The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 25, 1912, Page THREE, Image 3

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Our Ore; Sale we hav< itr? interest. ??For 4f ' We offer a larye lot of I.a ! Shirt Waists at 45c. Well For 1( We offer doz Ladies' Short 10c each. They are worth Twelve Yards We offer twelve yards P inches wide, for Si.00. For 15c th We offer twenty-five do/en very pretty, clear smooth set of 6 Tumblers. Pnr 10 1 VI 1 / We offer a lot of half-pallor i only 19c each. We are < eries ever sh Jenl REDUCE APPROPRIATIONS Or Taxes Will Be Confiscatory, Says Mr Camlln. Editor County Record: Would you be so kind as to allow me space in your valuable paper to give its readers an outline of the appropriations made by our last Legislature for the annual expenses of the State of South Carolina for the year 1912 for the following purposes: Governor's office $16,230 00 Secretary State's office 8,320 00 Comptroller-General's office ... 10,600 00 Insurance Commis office 10,240 00 State Treasurer's office 8,642 00 State Supt Education " 9,270 00 Adjutant General's 44 18,770 00 Attorney " 44 7,845 00 RR Commissioner's 44 11,80 8 00 State Librarian's 44 1,900 00 Public Buildings 73,523 13 State Geologist's office 572 82 Department Agriculture. 22,020 00 Judicial Department 100,232 85 Health 44 25,353 64 Board of Medical Examiners . 2 500 00 Tax Department 85,885 14 University of South Carolina. 98 298 78 Winthrop College . 154,731 39 Citadel Military College 57,266 61 Inst for Deaf and Dumb 35,600 00 Colored College 16,5o0 00 Other educational purposes .148,953 20 Hospital for the Insane 273,050 00 South Carolina Indust School 26,000 00 State Penitentiary 6,550 00 Other charitable purposes 805 00 ? State Pensions 270,000 00 Historical Commission 5,503 53 Interest on Bonded Debt 295,980 83 Elections 45,485 00 Miscellaneous 93,787 65 Spnate 15,487 43 House of Representatives 33,190 70 Engrossing Department 6,465 00 Expenses common to both Houses 320 00 Total $1,993,677~95 This footing is to be paid bv our taxpayers outside of the levy made by our lawmakers for county purposes, which is 4$ mills. Why can't we have good roads? Two dollars ouprv man in the county be XX l/Ul tween the ages of 21 and 60 for f roads, everyone convicted in the county is put on the roads, and over one-fourth of the taxes collected goes on the roads. Our last Legislature also made an additional appropriation of $250,000 to start a cotton warehouse in our State. If i A rTEi at Clean Sweej i conducted in Now here is i 5c dies' \\ Iiite Lawn j We offer on< worth 6oc. Boilers or P ?????? only 29c eac )c Kimonas for only dropping in to see. We offer one for $1.00 ajama Checks, 36 le Set i We offer a 1 lain lined Sr Colonial Tumblers Sold the wo: glass, only 15c for _________ 'C We offer oni i Glass Pitchers for Rods that se you only 5c offering some - * j mail 5 wui r>, j.tie uuiuuvi gv $3,000 to be called Governor and his secretary gets $1,500 to do the Governor's work. The Secretary of State gets $1,900 to wear the name and he has two clerks at a salary of $1,500 each, a total of $3,000, to do his work, besides a stenographer at $720. The Comptroller General's salary is $1,900, and then he is furnished a chief clerk at $1,600. an audit clerk at $1,400, extra clerical service $1,400, a bookkeeper $1,500, stenographer $400 and porter $300, services paid for by the State for one office. Besides, all of the other State offices are paid and upheld in about the same manner. This in part is the cause of high taxes and , why our State is in debt. Can't the State Legislature make own in this to tinsc it could be enforced it would be a full brother to the State dispensary. The Legislature was trying to make another graft nest to hatch thieves, but the supreme court killed this graft with the constitutional hammer. Now,brother taxpayer, take those figures. Besides, you can add the Clemson college figures of $400,000 or $500,000 paid in by the farmers of this State in the guano tax. With the same increase in taxes for the next ten years as for the past ten, - j can we pay those taxes ana own uur homes, with the millions of now standing State debts? If our voters don't wake up and elect men to the House and Senate who will use economy and reduce those awful extravagances in appropriations and make the running expenses of our State less, the lands in our State will be owned by landlords and the poor people will be renting their homes. Now, Mr Voter, you have the picture before you. Decide this day what you will do. i Have you not had promises of economy and reduction in taxes? Have you ever got anything but increase in taxes? With all of those extravagant appropriations we are paying one-third of a million dollars interest on a State debt. Why is it that our State is in this condition? Because we pay three men to do one TUa riAtTovnAi" nrflfc * p Sale, now g that we will * >vhat we will < For 29c ? case Bine Agate six-<juart Rice reserving Kettles, with covers, for h. r1 ? i 1 ^ ruriot : case, (six dozen) handled, covans, two-quart, Blue Aerate ware, h. See these. For 39c ot of six-quart Blue Agate Porcelucepans.with covers.for only 39c. rid over at 50c, our price only 39c. ? For 5c ? case, 12 dozen, Brass Curtain :11s readily at 10c. Our price to each. of the most w wn. Come ai >r\ Bi a stipulated price for each State an ' county office therein and let each ol fice-holder hire his own help? Bt ! sides, Mr Taxpayer, you are beinj < taxed to pay the premiums on you ' office-holders' bonds. The office holder draws his salary and the ta> payer pays for his bond. Is thi just, and who made this law? Le our voters open their political eye and see that they are to choos some one besides a Governor in th coming election. The Governo does not make tax levies. This i some of the past work of our hor orable lawmakers. I hope the ta> payers and voters of Williamsbur county will see the true condition o our State and elect their lawmaker under a strong vow to try to reduc taxation by using the uruning knif< in the next Legislature. Yours respectfully, W S Camlin. Andrews, July 22. 5 or 6 doses 666 will break an case of Chills & Fever: and if take then as a tonic the Fever will no return. Price 25c. 5-23-4m Notice to Candidates. Notice is hereby given that, by orde of the Democratic Executive Committe for Williamsburg county, all candidate for county offices must file their pledge with the county chairman or secretar by or before 12 o'clock noon on Augus 13, 1912, and also file their pledges wit the Clerk of Court within the tim above mentioned, all of which pledge may be obtained by applying to P 1 Stoll or A C Hinds. The candidates for the several office are assessed as follows: Road Engineer $25 C Probate Judge 20 0 Clerk of Court 35 0 County Commissioner 25 0 County Treasurer 25 0 Superintendent of Education 25 0 Sheriff 35 0 i Auditor 25 0 ! Representatives 15 0 Coroner 10 0 These assessments must be paid to j C Hinds, Treasurer, by or before 1 o'clock noon on August 13, 1912. The campaign meetings are to be hel at the following times and places andi the following order, to wit: Kingstree Wednesday, August 14, 191 Greelyville . Thursday, - 10. Trio Friday, " 16, " Morrisville Tuesday, " 20, " Johnsonville, Wednesday, " 21, " Hebron Friday, " 23, " The name of no candidate will appea on any ticket unless assessments be pai and pledges Pled as above stated. P H Stoll, Chairman. A C Hinds, Secretary. 7-25-3 LRTI . 211 1 ;umg on, win i offer something offer you this w For 34c We offer one case ot^lue Agate I ed Rice Boilers with covers only For 10c and 1 We offer a large lot of Gents' 1 Silk Ties, your chcice for 10c anc For 25c ? We offer the best line of Boys' Caps ever shown in Kingstree- 1 For 5c One case 12 dozen Brass Curtail: _ 5c each. For 19c We offer the best 25c Jar Talcum ever sold for only 19c. If you *. will buy. 'onderful barga l nd see. "os. C f-S IEverybc W More Mori GORREL We are making soi much to make one for 1 5g We are right on th ? g! highest prices. All we S| Our opening sale a I g1 any other house averaj y ? Warehouse. n _ o ? ~ 0 Hard On the Governor. 0 *> Thomas B Felder, the Atlanta 0 0 attorney, who made sensational 0 ^ charges of official corruption against 2 Governor Cole L Blease, of South d Carolina, before the special investin gating committee of the South Caroo lina Legislature,makes the following 1 reply to the Governor's attack and denials of Felder's charges: "He (Blease) substantiates his statements by the affidavits of men d who have been convicted of felonies i and pardoned by him and by men i t who areJunder[indictment for graft iER be different fro g new each > eek: \ 1 ^ r Jorcelaiu lin- \ve offer a twelv ** each. Pail and Slop Bucl ~ sell a 10-qt bucket 5C this is a 12-qt Gah Four-in-hand 115c each- Given It is coneded and ter Brown Guarant and Men's and Children are t] thero- country. We hav, these famous hose this sale. Buy tl , , Buster, i Rods only See T r> j? ~ A 1iri#? nf Hats and ruwuci \\c >ee this you price you want. those new style Bil ins in Laces ai /Omp mmmmmmzzmm xly Will HA ley rui i ncu Vhen They Sell At ,L'S WARE me good sales this week, you. Will you let us do it? le job when it comes to s : ask is to bring us a load ? veraged $7.45 per hundred ging that much? Sell your Yours for a high sale, Gass, Hopper . mssmmmmmm ing in South Carolina. Further than that the reply that will be made to him will be as soon as he is relieved of his Gubernatorial robes. "It is just as certain that he will be landed in the penitentiary as it is that the Ohio grafters, the Atlantic City grafters, the McNamaras, Abe Ruef, of San Francisco, and the < land robbers of Oregon were placed 1 behind the bars. "We have better and more con- , elusive proof against Blease and his j associates than Detective William J Burns had against any of those' % m any other j ,veek to keep I 1 * . ur IVC fb* e-quart Galvanized Water C :et, only 19c, while others i, for 25c. Now remember ; anized Pail for only 19c. A Up By All < given up by all that Bus:eed Hose for Men, Ladies be best hose made in this ; just received 100 dozen of to go at special prices in he best and vou will buv ' 9 hem Sure "I v j Caps from 10c up to any Everybody wants one of 11 Caps?25c will buy it. nd Embroid any^, KVWW? vvwwv>y>y>y>y?M Get It! | T? r Tobacco I iHOUSE r r*d would like very g elling tobacco for the g md let us show you. | . Have you heard of a 1 /I tat (Q i next ioaa ai uorreirs g & Gorrell. ? ' people who are now serving terms ^ in various penitentiaries of the United States." If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day,and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking ? Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. Rub-My-Tism will cure you. >