* ONE YEAR'S GROWTH. April 18. 1911. April 18. 1912 Deposits $152,315.94 $182,587.20 Cashon Hand ... 20,502.52 25,330.72 i-oans and Disc 177,849.06 199,657.32 *rotal Assets .. 212,872.59 243,564.76 An increase of over $31,OOO since April 18, 1911. This in spite of the Hard T/% nnnw/viinfa Knoi. LiiiviEid; yy c tippicviaiA; uuor ness and we thank our customers. We invite new accounts, small or large. We offer absolute safety and courteous treatment. Bank of Williamsburg KIN6STREE, S. C. -- _ _ . _ I IB L I LOCALS NEWS M Hon W D Bryan of Taft was in town today. Mr and Mrs A C Swails spent Sunday at Florence. Rev J S Mullenix of Cades was in Kingstree Tuesday. Miss Lucy Terry of Atlanta, Ga, is visiting Mrs W L-Taylor. Miss Rebecca Nettles is visiting friends at Lanes this week, Mr Bennie Lesesne of Mahning is visiting his aunt, Mrs E E Fluitt. _J)r VV J Burleigh of Clemson college was in Kingstree Tuesday. Miss Fannie Funk has returned from * visit to her brother at Salter?. iss Janie Ervin of Indiantown L has been visiting Darlington relaI tives. f Mrs M C Mouzon and Miss Miriam Fluitt spent the day at Salters Tuesday. Rev P S McChesney is spending a few days with his family in Charleston county. Dr and Mrs R J McCabe and Dr R C McCabe were Charleston visitors this week. Mrs J B Lesesne and little son, Bonneau, of Florence are visiting Mrs E E Fluitt. There will be no services at the I Episcopal church next Sunday.being postponed to June 30. Messrs W H Carr and J B Als ** ? brooK spent ounaay wmi luc lamiij of Mr J W King at Savage. L W Gilland.Esq, and family have moved into their beautiful new home in North Academy street. Mr W I Nexsen left yesterday for the mouhtains of North Carolina, where he usually spends the summer. Prof J W Swittenberg. of the k Kingstree High and Graded school, leaves today for a few weeks' trip to Newberry. Mrs A M Gordon returned from the Roper hospital, Charleston, Saturday, much improved in health, we .are pleased to note. Lebanon Lodge, No 48, A F M, will have a grand rally and basket picnic on St John the Baptist's day, June 24. A big time is anticipated. Mr Clifton B Guess, formerly of ; . g Salters Depot bu^ now of Shiver Springs,is spending a few days with I friends and relatives at his old home. Rev Dr D M Douglas,president of South Carolina Presbyterian college, Clinton, will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sundav, morning and evening. All invited. S Dr and Mrs W V Brockington went to Charleston Sunday to visit *1 >-?-*?>- Kt+la niar>a who is re tne iunei~ s nuiv uivw, ..? covering from an operation for appendicitis at Riverside hospital. Mrs B G Butler of Florence is spending the week with her son, Mr B W Butler,here. Mrs Butler is 71 years old and is remarkably active and vigorous for one of her years. Mr W J Britton, representing the f Carolina Furniture Co, attended the meeting of the South Carolina Furniture Dealers'association at Charles^ ton last week. A nice time is re* ported. (Mr Walter R Bryan announces his ^candidacy for Roa$l Engineer in The Record today. Mr Bryan is a well known and popular gentleman, and if chosen to this important position ? ?? """ i-arrrot if Among the pleasant callers we: have had this were: Messrs L L Jove of Venters, B H Guess and W < R Bryan of Salters, W 0 Camlin of Bloomingvale and M L Boyd and 1 I son of Trio. 1 ; The following gentlemen were 1 II among the visitors from Cades who i attended court here this week: ; Messrs W E Nesmith, R J Haselden, E H Sauls, W I Hodges, J J Epps, J ' L Gowdy.R ETarte and D H Oliver. In this issue Robert J Kirk, Esq, announces his candidacy for the House of Representatives. Mr Kirk is a leading lawyer of Kingstree, and that he will make Williamsburg a most able and faithful representative is beyond question. The fifth annual session of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the 1 Eastern Star in South Carolina convened at Florence at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, with Leonora Chapter, OA M D IT rioi?L*cAn r^nroopnt. I nu OU. JU1 JLJ VIU1 IWWM ?V|/ivwv??v i ed the Kingstree chapter. Mr R W Fulton announces him- , self in^this issue of The County , Record as a candidate for the office ( of Probate Judge. Mr Fulton is . well known in this county and his many friends will learn of his candi- , dacy with much gratification. I Messrs J B Alsbrook,representing t the Kingstree Hardware Co, and Mr c E E King, representing the Farm- v 1 ers' Supply Co,attended the meeting of the Carolinas Hardware associa- I tion on the Isle of Palms, Charles- c ton, last week, and report a fine c time. v Ed Epperson.a negro prisoner con- j victed in the county court here some time ago and sentenced to a term of ^ two years in the penitentiary or on a the public works for horse stealing, v escaped from the gang last Satuo ^ day. He was captured at Sumter1 v and was brought back here today. p Misses Oifl Satlnders and Josephine a Hicks, the popular milliners for the Kingstree Dry Goods Co and the F Kennedy Millinery Co, respectively, went to Savannah Monday, whence ^ they took the ocean trip to Balti- ^ more, en route to their respective 0 I homes A host of friends hone thev will return for the fall season. Mr George L McElveen, comes before his friends and the people of Williamsburg county with tnis issue of The Record in an announcement for the State Legislature. Mr McElveen is too well known to the 0 people of this county to need any 8 wbrd of recommendation from us. " We feel sure his friends will rally jj to his support in the coming primary. s Children's day exercises will be t observed at the Methodist church o next Sunday evening, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. A most interesting pro- h gramme, covering the life of Christ t on earth from His birth to His resurrection, will be rendered by the d children of the Sunday-school. Ev- a erybody is cordially invited to attend i: the exercises. I In our issue of the 13th appeared r the announcement of Mr N B Dial, a r prominent attorney of Laurens, for r the United States Senate, subject to ^ the rules of the Democratic party, i Mr Dial is a member of the firm of Dial & Todd of Laurens, where he is ^ held in high esteem by a large j clientele and a host of friends. We feel confident that he will poll a j large vote in Williamsburg county. 1 A meeting of the stockholders of v the Bank of Cades, recently commis- r sioned by the Secretary of State and * to have a capital stock of $10,000, > was held last week and the following e officers and directors were elected: W B Wilson,president; V G Arnette, vice president; H F Fenegan, cash- c ier; W E Nesmith, F L Willcox, s Thomas Wilson, L G Brock, J L Mc- 8 Fadden and W G Singletary, direct- e , ors. Handsome new quarters will be erected for the bank to operate in and business will begin about Aug- j ust 15. Reddick Scott, a negro man about thirty years of ago, who lives with s his mother over in the neighborhood * of the county jail, startled the peace i and quiet of the other residents of t that section about 1 o'clock Sunday v i morning by making his old mother believe he was going to commit sui- " ! cide. Poor Re'.dick, with a mighty i troubled mind, went down the rail- 5 ; road in the vicinity of the watering I tank and placed bis dusky body on ; I the track to be mangled by a train. I 1 This frightened poor Reddick's mo- j ! ther, and as she could not persuade ! * him to remove his carcass from the tracks,she proceeded to raise a howl which in turn raised the neighbor- . hood. Some friends who did not want Reddick to go to an untimely . death gently removed him from his perilous position and gave him lodging in one of the little new cells J in the town hall until he could be ' ' interviewed by the Mayor, who in a 1 ' nice way relieved the would-be sui- * cide of five dollars and his "troubled J mind." . i i ? < i Rub-Mv-Tism will cure you. i Cassels-Bell. Mr Win P C'assels of Ellenton and Miss Anna E Bell of near Kingstrcej ivere quietly married at the home of the hride at o o'clock yesterday afternoon. The bride is the l>eautiful md accomplished daughter of Mr md Mrs J C Bell, and the groom a [K)pular young business man of Elenton. The ceremony was per :ormef our beloved secretary, therefore j ve record the following resolutions: First, That in the death of Mrs ?ttie Snow our society and our 1 hurch have lost one of their most 1 levoted and faithful members^and s vhile we mourn her loss we bow in 1 tumble submission to the will of 1 dim who "doeth all things well". 1 Second, That we sympathize most 1 leeply with her bereaved family, * ,nd as a loving desire to offer this trifcj * Ite of love, and pray that in this ( rying time they may be comforted c rith a Savior's love and find that * eace and consolation which He .lone can give. Third, That these resolutions be ? >laced in our minutes and a copy be j ent to the family, to the Southern Christian Advocate, to the George- ! own Times and to The County Rec- 1 rd. (Signed) Mrs D I WilSon, Mrs 0 M Mitchell, Mrs L B Johnson. Committee. Delightful Dance. Notwithstanding the unusual heat f Monday evening,the young ladies ,nd gentlemen of town and numerous attractive visitors gathered in 'homas Opera house and danced the tappy hours away to the sweet trains of Cohen's Symphony orchesra of Florence. Not until three 'clock did the plaintive notes of ( 'Home, Sweet Home" warn the lappy young revelers that 'twas ime to adjourn. Among those present were: Meslames J F McFadden, B W Butler , ind Wm Guerry Green; Misses Lou- < se and Margaret Bass of Lanes, ' Cssie Blakeley, Marian McFadden, Uice McConnell, Sue Stoll, Mary ( Jale Robertson of Columbia.Gueary ( ireen. Hallie Hinds; Messrs Kirby ( ireen, Alvin L McElveen, Otto and : Villie Brown, Jack Salters, Winston { iolliday of Lanes, Grant Van Keu- 1 en, Maxwell M Burch of Florence, { Vallace Mcintosh, Virgil Kinder, i Crvin Meyer,T G Floyd, Percy Hut- ] on,Burton Bass of Lanes and Philip , i Arrowsmith. This delierhtful informal dance, vhich was given in return complinent to the young ladies of the own who entertained with a leap 'ear dance last week, was greatly njoyed by all attending. A sprained ankle may as a rule be :ured in from three to four days bv applying Chamberlain's Liniment ind observing the directions with < 'ach bottle. For sale by all dealers. ] First Cotton Blossoms. Editor County Record: Inclosed find first cotton blossom ] ieen in this section. It was picked rom the field of F Montgomery, an ndustrious colored farmer, who has hirty acres of the best cotton the vriter has seen, and it i3 in the best fate of cultivation. Subscriber. Walters Depot, June 18. Mr J R Cox of Gourdins sent us 1 yesterday the first cotton blossom ?een in that vicinity this s?ason. This morning we received a largg Dink blossom,the first to open in his ields, from Mr D Z Rowe l of Trio. It is now well known that not nore than one case ef rheumatism n ten requires any internal treatnent whatever. All that is needed is i free application of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at ?ach application. Try it and see how juickly it will relieve th? pain and toreness. Sold by ajl dealers. Destroys Dandruff Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp clean and healthy, destroys all dandruff, and greatly promotes the growth of the hair. You will certainly be pleased with it as a dressing for your hair. It keeps the hair soft and smooth and promptly checks (any falling of the hair. It does not color the hair, and cannot injure the hair or scalp. Consult your doctor about these hair problems. Ask him what he thinks of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Hxia J. C. ATZR CO.. Lowell. Km When hot and fatigued, call on the old reliable Courtney's Ice Cream Palace. We carry only pure fruit juices for making drinks, also for naking ices. We do not try to derive our friends and customers and spve them substitues called Coca3ola; we give them the pure Coca3ola. I have been in business for the past twelve years in old Kingstree, and no friend or customer can jay that I have ever given him anything but what was pure.and true to the name it was stamped. I have lever had the face to hand out to | ny trade anything but pure syrups , tnd pure fruits. I do not allow extracts to enter my place. When the irne comes that I must try to derive my friends and customers and five them substitutes,that is the day . hat I will take in my sign and dis:ontinue business. I make my cream ma ao not use anyuung iu it cacc^i, jure cream and Jersey cows' milk. . have never used condensed milk in ny cream since in business in KingsTee. To my friends and customers, old md young:?Never while I am in business will you ever get anything n my Ice Cream Palace that is not jure and that will not meet the retirements of the Pure Food and 3rug Act. I will forfeit $50.00 to aiiy person ;hat can find anything in my place ;hat does not meet the requirements )f the Pure Food and Drug Act. Friends and customers, it is a sad nistake when you are eating and Irinking things that are not pure. Yours for business, Courtney's Ice Cream Palace. >-20-2t Fanners' Union Meeting. The Williamsburg Farmers' Union vill meet at the court house on Saturday, June 29, 1912, at 11 a m, :or the purpose of distributing iividends of the Cotton Warehouse :o. Each Union is required to send ielegates as there will be important jusiness to come before the Union. Several good speakers are expected :o be present on this occasion,among vhom will be State President E W Dabbs, Mr B Harris, and probably ;he State organizer, Mr Holloway. J T Frierson, Sect & Treas. W 0 Camlin, J C Everett, W R Bryant, Warehouse Committee. Wanted: You to know that I shall move my Jtudio to Georgetown July 1. All persons wishing photographs will :all at my studio before that time. 6-20-1 tp C R Thomas. SPECIAL NOTICES -a Phone us when you want to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a word for each insertion. No ad taken for less than '2oc. Phone 83. Wanted?To rent at once, a portable saw mill to cut 150,000 feet of lumber or more,near Kingstree. Address, P O Box 2l)4, 6-6-tf Kingstree, S C. j n!tli m >si > <*? | Electric \ Made A New Man Of Kim. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. CnMand my liver and kidneys did not work right, bnt four bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 50CTS. AT A'L DRUG STORES. See J. L. I * Note You Have yNEXT DOOR T< id Complete Line ot F I -Dajlig ih ??' \h ti/ l- . ?? * -4 w ? U/ ? ' adies\ Misses ijj t Tub Dresses. Jg ment in King ? fsuit^ ? . ? ? * ^ KEEP YOUR E^ | Stacl } Dry Gc 3? flood wood shingle, and in mom place Roof* put oa 26 yean ago are aa flood i We bare local representatives almost locality, write us direct for samples, pc CORTRIGHT META 80 WORTH 23d STREET ^ r hesitate mm ' guarantee. pUf Prove ou 'JBK Get a bottle BSbI trial. You i measure. Yo free from r iccl like a n LSws. tion and stre ML*-- Get it at yo fiL Suffolk ? jr { i I""Dr. Mt'is" Anti-Pain Pill* relieve pail 5'* $ $ ?> '>*? ? V* t? , POWERS I Your Plumbing Done. I 5 EXPRESS OFFICE ^ ' < < < 'lumbing Material and Fixtures | g;S-'?.y.?.fc^y.?.S' I i Ai 191? ? in win ?$ . m * i' and Children's ; iT* The best assort- J stree. Prices to j 2 ; * i* it* rES ON WINDOWS. ? ' . Kley's | :>ods Co, g I RIGHT* mmk metal Wm SHINGLES =3r LAID RIGHT r# AVER OLD WOOD ;/ SHINGLES. 2. No dirt?do bother, tad when once laid they make a thoroughly storm-proof r and fire>proof roof, eetthtf of which caa bo claimed for the wood dungle. Aa to price?they coat no men than a i they coat much leas. is new to-day, and have aerer needed repairs, everywhere, but if nooe in your iwmediate ices and full particulars. L ROOFING COMPANY PHUAPgLWA. PA. iASTEEESS I , rmT t tavtt/M ! KtWLjli XUIUV Guaranteed to cure Chills, LaGrippe and Fevers, or your money cheerfully refunded. ; know what it has done in 1 ids of cases and do not ; to make this sweeping t r statements for yourself. today. Give it an honest I vill be benefited beyond 1 ur blood will become pure, nalarial infection. You'll ew being, full of life, ambingth. ur druggist's today, 25c. and 50c Drug Corporation, j Suffolk, Virginia J The Man Everybody Wants. * The man with money. You can save a certain amount each month and while you may not become a millionaire you can put aside a reasonable share of wealth while you are young and strong. Your money could be earning interest now?is it? Why not start an account? ?. Wee Mee Bank Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE J , EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for the admission of new students will be held ?t the County Court House on Friday, July S, at 9 a. m. Applicants must he not less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 5 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for . scholarships should write to President Johnson before the examination for scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 18,1912. J For further information and catalogue, address A Pre* D B Johnson. Rock HilUS C. J ? 5-9-t7-l M