The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 25, 1912, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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THE PEOPLE I Hides, Furs ; I H. A. MILLER, > KXXXXXXXXXXXX> * iWE I STEP I HIGH 1 X when it comes to turning rS Harness. We always carry a Wagons, Harness, Saddles, et O See our line of Tyson & Jon O Buggies, also our Columbus a V YOURS TO V Williamsburg Live V Thos. McCutchen, Mgr. H ?? TTTTTTT VTTTTVT? V I GROW V DY means of a mutually ^ t and a thorough ur needs, coupled with a desir* on the part of those inter t cerns in this immediate vi< the extensive sendee off ere building for themselves a s i for the larger business of tl BANK OF WIL Kingstr? r C W SToLL, President. ^ F Rhem, Vice-President. I THE MASTERPIECE OF THE I CONFECTIONER'S AR' | When you were engaged F Why not now? Let Us Print You So l | ore; Will clc I Pick th< > 'S MARKET I DEALER IN h <inds of Fresh I ;ats and Fish. I est Cash Price Paid for | and Poultry. I PROPRIETOR | <0^ out Stylish Vehicles and Q full line of Buggies, Surries, Q es, Bull Durham and Parker nd Thornhill Wagons. V PLEASE. ' * i StocK Company, X KIN GST REEL. S. C X >000000000006* FTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.j VITH US j < profitable co-orperation 3 iderstanding of business 3 e to "live and let live" 3 ested, many young con- < unity are making use of 5 d by this bank and are 3 olid financial foundation le future. 3 .LIAMSBURG, 5 ?e, S. C. J E C Epps, Cashier. ^ C W Boswell, Asst. Cashier. < 41 ?AiAiiAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3Kingstree Drug Go. No Groceries, No Dry Goods, No Hardware, but J anything in pure fresh I Drugs, Medicines, loiiet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery, etc. Waterman's and C o n k I i n ' s Fountain Pens. We will send for and deliver all orders on short notice. A full and complete y I line of Trusses, etc. Agents for Huyler 's / Chocolates and Bon-Bons. j Kingstree Drug Co, J Kingstree, S. C me Office Stationery ~sTi atest >se Augui s Fruit w I 8. Wallace Jones REAL ESTATE ;FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Cotton and Cotton Seed Buyer. Dealer in ; Farm "Supplies and Fertilizers. fI LAKE CITY, - S. C. 2-22-tf mm are you |1 on the g & SAFE SIDE? IF NOT WHY NOT? Whose fault is it? It is not ours. We offer you the necessary requirements to place you on the safe side, and would be more than delighted to WRITE YOU A POLICY that will protect you from all loss by fires at a very low rate. We represent the best and most reliable companies on earth. Kingstree insurance, Real Estate & Loan Co. R. N. SpeigN'ER. Manager. Charleston-Isle of Palms f T 4 1 is calling you. ? the surf, the mu- . , sic, all cry out for you to follow ^ the crowd. The ^ ATLANTIC COAST LINE ^ has provided the schedules and 1 1 rates; beginning Saturday. June ? ^ 1, to continue during the season. | $1.95 to Charleston T for all trains of Saturday and * 4 morning trains of Sunday, limit- 4 ed to return until Tuesday mid- ^ x night following. X 4 For any information, call on 4 4 - T E BAGGETT, 4 ' Ticket Agent. 1 T T t WHITE, f General Passenger Agent. * ^ v n ?c 4.7.0s i ^ if jmiiwj^wii, v. \ru-wr-u w V <S> $+? $ $ ? $ .? ? ?> LIGHTNING RODS. H. L. WKitlocK, LaHe City. S.C. Special Sales Agent. Representing the Largest Manufacturers of All Kinds Improved Copper and 6alvanized Section Rods Endorsed by the Highest Scientific Authorities and Fire Insurance Comjianies). PURE COPPER WIRE CABLES, ALL SIZES. Our Full Cost Guarantee Given with Each Job. 1 sell on close margin of profit, dividing commission with mv customers. 3-7-tf CHICHESTER S PILLS TI1E 1HAMONO DRAM). a L?dle*I A?k your HruicirWt f.r /aK t, 41 CASja ?'hl-clie?-te r'? Illumiiiijltrand/^VX l*IIU in lied and (iold nictiilic\^^/ ?Tafi?l B' *es. sealed with Bine Ri: !>on. \f W ^ wl Take no other. Ruy of Tour * I*/ ~ Af UruififUI. A l< for I'IU-CIIEx-TEE fl I W Jt IHAJHIAB IIIIA.\J> BII.LS,forai JO years known as Bc^t, Safest. Always Relist I* ^?r S010 BY DRIGGISTS EVERYWHERE M A1 .i. < c H IO. hile it is > . - MMBWWMimmatp I I j Professional Cards. | DR. R. J, MCCABE, Dentist. KINGSTRFE. - S. C Office Next to Court House Square. PHILIP H. ARROWSM1TH 1 attorney-at-law LAKE CITY, - - S. C. U A u/oonQ W? f%. ft VWWf DENTIST. Oflic* over Singletary Bid j?. ^'PHONE NO. 62.^ j LAKE CITY. S. C W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. ?'fficr over l>r W V Bn* khi?to:i s store, KINGSTREE, - S.C. 5-21-tf M. IX Ne&rnith DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. ~DR. R. C. McCABE Dental Surgeon, in Hirscli lujilling, over Kingatree Drug f'onipany's Benj. McINNES, M. R. C. V. S. H L'atpr MrlNXFi? M D . V M. D. VETERINARIANS. One of us will be av Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf v\wv\v\v^v\v\v?.v\vww^w J Soie Thioat and Chest,! I am so enthusiastic concerning ; the virtues of Hunt's 8ifhtning! that I always keep a bottle of it in the house, and to my particular friends I give a bottle un!ps<; thev live so near that I can pour out from my own supply to tide them over any trouble. I use this liniment for colds, rubbing it on my throat and , chest as a counter irritant, j I won't say any more, but you see how enthusiastic I am, Mrs Ida B Judd, 1 West 87th Street, New York City. 50c and 25c Bottles. Manufactured only by j A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO. Sherman, Texas. SOLI) BY Dr. W. V. BrocKington, King'stree, S. C. BlaKely-McCuIIough Co., j Lanes. S. C. ML^iL-rr-aajraiix WANTED From six to eight good, fat Beef Cattle a week, for which I will pay 6 I best market price. All Kinds of Meats in season at living prices, I also a choice line of Fruits, | Vegetables and Canned 1 Epps' MarKet ? Cr. Academy (?b Mill Sts. I FOR SALE. | Uru-K in uy -ninnriry to suit purclmj ?m\ The Be>t Dry P.ess Machine-piarie A IBZESXCTC. X Special shape* made to order. Correpoudeti olioired betore placing vouj orders. w. R FUNK RCl tortu: This is y _ Kipe. I ' LHILUtitN AitEil i.UKA EJHE ? ' IN HOT WEIIHEK ' (;! ?! ft. Sliiiiiht lit al hnngr-ou* to I.ittlc t'l "lie* If Jtowolfi Ar> P Nej;lerte?l. jl The mother cannot do better for her children than to train them, from infancy, to regularity or the bowels. Chronic constipation in later life can be avoided if the child learns early the need for a daily evacuation of the poisonous stomach waste. There will, of course, be times when the little one will become constipated and bilious. In hot weather, especially, immediate attention is necessary, as much serious illness results from inactive bowels. Salts, cathartics, purgatives and similar drastic irritants are harsh and violent and only bring temporary relief while disturbing the whole system. A gentle, pleasant bowel stimulant like Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is far preferable. Syrup Pepsin contains no narcotic drug, being composed of simple laxative herbs combined with pepsin, and acts gently,in a natural manner, on stomach, bowels and liver. By thoroughly cleaps* xl- _ ing the bowels ana removing me foreign matter that irritates and inflames the tissue, it will quickly check the summerdiarrhoea that is so weakening in its effect. Druggists sell Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents and one dollar a bottie. the larger size being intended for family use. A free trial bottle, postpaid, can be obtained by writing to L>r W B Caldwell, 406 Washington St, Monticello, 111. Huge Casket. The largest casket ever made in this city has just been finished for Mary Harris, a negress, who died Monday, says a dispatch from Nashville, Tenn. The corpse weighs 600 pounds and the coffin is six feet three inches in height and 36 iryhes in width. No hearse can be fAund large enough to convey the body to J >3 nity i our last Kidney Pills. They were so beneficial in every way that I have no hesitation whatever in recommending' them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Dean's-and take no other. / It is well to remember that jrood. wholesome food comes back in firm flesh, pink cheeks and >rood spirits, three worthwhile assets in anvone's | life. The Choice of a Husband is too important a matter for a woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid j these kill-hopes by taking Dr King's New Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits ?things that win men?follow their use. Easy, safe, sure, 25c at M L Allen's. TO* the cemetery. WHAT'S THE REASON? Many Kingstree People in Poor Health without Knowing the Cause. There are scores of people who drag out a miserable existence without realizing the cause of their suff j?>in<rc Dsv affer dav thev are racked with backache and headache; suffer from nervousness, dizziness, weakness, languor and depression. Likely the kidneys have fallen behind in their work of filtering the blood and that is the cause of the trouble. Look to your kidneys, assist them in their work?give them the help they need. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Below is grateful testimony from a sufferer in this locality. Mrs R K Brown, 204 W Liberty St,Sumter, S Car. says: "For over a year I was greatly annoyed by kidney and bladder trouble and nothing hroucht rne relief until I used Doan's i fcttrc%| j i I i The public is cordially invited to attend any of the services of the various churches of Kingstree. Baptist Cburch. Rev YY E Hurt, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 10.00 a. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 p. rr>. Methodist Church. Rev W A Fairy, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 7:30 o'clock. . Sunday-school at 4:30 p. m. Epworth League meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. Presbyterian Church. Rev P S McChesney, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 1 a. m. and 8:30 p m. Sunday-sch 1, 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. Woman and Her Hosiery. Preachers and moralists upon feminine garmenting have shifted their theme from the skirt to the hosiery. It appears some girls wear hose too thin and some too short. It is even said that certain daring ones have betaken themselves to the use of men's half-hose and disport a style that is both thin and short. All of which proves not that preachers and moralists are foolish but that girls are wise. If instead of berating woman's skill and courage in adapting her gowning to the conditions of the weather the censors of society -j would devote their energies to devising equally pleasing and comfortable modes for men.the world would be happier as well as handsomer. One reason why men so often rail at woman's folly is that they haven't brains enough to understand worn an's wisdom. At any rate, there is no apparent justification for the present exhortations on hosiery. We may be sure if it were not suitable it would not be worn, and if it were i not lovely it would not be displayed.? At'/o York World. Mail Carriers Will Fly. This is an age of great discoveries. * Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mail carriers flying in all directions, transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest in a discovery that benefits _ jj them. That's why Dr King's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is the most popular medicine in Amer- | ica. "It cured me of a dreadful cough." writes Mrs J F Davis.Sticknev Corner, Me, "after doctor's J treatment and all other remedies ( had failed." For coughs, colds or I any bronchial affection it's unequal- j ed. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle 1 free at M L Allen's. Bargains at Wllklns'. j Everything in our store is a bar- I gain for cash. Buying heavy Gro- I ceries from headquarters for cash, I we are prepared to save you money I .on a cash deal. When you have a I dollar to spend, see and figure with I us. Your3 for business, I Wilkin's Wholesale Gro Co. f I; If all the virtues of one's own i back yard were put in a summer 9 ! resort pamphlet what an alluring 9 [ volume it would be! I Sale I chance I ' I