* NOTICE TO TOE PUBLIC v Tn tendering to the DeooL ?o mt ~ x of this community the use o: the facilities of this Bank ir j all financial matters, it is ou: earnest desire to assist then to easier and better method,' of handling funds. In the investment or trans fer of funds, in the collec tien of monies, and in all fi ^/nancial matters, you maj feel free to consult with u^ DAMI (fit U/ll IIAUCRIIRI Uftlll\ Ul wiULinivivuviiv K1N8STREE, S. C. C W Stoll, Pres. F Rhem. V P. f E C Epps, C W Boswell, Casliier. Asst Cashiei & LOCAL fg msm Mr W R Scott spent Sunday a Sullivan's Island. Mr Fred Atkins of Clinton, N ( the popular tobacco salesman, spen Sunday in Kingstree. Mrs F F Hanks and Miss Matti Hanks of Andrews are visiting M and Mrs W A Hanks. Miss McCullough of Salters i among the guests of Mi3s Lul Brockington this week. Mr J W Truitt of Norfolk, Va, i | in Kingstree on business of muc local importance this week. Little Miss Louise Sherfesee o ^^8 Charleston is visiting her grandpa! BR .ents, Mr and Mrs T M Gilland. Miss Sparkman of Charleston an Miss Mattie Boyle of Sumter ai visiting friends here this week. Misses Sallie Chandler and Let Carraway of Rome are spending few davs with Mrs Jno Fulton. Miss Herbert, an attractive youn lady of Charleston, is among th b guests of Miss Marian Gilland th t week. HL Misses Jennie Lee Stackley an HV Hallie Hinds are attending a hous party at Mrs George Stackley's i Florence. Dr W V Brockington is attendin the session of the State Pharmacol _ tical association on the Isle c Palms. Miss Ada Brockington will recei\ at her home this evening in hone of her guests, Misses Keller, Saltei and Martin. Miss Alice Stackley returned th week from Taft, where she was ai tending a house party at Mrs Ber nett Brown's. Y Mr and Mrs John A Cunninghai and daughter spent Friday in King tree on their way from Orangebur to lndiantown. Miss Martha Gourdin of Salter who spent some time here with ht Mrs W G Gamble, returne inome Saturday. Miss Florrie Meyer is visitinj friends at Sumter. Miss Louise Wheeler is visitinj friends at Charleston. Mr L F Perry of Venters paid u an appreciated oall Friday. Mr Mark B Patrick of Jordan i visiting Mr Sam P Stackley. We had the pleasure of a call Sat urday from Mr A L Burgess of Nev Zion. t y ^Misses Garnet Graham and Ktt Thomaa of Cades are visiting Mrs 1 I S Courtney. Mr A W Mcintosh has returnei from a very pleasant vacation spen at Charleston. Mr J C Lanham, the popula sAlosman of Summerton i in town today. . Mr and Mrs W N Jacobs have r turned from a two weeks' trip b Pawley's Island. Remember the Clemson scholai i ship and entrance examinations tc morrow at 9 a. m. Miss Mamie Jones of Marion, wh has been visiting the Misses Jacob* hn? returned home , Mrs M L Allen and two little sons( 1 and Miss Tyson McFaddin have gone , to Wrightsville Beach, N C, for a ! two weeks' stay. I, Mrs Wm Stack and three daughters, who were the guests of Mrs LeRoy Lee, have returned to th^ir ? home at Elloree. f I Messrs B H Taylor of Sumter and I L E Nesmith of Lake City were P among the guests registered at the Kellahan hotel Tuesday. 1 Mr V E Lifrage, a venerable and a esteemed citizen of Salters, was in Kingstree today and paid The Record office a pleasant visit. Mrs George Howe and little Miss Sarah Horton, who have been visittg Mrs L W Gilland, have returned their home at Columbia. Mr and Mrs Hugh McCutchen ;re on a trip to New York city this * week, having gone on the bankers' J excursion from Charleston. Dr G Sturm of Haselhur3t, Miss, was in Kingstree Sunday evening, having stopped here over night to .. see his old friend, Mr Louis Jacobs. Miss Maude Z Logan delightfully entertained the Civic league at her home Thursday afternoon of last week. Delicious refreshments were 9 served. Misses Louise Reed of St Charles, i f y Luna Martin of Rich burg and Janie I Allen of Florence are the charming " guests this week of Miss Marian * Gilland. -| Misses Barbara and Florrie Jacobs J ard Claude Jones are spending X several days on Sullivan's Island, from there Miss Florrie Jacobs will visit New York. ? Mrs D P Frierson, Miss Annie and Master Adolphus Frierson of Charles* ton, who were the guests of Mrs James Epps last week, returned to s Charleston Monday. Alma, infant daughter of Mr and s Mrs Athol Pendergrass, died Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock. Age nine months. Interment was made at 10 a m today in Williamsburg cemv etery, Rev W A Fairy officiating. Attention is called this week to a the ad of Mr S Marcus which will P be found on page three. We hope Mr Marcus will have even greater ^ success with this sale than he had t with his fall sale. His prices are reasonable and his goods of excellent quality. g Miss Nora Elliott, who makes her home with Mrs Edwin Harper, brought to our office yesterday a " curiosity in the shape of a double 0 hen's egg. The eggs are each about normal size, are perfect in shape and are joined together at ' the ends in a horizontal position. A letter received at The Record office yesterday afternoon from Mr 5 C W Wolfe, who is still at Grcen' ville, is written in such a cheerful style that we are encouraged to be], lieve he is feeling much better. We it hope so, at least, and his many friends will be delighted to share this expression with us, we are quite e sure. r Dr. Napoleon Gewinner of Macon, Ga, spent Sunday in Kingstree with 8 his sister, Mrs Louis Jacobs. This a was the Doctor's first visit to*his old birthplace in sixteen years and g the wonderful changes which have h taken place in that time were highly gratifying to him. He was born in the house now occupied by Mr f and Mrs Louis Jacobs. The following young ladies of the county were in Kingstree Friday d attending the Winthrop scholarship e and examinations: Misses Ruth Phillips, Katie Roper, Mary Eugenia Roper, Emma W Davis, Ruth Thomlin* son, Blanche Stuckey, Edna Grace a Perry, Pauline Stone, Sadie Snowden, Jennie Haddock, Leta Carrag way. Sue McKnight, Alice Chandler. '.e Mrs B E Clarkson entertained the 1S following members of the Ladies Missionary society of the Methodist d church at her home on Ashton street ie yesterday afternoon: Mesdapes R B Smith. J J Graham, T A Blakeley, N D Lesene, M A Ross, W H McGee, W J Reddick, C W Wolfe; Misses ? Essie Blakeley, Stella Wolfe, Nell lm Blakeley, Pauline Gordon. Delicious ^ refreshments were served by Misses Nell Blakeley and Pauline Gordon. A M/vm/v + orroof niimVtov* nf ! ^ I rvmuij? m;ivut uuuiwi VA ? )r strangers in our little town are the *s following gentlemen who hail from many parts of the South to engage in j the tobacco business and will remain here until October, when the season ^ closes: Messers R W Gorrell, R L Hopper and son, Gorrell Hopper, Winston-Salem, N C; Henry Wood, -n Jr, Clarksville, Va; C D Noell, Dans' ville, Va; J S Jenkins.South Boston, g Va; Mortimer Cosby, Milton, N C; L R Thompson, Lynch's Station, Va; E L Turner, Durham, N C, and J G s> Slaughter, Mullins, S C. IT d "A wedding of wide interest in this city was solemnized Wednesday morning, June 19, at 10 o'clock, i "The Elms," 705 Jefferson aveniu West End, when Mr Archibald McRimmon and Miss Nora Kallahe wprp united in marriacre." savs clipping- fron? "Birmingham (Ala paper hanued u. Mr RW Fultor "The bride is avei harming and al tractiveyoung lady and greatl.vadmii ed by all who know her. The groor is a prominent young man, holdinj a responsible position with the T C company." The groom is a brothe of MrsjR W Fulton, is a native o Williamsburg and was reared nea; Kingstee,where he has many friend who wish for him all that is good ii life. Some weeks ago we spoke of th probability of having electri lighting system for Kingstree withii the next twelve months. Since tha reference to the matter our Council men have been engaged in the con alteration of applications for th granting of a franchise. There wer several applicants. At its regula meeting Monday night the Counci granted a conditional right to Messr M F Heller, R H Kellahan and Dr I C Scott for the construction and op eration of an electric lighting plan in the 'town of Kingstree. This i only one step towards the accom plishment of a much needed lightini system in our town, but we hope i is one in the right direction, am that these gentlemen will be able t enter into a contract with the tow that will enable them to give it lighting service at no distant date. Nexsen-Jacobs. Mr W I Nexsen and Miss Barbar Gewinner Jacobs, the popular an attractive daughter of Postmaste Louis Jacobs, were quietly marrie Wednesday morning at Sullivan' Island. The announcement of th marriage of this popular coupl came as a big surprise to their hos of friends in Kingstree, who wer under the impression that Mr Nexsei was quietly sojourning in the hill around Asheville in North Carolina while Miss Jacobs was on a littl pleasure trip to Sullivan's Island * l 1 ' I- -A *1-1. wnere sne went lasi weeK, osiensioi, to see her sister. Miss Florrie. of on a water % trip to New York The announcement of their marriage came to the members of the bride' family in a brief telegram statin] that the "deed had been done." Miss Jacobs is one of the mos popular and attractive young ladie in Kingstree where she is belovei by all who have ^ome in contac with her bright, cheerful counter] ance at her home, on the street o at the postoffice where she has bee an able assistant to her father. The groom is a well known an popular business man of Kingstree and hi3 friends are legion. The Record extends most cordii congratulations and best wishes t both. TOBACCO MARKET OPENS. Much Interest Manifested an Good Prices Paid. The tobacco market opened i Kingstree this morning at 11 o.cloc under what promised to be the mo favorable conditions ever expei enced in the history of the tobac< business in the county. The first sale was made in the ne warehouse operated by Mess Gass, Hopper & Gorrell. The fir pile sold was a small lot of priminj belonging to Henry Norris ar t i i rA 1 1 l rr\ Drougnt jh.ou per nunureu. j.i highest priced lot was a pile < "second curings" belonging to IV J T Frierson and sold at $12.50 p< hundred. Much interest was manifested the opening sales, not only by tl farmers themselves.but by all class* of the business men in Kingstree.wt filled the warehouse floors, goodly number of ladies were pre ent to hear the "cryers" who are i good as we have ever listened t< not excepting those in the large t( jbacco markets of Virginia an North Carolina. The quality of the weed offere today was well up to the standar for first and second curings and th prices paid were good?in fad above the expectations of th planters. The largest sale was that of Messr Epps & Mcintosh of the Nelso Warehouse, where the second sal was held. The third and last sal being held at the Central Warehous by E L Morgan. In all there wer probably forty thousand pounds sol here today, but we were unable t get the exact figures in time fo this issue of The Record. Th prices paid will, it is believed, e> ceed on an average, those of an p e /ious year here,for similar grade) It is needless for us to say tht 1 ? BABY NEEDS WITCHINU | J h h r | IN SUMMER TIME. | l) . .!j Their I.lttle Stomach* (?et Out of jj ' ^ ij Ordtr KmII)' In Hot Weather. ^ Mothers should watch closely the n I condition of the children's bowels, g; babies especially. Keep the l>owels I regular and much of the illness to r which children are most susceptible f in summer can l*e prevented, r The most prevalent symptoms are s constipation and diarrhoea. When n waste from the stomach congests in the bowels and makes your little one feverish and fretful, with a feele ing of heaviness or languor, try givc ing it a spoonful of I)r Caldwell's a sU'riirt Porvjiii at hprltinif. Kv morn-i .. 1 ing this pleasant, mild laxative will " act gently, yet positively, and re" store normal conditions. This e simple, natural remedy is also ine valuable in checking summer diarr rhoea. By thoroughly cleansing 1 '' the bowels, the foreign matter and | s! i>oisons that irritate and inflame the j ^ tissues are eliminated. Don't tor-! h tue the child with harsh cathartic, I t'.purgative or astringent remedies,} s, that upset the whole system, and at l"j best only relieve temporarily. Drj ?; Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, while posit; tive in its effect, acts gently and d without griping or discomfort, re0 | storing normal conditions. n In using Syrup repsm lor cnua dren the mother can feel perfectly safe, as it contains no opiates or narcotic drug, lieing a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. | I By carrying off the dislodged tissues' ? I of mucous membrane that inflame! d I the nasal passages it will quickly j j j l>reak the "summer cold" that is so i d( annoying. Dr Caldwell's Svrup 3 j Pepsin is sold by druggists for fifty e! cents a little?the larger family e | size, one dollar. A free trial l>ottle, M postpaid, can be obtained by write ing to Dr W B Caldwell, 4(Mj Washn ington St, Monticello, Illinois. Si ????_ '?: e the warehousemen here know their , business thoroughly. They are all ? up to snuff?twentieth century hustlers and they mean to get for e the planter every cent his tobacco is s1 worth. ? The buyers are all well experienced : men ana are representing tne largest s manufacturing concerns in this j country and Europe. t| i-1 Farmers, Attention! r Please call attention to the Farmn ers' Institute again. It meets at I Kingstree Thursday, July 18. I d; hope everybody that possibly can will attend. Our farmers are not I taking as much interest in these ; meetings as they are in other sec0! tions of the State. The attendance here has usually been small. You j are missing much interesting, valuable information. So I beg that ev! erybody who sees this will talk it d up, and let us have a good crowd ! next Thursday. The lectures will be jn good, and I am sure that everyone , who comes will have a profitable day. T 0 Epps, 3t Farm Demonstration Agent, i- ? ,0 losect Bite Costs Lcc. A Boston man lost his leg from w the bite of an insect two years berg fore. To avert such calamities from gt stings and bites of insects use Bucklen's Arnica Salve promptly to kill ?s the poison and prevent inflammaid tion,swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, -,f I bruises. Only 25 cents at M L AIr len's. I 3r, The foreign commerce of the j United States bas broken all records. in! ie Death of Our Baby, Odessa B. ?s | Just at dawn on June 17 the anjo ! gels came and welcomed little Odes^ sa to rest with Jesus for evermore, age 6 months and 10 days. She is s* resting now,but bless her dear little heart, she spent her time in pain 3, while on earth. All was done that > we could do,but God above was the great Helper for our darling. All I want now is to be prepared to be I , with her d Sleeping in Jesus arms, d j Blessed sleep?sleep, Our darling will not weep, e i As we will, t, i Father and Mother, ej Mr and Mrs R D Bradham. 1 Salters. S C. 7-11-ltp I SPECIAL NOTICES Rhone us when you want ej Ar to get a notice under this | e I / heading. Price one cent aj 6 wor^ ^(,reac^ insertion. No ^ ad taken for less than 2dc. 0 Phone 83. r .. e Boarders Wanted?I have opened c_ my cottage, Idle Hour, and will receive boarders at reasonable rates. * Mrs B Schalling, ' Station 22 1-2, Atlanticville, S C. a 7-11 ltp ;j New Advertisements j Take Warning?Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lake City. Fine Pianos on Easy Terms?Charleston Piano Co, Charleston. Horse-shoeing Done Right?W M Vause & Son. Great Clearance Sale?S Marcus. Advanta??8 of a Bank Account? Wee Nee Bank. Grand Clearance Sale ? Jenkinson Bros Co. The People with the Goods?Kinjfstree Hardware Co. Steam Roller Prices Next Week? Butler Dry Goods Co. So far the United States heads the list in the Olympic contests. >c I a; THE ULTIMA' ' Should Hac I CYPRESS D00 f Your dealer will tell you that it 1 'v paint and is Cheaper in the En< f If there is no dealer conveniently t l. wethert 4 Manufacturer*. \ Why suffer th Aches at Protect your family?your 1 H?wa in our home a botth ingle preparation any family It is a Pain Remedy as w< application. Can be taken safely foi diarrhoea, etc. Noah's Liniment is a fine coughs, colds, asthma and tc Noah's ] for rheumatism, stiff joints, sprains, sore muscles and acl kinds There is no better remedy. Be ready for the "">e- err Liniment in your nuVieir.c c;< Best Pain B and sold by all dealers in m< 25c., 50c., and $1.00. If it isn't satisfactory, go ask for the return of your mo we want you to have it Made in Richmond, Va., by No J?*Sold arid guaranteed by King Iontht b^jild 'n a, and owrr o? I occasional coat of paint Just the thing fo Hand tome?Incxpemioe. Can be laid c We have local representatives almost ? locality, write as direct for samples, price CORTR1GHT META1 50 Nwtfc 23d Street Delegates Appointed. Philadelphia, Pa, July 0:?Governor Please of South Carolina has notified Congressman J Hampton Moore, president of the Atlantic (Deeper Waterways association, 01 the appointment of the following delegates to represent the State of South Carolina at the fifth annual convention of the waterways body to l>e Held in New London, Conn, September 4, 5 and (>: Colonel Wiley Jones, Columbia; Hon L C A Rosseler, Charleston; and Hon W H Andrews, Georgetown, The County Record job office is better equipped than ever to do your printing. Send it to us at once. The Comer Stone of Success is laid by a man when he opens a bank account. It gives him a standing in the community to be able to refer to his bank when references are required, and the advantages of being able to pay all bills by check are so_plain we need not emphasize them, we are desirous 01 increasing the number of our depositors, and should be glad to have you call and see our cashier regarding opening an account in our bank. Wee Nee Bank. NO RIVAL IN SIGHT. We have distanced them all, when it comes to practical horse- 0 shoeing; and that is the only kind of work we do. When your shoes don't fit it annoys you; it's the same way with your horse. When he is well shod he will do more work than when his feet are tender from careless shoeing. Let us shoe your horse, and he will thank you. w. m. vause & son. TE CONSUMER a: i >w All About ' RS, I SASH, | BLINDS. | ests longer, looks better, takes less ? d. [6-6-3m j near you. write to us for estimates. T IORN & SON, i CHARLESTON. S. C. ese every day id Pains loved ones?against them. t of Noah's Liniment, the best can have. ;11 as a Liniment for external r colic, cramps, indigestion, preparation for sore throat, >othache. Use Liniment , neuralgia, strains, ies and pains of all if^rmreaKasp [Kj y by having Noah's I |H jset to-day. It is the U=?jj^^J BB Lemedy 1MB idicine ; three sizes, ?srzzrr H w aaaanr H| IIIMNMb m| to your dealer and trsastys H| ney. It is yours Aid B ah Kenedy Company, w stree Drug Co. and Al. L. Allen drap&?Mm aeedw ftttectioa. except an I r aJJ kinds of country buildings. Fin-proof? I ?h? am wood shatgfes without