r~ ( oppoh We make it a rule at the cl In order to give the trade the o| once a season at the usual time < help you out the season. Inclu offering will compose a numbei which we are too heavily stock its previous prices, as we aim t< ThA cnrnlnc fitnrks are 9iuwn? m iiv tfui ^/imw w cut the prices to the lowest not FRIDAY ] in which to clear out all lines o sonable goods, but in every dep want genuine bargains act quit CALICOES I GINGHAMS ] Regular 6 cents short Apron Ginghams, 40 a; lengths, Surplus Stock bolts to sell quickly, Sur- R Sale, plus Stock Sale, p 43-4c 5 3-4c 2>nut; UCKAKliTicni I ipiy.w $3.00 grade hand sewed $ 1.98 grade... $3.50 grade Brander Shoes for KNEE ! Men, sale price 2.98 ^ , , $3.00 grade, hand sewed 1.98 |2.00 grade, sale LADIES' SHOES. 50c grade _.IZ In high tops and Oxfords, in BOYS' i black and tan: rA , , $1.50 grade 98c 2* 1 THE HERRICK SHOE FOR $2 00 grade~ LADIES, MEN'J !o S price ? HS *1.75 grade, sale W.50 grade.- 2.4? a>9 rn $1.00 grade, Children's Shoes, ^de' ^ sale 69c $5.00 grade, sale CLOTHING;! DEPARTMENT, or We ish to call special attention I dallion, sale price to our Clothing Stock. These goods A small lot are purchased from the leading manu- Combs that sold \ facturers in the United States, and price consist of the finest material as well 50 Ladies' ( j as the best workmanship. In Olive made with lace . Green, Olive Brown, Blue and Black, and ribbon. Speci $7.50 grade, Men's Suits.. $ 4 49 Men's good $10 00 grade 7 69 Slippers,all sizes, ? - "" -J- O I7Q I512.&U gTaae * Not a single Man, Worn, Many Barg Starts Frida1 m S.JMARCL ^ HBflHR j^^mft j^Bfl ^^KBK H^BI GREATEST 1TUNITY i lose of every season to dispose of all Lines of Good: pportunity to buy the best goods to the best advanta Right now when the summer season is in full ded in the Sale are aH surplus lines of Spring and S r of very desirable lots from broken sizes, also mai ed. Everything in this sale will be marked at a c i) effect speedy and complete clearance prior to divided into twelve lots and in order to insure a qu ch. We have set anart the 30 davs beginning* MORNING, JUL; f Spring and Summer Goods. We shall offer not artment special prices will be made on a large nui O vl\? SADIES' SHOES I CORSETS CASHMERE DAS nd Oxfords. Patent Tip. Regular 60c. quality, to 25 cents double width?all 35 cents va egular 50c grade. Sur- move fast, Surplus Stock colors. Surplus Stock a noise, Su inc st/v?ir Ralp Sale. Sale, Sale, 98c 39c 19c 11 9 49 DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. ? ** ^ 7c grade Gingham, sale price.. 5 3-4c PANTS. Calicoes, all colors, American 4 3-4c 40-inch Lawn, 15c grade 9 3-4c price - 9?? 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, sale ^ Sfnrp ClncipH price r r? - 4 3-4c ? 89c OlOre V/108cU, 12kc Chambray, sale price. 8 3-4c , ciiitc 15c grade IndiaLinon,sale price, 9c Oripn ^5c and Colored Silks, Drice 39c v/pcil sale price ? 36c 59c 20c Madras, Pique and MercerizIIZ.II $ 1 59 rM*Jav Iiilir 19ftft ed Waist Goods, sale price 113-4c rriQay, Jlliy l?lil. $1.25 value in Voile, sale price, 79c 5 PANTS. 8 Spools Coat's Cotton for 10c no Now undergoing radi- $1-50 grade Taffeta Silk, sale price..? 98c . price 89c price $ l 49 cal transformation. An Rattine, white and tan, reguiar price 179 army Qf skj||ed c)erks price $1.00, Sale Price 79c y Lace (pilars, working day and night SKIRTS. 3b?" 3nd me" 8}c trying their best to PANAMAS, VOILES, PANAMAS. of initial Back a c $3.50 grade ?.. $198 ale ?Pen d00rs m tlme for *5.00 |rade 2 49 19c day advertised. $7.50 grade . 4 49 Dorset Covers, White Eton Skirts ? 89c and inserting ^ MILLINERY, quality house $3.50 grade, sale price. $ 179 1 1 47 KA OQIO nrino 5? fiS gUUU fOC VcilU^* I | f w 5xouiv/ ynvv w uu 40c I I $10.00 grade, sale price 4 98 an, Boy or Qirl within a radius of 25 Mi Miss This Sale ains Here Not Ad> y Morning, July 12, 9 O'clock Pron FS, - Kingstrc jr 30 Days Only. Be Among the First in the Crowd H * - i k B >ALt ?^?????? - ,, s at a great sacrifice. ge, we make this offer swing these lines will iummer Fabrics. The * * ly regular lines upon g lecided reduction from I receiving our new fall I lick clearance we have I Y 12th I I only our lines of sea- I ^ tnber of styles. If you 1. 1 [ASK UNDERWENT" I lues, to make Men's Vests?twenty- 1 irplus Stock five cts. To sell quick? E Surplus Stock Sale, | ?c I 19c I RIBBONS. | 2,000 yards from 1 cent a yard up. 1 iptly. !e,S.C. ' s. ^ LADIES' AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 10c Handkerchiefs, sale price 3c 10c grade Half Hose, sale price 6c i 15c grade Hose, sale price ... 9c 10c grade Ladies' Hose, sale price, 6c 15c grade Ladies' Hose, sale price, 8c 25c and 50c Suspenders, sale price, 19c 50c Overalls, sale price _ .. 43c 75c grade Men's Dress Shirts, sale price 39c J 25c and 50c grade Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, ^^9 sale price . 19c $1.00 Scriven's Elastic Drawers, 89 sale price .. 69c LACES. 10c grade.. 2 l-2c j 25c grade 13c I EMBROIDERIES. 1 15c grade _... 9c j 25c grade 13c | Itwc grade ate , I 75c gTade 39c les Would Dare ? ertised!