUiUUUUUltUUUlUUUUiUUK DENTISTRY J in all its depart- I ments. J Call on me- if you \ J want - 1 ^ First Class WorK ^ I Prices to Suit, jz? I A. M. Snider. i Office over Gamble & Jacobs' Drug Store, Opposite The Record Office. v 9-7-tf ilCES 1 \ s $1.75 2 s $1.25 2 s $1.00 2 s 85c 2