r i Annual Statement OF \ BANKQFWILLIAMSBURG. | KWGSTREE, S. C. - RESOURCES. ?>oans and Discounts $181,027.44 Banking House 9.032.79 Furniture and Fixtures 3,643.23 Cash on Hand and in Banks. 35.966.90 $229,670.36 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 40,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 8.246.52 Rediscounts 1,579.56 Deposits 169,844.28 $220,670.36 | : Bank of Williamsburg KIN6STREE, S. C. -f; *.' -v 4 ^ ^ Cotton is quoted today at 10c ? for strict middling; seed $18.50 ? jjj^H^-!?er ton on the local market. ? TTTfTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTT* I .OCAlp I m? p County candidates are coy. Mr L D Rodgers was in Lake City V Sunday. Common Pleas court convenes Monday. Hon W D Lryan was noted in town Monday from Taft. Solicitor Stoll is in Bishopville this week attending court. >ji { Attention is called to bank state ments published in this issue. Mr S B Ogburn was among the pleasant callers we had last Saturday. Mr J W Patrick of Fowlers paid us his respects while in town yesterday. Among our welcome visitors Tuesday was noted Mr A C Hanna of Leo. Miss Theo Gregg of Sumter is x visiting the family of Thos M Gil]f 'land, Esq. The time for paying town taxes and license without penalty expired today. Rev W H Hodges of Bamberg I spent several days in town this I week. V Mr B S Smith, of Zeb postoffice, B called agreeably at our sanctum SatI urday. I Mr F Poston of Venters was in I ' town Tuesday and paid us a pleasw ant visit. * Mr Jesse Hawkins of Sumter spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs Edda B Hawkins. Mr W H Alford of Andrews called Monday and renewed his subscripTUA P/vtAr/^ IIUU LU Hit: ivcvviu. P H Arrowsmith, Esq, of Lake City was in town yesterday and called pleasantly at The Record office. Pressing Elder W P Meadors, now of Cokesbury district, visited his daughter, Mrs A C Hinds, here this week. Mrs S Marcus left Monday night for New York, where she will purchase a line of spring and summer millinery. Mr W H Parnell.of Zeb postoffice, while in town Tuesday took opportunity to shove forward his subscription to 1913. y\ Messrs J D Duke and H E Godwin -jrV of Lake City vicinity came to see us Tuesday. Such visitors are always welcome at our office. ? - - * c Tn Mr W C Smith,formerly 01 rvmgstree but now of Charleston, passed through town Sunday en rou ? any amount of pain and can J < r be taken internally for Colic, I < j Cramps, etc. Nothing better I , for Toothache. 5 ?! ? ] 2 Noali'i Liniment Is the best remedy for ? Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back, StSu (1 ' Joints and Muscles. Sore Throat, Colds, g | Strains, Sprains, Cuts, i' s Bruises, Colic, Crami)s, , Neuralgic. Toothache, 2ZSE2223I I* Paius. The genuine has j B Noah's Ark on very ^J j t package and look li'ce Tfa7itC '^ !'.H' ! this cut, but has K..D lfi|ijt A ! 6 hand on front of pack. I 3/r j ' age anJ "Noah's Lini- iYTTHTCl" '< I i ment" always In RED ^ Mtf?3lb!r ' ink. Beware of imita- I v I 1* tions. Large bottle. 25 J K? am?Pgj. < cents, and sold Dv ait 1 ? dealers in me d i c fn e. N ; | Guaranteed or money ~. I refunded by Noah | I RemedyCo., Inc., ~v- | Richmond. Va. :' > I i For sale and guaranteed by Kings- I tree Drug Co, and M. L. Allen. ! ? 1 70 Years withCoughs We have had seventy years Df experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This makes us have great confidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. We want you to have confidence in it, as well. Ask your own doctor what experience he has had .jiL u. n_ i iviui 11. nc Miuws. ivccjj | n dose touch with him. ie of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause i increased flow of bile and produce a ntle laxative effect the day following, irmula on each box. Show it to your ctor. He will understand at a glance. >se, one pill at bedtime, just one. Kede by the 3. C. AYER CO.. Lowell. Kmc. Notice! Notice! On Saturday, February 24, at ?ller's Stables, there will be an iction Sale of 50 head Horses and ules. Come and save money. I 2-22-It 1 PECIAL NOTICES ! Phone us when you want ' /IT to get a notice under this 1 heading. Price one cent a word for each insertion. No _,jv,ad taken for lcs- than 2">c. lone S3. ^ ood fo? Sale-I am now prepared deliver stove wood on sl ort notice, ices right. Phone No. 9. -4t Thos. VV Epps. Wood's Seeds for sale at Scott's ug Store. Irish Potatoes, Onion Sets d Rape Seed. 2-15-3t For Sale?Mammoth Pekin Duck gs for hatching, SI.50 for setting of eggs. Thos W Epps. !2-5t p Phone No 9. Important Notice.? All parties hav\ furnished paupers for 1911 are reesied to hand in a list of the names of >se they furnished who are still livJ N Hammet, County Commissioner, bruarv 22. 1912. 2-22-2t Wanted?A reliable young man with ' r education for country store as rk and book-keeper. Must be sober, lustrious and reliable. No cigarette id wanted. Apply at once to W W Barr, 2-2t Cooper, S. G. 'or Sale ? One portable 5-horsever Gasolene Engine, practically v. Will sell at a bargain. Address. Box 118, 9-2tp Kingstree, S C. Vanted?A widnw or settled womah cook and housekeeper in a family of ir. A woman who understands the e of children preferred. J P Gibbons Route 1, Box 30 9-2tp Salters Depot, S C. ? The Artistic jl ! Stieff 5 ! Piano ?! i is used exclusively in | homes where art and (j musical refinement are cultivated to the high- (J est degree. Only ar- W) tistic standard soid (A direct from factory to m\ home. [A SOUTHERN WAREROOM: fl 3 West Trade Street, 219 South Tryon Street after June 1,1912, JI rKuflnrte. m m N. C. A C. H. WILMOTH, fl Manager. y ie Implement Co., RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, I have just issued a new and somplete Farm Implement Catalog giving up-to-date information and prices of All Farm Implements, j Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel and Disk Cultivators, Dump and Farm Wagons, Engines, Threshers, Saw and Planing Mills, Metal and other Roofings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Ooph U/tro Fenrinrf. fitfi. vat v ii 11 v) .... Our prices are very reasonable for first-class supplies. Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it ' 1 The Implement Co* 1302 E. Main St? Richmond, Va. IIV (u Engagement Ej OPERA MONDAY, IV First Appearance of tl Eduard W? Supported by an Excellen ers, in His Own Spe< 1HL U BEAUTIFUL W WONDERFUL ELECTI Prices 25 cen ^^eats on Sale at Carol it i ?iloulinrhi I VUJIIglll to $ i to All Ladi< } Suits and 5 to Cost for the it days. ii/ ti / [4/ * KEEP YOUR EYES 1 Stack jj Dry Goo Division We, the Und Will QaII ' AAA k/V/AA A VTA ?, All that piece, p of land, situate in County (King Towr ing two hundred a (234) acres, more o ly known as the tract,now owned b; and Edwin Harper Terms of sale ca to pay for all paper This land lies] east of Kingstree, Poor Farm, and is farming lands. Land to be sold I in March, before door in Kingstree, ? W. D. ! EDWI1 Per F, V C ? n *?if f7 Iftl O I CUI Ltdl J 1 y, 171A. 2-22-2t. ctraordinary HOUSE flARCH 4 j he Eminent Actor aldmann t Company of Playcial Version of ?EVIL" ARDROBE R1CAL EFFECTS ts to $1.00 ia Furniture Co.'s^^ e; t Store-! * A ss' Coat ^ ikirts at |f? ! next 15 (0 m ON WINDOWS. ? ley's I near the old ; good fertile First Monday Court House it 12 o'clock M. BRYAN, N HARPER. /. HARPER, Agent. / ds Co. J Jtr SaTel ersigned, \ Division arcel or tract ? *W V 4 Williamsburg iship) containnd thirty-four. r less, formerAsa Brown y W. D. Bryan ; I \ ! 1 sh; purchaser s. five (5) miles