" JULY 2 ? j I iH lr 1 jenrvj In i r i ILL/ SB ! SPRI> t { C We had a most rei I propose to show our i 1 all Spring and Summ< I do, carrying out the v L Summer Goods, but t r and be convinced thai ; mer Goods rather th? i , judgement. Let all t |' ception of Fall and "W * ... ' This is Strictly | ? C. Remember the dal AND WILL CLOSE County Record each a lines, so keep a close ' DRESS GOODS AND SILKS We have some choice things to offer in this line, and one among the best values will be a line of Silk Marquisetts 36 ins wide, well worth 65c but we will clean them up at 47c. Thev can be had in Black, Navy, Cream, Light Blue, Copen Hagan and Pearl Gray. Only 39c for a 65c article. A nice assortment of Suisine Silks that have always sold at 25c yd, will go at 19c. A splendid All Wool Serge in Black and Navy, well worth 75c, will go at 47c yd. French Serges 38 inches wide. All Wcol in Black and Navy, always sold for Si.00 the yd will go at 79c.. We will ha\e many other things in Dress Goods and Silks suitable for skiits and dresses that will go at clear sweep prices. Come and see. No Goods Charged in this Sale, No Goo Sale Open Jenk I Kingstre< V^? vw ' f t :oth J insorv IQ ANl markably successful spr ippreciation by putting by Goods. C. The word rord "sale" in its truest he entire stock, includin t we mean just what we in carry them over to ai hp Sririne- and Summer ds Char s Saturday, J inson e, rinter Goods. a Cash Sale. W< ;es and remember them ON SATURDAY, AL veek, as we will feature watch on us. We mear DomesticsatClean-upPrices 38-inch Sea Island Homespun 5c yd. 36-inch pajama checks 9c yd or 12 yds for Si.00. The best 8 l-3c Apron Ginghams will go for only 6 l-4c yd. Bleach Sheeting 81 inches wide, well worth 30c, will go at 25c yd. Quilt Patch Calico 40 yds for