Annual Statement OF BANKOF WILLIAMSBU RG. XINGSTREE, S. C. ( RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $181,027.44 Banking House 9.032.79 Furniture and Fixtures 3,643.23 Cash on Hand and in Banks.. 35,966.90 $229,670.36 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 40,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,246.52 Rediscounts 1,579.56 Deposits 169,844.28 $229,670: 36 j - Bank of Williamsburg KIN6STREE, S. C. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA < r* ^ Cotton is quoted today at97Rc,? 2 to 10c for strict middling; seed ? 2 $17 per ton on the local market.^ yflTTTTTTfyyTyyTTTTTTTTyr* . lOCAlPI M m Easter Sunday comes on April 7. Mr T W Boyle of Greelyville was ' noted in town Monday. Mr S A Graham of Gourdins visited the county seat Tuesday. Miss Mollie Epps has gone to Jessup, Ga, to spend some time. Court convenes Monday, February 19, Judge H F Rice presiding. Mr P 0 Arrowsmith was a visitor to the "City by the Sea" this week. Mr D W Avant of Andrews paid The Record his respects last Friday. Mr R E McKnight of Greelyville called to see us while in Kingstree Tuesday. Mr R N Speigner advertises a valuable piece of property for sale this week. Monday was salesday, but there was nothing doing in the way of public sales. . A Mr J B Clarkson of Gourdins called pleasantly to see us while in town Friday. Mr E L Moore went to his home at Durham, N C, Tuesday for a brief vacation. Mr C J Thompson of Salters Depot has taken a position in the Bank of Williamsburg. , We were pleased to have a call Wednesday from Mr J W Whitfield of Salters Depot. Auditor Montgomery urges every one to make his or her returns; the time will soon be out. Don't fail to read the opening chapters of our story. "The Pool of Flame". It's a thriller. Mr George A McElveen is local agent for the A A Quality fertilizers. See ad this week. Does it pay to advertise in The Record? Ask S Marcus what that page last week did for him. Dr C D Jacobs has been on the sick list this week. His many friends hope to see him out again soon. Messrs C K and J P Eaddy, of the Cades section, were welcome visitors Saturday at our sanctum. Among our pleasant visitors Monday were Magistrate Crooks and Mr O C Freeman, of the Trio section. St Valentine's day less than a week off and this is leap year, too. ft We can only advise: "Look ere you leap." Miss Sallie Grant and her little nephew, Louis Cordes of Charleston, are visiting the family of Mr W H McGee. / *5" We are gratified to learn that Hon R H Kellahan is progressing nicely toward convalescence from his recent illness. <\ ' " . s Among the agreeable visitors at our office this week we were glad to welcome Mr B A McKnight of Gourdins yesterday. Mr E C Spann, formerly of Greely-j ville, but now of Lynchburg, has vioifinar rplativps and friends m LFCC11 ^?# k in Kingstree and vicinity., i Senator Epps spent Sunday-to-i I Tuesday at home with his family, the Legislature having adjourned j over first Monday, as usual. Miss Marian uuiana eruenaiueu a ' number of her friends at her home last evening in honor of her guest, Miss Collins of Conway. We are sincerely sorry to hear of the illness of our friend, Coroner Gamble, and hope that he may soon be climbing the hill of recovery. Magistrate R C McElveen favored us with the light of his countenance Monday. Come often, Charlie; we always have a warm welcome for you. Owing to the sudden and unexpected death of his father, Dr E 0 Taylor has decided to return to Greelyville to look after his interests there. Mr S D Hanna, Jr., of Vox, while j in town Tuesday took occasion to shove up his subscription to 1913. ! Don't that date look good to your delinquents? Mr William Reddick was taken to a Charleston infirmary this week for surgical treatment by his physician, Dr Gamble. All hope that Mr Reddick will soon return restored to health. Mr Fred Hodge has recently installed a cotton ginnery, grist and saw mill at Belser's X Roads. This will doubtless prove a great convenience for the people of that community. Dr Gamble went to Charleston Monday to take his sister-in-law, Mrs J P Gamble of Heinemann, to an infirmary for treatment. We i hope that Mrs Gamble may soon be ! restored to health. Mrs B W Butler, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs Willis, who has been ill, returned home Friday. Mrs Willis is now improving at the McLeod infirmary, Florence. Miss Ethel McLean, who has com pleted a course in the Roper Hospital Training School for nurses, is at home at her aunt's,Mrs RB Smith's, in North Kingstree. She won the only medal offered the class, making 99:5 %. "Madame Sherry" will be played in Florence next Tuesday evening. The house is pretty well sold out already, but Manager O'Dowd has promised us to reserve a reasonable number of choice seats for Kingstree folk who apply for them at once. Better be prompt. H G Askins. Esq, has returned to Lake City from Bamberg, where he has resided for the past year. Mr Askins' offices are on the second floor of K of P building, the suite formerly occupied by W L Bass, Esq. See card in this issue. Mr Charles A McCrea, who re- j cently graduated in telegraphy at I Chicago, has secured a lucrative position as assistant agent and operator of the Illinois Central railroad at Coldwater, Miss. His host of friends are pleased to hear of his success and hope that it is a stepping-stone to greater things. Thursday of last week a Pastors' Conference and Missionary Institute of Kingstree district was held at the Kellahan Hotel at 12 o'clock noon. The meeting was called by Presiding Elder Holroyd and after the meeting adjourned an excellent luncheon was served by the genial host of the Kellahan Hotel. The annual meeting of the Kingstree Telephone Co, was held Monday and the report of the manager was very gratifying to the stockholders. After expending about $800 for repairs and new apparatus, a fair dividend was declared. Manager Clarkson is to be congratulated on his successful vear's work. Mr G Ollie Epps of Benson called to see us Monday and gave us a copy of The New York Herald, dated April 15, 1865. The*contents are quite interesting, there being an account of President Lincoln's death and the fall of Richmond, Va, the capital of the Confederacy. Fortyseven years ago?almost a new world since then. On Friday, February 2,or Candlemas day,the sapient groundhog, or woodchuck, fared forth from his hibernation and took his traditional squint. As he cast a shadow, the wily marmot hied him back to his hole in anticipation of more cold weather. From the present outlook the groundhog surely guessed it right this time Mr Littleton S Dennis, who has been in the United States infantry service for the past three years, returned home last week, his term of enlistment having expired. Mr Dennis has an honorable discharge which praises his efficiency and fidelity in the discharge of his duties, of which he is justly proud. We are glad to welcome back Mr Dennis, as there is ample room here for young men of his calibre. j I LiST OF JURORS i I For Term of Court Convening Monday, February 19. I Grand Jury. J ACockfield, Venters. E D Epps, Kingstree. j, L L Joye. Venters. V E Stiong, Cades, W L Burgess, Mouzon, j H U Kinder, Kingstree, ' | J S Epps, Mouzon, J M Brown, Kingstree, S Davis Snowden, Vox, G W Burgess. Mouzon, A D Hemingway, Rome, John E Hanna, Vox, J A Cunningham, Indiantown, ( C A Hines, Greelyville, W J T Huggins, Venters, J F Haselden, Greelyville, D H Oliver, Cooper, A W Graham, Trio. Petit Jury. t * G 0 Edds. Benson, 4 - - - j W R Cooper, Morrisville, ( J L Burgess, Mouzon, ( S R Walters, Suttons, S E McCollough, Taft, i J W Williamson, Cades, j R F Lewis, Greelyville, ? T'K Smith, Bloomingvale, J B Clarkson, Gourdins, J B Gamble, Kingstree, A R Moseley, Salters, A W Chandler, Gourdins, C C Carsten, Cades, T R Vinning, Greelyville, W L Altman, Suttons, W B McCollough, Taft, W J Lifrage, Salters, G W Jove, Venters, S D Hanna, Vox, J E Johnson, Nesmith, R E Ward, Kingstree, t n n J L/ uavis, waiters G C Parsons, Jr, Gourdins, R W Smith, Bloomingvale, R G Waldron, Rhems, ' A B Cooper, Suttons, J A Marshall, Zeb, I W L Carter, Lambert, e J H Hanna, Jr, Kingstree, d J W Moore, Taft, ? S M Brockinton, Andrews, H J McFadden, Cades, " E N McCants, Kingstree, J P Gamble, Heinemann, J P Chandler, Cades, W D Harmon, Chapman. ^ LAKE CITY LOCALS. a s Cupid and Hymen Busy?Town Council Goes to Work?Personal. ^ Lake City, February 7:?Cupid 11 seems to '"avor Lake City and continues to aim his darts. On Thurs- ( day, February 1, Miss Alma Perry, 2 the attractive grand-daughter of ^ Mr and Mrs King Cox, was quietly ^ married to Mr Wesley Evans, at the ^ home of the groom's parents. "Judge" Oscar S Baldwin officiated, and many friends of the contracting f parties gathered at the hospitable I board of Mr James Evans, the V groom's father, where a feast was I spread, to wish them God-speed on " their journey through life. ( ? Miss Isabelle Taylor was quietly r married at the home of the Metho- 2 dist minister, Rev Mr Bailey, at Scranton, to Mr Gilbert McClam. J Both of the contracting parties are residents of this place and are prom- . JEGAN BUSINESS JULY 1, 1910 I IUGH McCUTCHEN. W. V. STRONG. I Pre?idcnt. Vice Pretident. I L. C. DOVE. Cukier. 1 four Patronage Is Solicited. I , * i inently connected here. The young I people are "at home" in Lake City, ^ where they will continue to reside. The town council continued in s executive session until after mid- ^ night on the 5th instant and took 1 The Implement Co.,, RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. have just issued a new and complete Farm Implement ^ Catalog giving up-to-date information and prices of All Farm Implements, c Corn and Cotton Planters, * Wheel and Dish Cultivators, J Dump and Farm Wagons, [ Engines, Threshers, Saw and Planing Mills, Metal and other Roofings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, i Barb Wire, Fencing, etc. c Our prices are very reason- * able for first-class supplies. Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it I The Implement Co* t 1302 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. I , I up and discussed many issues tending toward the better government of the town. The new council has taken hold with a vim and soon will be making things hum. Mr D E Fraser, the popular cashier of the Bank of Olanta, spent Tuesday in town on business. Mr. B. A. Cook has returned from Atlanta, Ga, where he went on a business trip. Miss Lucile Johnson, a fair Virginia school-ma'am, has been the attractive guest of Miss Mayme Green. Miss Johnson is teaching this year at Johnsonville. Mr. Hoxie G Askins, originally of this place, has returned here to resume the practice of law, much to :he delight of his many friends and Former clients. Mr Askins is the son of Major S M Askins and is well 11 Acline Avenue. "Judge" J A Green, of the SmithA'illiams Co, is in Georgetown on jusiness. P. H. A. Why cough? Stop it! Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing prepares the throat and lungs for more trouble. oi a. t nri iL!_^ oLup ii i i nere ib nuuung mj bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor's (( medicine. Sold for seventy \< years. Use it! Ask your doc- i tor if this is not good advice, i Jnless there is daily action of the bo\?- 1 Is, poisonous products are absorbed, j ausing headache, biliousness, nac i, yspepsia. We wish you would uk cur 1 octor about correcting your constipation | y taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. Had* by the J. C. ATSB CO.. Lowall. M??? 1 ? \ Wood! Wood! Wood! See I 2-7-tf J C Kelley. 1 E L Morgan, proprietor of Cen- J ral Warehouse, has tobacco seed ,t Farmers' Supply Co and King- 1 tree Dry Goods Co's. 2-l-2t 1 J C Kelley is now prepared to J urnish good sawed wood at short lotice. 2-8-tf 1 Tobacco seed at Farmers' Supply , i ^ rr a tv 1 ~ ' ,0 ana lungscree ury uouus va?, ;iven by E L Morgan, Kingstree. r. 2-l-2t V >PECIAI NOTICES \ Phone us when you want ^ fjT to get a notice under this heading. Price one cent a wor(^ for each insertion. No \ ad taken for less than 2oc. 2 'hone 83. f Strayed or stolen-One red Jersey S 'ow with horns sawed off close. Lib- C ral reward for information leading to / ecovery of same. a B Cothran s :-l-2tp Lake City, s. C. ? Fot Rent?Two large comfortable x ooms for rent fver Dr W V Brocking- r on's Drug Store. 2-8-2t J Wood for Sale?I am now prepared / o deliver stove wood on short notice. ) 'rices right. Phone No. 9. \ :-l-4t Thos. W Epps. / For Sale?I have a few good Cows L or sale. Not scrub cows, tut graded J tock. These cows are good milkers S rith young calves. Will sell at a bar- C fain. J. J. M. Graham, f -18-4tn Lades. S. C. S ot4tpmpmt rriwnTTTnw v Oiai uxu un x vvni/A a avai ? Wee Nee Bank | KINGSTREE, S. C. \ Lt close of business January 31,1912 # RESOURCES: J Capital $30,000.00 lurplus 2,000.00 Jndivided Profits 837.93 ndividual Deposits 37,377.77 Savings Deposits 13,725.23 Cashier's Checks 138.59 $84,079.52 LIABILITIES: ?oans and Discounts. .$ 50,894.72 )verdrafts 520.24 'urniture and Fixtures 2,718.46 ?ash, and due from other banks 29,946.10 $84,079.52 jf%TEN CENT! I % REQA] 1 % _ i Tiiujyi \mz % KEYDoes rot ^ev^y^flcnjffl8 \60^ W F< I M pr: | AMD F ]S /- ^RATCF 11881 n i:_I -uayiigi ! AH La< Suits anc / Cost for t days. ' KEEP YOUR EYE | Stacl j Dry Go JXXXXXXXKXXXX) I s Fresh Car of Ho > Will Arrive th s in and get Yoi ) YOURS TC \ The Williamsburg Li j Klngstree, Sou THE PEOPLE Hide$, Furs H. A. MILLER, # ? N \ RAL rAcra^f RDING /g * nine M 1 ^ H fcgaBC*/ P