The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 11, 1912, Page SIX, Image 6

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|j| SATURDA LOOK \ JQRE; |lh= * pulled off. All Summei Look out for our big de< is the go on every hand STORE CLOSE JEN ProclamationI wish to call the attention of the citizens of Kingstree to the report of the Board of Health, and to request that they co-operate with the Town Council and Board of Health in carrying out as far as practicable the recommendations of the latter. It has been deemed necessary by the Town Council to add to the police force a health officer, whose duties shall be to make regular inspections of all lots and premises within , the limits of the town of Kingstree, i and where the same is found to be in an. unsanitary condition, the owner * gr/occupant shall be given a reason- i '^e length of time to have same put in a sanitary condition and ' ready for a second inspection. L P Kinder, Mayor. i July 9, 1912. ] To th<? Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Kingstree:- i ** We, the Board of Health of the Town of Kingstree, beg to submit the following report as to the sanitary conditions of the town of Kingstree, and we ask and recommend that you take action at once ' to relieve some of the evils that now < exist in our little town. First,we call your attention to the condition under the Singletary cottage occupied by Mr Craven. ( Second, the drain from Mr Britton's well to canal. ] Third, the drain on Main street . east of canal.. Fourth, the ditch from Mr Har- 1 per's to Marsh branch. 1 Fifth, a ten-foot well at oil mill not in use,two or three smaller wells at oil mill not in use, and the old 1 * t barrels with water in same; also the car scale not in use, with water in ] same. < Sixth, old well at long staple ginnery. Seventh, clay holes on the Presby- ^ terian manse property and Dr Ja- i cobs' vacant lot. Eighth, condition of the closets, . and the negro closets especially, down towards the river. Ninth,tin cans and old bottles are ' I plentiful and are never hauled off in the same section as above. { k Tenth, the open ditch between Ja- . Bbs' (Mr L Jacobs) house by jail to K&nal. k Eleventh, cans, bottles and trash < piled up all around "Buzzard Roost" and seem to be rotting just where } they are piled. Twelfth, the ditch from the river ' between Heller's and Gilland's prop- ' erty, and the ditch on Heller's property needs cleaning from the river , to "Paradise alley". L Thirteenth, the hole or well in Henry Johnson's yard should be fillv~ed up. 1 Fourteenth, house at Thorn's , lumber yard gate must be repaired and disinfected and the closet at same destroyed. Fifteenth, old well where Tom 1 Mitchell lives should be filled up, ' and the well on Capt Kelley's place back of Methodist church should be filled up also. Sixteenth, ditch running by negro ball park needs cleaning. Savpntppnth. closets back of Gor rell's warehouse and the one back of town hall should be cleaned or de- < stroyed. Eighteenth, old well in back of : Stubb's yard and the one in Nell ' Tharpe's yard should be filled up. Nineteenth, closets from back of ft) H Patrick's store to B W Butler's 1 store should be inspected weekly, as some of them have not been cleaned out in months, and the closet at Will Graham's house hasn't been cleaned this year. Twentieth, drain opposite Central warehouse to canal must be cleane d ml and the drain from Sta ndard t I Y, JULY20 OUT iPMk'Il* U I_-*l ll\li \T CI irday, July 20th, and close , r Goods will be slashed to th scriptive ad next week. Lo . Get your money ready, t [) Our store will be mmmm Get your money read IKINSOIV i Oil Co's tanks on lot to canal is in | bad shape. Also the ditches from railroad to canal below the cotton warehouse need attention. Twenty-first, the tank at the Net- J ties house has been leaking tor some time and should be fixed at once or J be made to stop using same. * We recommend that the Town ~ Council employ a health officer for the summer months to inspect the 0 premises in town once a month and } report the conditions to the Board 1 of Health and they to the Town c Council, and that this health officer ' be some person other than one of jj the policemen, as they seem to have more than they can do now. 8 We further recommend that the ? Town Council have disinfectant dis- * tributed twice a month during the " months of June. July and August. All of which is respectfully submitted. f Board of Health of the Town * of Kingstree. J By Thos McCutchen, Sec. ? ? ? S Bethel Breezes. v n Bethel, July 8:?The farmers s T around here are busy gathering j jon of Olanta were noted in our com- ( munity last Sunday. . ^ Miss Emily Sires of Charleston is w now at the home of her mother, Mrs n J E Kennedy. v. There was another game of ball ? played on Mouzon diamond last Sat- g urday afternoon between Workman and Mouzon. Of course the game was won by Mouzon. ^ Violets, si Si What Makes a Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds, ^ more or less, of bone and muscle a don't make a woman. It's a good foundation. Put into it health and ? strength and she may rule a king- 9 dom. But that's just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weak- p ?Konl/onka onH O ness, UeiVUUailCM, uov. rwt?v..iv tired, listless, worn-out feeling. >' "Electric Bitters have done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew,Okla, "and I thank you, with " all my heart,for making such a good medicine." Only 50c. Guaranteed f by ML Allen. r E G I V rHERS COMP I_QWP I " 4^ T This will be one of the r e stock of goods of all kin( bill posters that will be seen all. y 19, in order to get our stoc to Saturday, August 24th. THERS >. I Legal Notices | - Citation Notice. THE*STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, s County of Williamsburg, x By P M Brockinton, Esq, Probate d .1 uilee. g Wliereas, Jane B Grayson made suit i tome to grant her letters of adminisI tration of the estate of and effects of il i C E Grayson, > These are therefore to cite and ads monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said C E Grayson, s deceased, that they be and appear ber fore me in the Court of Probate, to be |- held at Kingstne, S C, on the 15th day e of July next after publication thereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the - said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 29th dayof ? July, Anno Domini, 1912. n Published on the 4th day of July, |. 1912, in The County Record, [j Pll Brockinton, d 7-4-21 Probate Judge. d Summons for Relief. (complaint served). J STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. e county of williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. IIJ? way, uncaocu. ) Dr T S Hemingway, 7-ll-5t Administrator. ' Registration Notice. J r The office of the Supervisor of Reg i istration will be open on the 1st Mon day in each month for the purpose of r registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of - the State for two years, and of the - county one year, and of the polling prei cinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of - election, and shall have paid, sis i months before, any poll tax then due . and payable, and who can both read s w -JSON BROl LEAIV Saturday, August 24th. le quick. Also, our entir ok out f<fr our big hand I hene will be bargains for closed all day Friday, Jul y. Saturday, July 20th, 1 BRO" Mail Carriers Will Fly. This is an ago of great discoveries Progress rides on the air. Soon w nay see Uncle Sam's mail carriei lying in all directions, transportin nail. People take a wonderful ir erest in a discovery that benefit hem. That's why Dr King's Ne^ )iscovery for Coughs, Colds an ither throat and lung diseases i he most popular medicine in Amei ca. "It cured me of a dreadfi ough," writes Mrs J F Davis,Stick ley Corner, Me, "after doctor' reatment and all other remedie lad failed." For coughs, colds o ,ny bronchial affection it's unequal d. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottl ree at M L Allen's. For Sale. My farm consisting of 197 acres on 1 D 1, three and a half miles fror lingstree; 80 acres cleared, good dwell ig, store house, one tobacco barn am tner necessary outhouses. Splendi ruit orchard. Good pasture and timber Ichool 300 yards from dwelling. Goo< .-ater in house. The lands front on nile on south side and mile on nort ide of Murrv's Ferry road leading fror [ingstree to Greelyville. Also om 5 h p boiler, good 35 hp engine, sa\ - 5 --'1 Til Jo ?.0l and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or whi can show that he owns, and has paid ? all taxes collectable on during the J present year, pioperty in this State f assessed at three hundred dollars or more. H A Meyer, Clerk of Board. J Chamberlain's Cough Remedy e Cares Colds, Croup sad Whooping Cough. X Children llks to Ufce Dr. Xii~/ Alias Tablets. their tobacco. a There were a great many "chick- a ?n suppers" and "fish stews" in our c community last week. 5 Several of the young folks from sere attended a picnic given at the Mouzon school house on Thursday, the 4th. It was reported a fine ? time. . s There was a game of base ball f played on the Mouzon diamond last 1 Thursday between Mouzon and d Black river. The game resulted in a ? jcore of 14 to 4 in favor of Mouzon9. e There were a good many of our ^ folk attended the campaign meetng in Kingstree last Tuesday. Miss Ruth McElveen has returned " ""mo offer snenHintr two weeks I svith her aunt, Mrs W S Evans, of rurbeville. Miss Ria Dinkins spent the week- j ?nd with her friend, Miss Mary i Burgess. Mrs T B Cooper is visiting her laughter at Nesmith. 11 Rev D M Clark filled his regular appointment here Sunday morning,; q and preached at the Mouzon school ? I house in the afternoon. I g Messrs C R Clark and G A Thomp-'s lonths, including all fees, heat, light ater, board, laundry and the necessa y uniforms, $133.50. Tuition $40.0< dditional. CHOLARSHIP AND EN. TRANCE EXAMINATIONS The College maintains 167 four veai .gricultural and Textile Scholarshipw nd 51 one-year Agricultural Scholar hips. Value of scholarships $100 pel ession and free tuition. (Students who have attended Clem on College or any other college or uni ersity are not eligible for the scholar hips unless there are no other eligibh pplicants). Scholarship and Entrance Ex imlnatlons will he held at th< bounty Court House on <iuiy u & in* Next Session Opens SEPTEMBER 11, lgl2 Write AT ONCE to W M Riggs 'resident, Clemson College, S 0, 10 atalogue, scholarship blanks, etc, I ou delay, you may be crowded out. 6-6-6t eceipt Books, Blink Notts, Mortgages id it Legal Blanks in demand, for sale a .'he Record office. If we have not th orm you wish we can print it on shot iotice. r > M _ J S B Poston, Plaintiff, n against n N M Venters, Julia E Burgess, George Walker and Linguish Walker, Defendants, i To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your anr swer to the said complaint on the subn scriber at his office in Kingstree, S C, n within twenty days after the date of the service hereof, exclusive of the day of !, such servicejand if you fail to answer the i- complaint within the time aforesaid, the s plaintiff in this action will apply to the i court for the relief demanded in the n complaint. Robt J Kirk. e Plaintiff's Attorney, d Kingstree. S C. June 11, 1912. i- To the defendant Linguish Walker: Take Notice: That the complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Williamsburg county. So Car, on the 12th dav of June. 1912. Robt J Kirk, 6-13-6t Plaintiff's Attorney. Notice to Creditors, f All persons holding claims against the estate of Henry E Eaddy, deceased, will present the same, duly attested, to the - undersigned executors of the said estate. and all persons owing said estate will make payment to the undersigned. John M Eaddy, S 0 Eaddy, A G Eaddy, 1 Executors of the Estate of Henry E Eaddy, deceased. 7-ll-3t Final Discharge. 5 Notice is hereby given that on the 10th 5 day of August, A D1912, at 12 o'clock r noon, I will apply ti?P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburgcouu ? ty, for Letters Dismissorv as Administrator of the estate of Mrs M R Hem : I SATURDAY, A E NO' 'ANY'S i 1-^ r\ /-? bp ^ nost important Clean-Swe is will be marked down for on every hand. A great se, k arranged for the Sale. L POMP) I Go To WHEN YOU NEED ANY1 A record of more than hind him. With a bunch on hand, he is always rea Superintendent. Kingstre MOLES ANI Removed with MOLESOFF, wit how large,or how far raised abov they will never return, and notra OFF is applied directly to the MC disappears in about six days, killi skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in 0 Each bottle is neatly packed ir full directions, and contains em or ten ordinary MOLES or WAP! der a positive GUARANTEE if or WART, we will promptly refi CI OR in A nNTRIRI Dept. B-172, - PE i 7-4-3m J1Q gTlSt mill. lilt; ttUUtr laiiu u dapted to the growth of cotton, cor .nd tobacco. For further informatio: all on or address F H Hodge or LeRoy Lee, -30-4tp Kingstree. S C Notice of Elect: Notice is hereby given that, orde f the county Board of Educa >n, a lection will be held at the India ltow: chool house, in Heyward School Dis rict, No 27, on Saturday, July 13, 1912 or the purpose of voting on the ques ion whether an additional tax of 3 mill hall be levied on the property in sail istrict for school purposes. Those ii avor of said levy will Jvote "Yes" hose opposed will vote "No" Th lection will be conducted as provide * *? ? ~ oe oil rror iy law in Uie ssme mamici iu oii ral elections. D E McCutchen, B N Stuckey, C C Daniel, -4-2tp Trustees and Managers. THE CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Enrollment Over 800?Value o Property Over a Million and i Quarter?Ninetyfour Teach ers and Officers' degree Courses Agriculture. Agriculture and Chemis ry. Agriculture and Animal Industry Ihemistry. Mechanical and Electrica Ingineering. Civil Engineering. Tex ile Engineering. Architectural En ineering. hort Courses One year course in Agriculture. Tw< ear course in Textiles. Four week! Winter Course in Cotton Grading. Foui reeks Winter Course for Farmers. Cost. Cost per session of nin< (UQ UST 24 I r I C E! ,AI F ep Sales we have ever this important event, ason of bargain-giving ook out! Take Notice! \NY ===^ Stuckey I FHING IN HORSEFLESH School are cordially invited ation may be had by 9 E. C. Epps, Clerk Board of Trustees. , S. C. ) WARTS hout pain or danger, no matter ethe surface of the skin. And ice or scar will be left. MOLES>LE or WART, which entirely ng the germ and leaving the ine Dollar bottles. 1 a plain case, accompanied by Dugh remedy to remove eight ** ITS. We sell MOLESOFF unit fails to remove your MOLE ma tne aoiiar. UTING COMPANY, NSACOLA, FLA. J "sjM J twenty years stands beof nice horses and mules dy for a sale or a swap. Livery Stables. Lake City, S. C. erm of the . AND HIGH SCHOOL egin ir 16, 1912 nts are now king Order. ig their children in the school it week of the fall term. Also Feed and J. L. Stuckey, ?? The Fall T KINGSTREE GRADED Will B Septembe All departme in Good Wor Parents who intend enterii will please do so during tiia firs Patrons and friends of the to visit the school at any .ime. Any further inform applying to J. AY. Swittenberg,